All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 320: The three major lords in an instant! (two in one)

  Chapter 320 The Three Great Lords in an instant! (two in one)

   After carefully reviewing the tasks, Chen Mo assigned the first, second and fourth mainline tasks to Zhuan Yi.

  I am going to do the third main task and the branch task of the occupation-specific artifact component task.

   After all, missions 1, 2, and 4 are rather boring in Chen Mo’s view. The third mainline mission and artifact mission both have monster-killing missions, which is more interesting.

  The third main task is to kill three powerful bosses.

   According to Mo Luo's brain's prompt, the information of the three major bosses has also entered Chen Mo's mind.

  Chen Mo needs to find and defeat three powerful undead lords in the abyss of death, namely "Undead Master", "Ghost Shadow" and "Lord of Misfortune".

  The Master of Undead is stationed in an area known as the Forge of Souls.

  Chen Mo immediately had a thought, and came to this place through the flickering of the gods, and recalling has already gone to perform his task.

   Soul Furnace is a huge cave full of darkness and death, like a corner of hell.

  When Chen Mo stepped into this area, he was immediately surrounded by thick smoke and flames.

  Because of the thick smoke, the interior of the cave is extremely dark, with only some faint fires dotted in it, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

   However, Chen Mo, who has the Eye of Origin, has the perspective of God, so he will not be affected by these thick smoke.

   Within the range of his perception, the ground was covered with gray ashes, exuding a smell of decay and death.

  There are a large number of twisted black vines growing on the walls, and there are faint soul fragments entwined on them. They wailed silently, reflecting the strange atmosphere of the cave.

  In the center of the cave, there is a huge altar standing, emitting strong dark energy.

   Above the altar floats a huge crack in time and space, shining with green light, like a portal leading to the nether world.

   Numerous spooky ghosts constantly emerged from the rift in time and space, and they drifted towards the altar, as if attracted by some kind of force.

   In front of the altar, on a black rock platform, stood the target of Chen Mo's trip—the master of the undead!

  He is huge, more than ten feet tall, completely made of skeletons, and the bones are covered with black burning flames. His skull is hollow and terrifying, and his eyes reveal endless indifference and evil.

  The undead master holds a huge sickle, and the blade on the sickle is also wrapped in black flames.

  Following the appearance of Chen Mo, it immediately swung the huge scythe in his hand, and suddenly the black flames drew hot arcs in the air, as if it could take away all life in an instant.

  His existence exudes a powerful death energy, making the surrounding air heavy and frozen.

   Around the undead master, countless ghostly ghosts are constantly circling and flying. They make shrill roars and screams, as if they are cheering for the undead master.

  The undead master stood on the rock platform, watching Chen Mo who sneaked in here indifferently!

   "Are you the new master of the undead?" The other party made a strange voice.

   "Exactly." Chen Mo said with a light smile, not caring about the surrounding environment.

   "Being able to come here does have great potential, but it is not so easy to get my core of power. Let me see how strong you are!"

  The moment the voice fell, the master of the undead swung a huge, sharp and penetrating scythe at Chen Mo.

   While he was attacking, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

  Before he could react, he found himself under an inexplicable violent attack, which directly emptied his blood volume!

"You! How did you do it!?" The master of the undead obviously felt very unbelievable, but he was very excited instead of angry, "It seems that this master of the undead has the potential to surpass the past, master, yours The inheritance has a perfect heir!"

  As the reassuring voice of the undead controller fell, its body suddenly began to shrink and condense, absorbing a large amount of surrounding abilities into his heart.

  At this moment, his heart had turned into a black-red crystal nucleus.

   Obviously, this is the core of power of the undead master!

   "It seems that these three bosses are all servants left by the previous Lord of the Undead. They are worthy of the Lord of the Undead. The servants left after death are so good."

  Although Chen Mo talked about bulls in his mouth, he was not ambiguous at all in seconds.

  Successfully got the first core of power, Chen Mo immediately cast the flash of the gods again, and came to the place where the second boss was.

   The second boss, Nether Shadow, is located in a place called Shadow Labyrinth.

  The Shadow Labyrinth is a twisted and eerie maze full of dark, ghostly shadows.

  When Chen Mo stepped into this area, he immediately felt the solemnity and chill of the surrounding air.

  The walls of the maze appear and disappear, as if playing tricks of time and space, making it easy to get lost.

  The entire labyrinth is shrouded in a layer of hazy black fog, making the vision blurred and distorted.

Ghost-like shadows shuttle in the dark, appearing and disappearing from time to time, giving people a feeling of illusion, and each ghost shadow has a good lethality, and even has a powerful DEBUFF, one who has not escaped Contamination is a big problem.

  Every corner of the maze is filled with a dark atmosphere, which makes people feel suffocated and uneasy.

  In the depths of the maze, Chen Mo's goal, the Nether Shadow, one of the three bosses, quietly exists.

  This BOSS is a little different from the undead controller just now. He doesn't have an obvious entity like the undead controller. He is a condensed mass of dark energy without a clear form.

   Perceiving the past, he can only perceive him as a dark figure.

   But this does not mean that he is not strong, he just stayed so quietly in the depths of the maze, but the dark energy emanating from his body was extremely thick and terrifying, covering the entire maze like a sea of ​​darkness covering the entire maze.

  Ghost Shadow doesn't have a clear face, but his presence makes people feel the power of death and despair.

  As Chen Mo stepped into the maze, he also suddenly moved.

   Sometimes he quietly appeared in a corner of the maze, and sometimes he quickly shuttled between the walls, almost merging with the darkness.

  When he appears in a certain area, the shadows around him also seem to become deeper and more solidified.

  Chen Mo felt that this boss was much more difficult to deal with than the previous one.

  The previous one is more or less a single-handed type.

   But this one has a lot of people, and with the terrain of the maze, if there is no way to get to this map, it will definitely suffer a big loss.

  In this kind of maze, it is really easy for the challenger to carefully walk through the intricate passages and at the same time avoid the shadow minions and traps of the Nether Shadow.

  Of course, no matter how complicated the maze, no amount of traps, no amount of interference, it is nothing to him.

  The Eye of Origin sees through the whole situation directly, and Mara's brain sees everything even more.

  This ghostly shadow thinks he is in the dark and Chen Mo is in the light, but in fact he has already been completely exposed to the light.

   Just when he secretly dispatched his men to deal with Chen Mo, Chen Mo came directly to his side with a flicker of a god.

   This sudden situation really shocked Nether Shadow.

  Chen Mo could clearly feel the black shadow shaking in front of him.

  He couldn't help laughing.

   "Those who play tricks all day long to scare people will also be frightened."

   Before the Nether Shadow could speak, Chen Mo had already summoned all the skeleton monsters to his side and launched an attack on the Nether Shadow.

  However, this guy's life-saving ability is much stronger than that of the previous undead master, and he has several immortal abilities.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo has enough sealing ability, which is more than enough to deal with others.

  Just the title of God of the Brave combined with the effect of the sealing ring is enough to seal him into a Muggle, and no amount of life-saving skills are useless.

   It was almost a cover-up effort, and the Nether Shadow was directly blasted to the spot by Chen Mo's skeleton monster.

In the next moment, it shrank into a small ball just like the previous undead master after death, and began to frantically absorb other shadow energies around it into the body, finally forming a black-gray force the nucleus.

   Quickly dealt with the two power cores, Chen Mo immediately sensed the action of recalling.

  Finding that he was still slowly doing guardian tasks, he secretly thought that he had chosen a good task.

  This guardian task takes time to guard over there, which is really boring.

   It's better to come here now.

   After killing Nether Shadow, Chen Mo turned his attention to the place where the last BOSS Lord of Misfortune who controls the core of power is located.

  The place where the Lord of Misfortune stays is called the Phantom Fortress.

  Phantom Fortress is a gloomy and desolate fortress, full of dead silence and eerie atmosphere.

  When Chen Mo stepped into the ruins, he immediately felt a depressing and ominous atmosphere, as if the whole space was shrouded in bad luck.

  The ruined walls of the fort exude an ancient atmosphere, and the former glory has disappeared.

  In this doom-covered fortress, there are shrill screams and wailing sounds, as if countless souls bound by doom are telling their pain.

   And on the central throne of the Phantom Fortress, the Lord of Doom is sitting on it alone.

   As can be seen from his appearance, he is a tall and fierce Ghost Rider.

  I saw him wearing a black cloak and armor. The armor was inlaid with evil runes, shining with icy light.

  He holds a large sword with evil runes. Dark energy flows from the sword, exuding the breath of death.

  The Lord of Doom's eyes were indifferent and cold, revealing endless cruelty and ruthlessness.

  The aura of doom exuding from him is suffocating, as if approaching him means being bound by doom.

  He is the commander of countless souls shrouded in doom, and his existence represents the power of death and doom.

  At this time, even if Chen Mo didn't get close, he obviously felt uncomfortable.

   It can be seen that this BOSS is different from the previous two.

  According to the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, this boss is more difficult to play than the previous two bosses!

  He possesses the power of curse, once approached, he will be cursed by the breath of doom on his body.

  Attacks will have a high probability of being lost, skills will have a high probability of failing to release, and they will not be able to hit critical strikes, but they will be easily hit by critical strikes again and again. No matter how high the passive dodge is, it is extremely easy to be hit.

  In short, all kinds of unlucky chances will come across.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo has a curse heart, so he is not very worried about being cursed.

   Otherwise, he really has to let Zhuan Yi come over to deal with this troublesome boss.

   Right now he's doing it himself.

  As he entered the central hall of the Phantom Fortress with a flash of a god, the Lord of Doom on the throne had already looked towards him.

  The Lord of Misfortune sat on a towering throne, watching the scene of Chen Mo entering the hall.

  His gaze showed a hint of appreciation and admiration. Although he, as the Lord of Misfortune, has always been accustomed to seeing people shrouded in misfortune and dejected, this one in front of him is a rare high-level heir to the Lord of Undead.

   "Chen Mo, master of the undead, you are really a rare existence. You can easily solve Arzi and Azimo so quickly."

  These two names are exactly the undead controller and Nether Shadow that Chen Mo killed just now.

   Obviously, these three people seem to have the ability to communicate with each other.

  At this time, Chen Mo also understood why the Nether Shadow was able to come and go freely in the maze just now, but he didn't dare to kill himself in front of him. Obviously, it was because he knew that he had killed the master of the undead in seconds.

  This level of relationship is not analyzed by Mara Brain, so it can be seen that the analysis of Mara Brain is also within a certain range.

  Chen Mo stood still, with deep eyes, and smiled slightly: "Since you already know the results of the two of them, why don't you just give me the core of power."

"Although I know that the cursed heart on you can avoid my bad luck, I can't defeat you at all, but according to the requirements of the former master, only by passing the test of battle can you prove that you are worthy of the power of the undead heart, So please get it yourself!" The voice of the Lord of Doom is majestic and deep, like a whisper from the shadows

   "If that's the case, then I won't be polite."

  Following Chen Mo's order, he found that the Lord of Misfortune didn't even have the intention of resisting, and he was completely in a state of being caught without a fight.

   Obviously, it was because he really recognized Chen Mo.

  The Lord of Doom's appreciation for him is not simply a compliment, but an acknowledgment of his ability to become the master of the undead.

  With such an undead master heir appearing, what else can he do to stop him.

  At the same time, he also wanted to feel what the inexplicable instant kill attack looked like.

  Even if he can exchange information with Arz and Azimo, people who have not personally experienced this final blow cannot perceive it.

   It wasn't until the skeleton monsters in the invisible state fell together that he truly felt that Alzi and Azimo's deaths were not wronged at all.

  This kind of abnormal explosive ability is really enough to kill them instantly.

  The more this is the case, the more he appreciates and recognizes Chen Mo, the new master of the undead. Even if he is dead, he is the same as the previous master of the undead, showing a happy and happy smile.

  As the Lord of Misfortune was completely transformed into a core of power, the other two cores of power on Chen Mo's body flew out and merged with the core of power of the Lord of Misfortune in the air.

  Finally, a pure black "Undead Master Power" exuding strong death power was formed!

   When Chen Mo finished solving the three bosses, Reminiscence only completed half of the first main mission.

   "According to this progress, when he completes the three main lines, I should have enough time to complete the artifact fragment task." Chen Mo immediately appeared in front of the mysterious necromancer related to the artifact fragment task.

  (end of this chapter)

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