Chapter 325 The Stone of Deification!

  【Heavenly reminder: You have obtained the qualification for Godhead Condensation, and when your divine power reaches 1000 points, the task of Godhead Condensation will be triggered. 】

[Heavenly reminder: Since you have been deified, all your equipment, titles, and skill-enhancing attribute effects have expired. In the future, only divine power can increase attribute values. You can deify the corresponding equipment, title, and skills by consuming the deification stone. In order to convert it into a divine power blessing effect, so as to obtain attribute enhancement.

  The stone of deification is produced at the "Tower of Eternity"! 】

   "If it is invalid, it will be invalid. Anyway, it is already profitable now."

   After obtaining the blessing of two chaotic-level pets in the growth stage, Chen Mo only reached 500 million in total attributes, not 500 million in each attribute point.

But after being deified, his attributes became 5 points of divine essence, 1 point of divine essence equals 100 million total attributes, which is equivalent to the original 500 million total attributes, and 5 points of divine essence equals the original 2.5 billion The total attribute, Chen Mo's deification is equivalent to earning two billion total attributes out of thin air.

   It's obviously a waste of money.

   But relatively, it is a bit of a disadvantage for Chen Mo that the divine power accumulated before has been transformed into hidden divine power.

After all, compared to other people who rely on a lot of divine power to increase their total attributes to 500 million, Chen Mo basically relies on various blessings. Although he has 230 points of divine power, he only got 23 points of divine power. Didn't use it much.

   But in general, it is still a **** profit. Compared with others who have collected a lot of divine power and then converted into hidden divine power, at least he has transformed it early.

  The divine power collected in the future can directly increase the strength of the divine element.

  In fact, divine power is relatively easy to obtain, and the basic value of divine essence is the most difficult to increase.

  After most people are deified, the basic value of Shenyuan is always 5 points.

  If you want to improve the basic spirit, you can only upgrade, and the upgrade after level 100 is not the upgrade before level 100, it is very difficult.

   But Chen Mo is fine, he is only at level 60, and he still has time to relax at level 40. When he reaches level 100, his basic spirit will surpass other strong players by a large margin.

  Because all attribute blessing effects are invalid, Chen Mo only has 500 million full attributes at this time.

   But just like this, it is already extremely abnormal.

  Chen Mo's attributes at this time.

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star rating】: 325 stars (20-star hidden battle + 5-star hidden life + 300-star pet)

  [Physique]: Super God Body (not activated)

  [Divine Power]: 0 points (1230 points hidden)

  【Occupation】: Master of Undead (three-turn hidden occupation), infinite fusion master (hidden initial occupation)

  【Level】: Level 60

  [Experience]: 12196664699/21130400 (twelfth-order bottleneck)


  〖Shen Yuan〗: 5 points

  〖Life〗: 15 billion (life recovery 500 million points/10 seconds)

  〖Energy〗: 25 billion (500 million points/10 seconds)

  〖Physical attack〗: 1.5 billion

  〖Act Attack〗: 1.5 billion

  〖Material defense〗: 2.5 billion

  〖Law Defense〗: 2.5 billion

  〖Blast injury〗: 5 million times

  Currently, Chen Mo's attributes are quite powerful in Rank 5.

  After all, not every fifth rank can easily reach the conditions for deification.

  Having a total attribute of 500 million is not easy.

   After taking a look at his own attributes, Chen Mo began to prepare for the 12th-level breakthrough assessment.

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that you have completed the apotheosis, you can continue to upgrade without taking the boundary-breaking assessment. Do you want to skip the boundary-breaking assessment? 】

   "If I skip it, what about my reward for breaking the boundary assessment?"

  Chen Mo immediately asked about the Heavenly Dao Elf.

   "If you skip the boundary-breaking assessment, you will be rewarded according to your probability of success in customs clearance. For example, if your probability of customs clearance is 50%, the probability of receiving rewards after skipping the boundary-breaking assessment is also 50%."

   "Is it a perfect customs clearance?"


   "Then I can't even see the probability of a super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. How can I know the probability?"

   "You are now a deified creature and have the authority to view the super SSS level clearance probability."


  Chen Mo immediately checked his probability of passing the SSS-level breakthrough assessment.

  Although I don’t need to look at it, I think it should be 100% correct. After all, this is just a bottleneck at level 60. I am a deified life, so it’s too much to pass.

   Sure enough, the hint from the Dao of Heaven came out soon.

  【Prompt from Heaven: After the inspection, your probability of passing the level is 100%. It is recommended that you skip the boundary-breaking assessment directly. 】


  Chen Mo didn't bother to waste time and just brushed. He directly chose to skip the super SSS level breaking test.

  In an instant, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on passing the super SSS level assessment, you have obtained the origin level item "Super Transformation God Stone"! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you skipped the twelfth-order super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweeping paper will be issued to you. 】

[Heavenly reminder: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equivalent to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 60 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 60-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 60-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Because you broke through the twelfth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a professional-specific active skill! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you completed the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the third turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you broke through the twelfth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a profession-specific passive skill! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you completed the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the third turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the twelfth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super **** trial. Since you have a super **** body, if you do not perform the super **** trial, your level limit will still not be able to reach the limit. A complete breakthrough, do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

   "Is the super **** trial so awesome? You can skip the boundary-breaking assessment after deification. This super **** trial is not going to work!"

  Chen Mo couldn't help but feel that this super **** trial is worthy of the word super god, even if a deified creature comes, they still don't give face.

   Chen Mo didn't pay much attention to this.

   It just so happens that the divine power has been transformed and gone, and it needs to be replenished. This super **** trial comes at the right time.

"According to the introduction of divine power, every 1 point can buff the original attribute by 100%. I was not a deified creature before, so I only had one-tenth of the effect with the super **** body. Now I am a deified creature, and the divine power I obtained It should be able to take effect 100% directly, so won't I get a blessing of 1 point of divine power to directly increase 5 points of divine energy?"

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help looking forward to the benefits after obtaining divine power.

[PS: I double-opened an invincible article on cultivating immortals "Reincarnation and cultivating immortals, starting from the immortal body". Friends who are interested can read it and adjust their thinking. It will not affect the update of this book. There are still 8,000 books in the afternoon word update. 】

  (end of this chapter)

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