Chapter 326 Crazy breakthrough! (four in one)

  Participating in the Super God Trial, Chen Mo didn't need to bring his memories with him. He left him on the earth, and he chose to enter the Super God Trial Space.

  Before entering the trial tower, Chen Mo first checked the two professional skills he unlocked when he broke through the twelfth level.

  [Undead Transfer · Golden Active]: You can teleport or transfer yourself to any undead summoner at will, and you can also teleport and transfer any undead unit to you or any undead summoner.

   "What a transposition."

According to the description of this skill, if Chen Mo has hundreds of millions of undead summons scattered in a large area, then these locations will all become teleportation points, and he can teleport himself and his summons to any undead summons at will. location.

   belongs to a skill with high flexibility and high strategic value.

  However, for Chen Mo, who has the twinkling of the gods and the teleportation stone, the effect is somewhat repetitive, but it is still practical.

  [Undead Coercion·Golden Passive]: For each undead summoner you have, the enemy units around you within the range of "level x star x 300 meters" will reduce their double attack by 1 point!

  The two newly acquired skills are actually very practical.

  If Chen Mo only has such an undead master skill, then he should be very happy about the two newly acquired skills.

   However, Chen Mo has too many means, and the effect of these two skills is relatively limited for him.

But in general it’s not bad, at least these two skills belong to his own power, the transmission of the **** stone depends on the props, and the area of ​​attack reduction depends on the pet Xiaoshi, after all, neither is his fundamental power, but he can have it More fundamental power is a good thing.

   Regarding these two gains, Chen Mo didn't have much opinion.

   After checking the gains of these two skills, Chen Mo looked at the Super Transformation God Stone he had just obtained.

   There are still many abilities that have not reached the super SSS level. Chen Mo immediately glanced at his many abilities, ready to see which one to improve.

   "Speaking of which, although Mara's brain has been removed by the super **** body, its side effects are comparable to super SSS level, but it was positioned as SSS level before. What will happen if the super-god stone is used on Mara's brain?"

   Regarding this point, Chen Mo became curious. Even Mo Luo's brain itself could not analyze the result of using the supernatural stone on itself.

  Anyway, there are quite a few chances to get Chaohua God Stone now, and Chen Mo doesn't care if the experiment fails.

  He immediately activated the supernatural stone on Mara's brain.

  The next moment, he only felt that his brain became extremely hot as if it was suddenly on fire!

   This state lasted for several seconds before it finally ended, and as the duration of this state ended, Chen Mo also received a reminder from Heaven in time.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The transformation is successful, your "Mola Brain" has evolved into a "True Mola Brain"! 】

   "True Mara Brain? Just added one word?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the effect of Zhen Mo Luo's brain.

[True Mara Brain]: This is the brain of the **** of adventure, Mara Brain. Mara Brain will give you a detailed understanding of each dungeon, and easily analyze the related tasks and completion methods of the dungeon. You will be able to obtain the perfect strategy, key Mission information and mission target location, etc.

  At the same time, Moro Brain will improve your observation and thinking skills, making you sharper and smarter. It will be easier for you to discover hidden clues and solve complex puzzles, providing all-round support for your adventure.

  The brain of True Mara can also quickly simulate the battle, so that you can get the best battle plan and win the battle.

   True Mara Brain has no side effects.

  Looking at the changes in the effect of Mo Luo's brain becoming a real Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo always felt that he was at a loss.

  He had no side effects when using Mara Brain, that is to say, the real Mara Brain only had one more combat simulation effect than the Mara Brain.

   It is equivalent to improving the combat ability in a disguised form, but in most cases, Chen Mo is currently pushing flatly. At present, this function is basically useless.

   "I knew that I would improve other things first, and I thought I could directly become an omniscient and omnipotent brain."

  Chen Mo's idea is quite bold, but it's a pity that the super SSS level is far from reaching this level.

   With the brain of True Mo Luo, Chen Mo immediately analyzed a question, that is, whether there is a Chaos-level difficult boundary-breaking assessment above the SSS-level difficulty boundary-breaking assessment?

  The analysis results are really good, but there is nothing to be happy about, because the chaos-level difficult boundary-breaking assessment cannot be swept, so it is impossible to obtain the chaos-level boundary-breaking assessment sweeping roll by synthesizing the super SSS boundary-breaking assessment sweeping roll.

   Only when someone from your own galaxy enters the source of chaos and completes the corresponding time conditions can you open the boundary-breaking assessment of this difficulty.

   Obviously, the people on earth are far from reaching this level.

   Putting aside the matter of synthesizing the chaos-level mopping scroll, Chen Mo directly started the super **** trial.

   This time, after he entered, what he encountered was not any level prompts, but a man with majestic divine power and bathed in divine light appeared in front of him.

   "Interesting and interesting, deified in three turns."

   Seeing Chen Mo coming, he made a magnetic voice and said with a hint of a smile.

   "Senior is?"

  Through the Eye of Origin, Chen Mo was able to see the opponent's appearance clearly through the divine light surrounding the opponent.

   This man has an unusual appearance, completely different from the people on Earth.

  His skin showed a silvery white with a metallic texture, smooth and pure, as if it was composed of an unknown alloy.

  His eyes showed exotic features, extending vertically, with deep pupils and shining like two shining gems.

  The outline of his face is extremely delicate, with soft and sharp lines, like a finely crafted work of art.

  His forehead is slightly raised, with mysterious tattoos engraved on it, exuding faint fluctuations of divine power.

  His pointed and slender ears extend slightly back, showing his distinctive identity.

   "I am the guide, and I will take you directly to the fiftieth floor."

   "Go directly to the fiftieth floor? What about the divine power?"

   "Naturally, it is a direct gift. With your current level, these low-end tests are equivalent to none, so there is no need to waste everyone's time."

   "It's very reasonable." Chen Mo said with a smile, "That's a lot of fun."

   "Let's go then."

  Following the divine light on the receiving person, Chen Mo was engulfed and flew up to the fiftieth floor in an instant.

   At this moment, he stretched out a finger and touched the center of Chen Mo's eyebrows.

  In an instant, Chen Mo felt surges of divine power pouring into his body.

  Before he obtained the divine power, he only felt that the divine power was attached to himself. Now that he obtained the divine power, Chen Mo could clearly feel the surging power pouring into his body, and he became a part of himself like an arm.

   This feeling is still very strange.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have completed the test on the fiftieth floor of the Super God Trial Tower, and you have obtained 55 points of divine power from the guiding angel! 】

   Chen Mo, who had just emptied his divine power not long ago, instantly reached 55 points of divine power again.

   Today's divine power is not the previous divine power.

  Now every point of divine power Chen Mo gains can double his divine energy.

  With the blessing of 55 points of divine power, Chen Mo's divine essence reached 275 divine essence.

  Currently, among the five ranks, the number of deified people is about 1%.

  Among the one percent or so people, only about one-tenth of them have divine power over 155.

  Chen Mo's current strength, as long as he meets someone who is not one tenth of the one percent, he will basically be crushed and killed.

   But this is only the strength of Chen Mo in the third rank stage.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 61! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】

"I have 325 career stars, and I only got 3.25 gods for upgrading. It seems that only 100 career stars can get 1 gods when leveling up. This **** is worthy of a perverted attribute worth 100 million full attributes. , it’s really hard to do.”


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 65! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】

  【Experience】: 12075132699/29326400

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 65, and you have reached the bottleneck of the thirteenth level. You can choose to break through the test! 】

  Chen Mo, who had already skipped the boundary-breaking assessment, naturally chose to skip this time without hesitation.

  The biggest advantage of skipping over direct challenges is the consumption of experience points.

  When Chen Mo skipped the level 60 level-breaking assessment before, the experience points were not even deducted from him, and he was rewarded directly.

   This saved Chen Mo a lot of experience points.

  Before skipping, it is customary to first look at the success rate.

  【Prompt from Heaven: After the inspection, your probability of passing the level is 100%. It is recommended that you skip the boundary-breaking assessment directly. 】

   Still had a 100% success rate, Chen Mo directly chose to skip the super SSS level breaking test.

  In an instant, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on passing the super SSS level assessment, you have obtained the origin level item "Super Transformation God Stone"! 】

   "Is it the supernatural stone again? The probability of this thing appearing is really high!"

   Seeing the Chaohua God Stone again, Chen Mo couldn't help complaining.

   This time he decided to use the supernatural stone for the gods to flicker.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are using the supernatural stone for the skill of "Spiritual Glittering". 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The transformation is successful, your "Spiritual Glittering" has evolved into "Super·Spiritual Glittering"! 】

  【Super · Shining God · Colorful】

  【Occupation】: Full-time

  【Level Requirements】: None

  [Active effect]: You can flash any target in all areas of the current map (the flashing effect is not affected by any space barrier below the super **** level), this skill has no cooldown!

   You can forcefully ignore any rules to flash while restricting teleportation, but the skill will enter a 1-day cooldown.

  【Passive effect】: All enemy units with flashing skills within the range of "your own level × 100" meters around you, the flashing skills will be invalid! (This effect is only effective for skills below the Super God level)

  [Skill introduction]: A magical skill that can only be mastered by existences beyond the gods. After mastering it, you can freely come and go anywhere regardless of barriers!

   "Heavens, you can forcibly ignore the rules and flash! Although there is a one-day cooling time, but with my cooling reduction, the cooling time is actually not much."

  Looking at the new effect of super gods flickering, Chen Mo called it powerful.

  Any ability that can ignore the restrictions of the rules is a powerful ability.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you skipped the thirteenth-order super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweep-up rolls will be issued to you. 】

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 65 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 65-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 65-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

   "There are two super SSS-level gift bags, and I can try to synthesize them with another one." Chen Mo still had a little expectation in his heart.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, your level has increased, the current level is 66! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, the current level is 70! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】

  [Experience]: 11910000699/38852400

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 70, and you have reached the 14th-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  Continue to test the probability, and after confirming 100%, Chen Mo skipped the fourteenth-order bottleneck again.

  As the voice of the Great Dao sounded three times in a row, people all over the world became paralyzed.

  They don't know what's going on, why this great **** breaks through the border at the same speed as riding a rocket. There is no time to play a copy at all.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Space Curtain"! 】

  【Space Curtain·Origin Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, a space isolation zone will be formed around the owner. Any attack must first destroy the space isolation zone before it can take effect on you. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  【Active effect of item】: When activated, a space isolation zone will be formed within any range within the radius of itself "level × 100 meters", and the space capabilities of all hostile units within the isolation zone will be directly invalidated. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: The curtain in front of the bed of the God of Space has been smudged by the divine power of the God of Space all year round, possessing incredible power of space.

   "Space isolation, this thing is good. If the person you are dealing with has some powerful space teleportation ability, you may not be able to keep it. With this, you can avoid this problem."

  Chen Mo is quite satisfied with the newly obtained origin-level treasure.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you skipped the 14th-order super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweepstakes will be issued to you. 】

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the experience value discount for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 70 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 70-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 70-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

   There are three super SSS gift packages, and Chen Mo immediately tries to synthesize them.

  As the synthesis interface pops up, it turns out that a bottle of chaos fusion agent is needed to synthesize three super SSS gift bags.

  Chen Mo immediately paid for the Chaos fusion agent and synthesized it.

   Soon the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

[Tiandao Tip: Warning, there are two branches of materials used in this synthesis, and your synthesis will have a chance to become "Selectable Super SSS-level Gift Package" and "Chaos-level Gift Package", the probability is 99% and 1%, please Choose whether to continue compositing. 】

  In the past, the synthesis of SSS-level gift packs would encounter this kind of problem. Now Chen Mo had already expected the synthesis of super-SSS-level gift packs, but he did not expect the probability to be so different.

   "Hiss? The chance of obtaining a Chaos-level gift package after synthesizing a Super SSS-level gift package is only 1%? Is this probability too low?"

  But Chen Mo remembered the difference between the Chaos-level and the Super God-level mentioned by the **** he met before.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo understood the probability problem.

  The main reason is that the synthesis of pet eggs was 100% successful, giving Chen Mo the illusion that there is not much difference.

  Thinking of the odds of ninety-nine to one, the odds are too low, it's a blood loss, and he really can't get along, so he decides to keep it for now and see later.

  He immediately started the next super **** trial.

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the fourteenth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super **** trial. Since you have a super **** body, if you do not perform the super **** trial, your level limit will still not be able to reach the limit. A complete breakthrough, do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

  For Chen Mo now, the Super God Trial is actually not difficult.

  The tenth floor of the battle trial, with his current strength, is definitely far beyond.

The tenth floor of the intelligence test is even easier. Mo Luo brain plus mind reading skills, double plug-in blessings, no matter whether the opponent is a test or a two-person intellectual battle, Chen Mo, who has mastered mind reading skills, is innately invincible land.

  As Chen Mo started the Super God Trial, it turned out that this time was the tenth floor of the Intellectual Trial.

   Appearing in front of Chen Mo is still the Zaratul who has both power and wisdom.

  Seeing this old acquaintance, Chen Mo smiled and said, "Are you skipping this time again?"

  Zaratul shook his head with a smile and said: "This time, the ten-level test is a game of intelligence, which is different from the previous ten-level intellectual quiz. Even if you have a Mara brain, you may not necessarily win."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo was a little surprised. The other party knew that he had a Moro brain, but the other party didn't know that he had the ability to read minds.

   "It seems that even the gods cannot know about the special rewards produced in the event dungeon." Chen Mo said with a smile, "Well, I really want to experience the wisdom of the God of Wisdom."

   "There is no sure way to win the game this time, don't blame me for showing no mercy."

   "What happens if I lose?"

   "Don't worry, as long as you win more than three out of ten rounds, you will still be allowed to go up to the tenth floor, but the divine power reward will be reduced."


   After Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, Zhidou was ready to start.

   Zaratul also started to talk about the rules of the first game.

  Intelligence game, and in order to avoid Chen Mo's Moluo brain, the opponent's game is the one that relies on psychological games to win.

   On the contrary, it was exactly what Chen Mo wanted.

  In the first game, the two players competed in the traditional rock-paper-scissors game, which is the simplest and most difficult game to win.

  Of course, this is the time for fighting under normal circumstances.

   But now that Chen Mo has the ability to read minds to cheat, that is a sure win.

   Soon after winning two out of three rounds in the first round, Chen Mo was easily promoted to the second tier.

   At the beginning, Zaratul didn't see anything. After all, two victories in three rounds, what clues can be seen?

   In the second round, three out of five rounds were won, and this time Chen Mo won three rounds in a row to win the competition.

   This time Zaratul finally felt a little strange.

  But in the third round, the game was changed. Each player received ten cards, which were ten numbers from 1 to 10.

  Two people play cards together, after playing ten times, whoever wins the most times wins in the end.

   This time, Chen Mo lost four times and won six times, which is considered a barely won.

   This made Zaratul put away his suspicions again.

   But in the next few rounds, Chen Mo narrowly won all of them.

   Zaratul is not an idiot either, he somehow feels something is wrong.

   It's just that I don't know how Chen Mo did it.

   Finally came to the tenth round.

   This time the chess game is the simplest mind reading technique.

Each party writes a number. The maximum number cannot exceed 10 digits. The number must be a natural number. Each person can ask the other party a question each round. The other party must truthfully answer the information related to the written number. What is the number of writing the number itself, and after taking turns to ask questions, it is better to guess who is the first to guess the number of the other party.

  Since Chen Mo was the reference, Zaratul gave Chen Mo the opportunity to ask questions first and guess first.

  As the numbers were written, Chen Mo already knew directly what number Zaratul was.

  But the normal questioning process is still required. Generally, in this way of playing, the first question is mostly used to determine the range of digits.

  So the general question is whether the other party's number is more than five digits or less, so as to quickly judge the number written by the other party.

  Chen Mo also asked this way.

  Zaratul glanced at the number and said, "It's exactly five digits."

   "I guess the number you wrote is 10000."

   After Zaratul finished speaking, Chen Mo had already said the guessed number.

   And the number he said is exactly the same as the number written by Zaratul.

  Zaratul looked at Chen Mo blankly: "You guessed?"

   "Do you want to listen to the truth or lies?" Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "Of course it's the truth." Zaratul looked at Chen Mo seriously.

   "I'm afraid that after I say it, you will intentionally avoid my strengths in the next level."

  Chen Mo continued with a light smile.

  Hearing this, Zaratul also laughed.

  "Interesting, I suddenly don't want to know anymore, let's leave this secret behind and let me slowly unravel it myself."

  As the God of Wisdom, he still has his own conceit. Even if he doesn't know why Chen Mo can guess his number so accurately, he still has a rough estimate.

  But because of his powerful divine power, he didn't perceive a similar ability in Chen Mo's body, so he was confused.

  As Chen Mo won ten battles of wits, Zaratul directly brought Chen Mo to the 60th floor, reached out and touched his forehead, and poured 55 points of divine power into him.

   "Looking forward to playing chess with you again on the 71st floor." Zaratul said and sent Chen Mo out of the Super God Trial Tower.

  As soon as he came out, the Tiandao prompt sounded in Chen Mo's ear immediately.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 71! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 75! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】

  [Experience]: 11694418699/49808400

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 75, and you have reached the bottleneck of level 15, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on passing the super SSS level assessment, you have obtained the origin level item "Super Transformation God Stone"! 】

   "Is it the supernatural stone again?"

  Glancing at most of the god-level abilities he now possesses, Chen Mo used this supernatural stone on the Immunity God Pendant.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are using the supernatural stone on the "Immune God Pendant" equipment. After it takes effect, the "Immunity God Pendant" will be transformed into the same type of super god-level equipment. Are you sure! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The transformation is successful, your "Immunity Pendant" has evolved into a "Super Immunity Pendant"! 】

  【Superization Immunity Pendant·Super God Class】

  【Occupation Restrictions】: None

  [Equipment Requirements]: None

  [Equipment Attributes]: Immune to all seal effects and negative halo effects, and reversely affect the target of the effect.

  【Equipment Special Effect】: Immunity God Ring

  〖Immune God Ring〗: Make all friendly units within the radius of "level * 1000 meters" around you get the same immune effect, no cooldown.

  [Equipment Introduction]: A super powerful necklace with continuous immunity. It used to be the favorite thing worn by the Goddess of War. Wearing it may make you invincible!

   "It is indeed the effect of super transformation. Not only is it immune to the seal and negative aura, but it can also reverse the corresponding effect back to the opponent. This strength has directly increased to a level!

   And the special effect of the equipment has also become an overall effective effect without cooling down! "

  Chen Mo felt that the supernatural stone was worth giving, and the benefits were quite good.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you skipped the 15th-order super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweepstakes will be issued to you. 】

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equivalent to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 75 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 75-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 75-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

   Regarding the level 75 bottleneck, Chen Mo directly chose to skip it again.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 76! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 80! Because your level has increased, your soul has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.25 points of soul. 】

  [Experience]: 11421036699/62950500

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 80, and you have reached the 16th-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: It has been detected that you have not completed the fourth career change, please complete the fourth career change first and then proceed to the breakthrough assessment! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your current combat class is 20 stars, the difficulty of the four-turn job you can choose is from 21 stars to 25 stars! 】

  【Tips from Heaven: Please note that the higher the difficulty, the more dangerous the task of the fourth job transfer is, and the high-difficulty job fourth job transfer task has a very high mortality rate, please do what you can. 】

[Heaven’s Tip: You need to consume different amounts of experience points when you choose to receive the job’s four-turn mission. According to your initial career star rating, you can spend 10 to 50 times the experience points required to upgrade to level 80 to unlock the corresponding difficulty job four-turn mission. !

   You can challenge the 4th Job Transfer Quest repeatedly, but once the mission fails, the deducted experience points will not be refunded. Please also pay attention. 】

  Following Chen Mo's crazy sound of Breaking the Boundary Avenue, people all over the world are paralyzed.

  Even the three leaders of the academy alliance headquarters didn't understand for a while, why did Chen Mo suddenly break through so quickly?

  The experience points that need to be consumed in the middle are massive just by calculating.

   After all, the difficulty of super SSS level is now open to all, and it is clear how much experience each level requires.

  Chen Mo just broke through the 60th, 65th, 70th, and 75th level breakthrough assessments in succession.

  He needs a total of 962,933,8000 experience points. After all, the boundary-breaking assessment of each level is the current level × the experience points required to upgrade the current level. The demand for this experience value is still very huge.

  Even if you don't look at fractions, you still need a full 9.6 billion experience points.

  (end of this chapter)

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