Chapter 327 Extremely Running Wheel!

   This is the demand for a large amount of experience points in the vast amount. All of Chen Mo's actions are basically under their control. No matter how Chen Mo's previous dungeon actions are, it is impossible to accumulate so many experience points.

  Even if it is a level 5 level 100 dungeon that can get the most experience points, it is not bad to get about one billion experience points from the dungeon at a time.

  How could it be possible to accumulate close to tens of billions of experience points.

   This is the strange point of the three leaders.

  How could they have imagined that an ordinary third-rank has evolved into a deified creature. Not only do they not need to pay experience points for these breakthrough challenges, but he can even skip directly to get full rewards.

  This is so infuriating.

  When everyone on the earth was amazed by Chen Mo's crazy breakthrough, there was a lot of discussion, but Chen Mo was already preparing for the fourth round.

  The experience value required for the fourth turn is about 3.1 billion.

  Chen Mo still has about 10 billion experience points left, but he can consume them casually.

   After deducting the experience points, he started the fourth-rank mission.

  However, for the apotheosis of Chen Mo, the fourth-rank task is no longer difficult for him.

  Six hours later, Chen Mo returned to the dormitory.

   At this time, the hint from the Dao of Heaven also rang in his ears.

  【Reminder from Heaven: Congratulations on accepting the inheritance from your former Master of Undead. Your current occupation has changed to "Master of Undead Rank 4 · Twenty-five Stars"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Because of your successful career reincarnation, you got a chance to wash points. Do you want to wash points? 】

[Heavenly reminder: Since your career has successfully reached the fourth turn, you have unlocked the "field ability", and the related promotion items have been unlocked and obtained. You can obtain related items in subsequent rewards to continuously strengthen your pet's ability. . 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since your life level has been upgraded to a deified creature, your professional star rating will directly affect the amount of divine essence you get. Currently, your upgraded divine essence is 3.3 points per level. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since your career has been upgraded to a fourth-rank career, your career has been enhanced to a certain extent! 】

   (PS: All changes in professional attributes will be posted at one time after five rounds, so I won’t post them for now.)

  Chen Mo glanced at the enhanced professional attributes, and immediately started the boundary-breaking assessment.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on passing the super SSS-level assessment, you have obtained the origin-level item "Extremely Running Wheel"! 】

  【Extreme Running Wheel·Origin Level】

[Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, when you encounter any chance related to combat (such as passive dodge rate, passive hit rate, crit rate, etc.), when calculating the probability, the original probability will be in your favor The direction additionally increases or decreases the random probability, and the random probability ranges from 2 to 10 times. (can be activated in the backpack)

For example, when the probability of passive dodge is 30%, after being attacked, the probability is judged. When the random addition rate of the extreme rotation wheel is doubled, it means that you have a 60% passive dodge rate. When the random addition rate of the extreme rotation wheel is 10 times , which means you have a 300% chance of passive dodge.

And if you suffer from an abnormality, such as the death effect of Chen Mo's own death ring, there is a 1% chance of death. The original half has only a 0.5% chance to take effect. If the random chance is 10 times, it will be reduced to one tenth of the original, and only a 0.1% chance to take effect.

   It can be regarded as a very powerful thing that affects the probability.

   This is only the passive effect of this item, Chen Mo immediately turned to look at the active effect of this item.

[Item active effect]: When you encounter a regular probability event, you can actively use the extreme wheel to change the probability of the probability event. For every 1% of the probability that affects the probability, the cooling time of the item will increase by 1 hour. After each change takes effect, it will return to the original chance. During the cooling period, the passive effect will also be temporarily invalid. (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: It is rumored that it is an item fused with the blood of the goddess of luck, and the wheel is full of lucky power!

  The passive effect of this extreme running wheel is powerful, and the active effect is also quite good.

For example, if the opponent has a passive hit rate of 1000%, and your passive dodge rate is only 50%, even if the passive effect takes effect 10 times, the opponent's hit rate can still remain at 100%. If you want to completely dodge the opponent's attack, you must Then reduce its hit rate by 50% or increase its dodge rate by 50%, then after activating the active effect of the extreme rotation wheel, the extreme rotation wheel will fall into a cooldown of up to 50 hours.

  Of course, this is the application in battle, but after Chen Mo saw this effect, the matter of the chaos gift package flashed in his mind instantly.

  When he synthesized the Chaos Gift Pack just now, the chance of seeing the Synthesized Chaos Gift Pack was as low as 1%, and 99% of the chances were designated super SSS gift packs.

   This is obviously impossible to synthesize under normal circumstances.

   This is three in one, almost equivalent to spending three hundred pieces to put together one, which is really a bit too cruel.

   But it is different now, now Chen Mo has the opportunity to change the odds by relying on this extreme wheel.

  Although the passive effect states that it only takes effect on combat-related chances, the active effect does not include this restriction. Obviously, it can take effect on any chance.

   This is worth trying.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you skipped the sixteenth-order super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweeping paper will be issued to you. 】

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equivalent to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 80 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 80-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has successfully completed the 80-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Because you broke through the sixteenth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a professional-specific active skill! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you completed the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the fourth turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since you broke through the sixteenth-order bottleneck, you unlocked a profession-specific passive skill! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you completed the challenge of the hidden reincarnation task in the fourth turn, the strength of the new skill you acquired will automatically increase by two levels! 】

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the sixteenth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super **** trial. Since you have a super **** body, if you do not perform the super **** trial, your level limit will still be lower. A complete breakthrough, do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

  After reading the tips from Heaven and ignoring the Super God Trial, Chen Mo immediately began to try to use the Extreme Wheel, wanting to see if this thing can affect the synthesis of the chaos-level spree.

  With a thought in his mind, he activated the extremely rotating wheel, and the reminder of the way of heaven immediately sounded.

[Heaven’s reminder: You are activating the extreme rotation wheel to affect the current probability event. There are two probabilities in total for the current probability event. One is to synthesize a super SSS-level gift package with a probability of 99%, and the other is to synthesize a chaos-level gift package with a probability of 99%. 1%, please choose which probability you want to change? 】

   "You can still choose by yourself, what if I change the probability of super SSS gift packs to 0?"

  Chen Momoluo's brain immediately turned and began to analyze.

   As a result, he got a result that made him very speechless.

  If he changes it like this, the final result of his synthesis is that there is a 1% chance of getting a chaos-level gift bag, and a 99% chance of getting nothing.

   This obviously cannot be changed in this way, Chen Mo tried to analyze what would happen if the probability of chaos-level gift packs was increased by 100%.

  The result of the analysis is close to a half-and-half chance. It may be a super SSS-level gift package, or it may be a chaos-level gift package.

   That is to say, the two probabilities are added together, and the total probability becomes 199%, so 100% does not mean a sure hit.

That is to say, if you want to be sure to hit the Chaos-level gift pack, you have to start with two probabilities at the same time, and change the probability of the specified Super SSS-level gift pack to 0, and change the probability of the Chaos-level gift pack to 100%. It's really foolproof.

  Then you need to change the probability of 198%, which means 198 hours of cooling.

  Including Chen Mo's cooling reduction effect, the cooling time is about an hour.

   This cooling time is quite long.

  However, compared to the speed at which Chen Mo got rewards, this cooling time is already enough.

  If it weren't for this extremely rotating wheel that limited the probability of encountering events to take effect, Chen Mo even thought of a good way to get stuck.

  He has a divine ability that can directly clear the cooling time of any ability, the divine blessing of nature, but the trigger rate of this ability is only 50%.

   If you use the extreme running wheel to modify it, you can directly change it to 100% chance to take effect.

It is obviously not feasible to use the extreme wheel by yourself, because it will take effect on the spot after you change it, and the blessing of nature will take effect immediately. The cooling of your extreme wheel will be cleared, which means that the effect will be gone, and you will use the extreme wheel again. When it came to other events, it was still the same.

   But it would be different if the wheel of extreme movement could be used on others. Chen Mo could let Zou Yi use the wheel of extreme movement to affect his natural blessing chance, and then use his own wheel of extreme movement to affect the chance of synthesis.

   In this way, no matter how many chances he has changed, under the effect of 100% natural **** blessing, his extreme movement wheel is equivalent to no cooling at all.

   But unfortunately, there is no such loophole to exploit.

   In fact, it doesn’t matter whether you find such a loophole or not, it’s already profitable if you can change the probability.

  Chen Mo directly chose to change the probability, changing the chance of synthesizing a specifiable super SSS gift pack to 0%, and changing the chance of synthesizing a chaos class gift pack to 100%.

  【Heavenly reminder: The probability modification is complete, and your extreme wheel has entered a 198-hour cooldown! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Your super-calm ability has taken effect, and the cooling time of this item has been cleared. 】

  Chen Mo has a total of two abilities to clear the cooldown of skills, one is Transcendence Calmness, and the other is Natural God Blessing!

   There is still a high probability of directly clearing the cooling time.

  As the probability was modified, Chen Mo immediately started the synthesis.

   Soon the synthesis result will come out.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Chaos Level Gift Pack"! 】

"It really succeeded directly. This extreme wheel is so easy to use. Then if I use it on my death ring, will it be able to kill others 100%? If it is possible, then the effect is too great. Are you strong?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help but think of the perverted instant kill effect of Death's Ring!

  But the active effect of the extremely rotating wheel has the premise of a regular probability event. What kind of limitation is this regularity is yet to be deliberated!

  (end of this chapter)

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