Chapter 328 Three conditions!

   "I don't know what level it is at the Chaos level."

  Chen Mo couldn't wait to try to open the chaos-level gift package.

  But the heavenly reminder sounded.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have not yet met the conditions for opening the Chaos-level Gift Package, please check the information about the Chaos-level Gift Package first! 】

   "Huh? It's not enough to get the chaos-level gift package, and there are additional opening conditions?"

  Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, and immediately clicked on the Chaos Level Gift Pack to check the relevant information.

  [Chaos Level Gift Pack]: The ultimate gift pack that contains the treasure of chaos. Every item in it is an extraordinary thing with unlimited growth ability. To open this gift pack, three conditions need to be met!

  『Condition 1』: Consume 100 points of chaos energy.

  『Condition 2』: Career reincarnation level reaches level 5.

  『Condition 3』: The life level reaches a deified creature.

   "Good guy, it is indeed a top-notch gift package, and the opening conditions are different from others!"

  After reading the three opening conditions, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling that it was too difficult to open this big gift package.

  The latter two conditions are fairly easy to achieve.

  He has already fulfilled the third condition, and the second condition is coming soon, but the first condition doesn't even know where to get Chaos Energy.

  Currently, Chen Mo only obtained 100 points of Chaos Origin Energy when he entered the fake Chaos Origin and killed a bunch of man-made terrors during the previous college entrance examination, but that's all.

   It is enough to open a chaos-level gift bag once, but next time I get a chaos-level gift bag, I want to open it again, but I don’t know where to get the 100 points of chaos energy.

   After all, the source of chaos is unknown.

   Seeing that Baoshan was not allowed to enter, Chen Mo could only put away the chaos-level gift bag first.

  Anyway, it can be opened after reaching the fifth rank, and the fifth rank is just around the corner.

   Putting aside the matter of the chaos-level gift package for the time being, Chen Mo immediately started the challenge of the Super God Trial Tower.

   This time the tenth floor is still the combat floor, but facing Chen Mo who has upgraded so many attribute explosions after being deified, this tenth floor is like playing, and he got through it at an extremely fast speed.

   Therefore, Chen Mo directly gained 55 points of divine power, and the Super God Trial Tower also climbed to the 70th floor.

  【Tiandao Reminder: You have finished the Super God Trial, and your level cap has been opened! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 81! Because your level has increased, your Shenyuan has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.3 points of Shenyuan. 】


  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your level has increased, and the current level is 85! Because your level has increased, your Shenyuan has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.3 points of Shenyuan. 】

  【Experience】: 7924309199/80595500

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 85, and you have reached the bottleneck of the seventeenth level. You can choose to break through the test! 】

  If it weren't for the fact that he became a deified creature because of his higher life level, the experience points that Chen Mo had obtained before were really far from being able to support him to rank five.

  Choose again to skip the boundary-breaking assessment without losing experience, and Chen Mo's level increased rapidly again.

  Heavenly Reminder and Voice of the Great Dao are also busy.

  People all over the world feel their scalps go numb.

  It was the first time that they heard the voice of the great avenue so frequently and crazily sounded in a day or two.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on passing the super SSS level assessment, you have obtained the origin level item "Super Transformation God Stone"! 】

  Obtaining the Transcendent Divine Stone again, an idea suddenly popped into Chen Mo's mind. If it is more difficult to open the chaos-level gift package, then combining the Transcendent Divine Stone, is it possible to obtain the Chaos-level Attunement Divine Stone?

   Judging from the probability of obtaining the Transcendent God Stone, it seems that it is easier to start from this aspect.

  However, Chen Mo just thought about it for a short while, and when he considered that he still has a lot of abilities that have not been superhumanized, he felt that the supernatural stones were not enough.

   Obtained the supernatural stone again, and Chen Mo immediately selected one of the remaining abilities that hadn't been superhuman.

  The God of Death Emblem is a very practical treasure, and Chen Mo decided to use this chance of transcendence on it.

  【Heavenly reminder: You are using the supernatural stone for the skill "Death Emblem". After it takes effect, "Death Emblem" will be transformed into an origin-level item of the same type. Are you sure! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The transformation is successful, your "Death Emblem" has evolved into "Death Origin Crystal"! 】

  【Death Origin Crystal·Origin Level】

  [Item Passive Effect]: When carrying it, the owner will only receive damage from one unit per second at most, and you can manually choose whether to take effect of this special immune passive when in the state of death.

  〖Special Immunity Passive〗: After this passive is in effect, you will be immune to damage caused by other targets other than the mortal target, and you will also be unable to cause damage to any target other than the mortal target. "If the deadly target does not cause damage to you for more than 3 seconds, or if you do not cause damage to the deadly target for more than 3 seconds, this special passive effect will be invalid." (It can also take effect in the backpack)

[Active effect of items]: When activated, ignore all barriers, designate a unit within the range of "1000*level" meters as your death target, and forcibly pull it to a position ten meters away from you. During the duration, neither party can take the initiative Leave the opponent's body within ten meters, and continue until one of them dies!

  When entering the death-death state, the opponent will no longer be able to cause damage to units other than the death-death target, and the opponent will be suppressed by 50% of all attributes. After the death-death state ends, this ability will enter a cooldown for 60 minutes.

   This effect cannot be immune or dispelled! (can be activated in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: This item is the favorite treasure of the God of War. If anyone is targeted by him, he can only ask for luck!

   "Hey, the God of Death Emblem has been strengthened a lot after it has been transformed."

Once the God of Death Emblem enters the state of death, neither he nor the enemy can cause damage to people other than the target of the death, but now it is different. If you simply activate the active effect and do not activate the special immune passive, this effect will only affect the enemy. If it takes effect, you can still cause damage to any unit, while the opponent can only cause damage to yourself.

  If the situation is critical, you can also turn on the special immune passive, and you will be immune to the damage of all other targets. With this special immune passive, you can even apply this ability to your own people at certain times, making yourself invincible!

   The practicality is even higher than before.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you skipped the 17th-order super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment this time, no super-SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment sweepstakes will be issued to you. 】

[Tiandao Tip: After level 20, you can no longer enjoy the preferential experience value for the breakthrough assessment, but when you complete the assessment with a perfect score, you can get an eternal gold coin reward equal to the challenge level of this breakthrough assessment, and you have obtained 85 eternal gold coins ! 】

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 85-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 85-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

There are three more super SSS gift packs, and Chen Mo is reluctant to open them now. After all, there is already a 100% way to synthesize a chaos-level gift pack, but he still doesn't know how to obtain the chaotic energy. The queen of the tower might be able to find out, so he is not in a hurry to use it at this time. Anyway, his combat power is already quite powerful even in the fifth rank.

   There is no need to rush to open gift packs to upgrade.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, your level has increased, the current level is 86! Because your level has increased, your Shenyuan has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.3 points of Shenyuan. 】


  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, your level has increased, the current level is 90! Because your level has increased, your Shenyuan has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.3 points of Shenyuan. 】

  【Experience】: 7482606699/100403000

  【Prompt from Heaven: Your level has reached level 90, and you have reached the 18th-level bottleneck, you can choose to break through the test! 】

   "It's level 90, and it's only 10 levels away before you can turn five."

  Chen Mo is also looking forward to what he will get when he opens the Chaos Level gift package, but he has to break through the realm and climb the tower a few more times!

  (end of this chapter)

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