All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 329: The difference in the last 1 level! (two in one)

  Chapter 329 The Difference of the Last Level 1! (two in one)

  As Chen Mo skipped the 90-level breakthrough assessment, he once again obtained a super-transformation **** stone and a super SSS-level gift package.

   Chen Mo decided to use this supernatural stone for the Almighty Converter.

  Although the current Almighty Converter is completely sufficient, Chen Mo is still curious to what extent this Almighty Converter can be improved.

  Chen Mo is curious about whether the omnipotent converter can transform into chaos damage.

   But after all, it is only upgraded to the super SSS level, and it is normal that there is no transformation of chaos type.

  With the use of the Chaohua God Stone, the reminder of the Dao of Heaven also sounded immediately.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are using the supernatural stone on the "Almighty Converter" item. After it takes effect, the "Almighty Converter" will be transformed into the same type of origin-level item. Are you sure! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: The conversion is successful, your "Almighty Converter" has evolved into a "Super Almighty Converter"! 】

  【Super Almighty Converter·Origin Level】

[Item Passive Effect]: You can choose one of the seven damage types of physical, magic, siege, solid damage, chaos, real, and divine power, so that the damage you cause becomes this type of damage. This effect has no cooling time and can be Change it at will, and the effect will continue to take effect. (It can also take effect in the backpack)

[Item active effect]: When it is turned on, any number of your summoned attack types can be converted into any of the seven damage types of physics, magic, siege, solid damage, chaos, real, and divine power, which can continue to take effect, but There is a forced cooling time of 30 seconds each time when switching, "not affected by cooling reduction". (It can also take effect in the backpack)

  [Item Introduction]: The legendary mysterious item that can transform various types of damage is said to be made by a **** of invention called the Almighty God, but no one has ever seen the real body of this person, and it is not known whether the rumor is true or not!

  Shenwei damage type is a type of damage that can only be encountered after entering the Tower of Eternity. Generally, only units that have condensed the godhead can use this type of damage.

The divine power damage needs to be calculated with the divine power armor type. Otherwise, for all non-divine armor types, the divine power damage will directly ignore the target's defense and cause a fixed crit damage equal to the multiplier of its divine power. Damage ignores damage reduction effects.

   This is a very scary damage type.

   It is also the reason why god-level creatures regard non-god-level creatures as ants!

  If rank 5 is regarded as ants below rank 5, then units that have condensed godhead will be regarded as units that do not condense godhead.

  Even for an ordinary god-level creature like Chen Mo, it is difficult to parry the divine power damage attack of a deified enemy.

  After all, before condensing the godhead, the armor type is basically defined according to the profession.

  Skeleton mages like Chen Mo rely on intelligence and spiritual attributes, and belong to the cloth armor class.

  Professions that require strength and agility attributes like archers and assassins belong to the leather armor class.

  Occupations that rely on strength and physical attributes, such as warriors and knights, belong to the heavy armor class.

   Among them, there will be special armor types in the hidden professions, such as Chen Mo's current master of the undead, which belongs to the special chaos armor!

   Any physical and magic damage will greatly reduce the damage. Even if the chaotic damage is hit, it can offset a lot of damage.

   In addition to this, there are special armors such as city armor, real armor, hero armor, etc.

   will achieve different defense bonus effects for various damage types.

But these armor types are not as good as the Divine Power Armor. If you use non-Divine Power damage to deal damage to a unit with Divine Power Armor, then your damage will be directly reduced by the corresponding multiplier according to the opponent's divine power, even if you are true The same goes for injuries.

   This is not counting the original damage reduction effect of divine power. As I said before, if the divine power exceeds 100 points, the damage cannot be dealt at all, and all damage will be completely reduced by the divine power.

   This is the gap between a real **** and an ant, which cannot be bridged at all.

   Even if Chen Mo has the ability to use divine power to damage in advance, his divine power still needs to keep up.

  Otherwise, there is nothing you can do when you encounter an existence whose divine power is much higher than yourself.

  However, Chen Mo's divine energy is very high, so it can be exchanged for divine power.

   It’s just relatively disadvantageous.

  There is a place in the Tower of Eternity where you can exchange the divine yuan for divine power, and you can use the divine power to exchange it back for the previously exchanged divine yuan.

   But the price is not so beautiful.

  If you exchanged divine power 1 to 1, you need 2 to 1 to exchange it back, anyway, blood loss.

   But if you urgently need to improve your divine power, it is still worth exchanging.

   After all, if the target’s divine power is 100 points higher than yours, your divine essence is higher than the sky, and you can’t help the opponent. This is an insurmountable gap.

  Of course, if you have the Chaos Supreme Treasure in your hands, you may be able to cross this gap.

  But so far, I haven't heard of any nearby galaxy professionals who have obtained the Chaos Treasure.

   After checking the attributes of the super-all-purpose converter, Chen Mo immediately began the test of the super **** trial tower.

   And this time, the Super God Trial Tower has entered the tenth floor of the intelligence assessment.

  Of course, Chen Mo, who has mind reading skills and a real Mara brain, will naturally not lose to Zaratul in the intelligence test.

  Successful prostitution again to 55 points of divine power, and Chen Mo came to the level 95 breakthrough assessment again.

  Skip directly by convention.

  Chen Mo once again obtained a supernatural stone.

  But this time Chen Mo didn't choose to use it again, because his ability has almost been super-supervised, and he plans to save three to see if he can synthesize the Chaos God Stone.

  Although I think the possibility is not high, after all, there is an example of the chaos-level gift package in the front, Chen Mo feels that even if he spends a lot of money to synthesize it, this thing is probably not something that can be used casually.

  But he was so curious that he still wanted to give it a try.

   As for all the super SSS gift packs, Chen Mo has saved them up, and is going to look back to see if there is a chance to find a way to obtain chaos energy, and open a few more chaos class gift packs.

  As Chen Mo skipped the 95-level breakthrough assessment, he finally ushered in the final stage!

  However, the reminder of the Dao of Heaven in the final stage has an extremely different display.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, your level has increased, the current level is 99! Because your level has increased, your Shenyuan has also been improved. According to your professional star rating, you have gained 3.3 points of Shenyuan. 】

  [Experience]: 6276826699/『1000-age*1 billion』billion

  When he was about to reach level 100, Chen Mo saw the special requirements for experience points.

  It is completely different from the previous fixed experience value requirement of level 99. The experience value requirement for upgrading to level 100 is actually related to age.

  The older you are, the lower the experience requirement.

  Chen Mo's current age is 18 years old, which means that the experience points he needs to upgrade in the end can be reduced by 18 billion, and eventually 82 billion experience points are enough.

  Each year of age can reduce the need for 1 billion experience points, which is quite outrageous.

  Chen Mo now only has a total of more than 6 billion experience points, which is more than 70 billion short of experience points.

   Obviously, it is necessary to replenish experience points.

   This time, Chen Mo didn't look for Hanyu Liuyin anymore, but went directly to Jiang Yun.

  [Chen Mo]: Leader, what is the dungeon with the highest experience value output below the fifth rank on our planet?

  [Leader Jiang]: What's your situation, kid? I rushed to level 95 and above in one breath, I thought you didn't need experience points to level up!

  Seeing Jiang Yun's reply, Chen Mo smiled and continued to ask.

  【Chen Mo】: Tell me quickly, I am currently short of experience points.

[Leader Jiang]: It seems that the card is level 100. If you want to say that the dungeon with the most experience value below the fifth rank has been controlled in our academy alliance headquarters, it is specially for people with a card level 100. However, the current dungeon There are already people here, I'm afraid you have to wait.

  【Chen Mo】: How soon will he come out?

  [Leader Jiang]: He went in seven days ago, and the time should be fast. If he doesn't come out for more than ten days, he died inside.

  【Chen Mo】: Is this dungeon dangerous?

[Leader Jiang]: It's quite dangerous, and the younger you are, the more dangerous it is. The difficulty of this dungeon is the same as that of leveling up. It decreases sharply according to your age. It's extremely difficult to rush into this dungeon at your age. It has never happened before. , No one has ever upgraded so perverted, so even I don't know how perverted the difficulty of this dungeon will be if you enter this dungeon!

  【Chen Mo】: It's interesting that there is such a setting.

  [Leader Jiang]: Interesting? I reckon that if you enter this dungeon, the difficulty of this dungeon is that even a rank five strongman would be embarrassed to go in and read it. You are still young, so there is no need to be so anxious. You can brush up other experience dungeons and accumulate slowly. , with your strength, brush some low-end experience dungeons, and the upgrade is not slow, there is no need to challenge a dungeon that is so difficult that it is difficult to determine to fill up the experience points in one go.

  [Chen Mo]: It’s okay, I’m confident, the demand for more than 80 billion experience points, the low-end dungeon is probably better, or it’s easier to just fill it up in one go.

  [Leader Jiang]: You brat, I hope your current strength is worthy of your tone.

  For Chen Mo, a pervert who has reached the second rank and beat the top four ranks, and can kill the top four rank alliance teams with one enemy, Jiang Yun really doesn't think that the difficulty of the most difficult experience dungeon below the fifth rank can stop Chen Mo.

   It can only be said that it is a strong collision.

  When Chen Mo told Jiang Yun that he wanted to enter the most abnormally difficult dungeon below rank five, other major galaxies had already assembled a five-star demonized army.

   It's just that they couldn't see Chen Mo downloading the dungeon for a long time. They were very surprised, and they couldn't help thinking that someone had leaked the news to the solar system, causing him not to enter the dungeon on purpose.

   But it doesn't matter, it's a good thing if he really doesn't enter the dungeon. The other party is afraid of accidents, and not letting this genius enter the dungeon, doesn't it mean that his development speed is seriously slowed down.

  They feel that the solar system is too cautious, and even they themselves are not sure.

  Even if it is a five-star demonized army of one hundred people, compared to a super pervert who can beat the top four ranks with one enemy at one turn, no one dares to say that this five-star demonized army of one hundred people can win.

  Even if this hundred-member five-star demonization brigade is demonized, the skills of everyone in the team may be upgraded to a super SSS level, reaching an unparalleled combat power that has never been seen before.

   But without actual combat, it is still uncertain.

  Especially, five-star magic had never been used before.

   Naturally, it is even more difficult to understand how the skills will change after the five-star demonization.

  Although they used the random access scroll to keep learning about Chen Mo's entry into the dungeon, but they still didn't find out which dungeon he could enter randomly, but they continued to use the random entry scroll to detect Chen Mo's entry into the dungeon in 24/7 shifts.

  Once he is caught entering the copy, personnel will be arranged for action immediately.

  Because the Anzi on the earth has been completely eradicated by Remembrance, they can't know the situation of Chen Mo's breakthrough, so they are conservative, and all they are looking for are five-star powerhouses with four ranks and 100 levels.

  It is impossible for a five-star powerhouse of this level to die.

  But when it comes to the level of brainwashing and PUA, none of the top people in each galaxy can be pinched by hand.

   It's not easy to fool a bunch of people, but under the constant bombardment of various brainwashing techniques, it is not difficult to fool one or two of them.

  On the earth, Chen Mo, who was crazy about breaking the border, had a short break because he had to wait for the instance.

   While teasing the two pets, he looked at Zhuan Yi and said, "Can you summon the clones of Xiao Hui and Xiao Shi?"

"No, my lord, as an external incarnation, I can only copy your abilities, but pets are already foreign objects, so I can't do it, but I can completely copy all the attributes that they increase after adding professional stars to you. Arrived."

   "Well, I guess so too."

   If there is another Xiao Shi and Xiao Hui in Remembrance, it will be really against the sky.

  The attributes of Xiao Shi and Xiao Hui, who have followed Chen Mo to level 99, are already very abnormal.

  Two Chaos-level pets, fortunately, they don't need any Chaos energy to hatch, otherwise Chen Mo wouldn't be able to hatch at all.

   But even so, the various chaos-level feeding materials they needed made Chen Mo synthesize a huge amount of wealth along the way.

  If Jiang Yun hadn't given him the right to withdraw at will, Chen Mo wouldn't know where to make so much money just by synthesizing these feeding materials to the chaotic level.

  Downloading the copy is afraid that you will have to vomit to earn part of it.

   I have to say that the resources reasonably collected by a planet are still abundant and scary.

   After resting for a day, Chen Mo was about to do something about the military formation and the improvement of his field capabilities, when Jiang Yun sent a message.

  [Leader Jiang]: It’s ok, the previous user has already come out, this dungeon is a popular dungeon, this time it’s completely for you to jump in the queue, under normal circumstances you have to pay eternal gold coins for bidding.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo laughed.

  [Chen Mo]: It's okay, anyway, I have withdrawn so much before, so I will treat it as a bid for spending money, continue to keep the account, report a bill to me later, and I will pay it back slowly.

  [Leader Jiang]: That's a good relationship, I've already screenshotted your words.

  Whilst speaking, Chen Mo had used his spirit to flicker and arrived at the headquarters of the Academy Alliance.

   "Stinky boy, you owe us a lot of money now, and we have to calculate the interest every day." Jiang Yun laughed and cursed after seeing Chen Mo appearing in front of him.

  Although he allowed Chen Mo to withdraw at will, he never expected that he would withdraw so much.

  That's one million eternal gold coins! With such a large amount of money used for armaments, I don’t know how many people’s combat effectiveness can be improved! It was all taken away by this brat alone.

   "It's okay, I will repay you double." Chen Mo smiled.

  While joking, Jiang Yun, Blinda, and Marcus looked at Chen Mo, and their expressions all changed.

   "This how is it possible! The aura on your body!" Feeling the aura and life-level coercion of the god-level creature on Chen Mo's body, the three leaders were all stunned.

   "Impossible! You haven't even reached the fifth turn, how could you have this kind of breath coming out of your body? Is it because of some super SSS treasure?" Brenda guessed.

   "No, this aura can obviously be felt from Chen Mo himself!" Marcus looked at Chen Mo in disbelief and said.

  【PS】: The middle is omitted, skip directly to the last level, everyone is satisfied, if you are satisfied, the last two days, only a hundred monthly tickets, more monthly tickets~~~

   A friend’s book, give it a friendly push, if you’re interested, you can read it~ The author is Fuliji, please report my name to find the author to get a photo of the woman~




  (end of this chapter)

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