All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 330: Seeking skin with a tiger, the mentality explodes! (two in one)

  Chapter 330 Seeking skins with tigers, mentality explodes! (two in one)

   "Chen Mo, what's the matter with your god-level aura?"

  Jiang Yun immediately asked curiously.

  Chen Mo did not hide this, "I have already completed my apotheosis."


  As soon as these words came out, the three leaders were stunned in place.

  If Chen Mo said that some super SSS baby caused the effect, they would all believe it.

   But a person who didn't even have Rank 5, directly completed the apotheosis?

   How can this be believed?

  Without divine power, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to gather 500 million full attributes.

   "Is it the only initial five-star hidden occupation that gives different attribute points? Then it shouldn't be so different!"

   "It's a long story, it's just an adventure, but this adventure can't be reproduced, so I didn't tell you."

   Seeing what Chen Mo said, the three of Jiang Yun did not struggle anymore.

   After reconfirming his wishes, the three of them opened the mechanism behind the meeting room that looked like a wall.

  As the wall split apart, three different magic circles behind it were revealed.

   seems to correspond to three different copy spaces.

   "Enter the red dungeon teleportation array in the middle, and you can go to the top experience book."

  Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Chen Mo came to the teleportation array with a flash of spirit.

[Tiandao Tip: You are about to start challenging the "Beyond Dungeon". The difficulty of this experience dungeon will change according to your age. It is detected that your current age is 18 years old. If you challenge this dungeon, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase by 34560 Times, are you sure! 】

  Extraordinary experience dungeons, the normal difficulty is to challenge after the age of 98, and they are all 100% dungeon difficulty.

  The challenge from 89 to 98 years old is twice the difficulty of the copy.

  If you are 79 to 88 years old, the challenge is 4 times the difficulty of the copy.

   And between 58 and 78 is a 3-fold improvement.

  69 to 78 years old to challenge is 12 times the difficulty of the copy.

  If you are 59 to 68 years old, the challenge is 36 times as difficult as the copy.

  If you are 49 to 58 years old, the challenge is 108 times as difficult as the copy.

  After 28 to 48, it is an even more perverted 4 times difficulty increase.

  39 to 48 years old to challenge is 432 times the difficulty of the copy.

  If you are 29 to 38 years old, the challenge is 1728 times the difficulty of the copy.

  If you are 19 to 28 years old, the challenge is 6912 times the difficulty of the copy.

  Just the difficulty of being 19 to 28 years old is already an extremely abnormal increase. It was more than a thousand times before, and it has directly become seven thousand times here. What a terrifying increase in value?

   No wonder Jiang Yun said that no one has ever challenged this age-level difficulty.

   What Chen Mo wants to challenge is the 18-year-old who was even more perverted before this.

  18 years old is a 5-fold boost!

   That is to say, it is 34560 times the normal difficulty!

  If 108 times is still within the adaptability of masters, and 432 times top players can also fight, then 1728 times 28 to 38 years old is already a peak challenge.

   To be able to overcome this difficulty at this age is already against the sky.

  As for the difficulty of 6912 times, I dare not think about it at all, not to mention that there is a metamorphosis to the limit of 34560 times the ultimate metamorphosis alone.

  Who would have thought that a profession that a person awakened at the age of 18 could directly break through to level 100 in this year?

  I dare not fly so fast on a rocket.

  So even though he knew that Chen Mo was very strong, Jiang Yun still felt a little guilty at first, thinking that the difficulty of this dungeon might still be too great for Chen Mo.

   But it is different now. After discovering that Chen Mo has been deified, he fully realized that the monster in front of him is far beyond the scope of ordinary people's cognition!

   Only monsters of this level can challenge this level of difficulty dungeon.

  Looking at the horror multiplier mentioned in Tiandao's reminder, Chen Mo, who had always felt that Jiang Yun seemed to be exaggerating this dungeon, finally realized the eclipse of this dungeon.

  He immediately asked Xiang Jiang Yundao: "The monsters in this dungeon won't have supernatural power?"

   "This is a dungeon below Rank 5, so naturally it will not have divine power, but after testing with props, they have hidden divine power, and the amount of hidden divine power is estimated to be related to the difficulty of the dungeon.

  With your current level of difficulty, I am afraid that every monster has tens of thousands of hidden divine powers. Even if you are a god-level creature, it will be difficult for you to encounter their divine powers. "

  Hearing what Jiang Yun said, Chen Mo didn't pay much attention.

  If it is said that all the monsters in this dungeon have divine power, that would be difficult. After all, no matter how strong Chen Mo is, he cannot overcome the gap of divine power.

  But if you just hide your divine power, it doesn't matter.

  Hidden divine power is only a defensive attribute. It only participates in the calculation when other people's divine power is applied to oneself, and offsets the opponent's divine power.

  Chen Mo currently doesn't have a few eternal artifacts that rely on divine power to exert their power, so naturally he doesn't care much about whether the divine power is lost or not.

  After confirming the general situation of the dungeon, Chen Mo ignored the hint from Heaven and chose to enter the dungeon challenge.

   With the flash of light from the teleportation array, Chen Mo has already entered the dungeon.

  At this time, the Eternal Star System is in front of the demonization formation.

Among the professionals who have been testing whether Chen Mo has already entered the dungeon using the messy entry scroll, someone suddenly exclaimed: "He's in, he's in! No, what's going on! This guy is actually entering beyond the dungeon, what's going on? "

   All of a sudden, everyone in the entire area exploded.

   "How is it possible? Isn't it based on the information obtained that he is only 18 years old? No matter how strong he is, wouldn't it be courting death to enter the surpassing dungeon at the age of 18?"

   "The key is that the high-level officials of the solar system actually agreed to his entry. This is even more strange."

   "Then what does this mean? Doesn't it mean that the high-level officials in the solar system feel that the difficulty of surpassing the dungeon can no longer match the strength of this guy?"

   "How is it possible, when you enter the Transcendence Dungeon at the age of 18, the difficulty of the dungeon will increase by 34560 times! The difficulty increase of this multiple is not a joke."

   With the news that Chen Mo entered the Transcendence Dungeon, the news spread.

  The projections of the upper level of the Eternal Star Galaxy and several other powerful high-level galaxies all appeared in the copy.

  They were also the first to receive the news, and only then did they show up collectively.

   At this time, each of them had a look of surprise on their faces.

   After all, they would never have dreamed that after Chen Mo left the event dungeon and hadn't entered the dungeon, he would suddenly go to the transcendence dungeon.

  According to the number of reincarnations when he entered the dungeon before, it was only the second reincarnation.

   A second turn is no reason at all to go beyond the dungeon.

  Because after clearing the level beyond the dungeon, no matter how many experience points you need to upgrade, you will get full experience points at once.

   The second turn can only reach level 60. How much experience is needed to upgrade from level 60 to level 61?

  Where do you need to run beyond the copy?

  Let’s not talk about 61, even 81 shouldn’t go to brush beyond dungeons.

  At this moment, the senior management of the Eternal Star System realized that after all the dark children in the solar system were eradicated, the kid's level might not have directly entered a state of rapid growth.

   Regardless of how he did it, at least since he has chosen to challenge the Transcendence Dungeon, his level should be level 99.

   And what they are preparing now is a group of four-turn 100-level five-star powerhouses.

   These people are actually only one step away from entering rank five. They only participated in this crusade after being brainwashed by high-level PUAs during the final preparation stage for rank five.

In fact, it is not easy to gather such a team of people. Trying to brainwash a lot of people, many of them are unsuccessful. Every galaxy has tried a lot of people, and finally finally assembled this loyal death squad. .

   In order to be able to deal directly with Chen Mo no matter what level he reached, he only recruited a level 100 talent.

   This time, each large galaxy has a five-star, and the loss is actually not too big.

   After all, there are many five stars in these large galaxies.

   Don't care about such one or two.

   It has been confirmed that Chen Mo has entered the dungeon, so they naturally started to demonize immediately!

  Five-star professional demonization, even the Yongxing system itself is the first time to try.

   After all, who would be willing to use a five-star professional talent for a death experiment?

   After obtaining this "Sacred Blood and Soul Devouring Demonization Formation" for so long, I finally had the opportunity to see the situation of a five-star professional after being demonized.

  All the high-level people in the Yongxing system are full of expectations.

  If it is said that the five-star profession can be demonized very powerfully, this magic formation is also a good trump card that makes other galaxies feel wary.

As long as enough materials are prepared for the demonization formation, the process of demonization is still relatively fast, but what surprised them is that because there are too many five-star personnel for demonization, the required materials exceeded their previous expectations, and they had to add more materials. It took an incomparably huge price to invest in, and finally got enough of the demonization conditions for these hundred five-star powerhouses.

  With the successful activation of the magic formation, the hundred five-star powerhouses were all demonized soon.

   "Let us see what the five-star demon looks like."

   Immediately, a senior executive of the eternal star system said to the five-star powerhouses participating in his own galaxy.

   Everyone was also curious for a while, and they all focused on the demonized five-star powerhouse.

   As a result, when most of the Yongxing galaxy were curiously waiting for the five-star demonizers in their own galaxy to share their attributes, something unexpected happened suddenly.

  I saw a few people in this group of demonization brigade suddenly shot with all their strength, and blasted towards the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonization Formation"!

This scene happened so fast that no one could react. In addition, after being demonized, the attributes and skill strength of these five-star four-turn 100-level powerhouses had all been raised to such a high level that no one had time to stop them They shot.

   Hula la, huh, huh, huh!

  Several terrifying forbidden curses and forbidden moves were like the sharp blades of demons, slashing fiercely on the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonization Formation".

  Suddenly, a rumbling sound erupted, and the entire formation shook violently, as if it had received a huge impact.

  Intense energy fluctuations burst out from the large formation, the gust of wind rose suddenly, the air twisted, as if the whole world was trembling.

   The roar continued to erupt.

  The formation of the large formation began to tremble, making a crackling sound, and the cracks spread rapidly like a spider web.

  The core position of the formation, hidden among the many runes, was like a dark heart, which also suffered a devastating blow at this moment.

   A series of energy impacts continuously impacted on the core of the array disk, bursting out fiery sparks and shattered runes.

   Hum! ! The core made a sharp hissing sound, like the groan of life, and gradually collapsed under the bombardment of forbidden spells and forbidden moves.

   Gradually, the resistance of the formation became weak, and countless runes were torn and shattered.

  The power of the forbidden spell raged against everything, ruthlessly destroying the structure and source of power of the "Sacred Blood and Soul Devouring Demonization Formation".

  In the end, the formation could no longer withstand the ravages of forbidden spells and forbidden moves, and it shattered into countless fragments.

  At that moment, a dead silence enveloped the entire area, the smoke and dust filled the air, the wreckage was scattered, leaving only a bleak scene.

  The existence of "Sacred Blood and Soul Devouring Demonization Formation" completely disappeared, completely shattered by forbidden curses and forbidden moves, and there was no longer any resistance.

Several five-star, four-turn, hundred-level demonization powerhouses joined forces to display this destructive power, and successfully destroyed the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonization Array", which made everyone in the audience feel unprepared and overwhelmed. shock!

Even if you don't know where the core of the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonic Formation" is, you only need to use this kind of forbidden spells and forbidden moves that deal damage in a large area, and it is enough to make the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonic Formation" include The array and the core of the array are destroyed together.

   "Bastards! What are you doing!?" Several strong men flew out of the Yongxing system and landed on the side of the person who just shot, but it was difficult to deal with them.

  Because they have been demonized at this time, they are people who are about to die, so it is meaningless to kill them.

   "As expected of the skill strength after demonization, it has really reached the super SSS level. Even such a god-level formation can be easily destroyed, not bad!"

   "It's really good, it seems that there is hope to deal with that evildoer of the solar system."

   At this time, several high-level people in other galaxies who projected into the Eternal Star Galaxy all looked at the current situation with a smile.

  In the audience, only the people from the Yongxing system had gloomy and scary faces!

   "These bastards!!!"

  Many people in the Eternal Star System immediately glared at these aliens, but they couldn't get angry for the time being.

  Because among the hundreds of people in the five-star demonized state present, ninety-nine percent were sent from other galaxy forces.

   It means that there are nearly a hundred threats with extremely terrifying combat effectiveness on the scene at this time.

  If they really get into trouble with them, then the Yongxing Galaxy will definitely not feel good when they fight.

  Even though the Yongxing system has already made preparations just in case at this time, it has deployed several strong men with hundreds of divine powers to watch nearby.

  But they themselves never imagined that after the five-star profession is demonized, not only the skill strength and attributes are demonized, but also the divine power will be obtained simultaneously!

   That is to say, they are not only demonized, but to be precise, they should be demonized!

   This group of hundreds of five-star demonized members is equivalent to hundreds of super perverted strongmen with extraordinary powers and super SSS-level means.

  Even if they take action to destroy the "Sacred Blood and Soul Devouring Demonization Formation", the upper echelons of the Eternal Star System will not be able to attack!

Seeing the high-level people of the Yongxing system staring at themselves and others, the high-level officials of other galaxies projected on the Yongxing system are smiling. One of them looked at the senior level of the Yongxing system and said: "Don't look at it that way. Look at us, it is true that the threat level of Chen Mo in the solar system you mentioned is definitely first-class, and we have to pay a price to join forces to deal with him, but isn't your "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonization Array" also a kind of threat? Is it a very threatening method?

  Since we know about it, then we naturally have no reason to let it exist all the time! "

  As soon as these words came out, the people of the Yongxing system could only endure the anger even though their hearts were about to burst out.

  Because there is nothing they can do at this point.

  Since ancient times, seeking skin from a tiger will not end well.

  At present, the high-level officials of these alien galaxies are only projected with the help of props, and there is nothing to be afraid of in the face of the clouds of strong people around the eternal star system.

   As for revenge after the event, don't even worry about it.

   After all, the Eternal Star Galaxy cannot reach their galaxy, even if it does, can a galaxy take revenge on all the galaxies at once?

  The combat power is not enough.

  At the same time, they don't need to worry that the people in the Yongxing system will be so angry that they will attack the person who just shot.

   Not to mention the current strength and combat effectiveness of these people, it is already enough to make the Yongxing system be afraid.

  Even if these people can be wiped out when the top of the eternal star system dispatches the strongest group of people in the galaxy to come back, the eternal star system will not do so.

   Because there is no such meaning.

   Now that these people have been demonized, they are already mortal existences. To fight against these mortal people, even if these people have no ability to resist, it is meaningless to the Eternal Star System.

   Not to mention, these people are still strong now, beyond their previous expectations.

  Secondly, even if they don’t have such worries, they still can’t make a move at this time, because the most important purpose of their gathering today is to deal with that peerless evildoer in the solar system.

  Compared to this ultimate scourge, the revenge for the destruction of the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonization Formation", if you can't bear it anymore, you have to swallow this breath.

   After all, one is the revenge of the destruction of treasures, and the other is an important matter related to the life and death of the entire galaxy, which is more important?

  In fact, when the Yongxing system was about to implement this plan, they had already fallen into a passive position. After all, they were asking others to cooperate, not others asking them to cooperate.

  Naturally, in this case, the space for manipulation becomes larger.

   These large galaxies are all wolves and tigers, but none of them are fuel-efficient lamps.

After seeing Chen Mo's performance in the event dungeon, they felt a huge threat, and they wanted to eradicate this huge threat. They were even willing to pay any price for it, even if it cost the lives of five-star powerhouses in their galaxy. Can nod.

  But with the existence of Chen Mo, they are anxious, but Yongxing Galaxy is even more anxious.

   This difference in priority is the root cause of the eternal star system being manipulated by them.

  After learning that there is such a perverted magic formation in the Yongxing system, they have already planned to destroy this thing.

   And the best time to shoot after demonization.

   At this point in time, there is no way for the Yongxing Galaxy to explode and it cannot explode.

   After all, facing a group of dying people, what can they do if they have resentment?

   What's more, this group of dying people still have an extremely difficult task that no one else can replace.

   It really happened, where did they go to find a way to solve this trouble?

  In the end they can only compromise.

  This is indeed the case at the moment. Since the Eternal Star Galaxy is passive in nature, it can only be eaten to death by the conspiracy and tricks of the major galaxies for a while.

  At this moment, they also deeply experienced the chilling feeling brought about by seeking the skin of a tiger.

  They are no longer interested in seeing the results of the five-star demonization, because the magic formation is gone, and it doesn't make sense to see it or not.

  They don't even want to see the existence of this group of people now.

  Under the signal of the senior management of the Eternal Star System, the five-star powerhouse of the Eternal Star System who participated in the demonization acted as the captain of the team, directly activated the group chaos entry scroll, and entered the instance where Chen Mo was.

  Looking at the bursting mentality of the people in the Yongxing galaxy, the high-level people in other galaxies are full of happy atmosphere.

Killing two birds with one stone right now, with the help of Eternal Star System's own "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonic Formation", it can not only eradicate the threat of peerless evildoers in the solar system, but also destroy the "Sacred Blood Soul Devouring Demonic Formation", which is full of threats. It's very flattering!

  After the complete success of the plan, both the Eternal Star System and the Solar System suffered huge losses, except that they only lost a mere five-star professional. This deal is a bargain.

  (end of this chapter)

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