Chapter 333 God's Domain Land! (two in one)

  In the dungeon, Chen Mo has received a reminder from Heaven, and Mo Luo's brain has immediately analyzed all the relevant Super Five mission content.

  【Super Rank 5 Mission - Mysterious Realm】

   Master of the Undead, this time you chose to challenge an unprecedented task of super five ranks, in order to reach the legendary realm of the Lord God.

  If you can complete the task, you will eventually be reincarnated into a super five profession—"Undead Master God"!

  〖Task Requirement〗:

  『The Mystery of Finding the Apocalypse』: At a specific place in the abyss of death, you will meet a mysterious apocalypse and have a conversation with him. He will tell you the method and clues to enter the mysterious realm.

  『Through the Lost Corridor』: After entering the mysterious realm, you will be in an intricate lost corridor. You need to rely on the ability of observation, thinking and solving puzzles to find the correct path to cross the maze, but be careful of the weird traps and illusions in the corridor, only by concentrating can you pass safely.

"The River Beyond Time": There is a flowing river of time in the mysterious realm, which distorts time and challenges your cognition. You need to cross the river of time with insight and reaction speed beyond ordinary people, avoid or Overcome the barriers of time and space to ensure that your own existence will not be eliminated or sink into time.

  『Soul Trial』: Entering the core area of ​​the mysterious realm, you will encounter the ultimate test of your mind. In this spiritual trial, you must face the deepest confusion in your heart. Please maintain firm belief and determination. Only by defeating your own demons can you gain real power.

  『Unlock the Mysterious Power』: Finally, when you successfully complete all the challenges, you will gain the true power of the mysterious realm. This power will surpass the traditional five-rank level, making you the supreme existence in the undead master, and you are the only true **** in the undead world!

  【Professional Exclusive Artifact Task】

  〖Task Requirement〗:

  『Explore the Pro Forbidden Zone』: You need to enter the Pro Forbidden Zone, which is a mysterious area belonging to your chosen profession, full of tests and challenges for the profession’s characteristics. You will need to solve hidden puzzles and trials in the forbidden area to gain further clues.

  『Overcoming Professional Trials』: In the professional forbidden area, you will face a series of trials closely related to your professional characteristics. These trials will test your skill, wits, and combat prowess. Only by successfully tackling these trials will you be able to earn clues to class-specific challenges.

  『Breakthrough Occupational Exclusive Challenge』: Occupational Exclusive Challenge is an ultra-difficult test designed based on your occupational characteristics. You need to face the tasks of extreme professional duel, decryption and control, etc., and successfully complete the challenge by demonstrating your complete mastery of the power of the undead and the precise use of professional skills.

"Boundary of Unity": After completing the class-specific challenge, you will get the last part of the class-specific artifact component, but this only allows you to reshape the class-specific artifact, but if you want to obtain a super-class-specific artifact, at this time , you also need to return to the Mystic Realm to combine the professional-specific artifact with the power of the Mystic Realm. Through special rituals and instruments, you will complete the final synthesis of the professional-specific artifact components.

"Professional change missions have heart demon tasks, so it's better to let Reminiscence do it. In case such heart demon tasks make people fall into it, and he falls into it, I can take him back directly. If I fall into it, I'm afraid It's troublesome."

   Regarding his own strength, Chen Mo is still confident.

   But Chen Mo can't guarantee that when playing with such nihilistic things like inner demons.

   After all, he has no research on this aspect.

   Immediately, he handed over the task of breaking into the mysterious realm to Zhuan Ji, and he himself went to collect the last component of the professional artifact.

  Chen Mo's division method is very in line with the thoughts in Zou Yi's mind at this time, so Zan Yi naturally didn't say much.

  He also felt that it was most appropriate for him to do tasks that he was not sure about.

   After the tasks were divided, the two started their respective tasks.


   At this time in the Tower of Eternity.

   It's already turbulent.

   Here in the solar system, many olive branches have been thrown out.

  The Star Membership Conversion Card is not something that the other party can use as soon as they get it. It needs someone from the base of the Solar System Tower in the Eternal Tower to confirm and agree to the naturalization request of people from other galaxies before they can really pass it.

  So the solar system naturally threw out a large number of star conversion cards without paying attention.

  The purpose is to disrupt the enemy's morale.

Since the solar system threw out a lot of star conversion cards at one time this time, I don’t know if anyone secretly accepted them for a while. The top powerhouses of the eternal star system looked at the group of top alien powerhouses around them, but their hearts It is faintly uneasy.

Originally, when these people were all their own people, it was still very difficult to attack the foundation of others. If some of them rebelled, if at a critical moment a moth suddenly appeared in the crowd and attacked them backhanded, that would be comparable to On the bright side, facing the enemy's attack will be even more unexpected.

   After all, you can see how many enemies there are, and you know who to guard against.

  Caring about all the enemies all the time already requires attention. If you need to distract all friendly forces who may rebel, this will also have a great impact on the combat state.

   At this time, the top powerhouses of other galaxies almost all directly put the star conversion card of the solar system into their backpacks.

   It is one thing to accept or not to accept it, but another to use it or not.

   There is no harm in putting away first.

  At this time, in the central area of ​​the Tower of Eternity, the first area where the solar system and the eternal star system compete, and in the god's domain controlled by the solar system and the eternal star system, the two sides are watching from a distance.

   In the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, there are various lands of the God's Domain competing with each other. The more lands in the God's Domain that a force controls, the faster the development of that force will be.

  According to the degree of control of the land of the gods, it will bring different divine power output to the respective galaxies, and it will also bring opportunities for the output of high-star occupations.

  The reason why those good schools and aristocratic families are more likely to have awakened high-star professionals than normal is precisely because they have arranged a formation that connects the blocks of the land of the gods.

  Since this kind of increase is limited and cannot be popularized, it is naturally difficult to explain it clearly.

   After all, we don't suffer from scarcity but from inequality.

   Let people know that everyone clearly knows the awakening of the first time, in fact, they have already stood on the unfair balance, which will obviously cause dissatisfaction among many people.

  The above has never made it clear about this aspect.

  Even if there have been relevant rumors among the people, everyone only knows that the cultivation methods are different before awakening, which leads to a relatively large gap when everyone awakens.

  The area blocks of the God's Domain cannot be occupied casually.

  Even if the top powerhouses of the two galaxies enter an unowned God's Domain rashly, they may enter with a blank face and come out with a blank face.

  If you want to occupy the land of the gods, strength, luck, and wisdom are the keys.

  Sometimes you encounter God’s Domain, as long as the person who enters is smart enough, it may be occupied.

   Sometimes it depends on strength, and sometimes it is pure luck.

  These lands of God’s Domain not only require a variety of occupation requirements, but also they are not permanently held after occupation.

  Once the professional who completes the occupation conditions dies, it will immediately become unowned again.

  In addition to this, the land of God’s Domain also has a time limit for occupation, and the specific time limit is randomly given according to the hints from Heaven at the time of occupation.

  But at least it can occupy a full year.

   After the occupation time expires, if the original occupant wants to continue to occupy the area of ​​the God's Domain, the difficulty of occupation will be increased by an additional 100% compared to the new challenger.

  The area of ​​God's Domain has the characteristics of high difficulty in occupation, irregular occupation time, and difficulty in repeated occupation after expiration.

   It is still not easy to occupy and hold for a long time. The lands of God’s Domain that have already been obtained need to be managed well, let alone new lands of God’s Domain.

   It is precisely because the land of the gods is so unpredictable that the eternal star system is not far ahead of the solar system.

   After each block of God's Domain is occupied, it becomes a natural stronghold that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

  Occupied God's Domain will provide great convenience to the occupied, but will impose the greatest harshness on all units rejected by the occupier.

   Under such a gap, it is still very difficult to defeat the opponent and seize the opponent's God's Domain.

  Especially in the realm of the gods, it is possible to bless the divine power.

   It's like the land of the gods where the two sides are standing at this time.

   This God’s Domain standing on this side of the solar system can bless all the units in it with 500 points of divine power.

  As long as they fight within the scope of this God's Domain, the attributes of solar system professionals can be regarded as having 500 points of divine power increased on the original basis.

  The same is true for the God’s Domain area on the side of the Eternal Star System. In that area, people from the Eternal Star System can also obtain a temporary increase in divine power.

   Not only the Yongxing system, but anyone who is recognized by the Yongxing system can get blessings when entering that area.

  The area of ​​God’s Domain only grants divine power blessings, but those who are not recognized by the occupied people will even be suppressed if they enter it, which is also 500 points.

   After going back and forth, the divine power was instantly released by a large amount.

  This is also the reason why the eternal star system is obviously stronger than the solar system, but it did not destroy the solar system early.

   It's just that the blessing and suppression of this God's Domain is too perverted.

Even if a newly promoted rank five professional enters the Tower of Eternity, once he steps into the area of ​​the God's Domain controlled by his own side, he can directly receive the blessing of the divine power of this area and become a strong man with at least 500 divine powers. By.

  Faced with such a situation that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is difficult for the Yongxing Galaxy to quickly take advantage of the Solar System. It is no wonder that they are too good.

   But facing this situation is not completely unsolvable.

  In the Tower of Eternity, apart from the foundation, every block of the God's Domain is surrounded by other blocks of the God's Domain.

  When the area of ​​the God's Domain you want to attack is surrounded by the God's Domain that you control, you can enter the opponent's God's Domain without the effect of weakening the divine power of the opponent's God's Domain.

   But it is not weakened, but it cannot prevent the opponent from strengthening, which is obviously not enough.

  However, if you have more than one other God's Domain around the opponent's God's Domain, then you can completely cancel all the influence of the opponent's God's Domain when you enter the opponent's God's Domain.

  However, when the other party's God's Domain is adjacent to other God's Domain controlled by the opponent, this suppression effect will be invalid again, and you need to master one more God's Domain area.

   This is the characteristic of the rules of the God's Domain in the Tower of Eternity.

  The foundation of the galaxy is equivalent to a piece of super fortress that Heavenly Dao gave away for free from the beginning.

The galaxy foundation belongs to all professionals of a certain galaxy. As long as the other party steps into the galaxy foundation, they can receive a lot of divine power. The blessing of this system greatly reduces the difficulty for professionals in this galaxy to obtain the surrounding God's Domain blocks.

  At the same time, the foundation will not be affected by the surrounding God's domain blocks. Even if the surrounding God's domain blocks you control surround the opponent's galaxy foundation, it still cannot weaken the blessing effect and suppression effect of the opponent's foundation.

  So unless it has reached an extremely abnormal crushing strength, it is impossible to break through the opponent's foundation.

  Even if the Eternal Star System has summoned so many top powerhouses of the galaxy this time, they never thought of attacking the foundation of the solar system tower, which can be seen.

  Their only purpose at present is to quickly occupy the land of God's Domain.

  As long as they occupy more than 90% of the God's Domain area in the first area that competes with the solar system, even if they don't destroy the foundation of the solar system in the tower, they will still directly win this battle.

   As I said before, this God’s Domain has the effect of increasing and suppressing, and it is very difficult to **** the area of ​​God’s Domain occupied by others.

   The possibility of quickly unifying the first region is naturally very low, and often the two galaxies are caught in a long tug-of-war.

  Whether it is the solar system, the eternal star system, or other galaxies, the time it takes to compete with their respective competitors in this first area is more than hundreds of years.

Today, in the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, the solar system occupies a total of 335 blocks of the God's Domain, while the Eternal Star System occupies a total of 520 blocks of the God's Domain, and there are 144 remaining. Fifteen pieces of land in God's Domain are still without an owner.

The Eternal Star System wants to quickly occupy 90% of the land of the gods. In addition to accepting all the unowned land of the gods, they also need to take an additional 200 out of the 335 yuan that the solar system controls. Only thirty-five yuan can complete the goal of unifying the first area.

  Even with the help of so many other galaxy powerhouses, this matter is not so simple.

If the land of God's Domain can be occupied casually, then after so many years, it is impossible for there to be no land of God's Domain. help.

The upper echelons of the earth are worried about this. Once the Eternal Star System gathers these people to **** away all the lands of the God’s Domain they control, then the Yongxing System’s so many God’s Domain areas will be united. Even if Chen Mo turns out five times later , the strength has greatly improved, and it may be as difficult as heaven to fight back.

Their only idea now is to slow down the opponent's snatching speed as much as possible, until Chen Mo comes out, a person who can reach tens of thousands of top four ranks in seconds at the second rank, and a person who has become a **** before the fifth rank, once he can join the battle It can definitely turn Kuangran back in an instant!

   There is no doubt about this among the three leaders and the upper echelon of the earth!

   Their current task is to delay time, so try not to do it if they can.

After sending out a large number of star conversion cards, the top powerhouses on this side of the earth stood up and shouted to the people in the area of ​​the God's Domain: "Everyone, this is just a battlefield between us and the Eternal Star System. Everyone, run now!" Come to intervene, what is the so-called matter, we also know, since you are worried about the terrible potential behind our galaxy, wouldn't it be the safest and safest to join our galaxy directly using the star conversion card?"

  (end of this chapter)

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