All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 334: Battle of the Solar System! (two in one)

  Chapter 334 The struggle of the solar system! (two in one)

  The two gods' domains were already full of people.

  In the solar system, there are thousands of Rank 5 powerhouses.

  In the Yongxing system, the top powerhouses are paired with some other powerhouses, and the number of them has reached thousands.

   Not just this one God's Domain, but also several other God's Domains.

  Yongxing Galaxy adopted a strategy of dispersing the siege.

   If you attack one place by force, even with the assistance of top powerhouses, it is still difficult to succeed.

  But if we attack in a scattered way now, the solar system will be at a loss.

  Although even a God’s Domain is not so easy to be breached quickly even if there is no one defending it, the possibility of being quickly breached by an unguarded God’s Domain is greatly increased.

   What's more, the other party came prepared.

  Faced with the joining of a group of alien professionals from other regions, the solar system is naturally trying to persuade them to join.

   After all, they are now standing on the side of the eternal star system, and it is actually very difficult to save their lives. Their only luxury is to defeat the solar system and save their own galaxy from defeat.

   But this is only a temporary escape from defeat.

  The emergence of a star against the sky in the solar system has indeed proved that the solar system has the ability to unify the Aion theater, but after eradicating this threat, there is no guarantee that he will be the only victor in the future.

  In the future, they will be competitors with each other!

  No one can guarantee that who will become the final winner in the future.

  But this time, each of their galaxies sacrificed a top powerhouse, which is equivalent to losing a good combat power.

   It can be regarded as a kind of balance, but the Yongxing system has taken a lot of advantages.

  However, the Eternal Star System paid a considerable price in order to lure them into the group, plus mobilize the magic formation to demonize all five-star professionals, which can be regarded as even in a sense.

   At this time, they are also considered to be the same enemy.

  Even though the solar system side said a lot of demagogic lobbying words, they didn't move them too much.

  So far the solar system has not received a naturalization request.

   It can be seen that although these guys put away the star conversion card, they didn't really want to transform.

  Faced with the current situation, apart from continuing to send people to confuse and organize manpower defense, the upper echelons of the solar system are not vegetarians.

  Since the enemy is concentrating on attacking the God's Domain here, the solar system also secretly dispatched some manpower to storm the God's Domain which the Eternal Star System is laxly guarding.

  Forcing them to bring back their manpower.

   Just like fighting a guerrilla, the solar system sent a small team to fight alternately in each God's Domain of the Eternal Star System.

  As long as they find a place in God's Domain suitable for storming, they will attack immediately.

  Behavior like this annoys Yongxing Galaxy.

  In normal times, they only need to allocate manpower equally to garrison, the solar system will not work well.

  But it is different now. Now they need to attack and **** the land of the gods owned by the solar system, which leads them to need quite a lot of people to carry out the attack.

   After all, even rank five professionals with low divine power are not useless. They can form a god-level army formation and use their divine power in an integrated manner.

  Of course, it is not as much divine power as the people in the army put together.

  God-level army formations are generally divided into XX divine force formations.

  For example, an army formation of one thousand divine powers is an army formation that can integrate up to one thousand divine powers.

   Only one hundred rank five professionals with ten divine powers are required to join the team to meet this condition.

  This is enough to make a hundred Muggles who originally only had 10 points of divine power suddenly possess a strong man with 1000 points of divine power.

  So in the Tower of Eternity, even the weak can become a key component of combat power.

  In order to put enough pressure on the Eternal Star System to storm the God's Domain on this side of the solar system, it naturally needs a lot of people to unite.

   This caused them to tighten up a lot of manpower, and they occupied too much land in the God's Domain, and they couldn't manage it for a while.

  Now the meaning of the solar system is very simple, if you gather people and beat me for a piece of land, I will steal your piece of land.

   Of course, although this plan is good, it is not easy to implement.

  After all, even if it is an unowned land of God's Domain, if you want to win it, it will not be possible to do it in a short time.

   After entering the land of God's Domain, you need to complete the difficulties set by the previous master of God's Domain.

  After a God's Domain is occupied, the owner of the God's Domain can set the difficulty of the God's Domain by himself.

  In the future, when other people want to occupy this God's Domain, they need to break through the difficulties set by him.

  Although it is said to be a difficulty, but because of the different characteristics of the God's Domain land occupied by people and the unowned God's Domain Land, this difficulty is actually easy to crack.

  Because the biggest difference between the two is that the difficulties in the God's Domain occupied by humans will not change.

What it was set up at the beginning, it will always be what it is. If someone else comes to break into your God's Domain once, they don't need to stay in your God's Domain to break through immediately, they just need to take the content of this difficulty back , Looking back and thinking about it slowly, you can crack it more easily.

As for the Lordless God’s Domain, you encountered a difficulty entering this time. If you cannot break through within the time limit, after you are kicked out, and you come back to this Lordless God’s Domain next time, then this Lordless God’s Domain will Difficulties in the land of God's Domain will also change accordingly, turning into a brand new difficulty, making it still very difficult for you to break through.

  That's why it is said that the land of God's Domain occupied by people is easier to snatch, and this is the reason.

  Now the solar system is frantically rushing to the gods' domains with loose management in various eternal star systems. After getting the problem, they immediately lead the team to run and pass the problem back to the headquarters of the Earth Academy Alliance.

   And the headquarters of the Magneto Earth Academy Alliance has gathered a large number of wise men, waiting to jointly solve the various difficulties that came back from the land of the gods.

As long as the cracking method is solved, the special agent team on the side of the solar system will immediately return to the land of the gods to check. If the people of the eternal star system in the land of the gods do not have time to come back to defend, they will have a great chance to quickly break through the difficulties. Take control of the opponent's God's Domain.

  Of course, even if there is a way to understand it, the process of breaking through some difficulties in the domain of the gods is quite cumbersome.

   They still have trade-offs.

  This kind of cumbersome God’s Domain, you will have to take a long time to crack it with reference answers. People have already returned to defense, and when the time comes to shut you down and beat the dog, it will not be worth the loss.

  In fact, everyone hopes to be able to choose such a difficult point in every controlled God's Domain, so that it is the least likely to be targeted by hostile galaxies.

   But it is a pity that all the difficulties in the domain of the gods are chosen by the controller from the several difficulties generated by the domain of the gods, rather than being thought out by the controller himself.

  It is not easy to get through this tormenting difficulty.

  Eternal Star System has to organize manpower to attack fiercely, and at the same time, it has to be distracted to deal with the fast attack team of the solar system, which is also quite annoying.

  They immediately decided to separate several interception teams to intercept and kill this quick-attack team in the solar system.

  Since the solar system sent this team, it is natural that the possibility of being intercepted and killed has been considered long ago, so the entire team is composed of people with super high mobility.

  They all have the ability to escape directly regardless of the space barrier.

   Not afraid of being blocked by others.

   But you have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder, there is always something that can drop one thing after another.

  Eternal Star System can send an interception team, which naturally takes this situation into consideration.

  They used the same thing as Chen Mo's Death Emblem.

  You can directly lock the other party to let the two parties generate a link, and lock the two parties within a certain range.

   Once connected by this chain ability, it is not easy to break open.

At this time, the quick-attack team of the solar system fired another shot and changed places, conveying the difficulties in this God's Domain back to the headquarters of the Academy Alliance. Just as they were about to go to the next God's Domain, they sensed the fluctuations in the surrounding space. Apparently the interception team showed up.

   But this time they were not caught, they directly activated the ability of the whole team and escaped.

  Following the arrival of the strong team from the Eternal Star System, we discovered this scene.

  He immediately reported the matter.

   "It has been confirmed that this group of people has the ability to escape regardless of the space barrier ability, but the specific cooling time is not clear and needs to be verified."

   Following the report of this news, several other interception teams are also ready to catch this fast attack team from the solar system when they reappear.

   After all, any ability has a cooling time, and the stronger the ability, the longer the cooling time.

   An ability like this that can ignore space barriers cannot be instantaneously fired continuously.

  However, the solar system dispatched a total of two quick attack teams.

  When one of the quick attack teams' ability to ignore space barriers goes into cooldown, they will immediately send someone to help them cool down, and at the same time the other quick attack team will attack simultaneously.

   It is bound to put pressure on the Eternal Star System, otherwise it will be too happy to concentrate on others, and the God's Domain on this side of the solar system may be snatched away quickly.

  Even under such circumstances, the solar system has already lost two of the domains of the gods.

   Fortunately, if you are killed in your own god's domain, you can directly extradite the corpse back to the base area of ​​the tower in your galaxy.

   Extradition back here, it is much less difficult to resurrect.

  Even if he is in the state of being unable to revive, because he knows that Chen Mo has such abilities, the solar system only needs to save a little corpse.

  At this time, the battle damage in the solar system is still quite serious. If Chen Mo is here, he can quickly recover a lot of battle damage.

  But in order to quickly and safely clear the Super Five missions, Chen Mo also brought memories in this time, but there is no way to help him outside.

  Looking at the corpses of rank-five professionals piled up at the base of the tower, the upper echelons of the earth were also shocked.

   Except for the previous battles against the Yongxing system, it has been a long time since such a large number of casualties occurred.

  The main thing is that the Eternal Star System can persuade the major galaxies to directly send top powerhouses into the exclusive battle area of ​​​​the two galaxies, which really makes the high-level of the solar system a little unexpected.

   After all, it is completely suicidal.

  Even if the high-level leaders of their own galaxy are willing, the top powerhouses of their own galaxy are not so easily persuaded.

   As a result, not only has the implementation been successful, but they are also so united and harmonious that it is so difficult to persuade even one or two.

  Looking at the naturalization application information that has always been zero, the high-level officials stationed in the Tower of Aion in the solar system also have a rather ugly expression at this time.

  The solar system quick attack team has quickly collected a large amount of difficult information in the God's Domain controlled by the Eternal Star System, but so far, the solar system has not successfully captured any of them.

   Instead, his own God's Domain was continuously breached, and the casualties continued to increase.

   But Yongxing Galaxy is not feeling well either.

   They rushed into other people's gods and attacked them, and obviously they would only lose more.

  But the Eternal Star System has much more heritage than the Solar System.

  Even if it is multiple sacrifices, they can hold on.

   What's more, this time, other galaxies sent troops in to help.

   The solar system is really difficult to support.

  However, the galaxies of three living planets are inherently oppressive compared to the galaxies of one living planet.

   It can't be blamed for the injustice of heaven.

  Each celestial body system is formed, but it is naturally evolved.

  Since the evolution of the solar system, only one living planet, the earth, has been born, which is the result of the natural evolution of this celestial system.

  The Eternal Star Galaxy has evolved to the present, and there are a total of three lives, which are also the result of the natural evolution of the celestial system.

  Everyone is in the most primitive and fair universe, and it has naturally evolved to the point where it is today. Naturally, there is nothing unfair about it.

  It’s like humans have evolved flexible hands, and some aliens have evolved flexible wings. It’s not fair to say that others can fly but I can’t.

  In this regard, Heaven has never taken special care of a certain party.

  Even though it seems that the solar system is inherently weak against the Eternal Star System, Heaven has not given even one more convenience.

  From this, we can also see how many difficulties the solar system has experienced in fighting against the eternal star system and struggling to survive.

   After overcoming the difficulties for so long, facing the current situation, the upper echelons of the earth do not want to accept their fate.

  Even though the number of sacrifices continues to increase, the defensive members' spirit of resistance is still extremely strong.

   Fighting with Yongxing Galaxy is very hot.

  As for the quick attack team, even if a few were controlled by the enemy with the chain ability at this time, and there was a reduction in staff, the relevant plans were still proceeding in an orderly manner.

  Even if you know it, if you continue, the next person to be arrested is likely to be yourself!

  Once locked, this is different from the battle of defending the land of God's Domain. It will definitely be killed until there is no bones left, and there is no way to resurrect it.

  Even with Chen Mo's ability, he couldn't revive the character who was wiped out.

   But even so, they are still carrying out the mission desperately, in order to bring even a little bit more trouble to the Yongxing system!

  (end of this chapter)

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