All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 336: Avenue Rewards! Unlock the five-star hidden occupation of the whole people!

  Chapter 336 Grand Dao Reward! Unlock the five-star hidden occupation of the whole people! (two in one)

   "Yes, Chen Mo." The villain explained with a smile, "The Necromancer Pool is the last test of the inheritance of the Lord God of the Undead, and it is also the key for you to become the Lord God of the Undead.

  In the pool of dead souls, you will undergo a painful baptism. Only by successfully passing through can you gain the power of the **** of the dead. "

   "Then let's try it." Chen Mo's heart moved, full of anticipation.

  The villain nodded with a smile, and patted his palm lightly.

  Suddenly, a passage appeared in front of Chen Mo, leading to a place full of mystery—the Necromancer Pool.

   The sight of the Necromancer Pool is somewhat surprising. It is actually a huge tank suspended in the air, with a deep and dark atmosphere exuding inside.

  The water in the pool is as black as ink, containing powerful death energy.

   "Ready to go in?"

   "What will you encounter when you enter it?"

   "Look under the pool of dead spirits."

  The villain pointed to the several pitch-black monsters that exuded a strange power of death under the Necromancer Pool.

"these are?"

   "Undead Origin Beasts, before they entered the Necromancer Pool, they were just like you. They were all preparing to attack the realm of the Undead Master God, but they failed in the end."

   "So dangerous? Will you turn into a monster if you fail?"

   "This is a pool formed by the source of death. Even if you are a super god, you will not have the slightest advantage in this pool."

   "The danger level is so high? Is there a way to avoid it?"

   "It's very simple, once you feel that you can't support it, just come out."

   "Then, how could they become undead beasts?"

   "These few couldn't bear it when they were about to succeed, and they became like this. They were just about to hit the door. They didn't want to give up."

  "If it fails, can you try again?"

"Yes, but when you enter for the first time, it is the time when the source of death is the mildest. Although you have a better understanding of absorbing the source of death in the future, and you are more skillful in absorbing it, the source of death However, the power will become more and more violent, and it will be difficult for it to stabilize before you are kicked out by the way of heaven.

  So the more you try, the harder it will be. "

   "Is the result of one person entering and two entering the same?"

   "The result is the same no matter how many people go in. After all, the power of the dead spirit is endless, and it won't decrease just because you absorb more people."

   "Then how violent is it? Will it change because of the number of people?"

   "No, it will only respond to the number of times you enter. The more times you enter, the more repulsive the source of death will be to you, so the more violent it will be."

"I see."

  Hearing this, Zhuan Yi immediately smiled and said: "Since it is calculated according to the number of entries of an individual, let me first go to understand the absorption technique."

   Reminiscence is an incarnation outside the body, and at most it turns back into a prop after death.

   Basically no danger.

   And after he enters, it will not cause the source of death to become violent when Chen Mo enters, which is obviously very suitable for him to try first.

  Chen Mo nodded immediately.

  The villain on the side looked at Zhuan Yi and said: "It's interesting, the incarnation outside the body. Since the death of the God of Creation, there has been one less such thing."

   "The God of Creation? It seems that anything can be made, and this kind of character can die?"

   "On the day of the catastrophe, what can a mere **** be?"

  The villain looked like he was recalling memories, his eyes drifted away.

   Chen Mo looked at the villain, but really wanted to know the information in his mind.

   This guy has lived for so long, it must be a living history book.

  When Chen Mo asked the villain for some ancient information, Remembrance had already stepped into the pool of dead spirits.

  Following the memory, he jumped into the pool, and the water in the pool immediately seemed to come to life, rushing towards him frantically, wrapping him in a circle.

   Immediately after reminiscing, he felt a strong force pouring into his body, and this energy brought him severe pain and suffering.

  He felt as if he had sunk into the abyss of death, and his body was violently destroyed by the energy of the source of death in the pool of dead spirits.

  Chen Mo, who was nearby, also shared the feeling of reminiscing at the same time.

   At this moment, Reminiscence gritted his teeth and resisted the pain firmly. His willpower and determination allowed him to bear it all.

  He knew that only through this painful baptism can Chen Mo gain more power and become the real Lord God of the Undead.

  At the same time, he also began to try to guide the source of death into his body and absorb it as a part of his body.

   It's just that this step is difficult.

  Because the disobedient death force is flowing all over his body, constantly invading his body every moment.

  You have just grasped a little seed, and before you can integrate it into your body, the caught seed will be washed away by the death force that pours in from behind.

  Even with the cooperation of Mo Luo's brain, this step of absorbing the source of death for his own use is extremely difficult to do.

Reminiscing has tried many times, and after the body is flooded with countless death sources, if you cannot quickly transform the death sources into a part of yourself, then your body will soon begin to turn into a death source animal .

   At this time, Zou Yi's feet to knees have already turned into beasts.

  As long as the source of death turns into a beast and does not exceed 80% of the body, it is easily reversible.

  Once the time is exceeded, although the time cannot be easily reversed, some special props can be used to reverse this state.

  However, if more than 95% of the source of death turns into a beast, it is completely irreversible, and it will only be completely reduced to a beast of death in the end.

   At this time, recalling is still a long way from this limit, but it is not that dangerous.

  Although the super **** body can't provide additional help when absorbing and controlling the source of death, the real Mara brain can provide a strong auxiliary ability to help recall the skills quickly.

  As time went by, the body recalled in the Necromancer Pool began to slowly change.

  His skin gradually became pale as snow, and the deep light of death shone in his eyes.

  Black runes and patterns emerged on his body, exuding a mysterious and terrifying aura.

  At this moment, recalling that the energy inside him began to increase continuously.

  His power control ability has reached a new height, and he is constantly merging the energy in the pool of dead spirits!

   "My lord, it's done!"

  Zhou Yi jumped out of the pool of dead spirits, looked at Chen Mo and said with a smile.

   At this time, there is no need to reminisce, Chen Mo has already received all the experiences and experiences he just had.

   Naturally, he already has an extremely proficient ability to absorb the source of death.

  Pease Reminiscence and rest in place for a while, after removing the source of the undead, he jumped into the pool of undead.

  With the experience gained from reminiscing, after Chen Mo entered the pool of necromancers, he was very familiar with transforming the source of death.

   Not long after, the source of death poured into his body in an extremely obedient manner.

   It wasn't until he felt that he had exhausted himself that he stopped the influx of death power.

  When Chen Mo walked out of the pool, he had become completely new.

  His body exudes a powerful and sacred aura, he has successfully obtained the power beyond the master of the undead, and has become the real master of the undead.

  The villain smiled and flew to Chen Mo, proudly said: "Congratulations, Chen Mo. You have successfully surpassed the Lord of the Undead and became the Lord God of the Undead.

Now, you have incomparably powerful power and the potential to control the undead, but you still need to continue to hone, when your divine power reaches 100 points, 1000 points, 10000 points, etc. Unlock new powers. "

  As the villain finished speaking, Chen Mo's ear also heard the sound of Tiandao.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on successfully accepting the baptism of the Necromancer Pool. You have successfully transferred to the super five profession "Undead Master God". Your professional talent and professional skills have completely changed. 】

  【Tiandao reminder: You have obtained the super-specialized artifact "Undead Star", which is exclusive to the super five professions. The Undead Star will continue to unlock new powers according to your divine power. 】

[Heavenly reminder: Since your career has successfully reached the fifth rank, you have unlocked the "God's Domain Ability", and the related promotion items have been unlocked and obtained. You can obtain related items in subsequent rewards, so as to continuously strengthen your God's Domain Ability . 】

  Professionals at rank five can awaken the abilities of God's Domain, and can continuously improve their God's Domain through relevant props. God's Domain is different from the realm of rank four in that it is an internal space.

  The God's Domain ability can give you the opportunity to occupy the God's Domain in the Tower of Aion.

   Every time you occupy a place in the God's Domain, your God's Domain ability will be improved to a certain extent.

  The improvement of God's Domain ability will affect the development speed and scale of the exclusive God's Domain world in the body.

  When the God's Domain World in your body is born with life, according to the different changes in the life in it, different rewards will be given to the owner.

  Whether it is Shenyuan or divine power, there is a chance to grow.

  As the master of God's Domain, the application of various treasures that affect God's Domain harvested from the outside world to the God's Domain world will also help his own God's Domain World to develop faster.

   Accelerate the improvement of your own strength.

  However, at this stage, no life has been born in the world of God's Domain.

  Everyone's God's Domain world is basically taking shape.

  The new Rank 5 God's Domain world is not as big as a mung bean. Although the old Rank 5 powerhouse, God's Domain World is not small, it is still far from being born to life.

  However, even if no life is born, as long as God's Domain continues to grow normally, it will continue to bring benefits to the owner.

   It's just that this income is not as much as the life forms in the God's Domain world provide you with power.

  Chen Mo's current God's Domain world is a bit different from the ordinary rank five, probably because he was reincarnated as a super fifth rank.

  His God's Domain world was the size of an adult's fist from the very beginning.

   And what this world of gods can provide Chen Mo with a full 100% increase in divine essence and divine power.

  Generally, a new rank five mung bean-sized God's Domain can only provide a 10% boost to the owner at most.

   It can be seen that the strength of Chen Mo's Super Five Reincarnation has exceeded the normal level by ten times.

  Super five transformations succeeded, Chen Mo immediately tried to look inside the God's Domain world in his body.

  Looking at the world of God's Domain, which is still in a chaotic state, Chen Mo really has a special feeling of becoming a **** in charge of everything.

   He was even able to formulate some simple rules for his God's Domain world.

  But basically no one will set rules indiscriminately, because the world you live in now has helped you to well confirm the general rules that life can be born and exist.

  If you set things up indiscriminately, and don’t say anything if you catch your eyes, you may not even be able to give birth to a life in your God’s Domain world in the future.

   At that time, you will be cheating yourself.

   After all, setting rules and changing rules for one’s God’s Domain world requires the use of corresponding props, and these props are not easy to get, so cheating yourself is purely asking for trouble for yourself.

   With the ability to modify the rules, you might be able to get an extra rule creation.

   The first time he awakened his inner world, Chen Mo only felt it was extraordinarily fresh, but he didn't focus too much on it.

  Now is not the time to study the inner world.

   Following the end of the reminder from the Dao of Heaven, he has been sent out of the reincarnation mission world.

  The moment he came out, the sound of the avenue that shook the solar system rang out again.

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has completed the task of super five reincarnation. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. From now on, all native professionals in the solar system will have the opportunity to directly choose to perform super five Reincarnation mission!

  And all reincarnation missions below the super five reincarnation missions fail to challenge, and the penalty is reduced by 50%.

   At the same time, when solar system professionals awaken five-star occupations in the future, there will be a certain probability of directly awakening five-star initial hidden occupations.

   The probability is one in 100 million. "

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has completed the task of super five reincarnations. An additional super SSS title reward "Superman" will be specially issued to this professional!"

  As the sound of the avenue exploded, people all over the world were dumbfounded.

  Even the three alliance leaders were extremely shocked at this time.

  They had been thinking about how to get the five-star initial hidden occupation that Chen Mo said, but they didn't expect that this problem was directly solved by Chen Mo.

  In the future, as long as you are a newcomer in the solar system, when you awaken, you will have the opportunity to directly awaken this five-star initial hidden job that is basically difficult to obtain.

  Although the difficulty of awakening is very high, reaching one in 100,000,000.

   And this one in 100 million is not one in 100 million of the normal population. There is a precondition in the first half of the sentence.

   When a five-star occupation is awakened, there is only this probability of awakening a five-star initial hidden occupation.

   That is to say, only one five-star initial hidden professional will be born with 100 million five-star occupations in the future.

   This probability can be said to be so low that it is almost invisible.

   But chance is better than no chance.

  In the eyes of the three leaders, the entire earth, not the entire solar system, and all the competing galaxies on the first floor of the Aion seem to have given birth to such a Chen Mo.

  The existence of him alone is enough to trigger the worries and targets of most forces in the first layer of the entire galaxy.

   It is enough to see the horror of this five-star initial hidden profession.

  So, no matter how low the probability is, since only one birth can be so awesome, then there is really hope for a good life in the solar system in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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