Chapter 337 Chaos Treasure! (two in one)

  As Chen Mo came out after completing the fifth rotation, he immediately checked his new job and artifact.

  【Occupation】: Lord God of Undead (Superficial Fifty Stars)

  【Professional Talent】: God of the Undead

[God of Undead]: When there are undead units summoned by you within the range of "level x star x divine power" meters around you, you will not die for any reason. The effects will be transferred to random undead units. Every time an undead unit dies, you can accumulate 1 undead point. Consuming undead points can weaken the target enemy's divine power. The maximum can weaken the target's divine power equal to your divine power points. Allies increase divine power, up to a maximum of divine power equal to your divine power points.

  You can house the undead in your domain of the gods. The undead that is collected in the domain of the gods will ignore the sustainable time and exist forever, but when released, the sustainable time will continue to be counted.

  【Professional Exclusive Passive Skills】: Dominion of the Undead God, Coercion of the Undead God, Source Power of the Undead God, Unlocked (unlocked when the divine power reaches 1000 points.)

〖Reign of the Undead God - Dazzling Passive〗: All your skills for summoning undead can be cast instantly and can ignore any restrictions on summoning conditions. When summoning undead, you will be able to summon multiples of your "level x star x divine power" Undead, all units killed by you or your summons will be resurrected as special undead with their strength in life for you to drive!

〖Coercion of the Undead God·Dazzling Passive〗: For every undead summoner within the range of "level × star rating × divine power" meters around you, all enemies within the range of "level × star rating × divine power" meters around you Square unit reduces attack (any type), defense (any type) and maximum health (retain at least 1 point) by 1 point!

〖Original Power of the Undead God·Dazzling Passive〗: Every time there is an undead summoner within the range of "level x star x divine power" meters around you, your life and energy recovery speed will increase by 1 point, and the enemy's life, Energy regeneration reduced by 1 point.

  【Professional-specific active skills】: Summoning of the Undead God, Resurrection of the Undead God, Great Power of the Undead God, Unlocked (unlocked when the divine power reaches 1000 points.)

  〖Summon of the Undead God·Colorful Active〗:

"Forward Summoning": When forward summoning is selected, one powerful undead of each level is summoned. The level of undead changes synchronously with your level. Powerful undead can exist forever, but repeated summoning will refresh the powerful undead summoned before. , every time a powerful undead dies, the cooldown of this skill increases by 1 minute.

"Reverse Expropriation": You can collect the power of all the undead units you summoned for your own use. Each low-level undead can increase the attribute value by 1%, each middle-level undead can increase the attribute value by 2%, and each high-level undead can increase the attribute value by 2%. Increase the attribute value by 5%, each super-level undead can increase the attribute value by 10%, each god-level undead can increase the attribute value by 100% (the maximum attribute multiplier can be increased by its own divine power), and can use the skills of all absorbed units .

[Resurrection of the Undead God - Dazzling Active]: Immediately revive all friendly units that died within the past 24 hours within the range of "level x star x divine power" meters around you. The resurrection level exceeds SSS level. Restriction, the opponent's prohibition on resurrection will be lifted and the resurrection will be carried out. The cooling time is 1 hour (does not enjoy any cooling reduction).

If you want to revive an enemy unit, you can only choose one target at a time, regardless of the level, type, or ability of the creature. After resurrection, the creature will become your eternal servant and have all the abilities in front of you. At the same time, the unit will get The special skill "Special Undead", and it is in a permanent invincible state. It lives and dies with you. It will die only when you die, but it cannot leave your body for 100 meters, and it cannot take damage for any unit. If the resurrection restriction is prohibited, the opponent's prohibition restriction on resurrection will be lifted and the resurrection will be carried out. The cooling time is 1 hour (does not enjoy any cooling reduction), and there can be at most 1 of this special unit.

〖Great Power of the Undead God - Dazzling Active〗: You can freely move around any undead summons without being limited by the space of super SSS level and below, and you can change their positions at will. The space within the range of "star × star × divine power" meters, and the space within the range of "level × star × divine power" meters around each of your undead summons will become a restricted space. In these areas, all hostile units will not be able to use any Spatial ability (the limit level is super SSS level)!

  After checking the attributes of the current profession, Chen Mo found that although the skills of the Undead God had decreased, it seemed that the skills and effects of the previous Undead Master had been combined and made stronger.

   Among them, the summoning multiplier that originally looked at the face was increased, but now it has become fixed.

   Originally, the ability to summon god-level undead by looking at the face can now be directly summoned by default.

   It can be described as a big stride enhancement.

   As for the talent effect, it has changed a lot.

   It can be said that the improvement of combat power is extremely abnormal.

   "As expected of a super-five profession, the effects of talents and skills are really awesome."

  After checking the occupation attributes, Chen Mo immediately checked the occupation-specific artifacts that had been super-supervised.

  【Undead Star · Transcendence Class Exclusive Artifact】:

  〖Active Effect〗: When this artifact is activated, the cooldown time of all your professional skills will be considered as zero, and the effects of all professional skills will be doubled! The effect lasts for 5 minutes. When the effect ends, all skills will return to the cooling state before the effect took effect. This effect can only be activated once every hour. (The effect of the next level can only be unlocked by reaching the second-level divine realm)

〖Passive effect〗: The professional-specific artifact has the characteristic of protecting the master. When you are about to suffer fatal damage, the artifact will actively resist the fatal damage for you and make you invincible for 5 seconds. Powerful undead of all ranks come to your side, this effect can only be activated once every hour. (The effect of the next level can only be unlocked by reaching the second-level divine realm)

"This super-class exclusive artifact is also a perverted thing. It doesn't count if it has no cooldown for 5 minutes, and it also doubles the effects of all skills. This is the skill strength of a super-class five. On this basis, it is doubled. , how perverted?"

   Chen Mo watched with joy.

   This super five challenge is really not in vain.

  Whether it is occupational strength or occupational artifact strength, it can only be said that the strength is amazing.

  But at this time, what Chen Mo is most concerned about is not his professional effects and exclusive artifact effects.

  He is most concerned about another thing now.

   That is the chaos-level spree.

  Before he wanted to open a chaos-level gift package, he did encounter three restrictions.

  『Condition 1』: Consume 100 points of chaos energy.

  『Condition 2』: Career reincarnation level reaches level 5.

  『Condition 3』: The life level reaches a deified creature.

  These three conditions, the first and the third, Chen Mo has now met, but the second has not been met before, and now with the occupation of the five-year-old, it is obviously far beyond the limit of the conditions.

  He immediately took out the chaos-level gift bag, looking forward to seeing what kind of good things this baby with such perverted opening conditions can open.

  As Chen Mo opened the chaos-level gift package, the sound of the avenue resounded throughout the galaxy!

  Many things caused by Chen Mo before, were only the sound of the great way in the solar system.

  But this time, Chen Mo's behavior triggered the voice of the whole galaxy, which really caused a huge shock in everyone's heart.

  Even Chen Mo himself was very surprised. When he got a Chaos-level pet before, he didn't get such treatment.

   I even got not one but two.

   None of this has aroused the voice of the Dao, so why did opening a gift bag this time trigger the voice of the Dao instead?

  Although Mo Luo's brain can analyze many things, it may not be able to analyze things that are not within the normal rules.

  After all, Mara's brain itself is the brain of the **** of adventure, Mara, and it is impossible for Mara's brain to solve the puzzles that the **** of adventure, Mara himself, is difficult to solve.

  However, judging from the opening conditions, some clues can be found to some extent.

   Chaos-level pet eggs, although the opening conditions are harsh, do not require chaos energy to be injected into them, and they can be opened directly. However, the chaos-level gift pack has such a requirement, which shows that this is also a key.

  Although Mo Luo's brain couldn't figure out the reason, Chen Mo figured out a possibility.

   That is, the Chaos-level pet has not yet grown to its final form, and it is not considered a full-body version, so it may fall. This kind of semi-form, Dao Dao did not choose to broadcast.

  But from the chaos-level gift package this time, Chen Mo also guessed that if this chaos-level pet wants to grow to a full body in the future, it is inevitable that it will need the help of chaos source.

   This thing is really an extremely scarce resource.

   While Chen Mo was sorting out these, the Voice of the Great Dao had already finished broadcasting.

   But after listening to the content of the Voice of the Great Dao, Chen Mo was immediately paralyzed.

   "Congratulations to the professionals in the solar system for obtaining the first "Chaos Treasure" in this galaxy region! Hereby reward all professionals in the solar system with 100 points of chaos energy!

   The Chaos Treasure is a peerless treasure, each of which can be dropped, please keep it safe! "

   "How about cheating, isn't this last sentence a lawful way to tell others to kill me?"

  Although Chen Mo was speechless about the cheating of Daozhiyin, this reward made him feel at ease.

  I was worried that there was no place to get Chaos Energy, and I gave myself another 100 points, so couldn't I get another Chaos Level Gift Pack?

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the Milky Way region in the solar system to obtain the "Treasure of Chaos". Special rewards will be issued to this professional! This treasure of chaos can be infinitely stimulated without the need for chaotic energy."

  The personal reward for Chen Mo also arrived in time. After reading the content of this reward, Chen Mo realized that this treasure of chaos is a scam, and using this treasure seems to require the energy of chaos as a consumption support.

   At this time, Chen Mo immediately clicked on the reminder of the way of heaven, and checked the treasure of chaos that was just opened.

  【Hunting Yuan Orb · Chaos Supreme Treasure】:

[Item active effect]: Consume 1 point of chaotic energy, temporarily exempt the opponent's divine power from suppressing you, and change the percentage effect of your divine power on the target to a multiple of the difference in divine power points between you, lasting for 1 minute, cooldown 5 minute. (It will take effect in the backpack)

  [Item Passive Effect]: When the target's divine power exceeds yours, the percentage suppression effect of the target's divine power on you can be changed to a corresponding multiple suppression effect. (It will take effect in the backpack)

  [Special Modification]: This item has been specially modified by Tiandao, and it no longer needs to consume Chaos Energy to activate the active effect.

  [Item Introduction]: Hunyuan Wuliang, with this object in hand, no matter how powerful the enemy you encounter, you can still fight it.

  After seeing the effect of this Hunyuan Orb, Chen Mo's scalp felt a little numb for a while.

   Fortunately, Mo Luo's brain turned quickly, and he immediately figured out the specific effect of this orb.

  Normally, once the difference in divine power between you and others reaches 100 points, any attack and skill effects you cause to him will be directly suppressed by 100%, which means that no effect can be exerted.

  But with the Hunyuan Orb, even if the difference in divine power between you and others has exceeded 100 points, it’s okay.

  For example, the gap between your divine power is exactly 100 points. Originally, you would be suppressed by 100%, and you would be directly suppressed into a Muggle.

  But now, this 100% suppression effect has been transformed into a suppression effect of only 100 times, and the gap is extremely huge.

  For example, if you originally had 10,000 points of divine energy, if the suppression is 100%, the effect that your 10,000 points of divine energy can exert is 0 points, but now, the effect you can exert is at least 100 points.

  Although the suppression is still fierce, compared to directly suppressing your abilities, it can be regarded as leaving enough room for you to play.

   And this is the passive effect of Chaos Orb.

   The active effect of the Chaos Orb is something even more perverted.

  Once the active effect of the Hunyuan Orb is activated, it can even directly exempt all the suppressing effects of the opponent on you.

  The effect of the opponent’s divine power suppression on you here refers to the multiplier that the opponent enjoys based on the difference in divine power between him and you when the opponent launches any attack or skill against you, not the effect that you are suppressed by the opponent.

   After all, the suppression of divine power is mutual.

  For example, there is a gap of 100 points in divine power between the two, and he uses a skill that originally caused 500 points of damage to you. At this time, the effect can be increased by 100% to cause 1000 points of damage.

  Skills that could reduce your total attributes by 50% can now reduce you by 100%.

   This is the suppressing effect of the opponent on you. This suppressing effect can be directly canceled by the active effect of the Hunyuan Orb, which is also a very critical effect.

   That is to say, as long as the Hunyuan Orb is used well, the opponent's suppression effect on you and your suppression effect on the opponent will change.

   Let the situation where more than 100 points of divine power become an insurmountable gap, become a situation where you can fight now.

   This is the power of this Chaos Supreme Treasure!

  (end of this chapter)

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