All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 338: Life-related occupations can also be transcended? ! (two in one)

  Chapter 338 Life-related occupations can also be transcended? ! (two in one)

  Super five reincarnation is completed, now Chen Mo is ready to start the final assessment of breaking the boundary.

  According to the rules that a deified life can skip the boundary-breaking assessment.

  Chen Mo directly skipped the final 20th-level boundary-breaking assessment.

   As a result, just as he skipped the last level of boundary-breaking assessment, the Heavenly Dao reminder suddenly sounded.

"Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 100-level super SSS-level boundary-breaking assessment. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all professionals in the solar system. , can directly skip the boundary-breaking assessment, without the need to independently break the boundary, and can be rewarded with the title of "Boundary Breaker"!"

   "Congratulations to the first professional in the solar system who has perfectly completed the 100-level super SSS-level breakthrough assessment. An additional super-SSS-level reward will be specially issued to this professional!"

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on getting a super SSS gift package! 】

[Heavenly reminder: It has been detected that you have broken through the twentieth-level bottleneck, and you have a chance to receive a super-god trial. Since you have a super-god body, if you do not perform the super-god trial, your **** level will not be able to break through , Do you want to go to the trial tower to participate in the trial? 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that you are a lifestyle professional. If a lifestyle professional breaks through the twentieth-level breakthrough assessment, a special reward mechanism will be triggered, and you have won the title of "Extraordinary Transcendence"! 】


  Hearing the sudden reminder from Tiandao, Chen Mo was a little dumbfounded on the spot. He didn't expect that when life-related professionals break through the twentieth-level breakthrough assessment, there will be an additional special title reward.

   But this is not what shocked Chen Mo the most, because the content of the Voice of the Great Dao that followed was the news that completely shocked him.

"Congratulations to the solar system for the first time there is a life system professional who breaks through the twentieth-order limit. For this reason, special rewards will be issued to all life system professionals in the solar system, and all life system professionals of the solar system aborigines are engaged in jobs that match their own occupations , you will be able to obtain a good experience value benefit!"

   "Congratulations to the solar system for the first time there is a lifestyle professional who breaks through the twentieth-order limit. An additional reward will be specially issued to this professional, and the relevant profession will receive a super reward!"

  As the sound of the Great Dao resounded through the entire solar system, Chen Mo was also surprised to see that his career in the life department had directly changed from the original five-star to a five-star super life profession, which is simply amazing!

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, you have received a professional super-elevation award. Your life-type occupation "Infinite Fusion Master" has completed super-evolution! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations on getting the super five life profession "Super God Fusion Master"! 】

  【Super Five Occupation·Life】: Super God Fusion Master (Fifty Stars)

  【Professional Talent】: Hyperfusion

〖Superfusion Fusion〗: You can choose two materials of the same quality at will, and synthesize them according to the synthesis rules to obtain a new and better material. You can also synthesize multiple different materials by learning the corresponding formula, and the success rate of synthesizing any item must be 100%.

[Tiandao Tip: Because your life-type occupation grade has been improved, the exclusive mall that comes with your life-type occupation has also been improved. The mall will sell more brand-new products according to your higher synthesis level. Items, please check for yourself! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Because your life-type professional grade has been improved, your upper limit of synthesis level has also been increased, and the current upper limit of synthesis level has been raised to level 20. 】

   It can be seen that after the Fusion Master's professional grade has been raised to the super level, the only thing that changes seems to be the reduction of synthetic materials.

  But the demand for synthetic materials has changed from three to two, which is actually a qualitative change.

   After all, there are many cherished things, and it is already very difficult for you to get one, let alone three.

   This change brought about a huge improvement.

   "Awesome! Life professions can still be superseded in this way. It's really insightful."

  Under normal circumstances, it is impossible for life occupations to break through the twentieth rank.

  Because even if someone is willing to take you to upgrade, once you encounter a level bottleneck, the breakthrough assessment requires you to go through the breakthrough assessment copy alone.

  On this point, normal life-related professionals cannot do it at all.

   After all, lifestyle professionals can’t wear equipment, can’t learn skills, and only have basic attributes. How can they challenge the breakthrough assessment with only basic attributes?

   This is too hard.

  The key is that the biggest difference between life-type professionals and normal combat professionals is that combat professionals can use props to escape the assessment dungeon directly when encountering a situation, and then use the self-break function to slowly break through the environment.

  Life professionals can’t even use props. Once they enter, they can only break through the level by clearing the level. This basically becomes an impossible task.

   But the Dao is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, and there is still a glimmer of life left.

  Life-based professionals are not completely without the possibility of breaking through the level limit all the way to finally break through the twentieth-level bottleneck.

  Even if it is not an existence like Chen Mo, any ordinary life professional has such a chance to successfully break through to the twentieth level.

   That is, there must be a person like Chen Mo who can perfectly pass the SSS level breaking test in advance.

  Because of Chen Mo's perfect breakthrough all the time, he gave all solar system professionals the option to directly break through the realm without going through the breakthrough assessment, which gave lifestyle professionals an extra way.

  You can skip the level bottleneck and continue to improve your level without entering the level-breaking assessment dungeon.

   That is to say, as long as there is such a big boss in one's own galaxy, all life professionals in one's own galaxy will have a chance to break through to level 100 in the future.

  But someone still needs someone to lead the upgrade to gain experience points, and it is obviously impossible to rely on yourself alone.

  However, when your galaxy has the first lifestyle professional who breaks through the twentieth-level bottleneck, this state will improve even more.

  As reported by the Voice of the Great Dao, because Chen Mo, a lifestyle professional, has successfully broken through the twentieth-order bottleneck, it will be extremely convenient for life professionals in the entire galaxy to obtain experience points in the future.

  You only need to engage in work related to your life-related occupation.

   Then you can continuously gain experience points, and it is not difficult to break the rank.

   When they break through to the twentieth level, they may also usher in a breakthrough in the professional level and obtain a higher-level life-related occupation.

  It can also greatly improve the production ecology of the entire galaxy.

Just now, when the news that Chen Mo obtained the Chaos Treasure was released to the entire galaxy, it has already caused everyone's shock. The earth professionals have not even recovered from this shocking news, and they have received the current one. Even more surprising news.

  Everyone knows that Chen Mo must be a fighting profession, but just now the Voice of the Great Dao reported that Chen Mo broke through the bottleneck of the twentieth rank, and now there is another life-related profession that breaks through the 20th rank, followed by the Voice of the Great Dao.

   Is it too coincidental to say that this is a coincidence?

  Even the three leaders of the academy alliance were surprised by this.

  Jiang Yun sent a message immediately.

  [Leader Jiang]: Occupation in life? what happened? This time, the Voice of the Great Dao will not be triggered by you, right?

  【Chen Mo】: This matter is complicated, but for some unexplainable reasons, I have dual careers.

  [Leader Jiang]: What! ?

  Hearing that Chen Mo has dual professions, Jiang Yun was stunned.

  When he told the news to the other two leaders, the other two leaders were also shocked.

  【Chen Mo】: Let's talk about this matter slowly after the matter in the Tower of Aion is settled.

  [Leader Jiang]: That's okay, you should be able to enter the Tower of Eternity now that you have broken through the professional ranks, but as for the situation inside the Tower of Eternity, I think you haven't been in college for long, do you understand it clearly?

  [Chen Mo]: Yes, I can directly obtain the things learned by my avatar outside of my body. When I go to some dungeons that don’t require his participation, I let him learn, so I know quite clearly.

  Chen Mo didn't say one more thing, that is, his Mara brain itself knows the relevant information very clearly.

   After talking about the relevant matters with Jiang Yun, Chen Mo actually has another super **** trial to pass.

  But the super **** trial takes six hours, and now I feel that the time is very tight, so it is important to join the battle as soon as possible.

  If you find that the gap in divine power is a bit large, you can consider entering the Tower of Eternity to challenge again after the Super God Trial.

  At this time, Chen Mo's divine power and divine essence strength are not low.

  His current career star rating is a total of 300 stars from two pets plus 50 stars from two careers, which has reached 400 career stars.

  After job reincarnation, all attribute points will be reset to the current level of star statistics.

Others completed the apotheosis after the fifth rank, which is directly calculated by the professional star after the fifth rank, but before Chen Mo was only calculated by the professional star that had not yet reached the fifth rank. Before, Chen Mo's divine essence was even It's not even his strongest form yet.

  But now it is different.

  Now Chen Mo's divine essence will be calculated according to 4 divine essence per level after his apotheosis.

  Chen Mo's level when he became deified was level 60, and the original divine energy was 5 points, which means he can get 4 points of divine energy at level 40.

  Compared with other people who can only obtain the benefits of Shenyuan through other methods after level 100, it can be said that they have made a lot of money.

  At this time, Chen Mo's divine essence was 165 points, but with the boost from the God Realm World in his body, his divine essence doubled to 330 points.

   These 330 points will also be blessed by Chen Mo's divine power.

  Chen Mo's divine power was reduced to 0 points after being deified, and after that, he gained 55 points of benefit by challenging the Super God Trial every 10 levels.

  From level 60 to level 90, Chen Mo completed four rounds of super **** trials and gained 220 points of divine power.

  His divine power can also enjoy the increase of God's Domain World. At this time, Chen Mo's divine power is 440 points, so Chen Mo's divine essence has reached 145,200 points after the increase.

  As for normal rank five professionals, they only had 5 soul points when they first became deified.

  Even though the veteran first-tier apotheosis professionals have obtained divine energy blessings in various ways, most of them have no more than 250 points of basic divine energy, and few of them have higher divine power.

  It is currently known that the person with the highest divine power among them has 500 points of divine power, and the level of divine essence is also around 500 points. Combined with the increase in the world of divine realms that he has expanded a lot, this person's divine essence can reach at least 1 million points.

  But this person did not come to the eternal star system and the solar system to participate in the war.

   After all, this is the top powerhouse among the top, not to mention that he is not in the same second-region competition relationship with the solar system and the eternal star system, even if it is, their galaxy is probably reluctant to send a powerhouse of this level to send it.

   This kind of powerhouse can basically be called the only super powerhouse in the first area.

  The powerhouses at the next level are super-top powerhouses, and the level of Shenyuan can basically reach about 500,000.

  The third is the top powerhouse, and the level of Shenyuan can reach between 100,000 and 200,000.

   There are two such powerhouses in the solar system, four in the eternal star system, and more or less a few in other galaxies.

  The top powerhouses dispatched to support the Eternal Star System this time are those powerhouses with a level of around 100,000 gods.

  However, the Shenyuan level is only the basic attribute strength of a professional. It can only be said that this is the combat power that the opponent can display without being affected by divine power.

  Professionals with the same 100,000 spiritual energy may have a gap of hundreds of points in divine power, because everyone's basic spiritual energy is different.

   Obviously, with the same 100,000 divine power, a person with high basic divine power and low basic divine power is stronger than a person with high basic divine power and low basic divine power.

  Chen Mo's current Shenyuan strength is 140,000, which can almost be said to be the peak of his debut.

  As soon as he came out of the mountain, the level of Shenyuan was almost the same as that of the old top powerhouses.

  You can see his abnormality.

   And this is not the current limit of Chen Mo, he can also go to the Super God Trial Tower for a challenge.

   After the challenge, according to the past practice, he can get at least 55 points of divine power.

After 55 points of divine power are boosted by the divine world in the body, it becomes 110 points of divine power. With the additional 110 points of divine power boosted, Chen Mo's final divine essence level should be able to reach 180,000, which is almost the first place in the Tower of Eternity. The ceiling of the top powerhouse in the first area of ​​the first floor.

   If he participates in the god-level army formation and gathers his divine power, then his combat power can continue to improve.

  However, without participating in the Super God Trial, he now has a level of 140,000 divine power, which is also a middle level among the top powerhouses, not too bad.

  Combined with the abnormal level of his transcendental profession, it is no problem for one person to be a few top powerhouses.

After Chen Mo checked his current level, he was ready to go to the Tower of Eternity, but before that, he planned to get another Chaos-level gift pack, because when he just opened the Chaos-level gift pack, Heavenly Dao rewarded him with 100 points The source of chaos.

  Since the level of synthetic professions has also increased, it is right to save so many super SSS gift packages before.

   You can quickly take the time to combine a chaos-level gift package.

  The treasure just released can allow Chen Mo to face a strong man with 100 points of divine power over him, and also have a chance to fight against the enemy.

   Chen Mo is also looking forward to what this second chaos-level gift pack can open.

  However, he also considered a problem, that is, the things opened by this second chaos-level gift pack may not be used at all.

  Because it can be seen from the items opened from the first chaos-level gift package.

   The use of chaos-level items requires the consumption of chaos energy.

   The first Hunyuan Orb was rewarded by Heaven, so Chen Mo could use it without consumption.

  But the second time you open the Chaos Treasure, you probably won't be able to enjoy this treatment.

  It is very likely that there will be a situation where it cannot be used without the source of chaos.

  However, I am not too worried about opening a waste that can only be viewed and cannot be used. After all, at least the first Chaos Supreme Treasure has a passive effect that can always take effect without consuming Chaos Energy.

  Chen Mo immediately took out two super SSS gift packages and started to synthesize them.

  But this time, a line of Heavenly Dao prompts jumped out that surprised Chen Mo.

  [Heavenly Reminder]: The synthesis result of this item is divided into "Super SSS-level gift pack" and "Chaos-level gift pack", please choose the synthesis result you want to synthesize.

   Unexpectedly, not only the demand for super **** fusion masters has decreased, but even the fusion results can be directly controlled by themselves.

  [PS]: The effect of the newly obtained title will not be issued for now, which is a waste of words, and there will be changes when entering the tower.

  (end of this chapter)

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