All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 339: The Ultimate Chaos Treasure! (two in one)

  Chapter 339 Ultimate Chaos Treasure! (two in one)

  At this moment, Chen Mo still has a total of six super SSS gift bags. Fortunately, he didn’t rush to synthesize them before. Originally, he could only combine two chaos-level gift bags. Now that his life profession has been improved, he can combine three. He earned a chaos-level gift bag for nothing.

  But currently the source of chaos is not enough, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to combine all of them, but only one out.

  After being able to freely choose the synthesis result, Chen Mo naturally does not need to activate the extreme wheel, and can directly select the synthesis result of the chaos-level gift package for synthesis.

  【Congratulations, the synthesis is successful! 】

  【Please take out the item you synthesized "Chaos Level Gift Pack"! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully opened the chaos-level gift package, congratulations for getting the army array "Hunyuan Promise Array Chaos Level"! 】

  [Hunyuan Promise Formation Chaos Level Army Formation]: When using this army formation, the divine power of all formation members can be aggregated. There is no upper limit to the number of members allowed to participate in the formation, but when the number of members participating in the formation exceeds 100, each additional member needs to consume 1 additional point of chaos energy.

   This army formation can use any type of army formation combat skills, and can directly copy the military formation combat skills of all other army formations around it during the formation of the army formation!

   "Sure enough, chaos-level gadgets are abnormal. There is no upper limit for team formation. That is to say, as long as the energy of chaos source is enough to combine the power of the entire galaxy into a formation, it's not a direct feat!"

  Of course, the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny. It is difficult to get 100 points of Chaos Energy. Where can I get so many Chaos Energy to combine so many people.

  But even without consuming the source of chaos, you can still form a formation with a minimum of 100 people.

   This is already very powerful.

  Because the biggest advantage of the Hunyuan Promise Formation is that once the formation is formed, the divine power of all formation members can be gathered.

   This is unmatched by other god-level military formations.

  Because the normal god-level army has said before that there is an upper limit of divine power.

  For example, an army of one thousand divine powers, no matter how high the sum of the divine powers of the members forming the army is, after the final formation of the army, the highest sum of divine powers is only 1000 points.

  Similarly, the formation of 2,000 divine powers can reach a maximum of 2,000 points.

   Chen Mo's Hunyuan Promise Formation has no upper limit.

   That is to say, even if he doesn't waste a point of Chaos Origin Energy, as long as he can find people with not very low divine power to form this hundred-man army, the total divine power of the army can reach tens of thousands.

   This is quite a powerful effect.

  After all, the strongest god-level army formation that has appeared at this stage is only the 10,000-point god-level army formation. This is a super large army formation.

  Chen Mo's army only needs to have an average of 100 points of divine power among the participants.

  This is actually relatively easy to achieve.

   A person's basic divine power reaching 100 points may not be that much in five revolutions, but divine power can be increased.

   Not only the increase brought by the world of the gods in the body, but also the eternal artifact can also increase the divine power.

  So, a person who originally only had a few dozen points of divine power may reach hundreds of points of divine power after the increase.

  For example, the person with the highest divine power in the first area currently has a base power of 500 points. Regardless of his base power being only 500 points, with his current level of God’s Domain in his body, his power can reach 1,000 points as soon as he increases his power. With some eternal artifacts that can increase his power, it is no problem for him to increase his power by a few thousand points.

  Chen Mo's current basic power is only 220 points, but after the increase in the world in his body alone, he has reached 440 points of power.

  If this is an eternal artifact that increases his divine power, his strength will increase more quickly and obviously.


  Before, Chen Mo never had time to learn the military formation, after all, he basically never used that kind of low-level military formation.

   Now that a Chaos-level army was directly sent to him, he naturally chose to study immediately.

   Now he has more confidence in entering the Tower of Eternity.

  After finishing all this, Chen Mo had a thought, ready to enter the Tower of Eternity.

  I don’t know where the Tower of Eternity exists. As long as you complete the five rounds, you can enter the Tower of Eternity from the normal area at any time with a thought.

   But it is not so easy to get out, because there will be many things in the Tower of Eternity that will drag you out of the tower.

   For example, in battle, caught in some tests, restricted, sealed, etc.

  【Heavenly Reminder: You are about to enter the Tower of Eternity, are you sure? 】


  【Tiandao Tip: It is detected that you have entered the Tower of Eternity for the first time, and now I will explain the Tower of Eternity for you, please pay attention to receive it. 】

   Following the hint from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately received a lot of information about the Tower of Eternity.

  Chen Mo already knew a lot of the information, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Warning, after entering the Tower of Eternity, except for your occupational ability, physical fitness, divinity and other ontological abilities, all other foreign objects will not be able to be used normally in the Tower of Eternity. You need to use the Stone of Eternity on the corresponding foreign objects to make them take effect in the Tower of Eternity.

  This restriction does not include Eternal Artifacts, Eternal Artifacts, Eternal Divine Skills, and Chaos Abilities! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Warning, after entering the Tower of Eternity, all title effects will be invalid. It also requires the stimulation of the Stone of Eternity to take effect normally. 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: It is detected that you have obtained the Chaos Supreme Treasure. People who have obtained the Chaos Supreme Treasure before the first Aion will have the opportunity to enter the special reward space. Do you choose to enter the special reward space? 】

   "Special reward space? Is there such a good thing?"

  Since it was a reward, Chen Mo naturally didn't have much to say, so of course he chose to enter.

   The moment Chen Mo finished his selection, he had already entered a special white environment.

   Floating in front of him was a small, gray-looking ball.

   "Lucky boy, he was able to obtain the Chaos Supreme Treasure in the first-level God Realm. You must know that even many upper gods have never obtained a Chaos Supreme Treasure."

  The upper **** Chen Mo knows.

  The God Realm is divided into ten realms in total. The first to third realms are lower gods, the fourth to sixth realms are middle gods, the seventh to ninth realms are upper gods, and the tenth realm is true gods!

   From the first to the third realm of the gods, except for the different quality of the gods, the quality of the divine power is the same.

   are first-order gods to third-order gods, and the effect of divine power is doubled.

  Currently, Chen Mo and most of the others are Tier 1 Shenyuan, that is, 1 point of Shenyuan is equal to 100 million points of all attributes in the mortal period.

  And 1 point of the second-order divine element is equivalent to 200 million points of all attributes in the mortal period.

  One point of the third-order divine element is equivalent to 300 million points of all attributes in the mortal period.

  If you want to upgrade your divine essence, you need to upgrade your divine realm mainly, and to improve your divine realm, you need to refine your divine stature.

  Chen Mo received such a task when he was just deified, but he can only start to participate in the test when his divine power reaches 1000 points.

  The 1,000 points here need to be achieved by basic divine power, not by increasing it.

  So at present, there is no person who condenses the godhead in the first area, nor does there appear a person with a second-order god.

  As for the fourth to sixth realms of God, in addition to the continuous improvement of the divine essence, the divine power will also come to a new level. The divine power at this stage is called the median divine power.

  For example, people who also have 100 points of divine energy, among them, the divine man A has 100 points of low-level divine power, and the divine man B has 100 points of median divine power.

  Shenren A with the lower level of divine power has only 10,000 points of divine energy in the end, while Shenren B with the middle level of divine power can reach 20,000 points after the divine power is increased.

   It seems that the gap is only twice the difference. It seems that the difference between the lower **** and the middle **** does not seem to be that big, but this does not count the difference in the rank of the gods. If the difference in the rank of the gods is counted, then the gap is very large.

  The most powerful low-level gods have the highest level of gods. For example, 100 points of third-level spirits are equivalent to the full attributes of 30 billion mortals. With 100 points of low-level divine power, they can increase the full attributes of 3 trillion mortals.

  As for the most **** median god, the divine element is at least the fourth level. 100 points of the fourth-level divine element are equivalent to the full attributes of 40 billion mortals, and 100 points of median divine power, because the median divine power is doubled. After the increase, the final divine element strength is the attribute of 8 trillion mortals.

  This is the gap in the most original state without calculating any other increases.

   From this, it can be seen that the high-level **** realm can be said to be in a state of complete crushing of the low-level **** realm.

   This is also the reason why when Chen Mo participated in the super five-level assessment, the mentor he met told him that the biggest difference between the divine state and the mortal period is that every stage is like a mountain.

  The gap is really too big.

   And the upper **** is even more fierce.

  For the upper **** of the seventh-level **** realm, 100 points of the seventh-level divine energy are equivalent to the full attributes of 70 billion mortals. With 100 points of upper divine power, the three-fold increase, the final attributes can reach 21 trillion attributes of mortals.

  As for the fiercest mid-level god, with the same attributes, 100 points of sixth-order gods are equivalent to the full attributes of 60 billion mortals. With 100 points of median divine power, twice the increase, the final attributes are only 12 trillion attributes of mortals.

   The same is completely crushed.

  As for the higher true **** state, it is even more outrageous, the increase in divine power will be as high as five times, and with the tenth-order divine essence, it will be a super crushing posture.

  Of course, this is only the difference between different divine realms calculated based on the same conditions.

  Actually, to go from a lowgod to a midgod, and from a midgod to a highgod, a lot of conditions need to be met, and the real gap is even more enormous.

   It can be said that the gap between highgods and lowgods is comparable to the gap between lowgods and mortals.

  Chen Mo's current strength can only be regarded as a child who has just started in the Tower of Eternity.

  Although he is one step faster than most rank fives who have not even reached the level of apotheosis, those people are equivalent to newborns. Even if Chen Mo grows faster than them, he can only be regarded as an infancy.

   It's still far from being truly powerful.

   Don’t look at how he often killed various gods in previous dungeons.

   But in fact, those are all units that were forcibly suppressed by Tiandao in the dungeon.

  If the real deity came here, if his strength was not restricted by the law of heaven, he might be able to blow up the entire solar system in one breath.

  After the gray ball in front of him praised Chen Mo, he went straight to the point.

   "Although you have enough luck, this special reward is not given out randomly. In addition to luck, I have to see if you have enough strength.

   Now I will give you a chance to exchange for the ultimate reward. You must know that this reward is only here for you to have the opportunity to exchange. If you miss this opportunity, you will never meet it again. "

  The gray ball uttered some extremely seductive words.

   "Replacement opportunity?"

  Chen Mo originally thought that if this special reward space came in, he could prostitute a reward for nothing, but it turned out to be a replacement.

  In the case of replacement, don’t the values ​​always have to be equal? Then what do you change yourself? Isn't it the same as turning your left hand into your right hand?

   What's the point?

   Just when Chen Mo was thinking this way, the gray little ball seemed to know what he was thinking, and the little ball continued to speak: "Don't worry, you don't need to replace the reward here with something of equal value. You only need to hand over something of sufficient value, and I can give you this ultimate treasure."

   "If that's the case, you can give it a try, but I don't know if you can let me see what the treasure is first?"


  Grey ball didn't mean to show off deliberately, and directly shared the attributes of the best treasure with Chen Mo.

   I don't know if I don't look at it, but my heart itch instantly when I saw Chen Mo.

  Because this ultimate treasure is exactly what he needs most at the moment.

  [Chaos Source Core · Chaos Supreme Treasure]: A baby that can continuously generate chaos source energy, and can generate 1 point of chaos source energy for the treasure holder every hour.

   "The treasure that automatically produces chaos energy? If I have this thing, then as long as I get a super SSS gift bag, wouldn't I be able to continuously generate chaos gift bags, and also have enough energy supply sources when using various chaos abilities at the same time?"

  The value of this treasure is absolutely irreplaceable by any other treasure.

  Because its value is equivalent to countless pieces of Chaos Supreme Treasure in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and it also comes with the energy supply source of countless pieces of Chaos Supreme Treasure.

   After seeing its effect, Chen Mo decided to win it.

  He immediately asked: "If I want to obtain this item, what price do I need to pay?"

   "Then it depends on whether what you pay is enough to achieve the value I want."

   "What if I paid everything and couldn't get the replacement value?"

   "That's easy, you just need to hand over all your things and all your divine power and divine essence, and I can reluctantly agree to replace them."

   Chen Mo laughed when he heard this, it must be impossible.

  If it is not a disaster, he may still consider it, but there is still a battle in front of him. Even if this treasure is so fragrant, it is not in line with Chen Mo's idea to exchange everything.

   Moreover, he now has some Chaos-level treasures, which logically are not low in value, and they should have the opportunity to exchange things for consumption.

   "Can anything of mine be a replacement condition?"

   "Yes, anything, whether it is your items, skills, occupations, titles, equipment, etc., as long as it is everything you have, you can exchange it."

  Hearing what he said, Chen Mo immediately handed over a lot of his currently useless titles.

  At present, his title can still be practical, that is, only one Chaos Trialist is of irreplaceable value, and the others can be sacrificed.

  But there is another title that is not bad, and that is the super SSS title Super God Challenger.

   This title is quite effective in the Tower of Eternity. If it can be kept, Chen Mo doesn't want to change it.

   "Yes, many high-quality titles, but obviously not enough, do you have anything of value?" The gray ball looked very satisfied with the replacement list handed over by Chen Mo, but it was obviously not worth it.

   Chen Mo also expected this, the treasure brought out by the other party, even if it is of the top level in the chaos level, it is difficult to replace it with only a few things below the chaos level.

  Chen Mo couldn't help checking his belongings again, many of them were very important, but he was reluctant to give them all out, so he couldn't help but choose carefully.

  (end of this chapter)

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