All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 340: Whoring extra divine power for nothing! (two in one)

  Chapter 340 Extra divine power for free whoring! (two in one)

   Speaking of the things on his body, Chen Mo's current equipment shoes and clothes are actually not very useful.

  After deification, this kind of basic bonus equipment has no effect.

  Even if the stone of eternity is used to instill it so that it can continue to exert its effect in the tower of eternity, it is better to directly obtain a new piece of eternal equipment.

  Chen Mo directly handed over the shoes and clothes.

   As for the items, this made Chen Mo worry.

  His items are basically very useful, and he is reluctant to hand over any one.

   It’s just that compared to the Chaos Source Core that can continuously allow him to obtain Chaos-level treasures that are stronger than everything on his body, everything in his body, except for the incarnation outside his body, Chen Mo can actually hand over for replacement.

  After all, the highest grade of these things is only above SSS grade, which is not at the same level as Chaos grade.

  Just judging from the two Chaos-level abilities he has obtained so far, it can be seen that the Chaos-level is crushing the Super SSS-level in terms of level.

   Chaos level is strong because it can break the rules and restrictions.

  For example, Chen Mo's Hunyuan Orb can allow him to fight against enemies with more than 100 divine power.

  For example, Chen Mo's Hunyuan Promise Formation can group people without limit and integrate divine power without limit.

   This is all beyond the limits of the rules.

  It can be seen that the abnormality of the Chaos level is completely crushing the super SSS level.

   Even though Chen Mo was struggling at this time, he still had to throw out one by one to test the bottom line of the mysterious gray ball.

  But as the things on his body decreased one by one, the other party never let go, which made Chen Mo more entangled as he went to the back.

  Since there are already picked and leftovers on his body now, they are all treasures of considerable practical value to him, no matter which one he is very reluctant to lose.

  But if you don't get the best of the Chaos Treasure at this time, according to what the gray ball said, there will be no chance to get it again in the future.

  This item must be taken down.

  And under normal circumstances, if you really do a transaction outside, the value of a Chaos Supreme Treasure is simply impossible for him to pay for a SSS-level or super-SSS-level treasure.

   What's more, it is still the best Chaos Source Core in the Chaos Supreme Treasure.

   Being able to give him this opportunity to replace him here is considered a great face given to him by the Dao of Heaven.

  Chen Mo naturally understands this truth.

  No matter how reluctant he was to part with the remaining abilities, he handed them in one by one. When Chen Mo heartbrokenly submitted a lot of things, and the treasures he submitted were almost reaching the limit of what he could bear, the little gray ball finally let go.

   "Okay, the combined value of these things is barely acceptable. Of course, if you are willing to pay more, I may have other benefits for you."

  Hearing what the little gray ball said, Chen Mo immediately checked what he had left.

  At this time, his title was only "Chaos Trialist".

  The only remaining items are "Incarnation outside the body" and "Hunyuan Orb".

  The equipment is all handed over.

   In terms of skills, in addition to his own professional skills, only three other acquired skills are retained.

  One is the relatively easy-to-use rushing skill "Super God Flash".

  One is the "immortal body" with good life-saving ability, which can prevent Chen Mo from being unable to be resurrected for any reason.

  Chen Mo's own professional talent can prevent him from dying when he has a summoned object, and this skill means that even if Chen Mo is killed without a summoned object, he can still be resurrected instantly and is immune to any effects that cannot be revived.

   It is an extremely vital life-saving skill, and combined with the superb escape ability such as super **** flashing, it can achieve an excellent life-saving effect.

   This is why Chen Mo is reluctant to hand it over.

  The last skill is the very convenient "Super Cooling" ability that Chen Mo has been using.

   In terms of physique, Chen Mo also handed over the special physique and divinity he obtained before.

  Currently, the only special constitutions he retains are "True Mara Brain" and "Eye of Origin".

  Although Chen Mo handed over a lot of things, but in real terms, the price of all the things he handed over is still not comparable to a treasure of chaos.

   This time he was simply taking advantage of it.

  However, for Chen Mo himself, it still hurts to lose so many abilities at once.

  Although the level of these abilities may not be so powerful after entering the Tower of Aion.

  But many of them can be effectively used in the Tower of Eternity.

  Just find the Stone of Eternity to activate the effect.

   And after he handed in so many abilities, the other party actually said that there are other benefits for him to continue handing in his abilities.

  Now that the meat has been cut to this point, Chen Mo doesn't care about losing one and a half more, but he wants to hear what the other party said and what are the benefits.

  He immediately asked: "Could it be that there are Chaos Treasures that can be replaced?"

   "Of course it's impossible. Do you think the treasure of chaos is a Chinese cabbage? It's your luck to pick one for nothing this time."

  Hearing the other party use the word "pick up in vain", Chen Mo couldn't help but smiled wryly.

   Is this a free pick? I have sacrificed a lot of precious abilities!

  But if you really want to compare the value of the two sides, it seems that it is indeed a waste of money.

  Following the gray ball, it handed the Chaos Source Core, which looked gray and inconspicuous, to Chen Mo, and then it continued: "Okay, the treasure of chaos has been given to you, and if you are willing to continue to hand over some abilities, I can directly exchange them for you into Shenyuan and Shenli and return them to you.

   This is one of the few opportunities to directly obtain divine essence and divine power. You must know that after the fifth rank, it is extremely difficult to obtain divine essence and divine power, no matter what it is, in the Tower of Eternity.

   In my case, you can get it directly at a lower cost. "

   I have to say that every time the little gray ball says is very tempting.

   What it said is indeed correct. From the fact that there are so many rank-5 professionals on the first floor, there are very few people who can reach 500 points of divine power. It can be seen how difficult it is to obtain this divine power.

  Even if many people perish on the way to becoming stronger, there are still many old-fashioned strongmen who have survived steadily. Even if they are not so daring, the efficiency and chance of obtaining divine power and divine essence are much less than others.

   But after so many years, they have not accumulated 500 points of basic divine power, which shows that this opportunity to obtain divine power is not easy.

   This time, being able to directly replace it with ability is indeed a good opportunity to improve quickly.

  But Chen Mo looked at his whole body.

  Basically, he has handed over all the abilities that he can and cannot hand in, and the rest are the abilities that he is most reluctant to give up. He doesn't want to lose any ability.

  But Chen Mo thought about it, and immediately thought of something that could be synthesized.

  As long as it is something he has synthesized before and can be paid with eternal gold coins as tokens, he has the opportunity to continue to synthesize.

  Before, he had withdrawn a large amount of eternal gold coins in the academy alliance. Although he spent almost all of it later, there were still some left.

   A lot of things can be combined. Chen Mo’s previous death scepter and deified hero suit were all synthesized by him through the synthesis ability, and there are formula records. Unlike other lost abilities, they can be synthesized again according to the recorded formula.

   Even now, because of the super professionalization, the synthesis price has become cheaper, because now only two identical things are needed to synthesize.

   Soon Chen Mo made the death scepter and the deified brave suit.

   Both of these things are SSS rated.

   It’s not as good as the super SSS level, Chen Mo couldn’t help but try to ask: “How much divine power and divine essence can these two things be exchanged for?”

   "Very good. These two things are treasures that you synthesized through your own abilities. Although they are only SSS-level, they are also rare items in the SSS-level. I can give you one point of divine power and 1 point of divine essence."

   "Two pieces are only 2 points of divine power and 2 points of divine energy?"

   "What is talent? How much do you think divine power and divine essence are worth? I'm giving you a high price." The gray ball seemed dissatisfied with Chen Mo's words.

  Chen Mo smiled helplessly: "It's okay."

   After all, as long as he has money, he can manufacture these two things indefinitely. No matter how low the price offered by the other party is, he is willing to make a deal.

  So he started to make crazy again.

  However, the more he replaces, the lower and lower the replacement value becomes.

   It wasn't until Chen Mo spent all the eternal gold coins on his body that he finally got 100 points of divine energy and 100 points of divine power.

   These are all basic divine power and basic divine energy, and the benefits can be said to be extremely huge.

  Normal other professionals want to obtain so much divine power, they really don't know how many difficulties they have to go through.

  Chen Mo is almost tantamount to whoring for nothing.

   After all, the eternal gold coin is in the Tower of Eternity, and its value is nothing.

   But at this time, he used these insignificant eternal gold coins to exchange for the precious attributes that others dream of.

  After emptying out all the things on his body, Chen Mo has completed this trip to the special reward space.

   "Is there anything else that needs to be replaced?"

  The other party seemed to be very satisfied with the collection, so he continued to ask Chen Mo.

   "No more, it has been completely hollowed out." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "In that case, then I will send you away."

"Wait a moment."

   Just before being sent out, Chen Mo asked: "Do I have a chance to enter here again in the future?"

   This kind of place where you can exchange a small price for a big profit is really delicious.

   "Yes, there are, but if you want to enter here, the opportunity is not so easy to get, and the rewards that can be replaced are not the same every time you come in.

  For example, the reward "Chaos Source Core" is given to you this time, but it is extremely rare to be given a chance to replace it. You should cherish this treasure if you get it.

  Every Chaos Supreme Treasure can drop, but the Chaos Source Core has a way to make it not drop even after you die. You can explore the specific method by yourself. "

  After the gray ball finished speaking, the light in front of Chen Mo's eyes changed, and the next moment he had left the special reward space.

  When the vision in front of him recovered again, Chen Mo had already appeared in an extremely empty square.

  The moment he appeared here, he received a reminder from Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have successfully entered the Tower of Eternity. You are now at the base of the solar system in the Tower of Eternity. In this base area, you will be able to receive the blessing of the birthplace. 】

  〖Blessing of the birthplace〗: In this area, all professionals born in the birthplace will be regarded as having 1000 points of divine power added to the original basis, and all professionals born in the birthplace in the area will be able to resurrect immediately when they die. This resurrection effect can take effect ten times in a row within one official day.

  At the same time, the final damage of any damage received by all professionals born in this birthplace in the area will be reduced by 99%.

  When an army formation is formed in this birthplace, the effective maximum integrated divine power will be increased by 10 times on the original basis, and all army formation commanders can use all the army formation combat skills in this area at the same time.

   "The blessing effect of this foundation place is really outrageous. In addition to the final damage reduction of 99%, it can be resurrected ten times in a row, and everyone who is super abnormal can increase at least 1000 points of divine power.

  Whoever chooses to stick to the base of the tower, even if it is a bunch of **** Rank 5, it will be difficult for anyone to get in, right?

  After all, even the upper limit of the integrated divine power of an army formation can be increased by 10 times. Even the most garbage army formation of 1,000 divine power can easily break through to an army of 10,000 divine power. "

   After reading the blessing of the birthplace of the foundation in the tower, Chen Mo understood why the eternal star system is obviously much stronger than the solar system but still cannot directly destroy the foundation of the solar system in the tower of eternity.

   This basic bonus is too abnormal.

  In a battle without a middle god, no one has a way to break the situation.

   After checking the blessings of the birthplace, Chen Mo had time to look at the surrounding environment.

   If you want to talk about the surrounding environment, it is really extremely rich, with all kinds of green plants and flowers everywhere, and there are various large and small modern-style buildings around the square.

  The most conspicuous thing is a tower-like building standing in the middle of the square. Chen Mo reckons that this tower-like building is where the basic control room is located.

   While Chen Mo was observing his surroundings, two young-looking professionals, a man and a woman, walked straight towards him.

   "Chen Mo?"

  Seeing Chen Mo appearing here, the two immediately asked tentatively.

   "It's me, I don't know who you two are?"

   "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Ai Kun, and her name is Peng Peng. We are the guides of the Tower of Aion, and we are dedicated to receiving all professionals who have just entered the Tower of Aion. Welcome."

  Chen Mo checked the attributes of the two with the Eye of Origin. Although both of them are rank five, their divine power is very low, and their total attributes have not even reached 500 million.

   "How do you two know my name?"

   "The three lords have told us about you a long time ago, saying that as soon as you come, we will take you to the combat command room immediately."

  (end of this chapter)

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