All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 341: Crushing level army formation! (five in one)

  Chapter 341 Crushing-level army formation! (five in one)

  Follow the two to the combat headquarters.

  The so-called combat headquarters is an additional area circled on the empty square, and there are several special buildings in this area.

   And in a corner of this area, Chen Mo saw a lot of stumps and broken arms.

   Before Chen Mo could ask, Ai Kun immediately said: "There are seniors who died in battle not long ago. They all suffered from the effect of being unable to be resurrected. According to the explanation of the three leaders, if you enter the Tower of Eternity, you will be brought here to revive them as soon as possible."

  As the profession becomes super five, Chen Mo's resurrection skills have also been enhanced. The current resurrection skill "Resurrection of the Undead God" has a cooling time of only 1 hour, which is quite convenient to use.

  Even if this skill is used up now, if someone dies and is sent back later, the resurrection will still not be delayed.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo did not hesitate, and directly activated the skill.

  As a gloomy dead air emerged from his body, the gloomy dead air suddenly transformed into a burst of warm energy, rushing towards the broken limbs.

  The next moment, bursts of light flashed, and the people who were still in the state of broken limbs were all resurrected one by one.

  The moment they were just resurrected, they even subconsciously put on a fighting stance.

   It wasn't until they saw that they had returned to the base of the tower that they realized that they had been resurrected at this time.

   Checked the tips of Heavenly Dao, and learned that Chen Mo was resurrected, these people were not much surprised.

  After all, even the people in the Eternal Star System already know that Chen Mo has the ability to resurrect people who cannot be resurrected, and the strong on the earth naturally know it too.

  Since they died in the state of being unable to be revived, Chen Mo is the only one in the world who can save them.

   Immediately, all of them walked towards Chen Mo with smiles on their faces.

  While walking over, a few of them who had already been deified took out clothes from their God's Domain World and put them on.

  Once you have God's Domain World, it is equivalent to having the most stable carry-on backpack.

  In addition to the things that must drop after death, otherwise even if you are killed, the things you put in the world of God's Domain will not fall out.

  I want things in your God's Domain world to drop, unless someone deliberately attacks your God's Domain world after you die.

   This kind of situation generally rarely happens in group battles, after all, no one has time to do so.

   This kind of thing happens more often when fighting alone. After killing a person, you only need to use your own God's Domain World to attack the opponent's God's Domain World.

  A God’s Domain whose master is already dead has no ability to resist. Even if this God’s Domain develops more stable and larger, once it loses the support of its master’s power, it can still be easily broken by a God’s Domain that is weaker than itself.

   Of course, this will take some time.

  This is why no one has time to do this when fighting in groups.

  These people with God's Domain directly changed into a set of clothes, and the other rank five powerhouses who had not yet become gods changed into the clothes that Ai Kun and Peng Peng had already prepared.

  As for their original equipment, it has already exploded at the place where they died.

   Unless they ran back to pick it up by themselves, no one would be able to use those equipments in a while.

  Even if the enemy picks it up, if the equipment is of the binding type, then if the original owner is not completely dead, if someone else picks it up, there is no other use for it except to disassemble it.

  All bound equipment can only be used by the new owner after the original owner confirms that it is completely dead.

   After all, the meaning of binding is naturally to bind a certain target. When the existence of that target is obliterated, the bound target will naturally disappear, and it will no longer be in a bound state.

   "Chen Mo, I have long heard that you can revive all the people who are unable to be revived. I personally experienced it today. It is really amazing. It is worthy of being a person who casually obtains super SSS rewards. The ability is indeed beyond the reach of people like us."

  One of them walked up to Chen Mo and praised.

   It seemed that they heard the movement outside. At this time, a middle-aged blond man with a firm face came out of the command room of the combat command.

  Seeing the large group of revived Rank 5 powerhouses, he looked at Chen Mo and said, "Chen Mo, what is the cooling time of your group's resurrection ability? There are still many people killed in the front line, and many stumps are being sent back. If your resurrection ability is cooled down for too long and used too early, I am afraid that people who will die later will not be able to be effectively rescued."

   "Don't worry seniors, I have considered this issue. My group resurrection ability only has a cooling time of 1 hour, so it doesn't matter. No matter when the comrade who died in battle, I have a way to resurrect him, as long as he can retain even a little bit of flesh and blood."

   Chen Mo said with a smile.

   Hearing this, the middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, forced a smile on Chen Mo, walked towards him and stretched out his hand and said, "Welcome, Chen Mo."

  Chen Mo shook hands in response and said: "Senior, I don't know how the battle is going now? I think I should join the battle as soon as possible."

  As soon as these words came out, the other people around were shocked.

  Now the entire earth, anyone can die in battle, except Chen Mo.

  His resurrection ability is irreplaceable and extremely powerful.

   Based on his ability, he is the strongest supporter.

  How can you go to the front line?

   This is one of them.

  Secondly, Chen Mo is now the treasure of the entire earth civilization, and the only person in the entire Milky Way region who has the treasure of chaos. All aliens want to kill him first and then quickly.

  If he appeared on the front line, others might even give up attacking God's Domain scatteredly, and directly concentrate all their combat power to surround and kill him.

  Based on this, Chen Mo absolutely cannot go to the front line.

  The third is the issue of combat effectiveness.

   After all, Chen Mo has only just reached the fifth rank. Even though everyone knows that Chen Mo has always been capable of leapfrogging and killing enemies, the world after the fifth rank is not the world before the fifth rank.

  Before the fifth turn, if you are perverted enough, you can kill level 4 and turn 100 without any problem.

  But after the fifth turn, once the divine power exceeds 100 points, it will be enough to overwhelm you and make you unable to use any abilities.

   This is not a gap that geniuses can bridge.

  Even knowing that Chen Mo is a treasure, everyone can hardly believe that he has the ability to fight.

  The blond commander also said immediately: "Although the three lords have sent messages saying that you want to join the war, we have been thinking about it, and we still can't let you go to the front line, which is too dangerous.

  You can fight near the foundation, so that even if you are in danger, you can immediately flee back to the foundation, but if you go to a farther place in the God's Domain, if you are in danger or surrounded by enemies, we may not be able to save you in time. "

   At this time, another figure came out of the combat headquarters. Chen Mo took a look and found that the appearance of the other person was similar to a person he knew.

   It was his mirror teacher.

   It's just obvious that the two are not the same person, even if they have the same appearance.

   "Ling Yue, come and persuade him, he is your sister's student."

  Seeing Ling Yue walking out, the blond man said immediately.

   "Okas, Chen Mo was able to rely on himself all the way to where he is today. I believe there is absolutely no problem with his ability and judgment. Since he wants to participate in the war, he must have the ability to do it.

  Not many of us have obtained super-SSS-level items and Chaos Arcana. Although super-SSS-level items cannot be used directly in the Tower of Eternity, Chaos Arcana is absolutely unlimited. Let's listen to Chen Mo's Chaos Arcana before making a decision. "

  Ling Yue smiled and walked to Chen Mo's side and said.

   "Hello, Chen Mo, my name is Ling Yue, and I'm your teacher Jing's older sister. She's also the commander-in-chief of the defensive and counterattack command against the Yongxing system this time. You can tell me directly if you have any ideas."

  Hearing what Ling Yue said, Chen Mo immediately nodded and said: "My Chaos Treasure is definitely very suitable for participating in the war. Please take a look at the content I shared."

  Following Chen Mo's thought, he announced his Hunyuan Promise Array attribute.

  Everyone knows that Chen Mo got a Chaos Treasure, but they don't know that he has three pieces in total.

  Just announcing the strength of this chaos-level ability is enough to shock everyone around.

   "Hiss! This... is this the ability of chaos level?"

   "This is too strong. There is no upper limit for the collection of divine power. If a group of people with hundreds of divine powers are gathered together, wouldn't the integrated divine power of this army formation reach an extremely terrifying level? This can be absolutely crushed."

   "The most perverted thing is that there is no upper limit on the formation of this army formation. It is really against the sky."

   "No, if there are more than 100 people, what kind of chaotic energy is needed? Does anyone know what is chaotic energy? Previously, Dao rewarded each of us with 100 points, and we don't know other specific ways to obtain it."

  As soon as this remark came out, the people around immediately looked at me and looked at you. No one knew what Chaos Energy was.

   This is natural.

  After all, they have never been exposed to Chaos-level abilities, so how could they know the usefulness of Chaos Origin Energy.

   "It's probably a very rare energy source. Anyway, we haven't had much contact with it on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity. It is probably something that we can't get at the moment. This formation should only be able to form a maximum of 100 people at the moment."

   "Chen Mo, do you know how to obtain this Chaos Source?" Some people think that the owner of this Chaos Treasure may know about it.

  If you know how to obtain this thing, and the method of obtaining it is not too difficult, everyone will help you if you need your help.

   "This source of chaos is an extremely rare resource, and it is extremely difficult to obtain. Basically, there is no way to obtain it. Therefore, it is no problem for us to think that this army formation can only be composed of 100 people." Chen Mo replied.

  Although he has the Chaos Source Core, a treasure that can continuously generate Chaos Source Energy.

  But the chaos source core can only generate 1 point of chaos source energy for 1 hour.

   And he needs to spend 100 points to open the chaos-level gift package.

  Although other things in the bonus space were lost before, he didn’t throw away any of the super SSS gift bags that can be synthesized into chaos-level gift bags. He still has four super SSS-level gift bags that are useless, which means that there are still two chaos-level gift bags that have not yet been opened.

   Just need to store another 200 hours of chaotic energy.

   There must be no time to increase the number of formations.

  Of course, with the strength of the Hunyuan Promise Array, there is no need to add so many people.

   After all, this is a lineup with no upper limit of integrated divine power. It only needs to gather people with high enough divine power to join the team to exert the crushing effect.

  Follow Chen Mo to share the effect of this Hunyuan Promise Formation.

  Ling Yue made a decisive decision and issued the order.

   "Immediately recall all the top experts, we will form the strongest army and defeat the alien coalition forces in one fell swoop!"

  When she issued the order, she was located in the foundation control room at the center of the foundation of the solar system, but suddenly received two messages of applying for naturalization.

   "Senior, take a look at the news of two applications for naturalization, how to deal with it?"

  The moment he saw the news, the administrator in the control room immediately passed the news back to the three leaders.

on the earth.

   "Applying for naturalization at this point in time? What do you mean?"

  Jiang Yun's eyes flashed and said: "I'm afraid I was not scared by the Chaos Treasure. The news that Chen Mo obtained the Chaos Treasure was broadcast in the form of the Milky Way. Some people have no idea about this level of treasure.

  If Chen Mo enters the Tower of Aion to display the strength of the Chaos Treasure, it will definitely be too late for them to apply for naturalization, so they want to express their favor in advance. "

   "Hmph, is this still early? I didn't have any naturalization information before, but now I see that the wind is going wrong and I want to play with the wind. I think I should just refuse." Brenda sneered at the other party's behavior.

  Marcus disagreed: "We have too many enemies now, we might as well accept them first, and we can take our time to deal with them later."

  Jiang Yun pondered for a while and said: "Let's wait for now. According to the information sent back from the tower, Chen Mo's Hunyuan Promise Formation is extremely strong, but this formation will bring together most of our main force. Once the opponent is defeated head-on, they will definitely disperse their combat power and attack our various places in the God's Domain. It's like we send special agents to make trouble everywhere. They have more people than us. Using this method to deal with us will definitely be more effective than us, and it will be more troublesome. I'm afraid we will be a little stretched by then. .

   It may indeed be necessary to use some of them to rebel. If it is accepted at present, the rebellion is too early and the effect is not very good. "

   "It makes sense, let's see the situation first." Brenda nodded.

  Marcus has no objection to Jiang Yun's idea.

   Following the unanimous opinion of the three leaders, the administrators in the basic control room in the tower temporarily ignored the naturalization application received.

  At this time, the combat command is here.

   Soon, many figures descended on it within a few flashes.

  In the Tower of Eternity, as long as you get rid of the wartime state, you can use the foundation stone to quickly return to the foundation of the tower.

  Ordinary strong men carry foundation stones on their bodies. After all, this thing is a life-saving weapon.

   With a burst of light flashing, many top powerhouses on the earth have appeared around Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo immediately scanned them with the Eye of Origin.

   Sure enough, the strength of the divine power of this group of people is not comparable to those people I saw before.

  Among this group of returnees, those with the lowest basic divine power had 50 points.

  Combined with God's Domain and Eternal series to increase divine power, it can basically reach two or three hundred.

  The person with the most divine power can also reach 300 points of divine power, and the final divine power after the increase is as high as 900 points.

   is the only one.

  Chen Mo's final divine power is only 640 points after counting the increase.

  If Chen Mo didn't have the Hunyuan Orb, he wouldn't be able to exert any strength if the opponent's divine power was enough to crush him.

  This man with the strongest divine power has an extremely ordinary face, and he looks like an ordinary person who is not easy to be recognized in the crowd.

  He is wearing a leather armor and holding a longbow in his hand. His occupation is a long-range physical output occupation.

   "Ling Yue, why did you call us all back all of a sudden? Now that the front line is completely collapsed, we can't afford to delay every single second."

  Although these strong men obeyed the order and returned to the base, they were extremely nervous about the current situation and could not waste a single minute of combat time.

   Seeing this, Ling Yue didn't waste any time, and directly shared the Hunyuan Promise Formation information that Chen Mo had just shared.

  Seeing this, all the strong people around were stunned in an instant.

   "Is this the Chaos-level treasure that Tiandao reminded Chen Mo to obtain?"

   "This effect is really outrageous. There is no limit to the integration of divine power? If we gather all our divine power in one place, how many points will it reach?"

  As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately urged Chen Mo: "Chen Mo, quickly form an army and let us see."

  Looking at a group of seniors looking at him earnestly, Chen Mo smiled and nodded immediately: "No problem."

  With a thought in his mind, all the earth powerhouses around him with more than 200 points of divine power received invitations to form a formation.

   Soon, 100 people will be full.

  【Tiandao reminder: The formation of the army formation is completed, and your current army formation has 39,500 points of integrated divine power! 】

   Most of the 100 people are 200 or 300-point divine power users, but there are also quite a few hundreds of divine power users, making the final formed army formation approaching the terrifying level of 40,000 points of divine power.

  Although the divine power reaches 39,500 terrifying points, this divine power will not continue to double everyone's divine energy, but will only increase the attack effect when the military formation uses military formation combat skills, or when the formation members launch attacks.

   But even so, the promotion is extremely terrifying.

  For example, a skill can only cause 10 times the damage of Shenyuan when it is played out, but after being boosted by 39500 points of divine power, it will be 395,000 times the damage of Shenyuan.

  Of course, the divine power of the military formation will cancel out the divine power of the opposing military formation.

   How much it can be offset depends on the strength of the opponent's army.

   As far as the current stage is concerned, Chen Mo's army formed through the Hunyuan Wuji formation, as long as it doesn't attack the opponent's foundation, is invincible in any theater in this first area.

   After all, the strongest military formation in the first area currently only has 10,000 points of divine power.

  The strength of the army formed by Chen Mo is a full 29,500 points lower than the strength of the current army, which is not at the same level at all.

  Although the divine power of the army array does not produce the effect of eliminating combat power, it is still so indestructible.

  The divine power confrontation of normal professionals is that no matter how much divine power I have over you, all the effects you exert will be offset by a certain percentage by me. Once I have 100 points of divine power more than you, any ability you exert will have 0% effect, and this gap cannot be crossed.

   But the power of the army array is different.

  The divine power of the army array is an additional bonus and additional weakening.

   For example, both sides have launched an attack with 100 points of divine power.

  One side is 100 points of military power, and the other is 200 points of military power.

  If all the divine power boosts are included, the attack strength of the one on the left must be 10,000 points of divine power, and the one on the right is 20,000 points of divine power.

   But the power of the army array will cancel each other out.

  In the end, it becomes, the left side exerts the power of 0 army formation, and the right side exerts the power of 100 army formation.

  That is to say, the 100 points of divine energy on the left will not receive a bonus, and only the original 100 points of divine energy can be used to attack.

  The army formation on the right will be blessed with the remaining 100 points of divine power after the offset, and will use 10,000 points of divine power to attack.

  Finally, the left side will cause 100 points of damage to the right army formation, and the right side will cause 10000 points of damage to the left army formation.

   This is the difference between the divine power of the military formation and the divine power of normal professionals.

   Even if the opponent is 100 points stronger in the military formation, it will not eliminate the opponent's original ability, but will only offset the opponent's increased ability.

  This allows the opponent's attack to still have the most basic effect.

   But this doesn't help much.

  After all, people are attacking you with huge boost bonuses, but you don’t have any boost effect to hit them.

  People can slap you to death with one slap, but you can only bite them like a mosquito without pain or itching.

   It does not seem to be absolute crushing, but it is actually close to absolute crushing.

   "39500 divine power, it's too perverted, this is completely a crushing military formation, isn't this going out to meet someone in seconds?"

  Looking at the strength of the military formation at this time, everyone around was dumbfounded.

   "Quick, look how thick the shields of the military array are."

  The shield of the military formation is based on the thickness of all formation members' divine power added together.

  After becoming a god, all attributes are synthesized into a god, and life and energy are synthesized into a god.

  Whether your blood is deducted by an attack or you use energy to cast your ability, it consumes divine energy.

  Once the divine energy is exhausted, you will die.

  The attribute of divine energy is generally 100 times the attribute of divine essence.

  Chen Mo's current attribute after the increase of divine energy is 169,600 points, and his divine energy is 16.96 million points.

  These 16.96 million points are the attribute amount after all his health and energy values ​​are superimposed.

  The same goes for other people.

  The total amount of divine energy collected by these 100 people is close to 1.4 billion points, and the thickness of the shield of the military formation will be doubled according to the number of participants. That is to say, in the case of 100 people participating in the formation, the thickness will increase by 100 times, which means that the final thickness of their current military shield is 140 billion divine energy.

  And the thickness of the divine energy of the shield of the army will not be reduced correspondingly because the members of the army use any ability to consume the divine energy, which is equivalent to a complete blood volume.

  However, if there are members who have not yet been deified among the members of the army formation, then this member must have no divine power, and the divine power can only be calculated according to his life value. 100 million health points can only be equal to 1 divine power.

   The attribute data of this level of formation is basically negligible.

  Nowadays, the 140 billion divine energy shield of Chen Mo's army is already considered an extremely thick shield.

   After all, everyone's spirit strength is not very high at present.

  Normal fighting, if the difference in divine power between two people is not too big, then the fighting is actually relatively slow.

   Chen Mo is considered a strong player in the fifth rank, and he only has 169,600 points of divine energy, but his divine power has 16.96 million points. If he fights with someone of the same combat strength and launches an attack, once it is offset by various damage reduction effects, the 169,600 points of attack power that the two send out to each other, in fact, there is not much left.

   It is not bad to be able to cause about one-tenth of the damage of the gods each time.

   After all, there are also offensive and defensive rules between Shenyuan and Shenyuan, and the calculation formula is different from the calculation formula in the mortal period. The defensive ability of Shenyuan is more resistant to beating than in the mortal period.

  Even if the Shenyuan is 10 times higher, if it hits the Shenyuan that is lower than 10 times the value, the damage that can be caused in the end is only about one-third of the Shenyuan damage.

  This is also the reason why it is so difficult to leapfrog challenges after the divine realm.

  Because in the case of the same divine power, your divine origin is higher than the opponent, and it is not easy to deal damage, let alone your divine power is lower than the opponent, and the divine origin is also lower than the opponent. At this time, it is basically impossible to deal damage.

   Naturally, he was going to be beaten.

   But Chen Mo is not too afraid of this.

  Because he is not a normal professional, he is the main **** of the undead, and he relies on summoned objects to deal damage. Now that he has been deified, although his skill calculation rules have changed, they are still quite abnormal.

  His current main skills are such data.

  【Undead Army·Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  【Cooldown】: 5 seconds

  [Effect]: Consume 1 point of divine power to summon a skeleton monster that only exists permanently in "level × occupational star × divine power" (the skeleton monster profession can designate various types of low-level occupations by itself, and will carry the illusionary weapons and skills corresponding to the low-level occupations).

  The attributes of the skeleton monster are linked to your divine essence and divine energy "divine energy = your divine energy x 10, divine essence = your divine essence x 3", and its attributes are enhanced to be equal to your full attributes of "professional star rating x 50%".

   That is to say, the supernatural power of the skeleton monster summoned by Chen Mo is ten times that of Chen Mo, and the divine essence is three times that of Chen Mo.

   On this basis, skeleton monsters can also get half the multiplier of Chen Mo's professional star rating. Chen Mo's current professional star rating is as high as 400, which means that skeleton monsters can also increase their attribute bonus by 200 times on this basis.

   It can be described as extremely explosive.

  Basically, after the attributes of the skeleton monster are blessed, they can be compared to the attributes of a strong person in the normal second-order **** realm.

   That is to say, without being suppressed by divine power, Chen Mo can fight by relying on his own summons.

  Of course it is impossible not to be suppressed. Even if the effect of Chaos Supreme Treasure is activated, Chen Mo will be suppressed by the normal multiple without being suppressed by the percentage. It is still not easy to fight beyond the level.

  However, it is extremely easy to fight enemies below the second-level **** realm. If the opponent's divine power is not higher than him, he can even achieve a crushing posture. It is no problem for one person to fight millions or even hundreds of millions of the same divine powers who do not form an army.

  However, if he encounters the situation of divine power suppression, his combat effectiveness will drop rapidly.

   But as long as there are not too many suppressed, Chen Mo still has a strong counterattack ability. After all, his summons have extremely strong attributes, even if he is suppressed a hundred times, he still has good combat effectiveness.

   Besides the undead army, the effects of Chen Mo's other four skills also changed accordingly.

  【Universal Shield·Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 10

  【Cooldown】: 30 seconds

  【Effect】: Consume at least 1 point of divine power, and put a shield with a shield value of "5×(100+professional star level) times the consumed divine power" on all friendly units around you within a meter range of "level × occupational star rating × divine power". This shield can take effect against any damage and last forever.

  When any unit deals damage to the units with these shields, these units will get "Rage" to increase the attack speed by 100%, and trigger "Lightning Chain Counterattack".

   When the shield is broken or dispelled, a shield can be regained. (Only takes effect once)

  And the shield value can be used as a universal consumable, whether it is used for the loss of divine power, fighting spirit value loss, anger value loss, etc. All your energy type losses can be replaced by the shield value first (this feature cannot be used for this skill).

  【Death Cult·Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  [Level Requirement]: Level 5

  【Cooldown】: 60 seconds

  [Effect]: Consume 1 point of divine power to activate Death Worship to all summoned creatures within a range of 『Level × Occupational Star × Divine Power』, increasing their attack speed by 300%, and causing them to add inaction and despair to the target when they attack, which can be superimposed.

  If they have a shield on them, their movement speed and attack speed will be increased by 100%, and an additional damage equal to 1% of their current shield value will be added when attacking.

   And gain the ability of "immortality" and "flying" within the duration.

   If you die within the duration, the killer will be cursed with death, increasing all damage received by the killer by 5%, which can be superimposed

  Death Cult lasts forever, but the effect does not stack when applied repeatedly to the same unit.

  During the duration of Death Worship, each summoned object will be equipped with the "Reaper Suit" of the corresponding profession, and the level of the Death Suit is the same as the caster's level!

  The changes in Death Cult are not very obvious. Except that the range formula is added to the calculation of divine power, and energy consumption becomes divine power, the other changes are not very big.

  【Endless Healing Wave Gold】

  【Occupation】: Skeleton Mage

  【Level Requirements】: Level 15

  【Cooldown】: 10 seconds

  [Effect]: Consume 1 point of divine power to apply an infinitely pulsating infinite healing wave to all units within the meter range of "level × occupation star × divine power" around you (priority jumps to unaffected units. If there are enemies around, they must jump back and forth between the enemy and the enemy.) The healing wave beats once every 0.005. Every time a unit is touched during the jump, it will cause a healing/damage to the target unit it jumps to.

   Cause a healing amount equal to your 「Shenyuan×Professional Star×Level」points to friendly targets, and the healing effect will also expand and affect all friendly units within 500 meters around the unit.

  If the HP of the target being healed is full, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the target being healed, and the range of the range of damage is 500 meters around the target unit.

   Inflict damage equal to your 「Shenyuan×Professional Star×Level」to the enemy target, and the damage effect will also expand and affect all enemy units within 500 meters around the unit.

   If the HP of the damaged target is emptied, it will cause a fixed range damage equal to the maximum HP of the damaged target, and the range of range damage is 500 meters around the target unit.

  If the target is lost, it will return to the previous target to take effect again. If the target continues to be lost, it will continue to return until all previous targets are lost.

   Every time the healing wave jumps, the healing amount and damage of the healing wave will increase by 1%. The effect can be increased indefinitely!

   The effect of Endless Healing Wave has not changed much, and the amount of healing and damage is still considerable.

  The changes in these key skills are actually not very big.

  With these four skills, in the Tower of Eternity, as long as Chen Mo doesn't encounter any enemies forming a legion, he basically wanders outside alone, and it is worthwhile to encounter any enemies.

   Single-handed battles are worth it, now that they form an army stronger than others, Chen Mo's fighting power will naturally be even more terrifying.

  Seeing that such a perverted military formation with nearly 40,000 points of divine power has been combined, the group of people who have just returned from the front line can't wait to set off again.

   "Those bastards, the military formation with 10,000 points of divine power has been brought out. Before bullying us, there were few people, but this military formation held back many of us. Now we have an army with 40,000 points of divine power. Let me see how they resist!?"

  At present, the front line is two armies with 10,000 points of divine power competing with each other.

   There is naturally an army formation with ten thousand points of divine power on the earth side, but to form such a large formation, a lot of personnel are needed on both sides to join the formation.

  As for a large formation of this level, other large formations dare not come to the edge at all. After all, any attack that leaks out at will can destroy an army formation with low divine power.

   This caused the two large military formations to be dragged by each other.

  This is very disadvantageous for the solar system.

  Because the solar system is quite insufficient in manpower compared to the eternal star system, a three-life planet, plus a bunch of disgusting opponents from other galaxies to support manpower.

   Now that so many combat forces are being held back by the 10,000-point divine power formation, the situation is naturally becoming more and more critical.

   But you don’t have to send so many people to hold him back. Once you let him have a big battle with thousands of divine powers, it will really be the land of the gods and completely become his back garden.

  After all, for an army formation with 10,000 points of divine power, the fluctuating power of around 500 to 1,000 points in the land of the gods actually had almost no impact on them.

  Your army of 5,000 points of divine power meets an army of 10,000 points of divine power, even if your army of 5,000 points of divine power gains 500 or 1,000 points of divine power and becomes a 5,500-point or 6,000-point divine force, while the opponent's 10,000-point divine power is punished by the God's Domain and becomes a 9,500-point or 9,000-point divine force, they still crush you by 4,000 or 3 000 divine power.

  With this level of crushing, people can do whatever they want in your God's Domain.

   This is a compromise that has to be made. Even if there are not enough manpower, this army formation with 10,000 points of divine power has to be created to hold back the opponent's army of 10,000 points of divine power.

  Of course, it’s different now. Now they have an army of nearly 40,000 points of divine power, completely crushing the opponent’s 29,500 points of divine power, and it’s not just going to blow the opponent’s head off!

   Everyone is naturally eager to try and can't wait.

  Seeing that the seniors were so excited, Chen Mo immediately looked at Ling Yue and said, "If there is nothing else that needs attention, then let's go to the front line now."

   After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the combat command center this time.

   "With such an army formation, we don't have to worry about your safety, so Chen Mo, you can go and join the battle, just to liberate our ten thousand-point divine power army formation."

   After Ling Yue finished speaking, he immediately started the basic teleportation.

  The foundation in the tower can be used as the original teleportation point to teleport all the professionals from the original land to any of the gods' domains occupied by one's own side.

  If you don't rely on the foundation to teleport, you can't directly teleport by jumping out of thin air.

  Because each area block is counted as an independent space.

  This is also why when the opponent wants to attack the God's Domain you control, they don't directly attack and bomb you in their own God's Domain, so that they don't have to be suppressed by divine power.

  Because it simply can't be done.

  Each God’s Domain is an independent space, you cannot launch an attack from one God’s Domain and fall into another God’s Domain through the air.

  Similarly, you cannot teleport directly from one God's Domain to another God's Domain.

  You can use your teleportation ability to teleport anywhere within a god's domain at will.

  But if you want to enter from one God's Domain to another God's Domain, you have to cross the border at the edge of the two God's Domains.

  The ability to teleport to and from God’s Domain on the entire first floor of the Tower of Eternity separated by a lot of different spaces, there are only some specific God’s Domain Teleportation Stones, Foundation Teleportation Stones and other teleportation items, and relying on the global teleportation ability of the foundation in the original tower, you can directly teleport to any God’s Domain that has been controlled by people in your own galaxy.

  At this time, Chen Mo, an army of nearly 40,000 divine powers, was directly air-dropped into the frontline God's Domain where the battle is currently the most intense.

   Those top experts just now, in fact, many of them fought in this area.

  With them supporting each other in each army formation, everyone can last a little longer.

  But after they were transferred just now, there were not many high-spirited people in the army formation. As a result, the combat power they displayed decreased a lot while the divine power of the army formation did not change much.

   For a while, I was overwhelmed and a little out of breath.

   At this time, many legions were beaten and retreated, and they had already retreated to the edge of the next God's Domain.

  Once they all retreat, the land of God's Domain will almost be declared to be taken by the opponent.

  However, every time the land of God's Domain is captured, it can still consume the opponent's time.

  Because a land of God's Domain has just been taken down, the opponent must occupy it first.

  Generally, it is not easy to directly attack the next adjacent God's Domain. After all, if you don't do this, it is not easy to take down the opponent's God's Domain without your own God's Domain adjacent to the opponent's God's Domain to reduce the negative impact on entering the opponent's God's Domain.

   This time still has to be consumed.

  Because of this, the solar system did not collapse so quickly.

  But if you continue to let it go, you will definitely not be able to last for too long.

   "What to do, I can't stop it anymore, why are the seniors suddenly called back by the commander? If they don't come back, this piece of God's Domain will be lost."

   Seeing that the opponent took advantage of their weakness and strengthened their offensive, many people have gradually lost their strength.

   "There must be an important plan, and the commander will tell them to go back. If you insist on it, there may be some good plan."

   "Could it be that they are made into a special agent team to steal the opponent's God's Domain, but if all of their top experts are transferred away, we will be powerless to resist."

   "Damn, these guys are attacking too hard, we can't stand it anymore, let's withdraw!"


   "Guys in the solar system, stop doing unnecessary struggles. If anyone is willing to surrender immediately, we can issue you an Eternal Star System star conversion card!"

   "You are doomed today. There is no point in struggling. Your fate is your own. Living in our eternal star system is no worse than living in your solar system. Why don't you just join us."

  Seeing that the people on this side of the solar system were beaten, their wills had collapsed, and the people in the Yongxing system immediately threw out seductive remarks.

  Obviously, what they said was very tempting. After hearing it, many people in the solar system actually had such a momentary impulse to accept the other party's star conversion card and transfer to the other galaxy. It doesn't need such hard support.

  But their reason and heart suppressed their impulse.

  Many people even yelled directly: "Don't give us this kind of sugar-coated cannonball. We don't care about your stinky galaxy. We have super geniuses in our solar system. Do you have any? Why do you unite today? Don't you know? Why are you bragging that it is better than our solar system? Isn't it because you are scared to death that you unite so many galaxies to come and besiege!

   You wait, wait for our genius to enter this Tower of Eternity, you will definitely have good fruit to eat! "

   "That is, have you heard of the Chaos Treasure? Have you seen it? Maybe a Chaos Treasure can turn the tide of the battle. What are you doing now? You haven't captured half of the God's Domain controlled by our solar system. I advise you, while we are not launching a counterattack now, those who have received our solar system star membership conversion card should quickly apply for star membership conversion. Maybe there is still a chance of survival.

   When we start to counterattack, don't say we didn't give you a chance! "

   I have to say that people in the solar system retorted quite to the point, talking about the pain points of the eternal star system.

  They seem to have huge advantages, but they are actually terrified to death.

   They crazily speed up their attacks, isn't it just to prevent the opponent's super genius from growing up?

  They don't dare to slack off even for a second, and the sound of Chaos Supreme Treasure just now really shocked their hearts.

  A baby of this level, who knows what effect it will have.

  If they don't conquer God's Domain sooner and completely kick the solar system out of the competition, I'm afraid it will be their turn to be beaten soon.

  Hearing these words at this time, the people of the Yongxing system naturally looked extremely ugly, and they became more ruthless.

   "Damn guy, your mouth is really hard. After you lose all of your God's Domain, I'll see how your genius can turn around again!"

  As the professionals from the Eternal Star System went into a rage, the people on the side of the solar system were completely overwhelmed.

  One of the legions and even the shields of the army formation were shattered. If this group of people did not retreat, the next attack came, and they would be the ones who died. They had to retreat directly into the adjacent God's Domain.

  As they retreated, the hostile army that they had resisted was naturally free.

   Originally, each legion was crushed and retreated steadily, but now one of the opponent's legions is still free, so there is no need to say more about the subsequent battle.

  In an instant, the military shields of every legion on this side of the solar system were beaten to the point of shattering.

  Just when several legion members on this side of the solar system were still encouraging and supporting them until the last moment when the shield was broken, and then retreated to the next door to the God's Domain...

  Suddenly, a burst of light shone down from the center of this God's Domain, and a terrifying to appalling divine power suddenly radiated from the center!

  (end of this chapter)

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