All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 342: I have another army like this! (five in one

  Chapter 342 I have another army like this! (five in one)

  Following the shocking divine power fluctuations coming from the central area of ​​the God's Domain, the two sides that were still fighting fiercely stopped subconsciously.

   After all, such a terrifying wave of divine power appeared, who knows what happened.

  Naturally, they had no time to care about their well-matched opponents, so they hurriedly looked towards the place where the terrifying divine power erupted.

   Just when everyone turned their heads to look at the source of this terrifying divine power, they suddenly discovered that the source of this terrifying divine power was actually just a team that had just reached a hundred people.

   "Hundreds of troops?"

   "What's going on, why is there such a terrifying fluctuation of divine power in this hundred-man army?"

   "Is there something wrong with my perception? What level of divine power is this?"

   "This wave of divine power seems to have far exceeded 10,000 points of divine power."

   The alien coalition forces were all stunned when they felt this terrifying fluctuation.

  The comparison of divine power is very obvious right now, because in the corner of the battlefield in this God's Domain, there are two troops with 10,000 divine powers checking and balancing each other.

   And the strength of the divine power erupted by the hundred-man team that appeared in the central area at this time is far beyond the comparison of the two 10,000-point divine power troops over there.

  Even if the divine power of the two troops over there is superimposed, the divine power fluctuations are far inferior to the 100-man squad that appeared in the middle area.

  While the alien coalition forces were stunned, the many troops in the solar system all showed extremely excited expressions.

  They really didn't expect that these big shots in their team left suddenly to do such a big thing.

   Now they're back, and they're coming back with an absolutely crushing attitude.

   I don't know where they got this army formation with far more than 10,000 points of divine power.

   "It's too fierce, does our solar system still hide this level of military formation?"

   "I don't know, I've never heard of it. Didn't it mean that the highest military formation that can be found on the first floor is only 10,000 points of divine power? And it seems that such an army formation of 10,000 points of divine power has been discovered after so many years."

   "Wait a minute, you see that kid in this team is not Chen Mo!"

  As someone saw clearly the appearance of the leader of the hundred-man squad, all the professionals on this side of the solar system understood something in an instant.

   "Could it be that this is the Chaos-level treasure that Chen Mo obtained as mentioned by Tiandao before? I am afraid that only treasures of this level can reach this abnormal strength."

  As soon as this remark came out, many people immediately felt that it was very reasonable.

  The alien coalition forces not far away from them were horrified at this moment.

   Not long ago, when the news that Chen Mo obtained the Chaos Supreme Treasure resounded throughout the galaxy, they had already expected it, and they also guessed in advance the impact this so-called Chaos-level Supreme Treasure could bring.

  But they never expected that this Chaos Treasure would be so perverted and unreasonable.

  Just a hundred people can form an army formation with divine power far exceeding ten thousand points.

   How to fight this?

  Most people in these galaxies can only form an army formation with 10,000 points of divine power at most. Even if these troops with 10,000 points of divine power go together and go into battle, it is not enough to beat up the troops with tens of thousands of divine powers.

  At this moment, the alien coalition forces were all dumbfounded.

  Those who have submitted naturalization applications before, seeing the sudden change in the situation, are also anxious at this time.

  Obviously, the application for naturalization has been submitted in advance. Although it was originally intended to join the solar system as a rebel, at least it was an early surrender, which the solar system does not accept.

   Now that such a perverted military formation has emerged in the solar system, and the salty fish turn over in an instant, then it will be even more impossible for them to be accepted by the solar system if they surrender again.

  If the two defectors had a different purpose at the beginning, now they actually really want to join the solar system.

  After all, they came to join the battle, which is equivalent to making sacrifices.

  Even if they defeated the solar system, it would be impossible for the Eternal Star System to let them go.

  The Qiu Yongxing galaxy that destroyed the Yongxing galaxy formation before is not so easy to forget.

  Once the common enemy is gone, he will not vigorously weaken the power of the major galaxies.

  Anyway, after entering the second area, everyone will still have to fight each other after all, and there is no sympathy to keep.

  So, when they came here, it was already a dead end.

   It's just that even if a person comes with the determination to die, it doesn't mean that he will not change his mind at all during the process.

  Man is not a machine, he has his own thoughts.

   is emotional.

  Sometimes emotional fluctuations lead them to make sacrifices on their own initiative.

  But sometimes because of emotional fluctuations, I choose to live.

  The complexity of intelligent life is far beyond conjecture.

   But right now, even if someone wants to change camp and surrender to the solar system, it is absolutely impossible.

  The solar system is simply impossible to receive.

  Even if the solar system is willing to accept it, the final treatment may not end well.

   At this time, the people in the solar system cheered excitedly, but the alien coalition forces were all ashamed.

   They frantically began to turn their heads to think about how to break this perverted formation that far exceeded ten thousand points of divine power.

   But obviously, it is impossible to come up with countermeasures in an instant when such a powerful enemy suddenly emerges beyond their expectations.

  They are thinking of countermeasures, Chen Mo and others are not idle.

  The moment he landed in this God's Domain, Chen Mo immediately looked at the two troops with 10,000 points of divine power that were restraining each other in the corner area.

   "Seniors, leave this 10,000-point divine power unit to us, and you can free up your hands to clean up other troops with low divine power."

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he activated the Stone of Eternity provided by the seniors in the team to turn his abilities outside the tower into abilities that can be used inside the tower.

   With his ability to flicker super gods, he can directly bring everyone around him to perform arbitrary flickering in the realm of the gods.

  In an instant, he brought everyone in the army to the side of the 10,000-point divine power army of the Eternal Star System.

  Although this time it is said that the coalition forces of alien systems jointly attacked the solar system, there is only one fixed array of 10,000 points of divine power.

  After all, even if other galaxies are willing to sacrifice a top powerhouse, it is absolutely impossible to be willing to sacrifice an army with 10,000 points of divine power.

   There is only one of these things in each galaxy. Once people from the Ten Thousand Points of Divine Force enter this battle area, and they are all killed by people from the Eternal Star System, then in the second area, the Eternal Star System will become another invincible existence after the Solar System.

  They don’t have the 10,000-point divine power formation anymore, but the Eternal Star System still has them. Why don’t you hang them up and beat them?

  Even though they might find an army formation with higher divine power in the second area, it will take time. If they don’t find higher divine power, once they are attacked by the 10,000-point divine power formation from the Eternal Star System, what will they do to stop them?

  Considering this key issue, they did not send the talents of the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force to the Eternal Star System.

  This is also one of the reasons why the solar system can last until now.

   Otherwise, each galaxy will send an owner of the 10,000-point divine force formation, and the opponent only needs to form a large number of 10,000-point divine force formations to easily cause crushing and flat pushing.

  Where is the possibility of resistance? After so long, I don't know how many places in the God's Domain have been pushed away.

  Before they were reluctant to send the Ten Thousand Points of Divine Force to come over because, even if they were sent to help the Yongxing Galaxy take down the solar system, they would not be able to have a better life in the second area in the future.

   Now they still have no intention of sending thousands of magical troops over.

  The main thing is that it doesn’t make much sense. There is an army formation with tens of thousands of divine power in the solar system, which is already an absolute crushing level army formation.

   Like now.

  Just a face-to-face effort, Chen Mo has already mastered the combat skills of all the surrounding troops.

   This is also the strength of the Hunyuan Promise Formation.

  You can use all the existing military skills around you to launch an attack.

  Army battle skills are different from ordinary people's skills. Their strength is activated by combining the attributes of the members of the entire army formation, and their power is extremely abnormal.

   And what Chen Mo copied at this time was still a very powerful attacking army battle technique.

  Following Chen Mo's thoughts, an arrow containing incomparably terrifying energy was condensed in the army formation they were in.

  I saw a surge of energy gushing out from the members of the entire army formation, forming a fiery beam of light. Where the beam of light passed, the air seemed to be torn apart, making a sharp whistling sound. Immediately afterwards, the beam of light quickly condensed into a huge arrow, emitting an extremely dazzling light.

   This arrow seems not to be bound by gravity, suspended in mid-air, exuding a kind of power that makes people tremble, and the surface of the arrow flashes with silver-white arcs, like a bright lightning.

  With the formation of the arrow, a powerful energy fluctuation diffused, the ground began to tremble, and the earth cracked open.

  Chen Mo's troop members tightly grasped the weapons in their hands, even they themselves were shocked by the power.

  As the arrows pointed at the ten-thousand-point divine power team in the Eternal Star System in front of them, those once arrogant enemies also felt the shadow of death at this moment. They looked at the coming arrow in horror, as if seeing their own doom.

  Originally, the 10,000-point divine power troop of the Eternal Star System saw Chen Mo’s terrifying tens of thousands of divine power troops approaching their side, and thought that Chen Mo and the others would speak some harsh words first.

   As a result, who would have thought that this kid is completely ruthless, so he immediately attacked them, planning to kill them first before talking.

  In an instant, the faces of all the members of this 10,000-point divine force became extremely ugly.

   "What should the captain do? This kid has tens of thousands of magical powers in the army formation formed with chaos-level abilities. Our army formation looks like it has no divine power in front of them. How can we fight?"

   "Damn it, it turns out that this is a Chaos-level ability, and there is no way to resist it, so let's disperse quickly, each has his destiny, run as many as he can!"

   "No!! Our teleportation ability has been sealed!"


  Hearing that the teleportation ability was sealed, someone immediately tried to use the space teleportation ability, but the result was the same.

  All their space abilities were completely sealed.

   This is mainly because of the effect of Chen Mo's super **** flashing skill.

  Since Chen Mo's **** flashing skill has been upgraded to super **** flashing skill, the effect is not only that he can bring any number of people to any position at will, but also can make the space ability of all hostile units in the area around this position directly invalid after flashing to a certain position.

  The failure standard is below the super SSS level space capability.

  Currently in this area, only Chen Mo has super SSS and chaos-level spatial abilities.

   Naturally, the space ability of these people was easily sealed.

   Unless these guys have the space ability of the eternal series.

   But the space ability of the eternal series is very rare.

   This gang doesn't exist at all.

  After all, most of the abilities of the Eternal series are linked to the display of divine essence and divine power.

   Few other additional effects.

   At least in this first area, it is difficult to encounter.

  Most of the things they carry are similar eternal abilities that can only act on divine essence and divine power.

   At this time, it cannot bring them any benefits.

  It is impossible for them to teleport away.

   Seeing that the teleportation could not be done, and the opponent was about to make another move, everyone could only prepare to escape back to their own God's Domain as quickly as possible.

   As long as they cross the border between the two gods' domains, they can avoid the terrifying combat skills that Chen Mo's tens of thousands of divine power troops are about to unleash.

   After all, the two God's Domains are equal to two different spaces, and it is impossible for damage to jump directly from one space to another different space.

   "Others can run, but you can't!"

  Seeing that the opponent is scattered like birds and beasts, ready to escape from this piece of God's Domain.

  Chen Mo smiled lightly and came to the side of a thin, short-haired man in the Yongxing system.

   "You still want to leave with an army of ten thousand points of divine power?"

  As soon as the words came out, the pupils of the other party shrank in shock.

  He has a very high level of hidden information ability, and he also carries a lot of chaos fragments.

  The chaotic breath with chaotic fragments combined with his high-level ability to hide information is to ensure that his information is safe and will not be discovered by people from other galaxies.

   It turned out that he didn't expect that his identity was seen through by the other party in just a short meeting.

   After seeing the face of the person in front of him clearly, the face of this person became even more ugly: "Chen Mo!"

   Seeing Chen Mo, most people actually had the urge to kill him.

  The Voice of the Great Dao said before that Chaos-level treasures can be dropped.

  If Chen Mo's ability to form an army of tens of thousands of gods is the treasure of chaos that Tiandao said, then whoever gets the galaxy will be able to rise and prosper.

  But now the biggest problem arises, that is, **** a person who has successfully formed an army of tens of thousands of gods and seize the treasure?

  The answer is simply not possible.

   Unless you use the shadows on the other side of the solar system to forcefully kill the opponent before forming an array!

   As I said before, many people in the solar system have been corrupted.

  Chen Mo has already swept through the earth by means of mind reading skills, and has not found many corrupted people.

  In fact, most of the corrupted people are acting in the Tower of Eternity.

  But these corrupted people were also corrupted when they could not see hope at first.

   Later, after Chen Mo, a rookie like Chen Mo, appeared on the earth, these corrupted people gradually changed their minds and did not want to betray their own galaxy.

  After all, your own galaxy has the hope of rising, and may even rise stronger than the opponent's galaxy, so why leave your hometown to be a dog for the opponent and find trouble for yourself?

   This also caused many corrupted people to return to the solar system firmly.

  However, there are still a small number of people who are completely unwilling to reveal their hypocrites.

  I am afraid that the image I have created will be destroyed, and I dare not reveal what I have been corrupted.

   Now they have a weak spot and have been pinched in the hands of Yongxing Galaxy.

   This part can be used.

   It’s just that people in the Yongxing system don’t know that Chen Mo has unreasonable mind reading ability.

  This ability doesn’t depend on your grade, it doesn’t matter what grade you are, it can directly read your mind.

   This is the dominance of the exclusive rewards for Tiandao activities.

   Whenever such people appear near Chen Mo, they will be exposed immediately, and it is impossible to do anything to harm him.

   At this time, people from the Yongxing system are already contacting this group of people.

   And Chen Mo's mind-reading skills can see through the thoughts of these people.

   Knowing that at this point in time, there are moths in the solar system, Chen Mo doesn't know what to say.

  People’s egoism is difficult to change. Even if there is national righteousness, some people will still make some ideas of betraying righteousness to protect themselves when their race is at the moment of life and death.

   Chen Mo didn't bother to comment on this kind of people.

  From a personal point of view, they have no right or wrong in order to survive, but from the overall situation, these people are traitors, lackeys, and scum, and they must be killed!

   As for how to deal with these people, Chen Mo decided to go back and find these guys, and let the three lords deal with them.

   After obtaining some information through mind reading, Chen Mo finally made a fierce move!

  The arrow that had been hanging high was finally unbearable, and flew straight towards the ten thousand-point divine force formation troops of the Eternal Star System.

   Phew! With a flash of lightning flashing across the sky, boom! In an instant, the entire earth shook violently, and the entire world of God's Domain was shrouded in a burst of incomparably blazing light.

  In the strong light, the eternal star system's ten thousand-point divine power troops that were originally in front of Chen Mo's troops instantly disappeared without a trace, as if they had never existed before, dissipating out of thin air like a dream.

   This scene left everyone around stunned, their eyeballs almost fell off.

  They witnessed this gorgeous attack scene in amazement, unable to believe what happened before their eyes.

  Even though they had expected that Chen Mo's army with tens of thousands of divine powers was absolutely powerful, they never expected that they could turn an army with tens of thousands of divine powers into nothingness with one move.

  In fact, the opponent was not so vulnerable.

  They still have a chance to fight and die.

  But in order to escape as many people as possible, they directly chose to disperse.

   This is what caused them to be wiped out in one move.

  Because there is an army formation, the members of the formation cannot be too far away from the captain of the army formation.

  Everyone's action distance is restricted to death.

  In order for them to escape freely, the captain had to disband the team just now.

  Of course the biggest reason is that even if the team is not disbanded, they will not be able to withstand the attack of Chen Mo, the perverted divine force.

   One hit to the army shield will explode, and two hits will destroy the whole team.

  Then it’s better to break up the team and fight, maybe there will be a chance to survive a few more.

  However, the result is that Chen Mo copied a military formation with extremely abnormal offensive capabilities, and evaporated them all with one move.

   Not even a single corpse was left, let alone resurrected in situ.

  The corpses are gone, even with the resurrection ability, there is no way to resurrect them.

   The scene where Chen Mo killed the 10,000-point divine force formation with one move, he stared blankly at everyone around him. The remaining mixed forces of the Eternal Star System and other alien forces were all panicked at this moment, because it would be their turn next.

  Even the troops of the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force Army are so vulnerable in front of such perverted troops. Is there any possibility for them to survive?

   What's more, in the solar system, besides Chen Mo's abnormal army with tens of thousands of divine power, there is another army with 10,000 divine power.

  If these two troops attack them, it will be a completely crushing massacre for them!

  There is such an abnormal level of military formation here, the news is naturally transmitted back to all the high-levels of the Yongxing Galaxy and other galaxies.

   For a moment, everyone was shocked.

   This is the worst news they have heard now.

  Everyone knows that Chen Mo has a Chaos-level treasure, but no one expected his Chaos-level treasure to be so abnormal.

   It can be said to be an invincible treasure in the first area, and it cannot be countered at all.

  In an instant, all the phantoms of the high-level galaxies of other top power galaxies belonging to the second area of ​​the future with the solar system and the eternal star system came to the high-level meeting room of the eternal star system.

   "Everyone, with the current situation, I don't think any of you here can get away with it. I said at the very beginning that everyone will send ten thousand points of divine power together, so that the solar system can be pushed to the top of the gods at the fastest speed, and the solar system can be expelled from this competition as early as possible.

  You are just timid, now it’s all right, the situation has become like this, what do you think should be done? "

  The senior executives of the Yongxing system were already very displeased with these guys for destroying their formation. Now that they have an opportunity, they can't help but verbally criticize them.

   "What's the point of saying this now, time can't be turned back, and now I have another way." The senior executives of other galaxies rolled their eyes and said to the senior executives of the Eternal Star Galaxy.

   "What's your opinion, Your Excellency?" Hearing that there is still a way, everyone became interested for a while.

  The opponent already has such a perverted army formation, what else can they do?

   "Everyone, now everyone is a grasshopper on the same rope, so I will open the skylight and speak out. Everyone knows why we didn't want to send an army with 10,000 points of divine power over before!

  At that time, we were afraid that all our 10,000-point divine power array would die here, while the Eternal Star System left only a 10,000-point divine power formation, taking a crushing attitude towards us.

  Now the 10,000-point divine force array in the Eternal Star System has been determined to be destroyed. According to past experience, once the owner of the 10,000-point divine force array loses the 10,000-point divine force array, that galaxy will have to wait at least ten years for the cooldown period to regain the 10,000-point divine force array.

  In the past ten years, if we didn't have the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force Array, then everyone's starting point is the same.

  I propose that this time all our galaxies send tens of thousands of magical troops over to spread the attack, so that the solar system has no time to defend. "

  If it is said that before, everyone did not dare to send the 10,000-point divine force array over because they were afraid that after everyone lost the 10,000-point divine force array, the Eternal Star System would grow on its own, then they don’t have to worry about this problem now because the 10,000-point divine power array of the Eternal Star System has exploded.

   And most of their galaxies have absolutely crushed the competition in their first area, and they have wiped out the 10,000-point divine force formation of their opponents in the same area.

  So whether or not they have their own 10,000-point divine power formation will not affect their final victory in the first area, but they can invest these 10,000-point divine power formations into the battlefields of the Eternal Star System and the Solar System.

   "Are you trying to say that we can use the strategy of rushing to attack the land of God's Domain with a large number of 10,000-point divine power?"

   "That's right. After all, it's a victory as long as they get 90% of the God's Domain, not defeating the opponent's galaxy. So what if the opponent has the strongest army? If he can't conquer the God's Land faster than us, then no matter how strong the army is, they will still only be defeated."

   "This method is feasible. The opponent now only has a top-notch army and a 10,000-point divine power army to compete with us.

  A top-notch army can't balance defense and offense at all. As long as we are careful not to be caught by him with too many 10,000-point divine power troops, we can fill up 90% of God's Domain first, and kick the solar system out of the competition! "

  Eternal Star System executives were very happy after hearing this plan.

  Because of this plan, he is willing to accept the sacrifice of the supreme combat power of other galaxies.

  No matter what the result of this battle is, none of these people with 10,000 points of divine power can leave.

  Their Eternal Star System has lost the 10,000-point divine power formation, so how could it be possible for people in other galaxies to retain this abnormal level of combat power.

   Their plan is very good, but they don't know that Chen Mo has not fully demonstrated his true strength at this time.

  In the God's Domain of the solar system.

  Since the 10,000-point divine force of the Eternal Star System was attacked by Chen Mo, a tens of thousands of divine force, within seconds, the remaining alien alliance naturally became even more vulnerable immediately.

  Before they died, they still wanted to counterattack the low-power troops who took away a little more of the solar system.

   But obviously, this is impossible.

  A 10,000-point divine power army and a tens of thousands of divine power troops are watching. They have no chance to take action against other low-power army formations.

  The moment they had this idea, Chen Mo's army and the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force army attacked together.

  Two troops with crushing ranks made their move. Naturally, these little guys had no chance of resisting at all. They were instantly killed on the spot, and things exploded all over the place.

   "Too fierce!"

   At this time, no one was free to pick up things. They all looked at Chen Mo, feeling extremely horrified by Chen Mo's perverted army.

   But they didn't know that Chen Mo could form two of this perverted army formation by himself.

   At this time, he did not release his external avatar.

  He can recall the city, he has the Hunyuan Wuji array, and the reminiscence naturally has the Hunyuan Wuji array.

  Although there are not so many members with high divine power, it is still easy to find some people with 100 or 200 divine powers, and then form an army with close to 20,000 divine powers.

  So, there is actually a hidden army in the solar system that crushes the ten thousand-point divine power formation.

   "Chen Mo, you have made great contributions this time. Without you, we might lose our God's Domain again this time. At the same time, our 10,000-point divine power army formation has already been beaten, and the shield of the army formation is about to be broken. If we continue to fight for a while, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to continue to support it."

  At this time, the captain of the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Force Array flew to Chen Mo's side excitedly and said with a smile on his face.

   "Senior, now that the enemy is at hand, we don't need to talk about this, we should hurry up and take back the lost land of God's Domain, and **** as much as possible.

  The Eternal Star System has lost the 10,000-point divine power formation, so we have another crushing-level military formation on our side.

   In addition to this, I can also form an army formation with more than 10,000 points of divine power. Two army formations with more than 10,000 points of divine power cooperate with one army with 10,000 points of divine power. "

   One and two seem to be only one team apart.

   But in fact, the utility is much worse.

  Since the other party knows that you have a top-notch army, what will the other party do?

  The other party will definitely hide in the border area of ​​the God's Domain every time, and you will choose to run away as soon as you find out.

  One of your troops has no time to block it.

   But the two are different.

  You can enter two God's Domains at the same time.

   No matter which border the opponent crosses, there will be another crushing-level army waiting. It is impossible to run, only a dead end!

   This is the biggest difference.

  From being walked with the dog to stably killing, only one more troop is needed.

  At first, everyone thought that Chen Mo's ability to form such an extremely perverted army was already against the sky.

   As a result, he never thought about it. He said something amazing again, and there is still a way to continue to form an army with more than 10,000 points of divine power.

  Everyone around couldn't help but show expressions of astonishment after hearing this.

   "Stinky boy, you are so shocking and endless, you still have a way to continue to form an army with 10,000 points of divine power?"

  In Chen Mo's army, an old senior with extremely high supernatural power looked at him, he was incredulous and loved extremely.

  It is a great blessing for the solar system to have such an outstanding young generation.

   It can be said that he changed the whole situation of the battle by himself.

   "Chen Mo, you are not joking, right? Heavenly Dao only said that you have obtained a Chaos Supreme Treasure. Do you have a second Chaos Supreme Treasure like this?"

   "Each of the Chaos Treasures should be unique. I really don't have a second one of this Chaos Treasure." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "Then how do you form a second army with more than 10,000 points of divine power?"

  As soon as they heard that Chen Mo did not have a second Chaos Supreme Treasure of this level, everyone immediately became curious about the method that Chen Mo just said to form another army formation with more than 10,000 points of divine power.

  Chen Mo did not show off, but called out the memory with a thought.

  In an instant, the memory of the child appeared in front of everyone.

  Since Zui Yi has the same ability as Chen Mo, they are both covered by the chaotic energy of the Chaos Trialist, so everyone naturally has no way to check his information.

   They just looked at him curiously and said, "Who is this child?"

   "His name is Reminiscence, and he will also form an army formation like mine, but he needs to have enough divine power. I don't know if our galaxy can gather so many people with high divine power."

   "If you want to say that the basic divine power exceeds one or two hundred, it is difficult to find in our galaxy, but if you want to say that the increased divine power reaches one or two hundred, then it is not too easy to find. We can gather ninety-nine people for you here."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "That would be the best."

   It is true that there is still a huge gap between the basic divine power and the increased divine power. To form an army formation, the sum of the increased divine power only needs to exceed 10,000 points of divine power. Finding someone is still very easy.

  As a large group of people with about 200 points of divine power stood up, the formation of the perverted army that recalled has also been completed.

  The total power of his troops reached 25,000 points of power.

   It is also enough to completely defeat an army with 10,000 points of divine power.

  Seeing the appearance of another abnormal army with far more than 10,000 points of divine power, even the people in the solar system felt a chill.

  It was the chill of being completely crushed.

  If their enemy has such an abnormal strength, they don't know how to resist, and I am afraid that they will completely lose the idea of ​​​​resisting.

   In fact, many people in other galaxies are like this at this time.

  After learning that Chen Mo has such an abnormally strong army formation, they don't know what to do.

  If you haven’t dealt with the solar system before, you may still try to join, get a few star conversion cards, and change your star status to survive.

   But now they have obviously provoked the solar system, and almost killed them. Now that the solar system has a huge advantage, even if they want to attach, there is no possibility.

  The road has come to this point, they can only bite the bullet and go to the end of this dead road.

  The only hope is to be able to die and survive.

   Like the plan they have now.

  Even if the solar system has a top military formation, so what?

  After they send all the 10,000-point divine power troops over, they will have hundreds of second-ranked troops.

   As long as these military formations do not encounter the top military formation, they will still kill randomly.

   And even if you encounter them, as long as you lock your position in advance and stand at the border of the two gods' domains, what can the other party do against you?

  As soon as he came over, he took a small step across and could hide in the God's Domain next door.

  Even if the opponent takes a step across to chase after him, wouldn't it be enough if he takes a step across and goes back?

   How difficult can it be to hide and seek back and forth?

   It is true that if there is really only one such top-level army in the solar system, it is really possible to be very uncomfortable being sneaked by the opponent.

   At that time, there seems to be no other good solution other than incompetence and rage.

   But sadly not...

   Soon, a large number of owners of the 10,000-point divine power array came to the Yongxing system one after another.

   On the side of the solar system, they have already begun to try to conquer the lost God's Domain.

  Since there are three armies with tens of thousands of gods in the solar system, they have completely reached the level of crushing, and it is not easy to conquer the lost land of the gods.

  But at this time, there is no need for three tens of thousands of troops to crush, because all the troops in the God's Domain around the God's Domain where they are now have all retreated in fear.

   Everyone is not a fool, a 10,000-point divine force and a far more than 10,000-point divine force are likely to fight over, so why do they keep it?

   Waiting to die?

  An army formation with more than 10,000 points of divine power would be enough to kill all the garbage army troops stationed in a god's domain.

   Naturally, it is useless to keep it. It is better to retreat quickly and send the combat power to a useful place.

   This made Chen Mo and others find that the next door to the God's Domain was completely empty when they went to the God's Domain next door.

  In fact, this is even better. They don't need to stay here to clean up the main force. They only need to crack the checkpoints in the God's Domain to occupy the God's Domain.

  If the land of God’s Domain has just changed hands, then the level design in this God’s Domain is no longer the level in the previous God’s Domain, and needs to be cracked again.

  Even if the previous owner of this God’s Domain belonged to the solar system, it will have to be re-deciphered after it becomes the Eternal Star System at this moment.

  For others, to crack the level of God's Domain, one needs to understand the content of the level first, and then send the content of the level back to the think tank, and then the think tank will study and crack it.

   But for Chen Mo, there is no need to be so troublesome. His Mo Luo brain is equivalent to carrying the top think tank with him.

   There is no need to find any intelligence group to help him crack the level of the land of the gods.

  After he and Zhuan Yi led the team into a God's Domain, the two of them relied on Mo Luo's brain to quickly analyze the checkpoints in the God's Domain.

   Their cracking speed is even faster than sending it back to let the think tanks on Earth solve the problem.

   Soon, the two of them figured out how to crack the levels in their respective God's Domains, and easily and quickly occupied the two God's Domains.

   "What's the situation, the two God's Domains have lost control one after another, how could it be so fast!?"

   Such a cracking speed was far beyond the expectations of the Yongxing system.

  Although no one exists in this piece of God's Domain, the number of God's Domain held is basically linked to the tower. Now they suddenly lost two God's Domains, or the God's Domain near the God's Domain where Chen Mo and his super team appeared just now was quickly cracked, which somewhat made them have some bad guesses about it.

  (end of this chapter)

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