Chapter 343 Surprise (two in one)

  Seeing that the faces of the senior executives of the Yongxing galaxy suddenly became a little ugly, the senior executives of other galaxies immediately asked: "What's wrong?"

   "I don't know why, the two God's Domains we controlled were quickly taken away from control."

   "Didn't they send a few teams to frantically test a lot of level puzzles in the God's Domain that you are controlling? It's not surprising that they were solved."

   "It's not the previous ones. These two God's Domains were just conquered from the solar system, and we just solved the puzzle of a new level. As a result, we didn't expect that the solar system would take over directly so soon."

   "Oh? The two lands of God's Domain that you said were captured from the solar system, wouldn't they be near the land of God's Domain where the tens of thousands of divine power troops led by Chen Mo are located?"


  As soon as these words came out, all the people around felt that something was wrong.

  If you are lucky, it is possible to quickly solve the puzzle of a level in the domain of the gods.

  But now it's a bit strange to unlock two in an instant and control them at such a fast speed.

   "Don't worry about this for now, let's hurry up and form our 10,000-point supernatural power army, and rush to attack!"

  Although I think this matter is weird, there is no point in discussing this matter right now. Even if I know that the other party is weird, they control tens of thousands of divine power formations, and their strength is very strong. They have no ability to show their faces to others.

  Although it is said that all major galaxies have sent the holders of the 10,000-point divine force array over.

   But this ten thousand-point divine power army was not established just because it was established.

   The total divine power of all members of the team needs to reach 10,000 points.

  The Eternal Star System is stronger than the Solar System, but it is still very labor-intensive to form so many 10,000-point divine power formation troops.

  They recruited back almost all the people from God's Domain.

  Finally, ninety-eight troops with 10,000 points of divine power were barely formed.

  In the end, there was an extra 10,000-point divine power array that was not full enough.

  This leads to the need for other galaxies to send people to fill it up.

  In the end, ninety-nine thousand-point divine power formations were created.

  At this time, these galaxies that have fought against the solar system have come to a dead end and can only fight to the death, but they don't care about more sacrifices.

  With the formation of the ninety-nine thousand-point divine power formation, they will begin their assault on the land of the gods.

  According to their estimates, there is only one 10,000-point divine force in the solar system that can stop them. Even if another tens of thousands of divine power can kill them, as long as they run fast enough and sneak in, the opponent can't do anything to them.

   It only needs to send a few 10,000-point divine power troops to contain these two military formations. The remaining military formations in the solar system can only face them with a dead end, and they are completely vulnerable.

   It is not difficult at all to win this large number of lands in the domain of the gods.

  However, just when they formed ninety-nine army formations with 10,000 points of divine power, the senior executives of the Yongxing system became even more frowning.

   "Sure enough, there is a problem. During our formation, they quickly occupied several God's Domains. Even though we have withdrawn our troops and let them wander around in these God's Domains, the puzzles designed in the God's Domains will not be broken so quickly.

   Their occupation speed is absolutely unusual! "

   "It seems that things are far more difficult than we imagined. The solar system has never occupied the land of God's Domain at such an abnormal speed before. It seems that this matter has something to do with the evil Chen Mo of the solar system!"

   "That's not right, they always **** the control of our two God's Domain at a very fast speed every time. Even if Chen Mo has a special way to quickly occupy the God's Domain, he won't be able to occupy two places at the same time by himself!"

  The senior executives of the Yongxing system couldn't help but feel a little puzzled about this matter.

  But even if the opponent has double the occupation speed, but they have more than 90 times the occupation speed, they still have an absolute advantage, and there is no need to be afraid.

  After being clear about the current situation, the senior executives of the Eternal Star System and other galaxies immediately jointly dispatched all the 10,000-point divine force formations, and began to launch a fierce attack on all the lands of God's Domain that are not affiliated to the Eternal Star System.

  Once they entered the other party's God's Domain and obtained the level puzzles, they would immediately send back the corresponding level puzzles, which would be solved by a think tank jointly formed by a large number of galaxies.

   In this way, their speed of breaking the game is actually not much slower than that of Chen Mo.

   Soon, the solar system discovered this crisis.

   At the base of the solar system tower.

   "What's the situation? Why do so many 10,000-point divine power troops suddenly appear? Are these aliens all crazy? Even sent out their own background?"

   "It seems that Chen Mo's super powerful army has given them a crisis of extinction, and they don't care about the background anymore, they just want to kick us out of the competition as much as possible."

   "The current situation is really a bit difficult to deal with. With so many 10,000-point divine power troops fighting out together, even if we have Chen Mo, a super powerful army, we may not be able to deal with it in time."

   "It's really tricky, you have to think about the countermeasures!"

  Whether it is the combat command center or the basic control room.

  The two supervisors all showed worried expressions, and coordinated and sent the relevant information to the three alliance leaders.

  Ling Yue's side recruited all the frontline troops as quickly as possible.

  After all, the opponent has already confirmed that they have dispatched a large number of 10,000-point divine force formations. These low-level divine power formations are not enough to fight against an army formation of this level, and it is no different from going to death.

   A low-level divine power army facing a 10,000-point divine power army is like a 10,000-point divine power army facing Chen Mo, a tens of thousands of divine power troops.

   There is no possibility of any resistance.

  Ling Yue issued the retreat order, and at the same time ordered people to pass the news to Chen Mo and others on the front line.

  Receiving this news, Chen Mo was not surprised.

  He has a real Mara brain, and his brain activity is far beyond ordinary people. He can still predict a thing or two about what the enemy will do.

   Having come to this point, it is completely expected that they dispatched a large number of 10,000-point divine force troops.

  In fact, the more the other party is like this, the better it is.

   After all, as the saying goes, it’s easy for Hades, but hard for little ghosts.

  He is not afraid of the opponent's concentration of people, but rather annoys the opponent to divide the personnel evenly to launch an offensive.

   That’s not easy to deal with,

   "Senior Lingyue, you will send me and the two army troops of Zhuan Yi to the God's Domain, which is closer to the place where the opponent's ten thousand-point divine power army appears, and I will deal with them."

   "Reminisce? Who is it?"

   Remembrance was summoned by Chen Mo when he arrived at the frontline battlefield. Ling Yue hadn't even seen it yet, so naturally he didn't react for a while.

   "The people in the basic control room should know." Chen Mo replied directly.


  The current situation can only be supported by Chen Mo's tens of thousands of magical troops.

  However, even with a powerful army like Chen Mo, Ling Yue still feels very difficult about the current situation.

  Because of a super first-class army, facing so many first-class troops, I am afraid that the effectiveness will not be so high.

  At this time, her mind was still running wildly, thinking about how to delay the devastating offensive of the opponent's 10,000-point divine force.

  But as he conveyed Chen Mo's request to the basic control room.

  The supervisor in the basic control room was a little surprised.

  Because they activated their basic abilities to control the relocation of the troops of their own galaxy members, they were shocked to find that the so-called remembrance army was actually an army with tens of thousands of divine power.

   "What's the situation? Why do we have two troops with 10,000 points of divine power?"

  But as they passed the news back to the three leaders.

  Jiang Yun and the others knew that Chen Mo had a duplicate existence.

   It's just that although they knew about this, they were surprised that Zhuan Yi had such an abnormal ability to form an army like Chen Mo.

  At this time, they naturally asked the people in the tower to follow Chen Mo's ideas.

   Soon, the two troops of Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi were teleported together to the God's Domain that was being invaded by the enemy at this time.

  As long as their teams are not in a combat state, the tower can basically deploy and teleport them in a wide range at will.

  With the deployment of the base control room in the tower, Chen Mo and Zou Yi have been transported together to the God's Domain next to the God's Domain that is currently being attacked by the enemy.

  The God’s Domain controlled by one’s own galaxy can be directly teleported only if there are troops engaged in battle, such as the God’s Domain that Chen Mo and the others airborne just now.

  And if the God’s Domain controlled by your own galaxy has already been attacked by the enemy, you can’t directly teleport to that God’s Domain.

  Following Chen Mo and Zou Yi, the two troops arrived at the front.

  The three God's Domains around the God's Domain where they are located are all being occupied by people at this time.

   It's just that it hasn't been successfully occupied yet. After all, it takes a certain amount of time to crack the checkpoints in the land of God's Domain.

   This time is also the time when they are most afraid of Chen Mo's arrival in the Yongxing system.

   It can be seen that in the occupied God's Domain at this time, the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force troops supported by other galaxies are trying to break through the border position between the God's Domain and the Eternal Star Galaxy's God's Domain.

   Once they find Chen Mo and the others coming at this position, they can avoid it immediately.

  Of course, this method is okay to deal with one strong enemy, but it will not work if there are two.

  As Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi brought two tens of thousands of divine power troops into the God's Domain that was being occupied by the 10,000-point divine power sent by the Allied Galaxy, the 10,000-point divine power in this area immediately noticed it.

   Their speed can be described as extremely fast.

  Even if Chen Mo and Zhui Yi immediately cast their super-spiritual flickering ability and came directly to them, they had already penetrated the boundary barrier and entered the next-door God's Domain.

   "Good guy, the reaction speed is really fast. It seems that he is indeed always ready to deal with my attack."

  The strategy of these people running back and forth does not prevent them from cracking the level of Chen Mo's current God's Domain.

  The levels that have been solved will only become more and more proficient. As long as Chen Mo's troops leave, they can come back immediately to continue.

  So they didn't care about Chen Mo's arrest.

  The aliens have already prepared to use nearly half of the 10,000-point divine power formation to hold Chen Mo back.

  Chen Mo alone is enough to deal with half of the 10,000-point divine power formation troops, which is enough for him to burn out.

   After all, no matter which God's Domain he chases, people from other God's Domains will continue to break through.

  He needs to continuously change the places in the God's Domain to prevent them from breaking through in each God's Domain.

   But after all, a team's mobility is extremely limited, and in the end it will definitely not be able to stop their level-breaking efficiency.

  This countermeasure is no problem, but unfortunately, there is an accident!

   After they hid in the God's Domain next door, Chen Mo naturally led the team to chase after them.

   And the moment Chen Mo led the team to chase after them, this group of people obviously had expected it, and turned their heads again and crossed the border of the God's Domain, which was close at hand, and returned to the God's Domain just now.

  They are still complacent and feel that they have played a trick on Chen Mo.

   It turned out that they never thought that when they just returned to the land of God's Domain where they were before, a ray of light covering the sky and the sun came oncoming, and the ground began to tremble at the same time. Before they could figure out what was going on, a terrifyingly huge arrow had already hit them!

  Boom! In an instant, his military shield was completely shattered.

   "What's the situation! This army..."

  Everyone didn't even realize what was going on at the first time.

   While they were bewildered, the terrifying arrow came again, and the second attack launched by Zhuan Yi's 25,000-point divine force was already in place.

  In an instant, this group of people was all reduced to a pile of fly ash under the terrifying increase in divine power.

  Until they died, they still didn't understand what happened.

   Obviously there is no Chen Mo in the team in front of him, why does this team have more than 10,000 troops!

  Because they died so horribly this time, they didn't have time to pass the news back to the high-level of their respective galaxies.

  In addition, these people still died in the God's Domain controlled by the solar system, and even the news of their death could not be received by the Eternal Star System immediately.

   At this time, in the intelligence networks of the major galaxies, the action process of this army formation is still in the process of raiding and recalling the land of God's Domain where it is now.

   Reminiscing that just after finishing the group of people here, Chen Mo has already returned to this piece of God's Domain.

   "Want to play hide and seek with me."

  Through the memory sharing of reminiscences, Chen Mo also discovered that those people just didn't have time to report back the information.

  The matter was so astonishing that they didn't even have time to do it.

   So natural is the best.

  Chen Mo smiled and glanced at the pile of things that exploded in front of him, looked at Zhuan Yi and said, "We still have to continue working. According to the information from above, there may be dozens of troops from the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force Formation appearing this time, but we are busy."

  At this time, the members of the two teams were also extremely excited. Once upon a time, the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Force Army was so fragile, and now they are all part of the top combat power in the solar system!

   Naturally, many people feel very honored and excited.

  Especially most of the people in the memory unit.

   After all, Chen Mo's team is basically big bosses, so their mentality is more stable.

   In the Remembrance team, few were able to truly take charge of the solar system. Now that they have such an opportunity, they naturally feel honored.

   After Chen Mo wiped out the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Force troops of the Eternal Star System, he was not in a hurry to directly occupy the God's Domain of the Eternal Star System next door, because if he did, the news of the abnormal situation here would definitely be passed back to the Eternal Star System.

  He is now focusing on surprise, and he is going to trick the opponent's tens of thousands of magical troops.

  The land of the God's Domain is quadrilateral, and each piece of the God's Domain has a total of four pieces of the God's Domain bordering it.

  The left side of the God's Domain where Chen Mo is now is the God's Domain of the Eternal Star System, and the upper one is also the God's Domain of the Eternal Star System.

  The one below and the one on the right are all the lands of the gods of the solar system, and at this time the land of the gods controlled by the solar system is also being occupied by people, so he immediately killed the past with memories!

  (end of this chapter)

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