All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 344: Amazing number of death messages! (two in one)

  Chapter 344 Amazing number of death messages! (two in one)

  When Chen Mo came to another adjacent God's Domain with memories, the reaction of the Alien Allied Forces was almost exactly the same as in the previous God's Domain.

  As soon as he noticed the terrifying divine power coming, he immediately passed through the boundary barrier in the God's Domain and hid back in his own God's Domain.

   "These people, where did they learn guerrilla warfare?"

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

  Following him, he followed the same pattern as the last place in God's Domain.

   As soon as he got through the border barrier, those guys really got back.

   This time, recalling started faster.

   Almost two terrifying arrows of divine power were fired in succession, in order to seal their mouths.

  The Ten Thousand Dot Divine Power Array used to be the most domineering method, but now it has become an existence that can be easily killed in seconds. It is no wonder that the major galaxies have such a sense of crisis.

  At this time, they only wished they hadn't made such a decision earlier.

  Otherwise, it would not be possible to drag your own galaxy to the current situation.

   But self-reservation is a human condition.

  At the beginning, I thought that Chen Mo could be eliminated by only using one five-star professional in each galaxy. Such a loss is really acceptable.

  They naturally don't feel bad about anything.

  All the top combat power can be kept in hand to deal with the competition in the second area later.

   In the end, I didn't think about it, the opponent was too perverted, and the demonization brigade of five-star professionals went up for nothing.

   They had to take a further step and sent out the top powerhouses in the galaxy.

   At this step, they have already made a big concession.

  But still habitually chose to keep it, reluctant to part with the army of ten thousand points of divine power.

  If they used such means to storm the solar system in the first place, Chen Mo might not have time to grow to this point.

   It's just who can predict these things.

  The cost of directly sending the holders of the 10,000-point divine power formation to come to this battlefield is really too high, and no top galaxy can bear such a loss.

   Only when they are driven to a dead end, will they really think about this final choice.

  Even if they regret it now, after thinking about it carefully, they know that it is impossible to make such a decision in the first place anyway.

  Don't look at the indecision of the senior officials of the Eternal Star System who blamed other galaxies for causing the current situation. In fact, they themselves are very clear that it is pure nonsense to let these galaxies directly send the owners of the 10,000-point divine force formation.

  Following Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi teamed up again, they silently wiped out a 10,000-point divine force formation.

   At this time, there are only 97 groups of 10,000-point divine force left in the Alien Alliance.

  Such numbers are still very terrifying. The God’s Domain they attacked, except for the solar system sending out the 10,000-point divine force to block one of the groups, the other groups did not dare to send people to stop them, allowing them to attack their own God’s Domain as if they were in no one’s land.

   If this continues, the solar system will definitely not be able to bear it.

  Chen Mo and Zhui Yi also hurriedly speeded up.

ten minutes later.

   The Alien Alliance's 10,000-point divine power formation has been killed by 30%.

   At this time, there are only sixty-six left.

  With so many 10,000-point Divine Force troops missing all of a sudden, the Alien Alliance will find a problem even if it is slow to respond.

  Although on the surface, they didn’t feel any problem, but after ten minutes passed, several groups of people had clearly solved the strategy to pass the level, but there was no information about the capture of these God’s Domains in the base control room of the Eternal Star System Tower.

   It stands to reason that these gods should have been controlled by them long ago.

  Based on this point, they naturally sent out a message immediately trying to ask why the progress of the strategy was so slow.

   As a result, they received a message that surprised them.

  【Tiandao reminder: I'm sorry, the professional you contacted has died, so I can't reply you temporarily! 】

  Seeing this message, the basic administrator who sent the message immediately felt a thump in his heart.

  Before the troops set off, they all made friends with him in advance, so that they could better control and deliver messages.

   Originally thought that these people were stuck due to some tricky reasons, but they never thought that they were already dead!

   This really shocked the root administrator.

   And not one reply of this kind of death message came back, but several at a time.

  It was the death reply of the leaders of the groups of men and horses who he thought should have captured the God's Domain early but had not been captured.

  After seeing several such messages and replying, the basic administrator was also confused at this time.

  According to the plan they made before, it is reasonable to say that nothing will happen to these people.

   And even if something happened, why didn't they even have time to send a message back?

   What exactly happened that caused all these people to lose contact strangely?

  Because he couldn't figure out the reason for a while, he could only report this important matter, and promptly issued a warning message to all the remaining owners of the 10,000-point divine power array.

   "Everyone is paying attention. At present, there have been a number of strange deaths of the 10,000-point Divine Force Army. We haven't received relevant information yet. We don't know what happened. Please take precautions in advance and reply to the information in time if you encounter any abnormal situation."

  Following the root administrators in the Yongxing Galaxy Tower, the group sent this message.

  The news that made him even more desperate popped up one after another.

  Originally, he thought that the only people who had the accident were the few groups who had obtained the way to pass the level of the land of God's domain and hadn't cleared it for a long time.

   As a result, he never thought about it. He sent a group message this time, and Tiandao directly replied to him with dozens of death messages.

   I don’t know if I don’t count, but I’m stunned by the count!

  Thirty-three of the holders of the 10,000-point divine power array died!

   That is to say, only two-thirds of the original number of people are alive.

   This is too against the sky!

   So many top troops died in silence!

   Now, the aliens immediately organized a key discussion on how the solar system could quietly wipe out so many tens of thousands of divine power troops.

   At this time, Chen Mo continued to attack.

  However, when he attacked the thirty-four groups of 10,000-point Divine Force troops, they were already prepared this time.

  Before, as soon as Chen Mo came to a certain God’s Domain, the alien coalition forces in this God’s Domain would immediately run away, without even noticing the memory of this army.

   After all, Chen Mo’s army is too powerful. Any other army of divine power around him is like a fluorescent light next to the sun, which is directly covered and invisible.

  So much so that all the alien coalition forces directly ignored the existence of recalling this force.

   This is also the reason why they died silently.

   After all, no one would have expected that besides Chen Mo's army of tens of thousands of divine power, there would be a troop capable of instantly killing them with tens of thousands of divine power.

  In addition, Chen Mo's mental calculation is not intentional, and the second is so fast, it is naturally more difficult to pass the news out.

   But this time, even if Chen Mo came, the team did not retreat immediately, because they had just received a message from above, asking them to pay attention to see what is weird about the solar system.

  As they stopped and observed carefully, they finally discovered that Chen Mo, a perverted army, was accompanied by another army.

   But before they could feel the strength of this army formation carefully, Chen Mo had already led his group of the most perverted army formation troops to kill them.

  The gang of persecuted people had to run away quickly.

   But at least during the run, they passed this important news back.

   "He appeared here. Although I didn't fully figure out why, I saw that he had a troop with him!"

  Although it is known that Chen Mo came with another army, why those people died so silently is still very unpredictable.

  Even the army that met Chen Mo and the recalling army at this time, never thought that besides Chen Mo's ultra-abnormal army, there is actually such an abnormal army in the solar system.

  Following Chen Mo's pursuit through the barrier, they immediately hid back in the original God's Domain. At the same time, they were also ready to check what was wrong with the army that Chen Mo brought, so they could report it quickly.

   As a result, the moment they got back to the God's Domain just now, what greeted them was a stream of light accompanied by a dazzling light that covered the sky.

   Before they could react, two beams of light hit their positions one after another.

  The first arrow shattered the shield of the army formation, and the second arrow directly wiped them out.

   At this time, at the base of the eternal star galaxy tower.

  The base administrator in the tower, who was still communicating with the captain of this army formation, received another news that horrified him.

  【Tiandao reminder: I'm sorry, the professional you contacted has died, so I can't reply to you temporarily! 】

   "What!? Died again?"

  He didn't know how or when those people died before. Although he felt that things were weird, he didn't feel too much shock.

   But now he was really shocked.

  Because he had already greeted in advance this time, it stands to reason that this army should have been prepared for prevention and response information.

  But when they were killed, there was no relevant information reported in time.

   This just shows that the speed of killing the enemy is extremely abnormal!

  Even if the complete information was not obtained, when such news was passed to the think tank, it was immediately deduced in all directions.

  If it is said that Chen Mo brings another army unit, that army unit either has a very strong restrictive ability, or has a very strong output ability.

  If it only has an extremely strong restraining ability, although it is also possible for this army to restrict their troops in place and cannot leave, and then be killed by Chen Mo's super abnormal army.

   But such speculation is obviously untenable in terms of killing speed.

   After all, they rely on restricting their actions, and Chen Mo's army will kill them. They definitely have enough reaction time to send a message and come back to alert them.

  But now these perishing troops were all inexplicably and quickly wiped out, and they didn't even have time to reply to the news. It can be seen that they were definitely killed instantly!

  If this is the case, then another army unit brought by Chen Mo must have such ability.

   Only when the solar system has two military formations of this level come together, can such a thing be possible.

  When all the impossibilities are eliminated, no matter how unbelievable the final truth is, it is still the only truth.

  Although the aliens were all dumbfounded after drawing this conclusion, after excluding other possibilities, they could only come to this seemingly impossible possibility.

   After all, the opponent didn't just kill a 10,000-point divine power army quickly, but now more than 30 troops have died.

  If only one or two died, it can still be said that the other party used some special props.

   But with so many dead, it can only be achieved by stabilizing combat power.

   "What!? How could the result inferred by the think tank be this?"

  After the alien think tank reported the reasoning results, all the high-level executives looked very ugly.

  Having an army with more than 10,000 points of divine power in the solar system is already extremely perverted and tricky.

  Why is there a second army of this kind in the solar system now?

  Then if there is a second army of this type in the solar system, can they make a third or fourth!

  Then what else is going to be fought in this battle?

   "Everyone, what do you think?"

   "Since the think tank agrees that this is the only possibility, then this matter should not be possible. We have ushered in the worst situation. The solar system now has at least two military formations with far more than 10,000 points of divine power and one military formation with 10,000 points of divine power.

   These two army formations with far more than 10,000 points of divine power have the ability of our 10,000 points of divine power in an instant. Once they jointly attack, they will basically catch and die, and there is no possibility of escape. "

   "Damn it, what the **** is going on with this solar system, a weak galaxy with only one living planet, why is it so difficult and perverted!"

   "If the opponent really has such a combat power, what should we do now? It would be a bad idea to continue to use the 10,000-point divine force formation. We have only a few hundred thousand-point divine power troops left, and it will take time to conquer the land of God's Domain.

   "I have no choice but to take it apart."

   "What did the brain trust say?"

  "The think tank's suggestion is to disperse the plunder, leave one person in each God's Domain to break through the level, ten thousand divine power troops stay nearby, and kill as soon as there are low-level solar system troops coming, if Chen Mo's abnormal army comes over, sacrifice the person who broke the level, and then make up for it.

  Because the troops of the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Force are crouching in the surrounding God's Domain, they won't be found and eliminated so easily, so there may be a glimmer of life reversal. "

  (end of this chapter)

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