Chapter 345 Scary skeleton monster! (two in one)

  After Chen Mo finished solving the thirty-fourth group of 10,000-point divine force array, when he was just about to go to the land of the gods that the 35th group of 10,000-point divine force array was attacking, he found that after he came this time, the original 10,000-point divine force array that was attacking here had disappeared.

   "No one left? They ran away early? They don't know which God's Domain we will hunt down to."

   "So many teams have died, they should have noticed it too." Zou Yi looked around and said.

   "It seems that the other party has changed plans. Since the other party has changed plans, let's change plans accordingly and adopt the second plan directly."

  Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, and the reminiscence is naturally appreciated immediately, only the people around him don't know what the second plan Chen Mo said is.

  Following Chen Mo and Zhui Yi's thoughts, a large black mass of skeletons appeared around them in an instant, and the attributes of each skeleton were scary.

   "What's wrong with these skeletons? Why do you feel that the attributes of the gods are so terrifying?"

   "The strength of this skeleton monster's spirit is far superior to all the people present, and each of them is so perverted!"

  People around were shocked when they saw the skeleton monster summoned by Chen Mo.

   This is natural, Chen Mo's skeleton monster increases attributes according to the strength of his spirit.

  Chen Mo's own strength is considered good among them, so the high-attribute undead with the increase of his already good attribute is naturally even more perverted.

   At this time, the level of divine power of the skeleton monster is completely comparable to the level of the second-order divine realm.

   It is equivalent to directly surpassing the realm of everyone present.

  As soon as nature appeared, it gave the people around it an extremely strong sense of oppression.

  Since the opponent has already withdrawn the 10,000-point Divine Force troops, it is obvious that they will adopt a decentralized strategy.

   This has long been expected by Chen Mo.

   If the other party adopts this method, there will definitely be thousands of divine power troops fortifying nearby. As long as the solar system sends people over, they will take action.

   Their calculations are good, and they want to use this to weaken the power of the solar system.

  But Chen Mo has a very strong ability to summon undead.

  The solar system can completely rely on sending these undead with extremely strong attributes to take care of every place in the God's Domain without sacrificing anyone.

  At this time, Chen Mo's undead are not simple. The undead he summoned by using the summoning skills in the army formation all have tens of thousands of divine power.

   These divine powers come from the blessing of the army. Although they will not directly increase their attributes so many times, they can cancel each other out with the enemy's divine power. This can make the enemy no matter how strong the army is or no matter how powerful the enemy encounters. It is the same as fighting primitive people.

  If the influence of divine power is removed and only the original attributes are compared.

  The attributes of normal professionals are obviously inferior to the skeleton monsters summoned by Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo has already prepared a plan to deal with the opponent's scattered offensive.

  If the opponent adopts a concentrated main attack, he will chase and kill them one by one with memories.

  If the opponent adopts a distributed attack, then his skeleton monsters are enough to cause the greatest harassment to them.

  Because the skeleton monsters entered different places of God’s Domain, Chen Mo would lose control, so it is obviously unrealistic to use these skeleton monsters to kill a strong enemy with 10,000 points of divine power. After all, the skeleton monsters are not as smart as these people.

  But to deal with other scattered personnel, there is no need to command, just kill people when you see them.

  Following Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi's thoughts, they each summoned 500 trillion skeleton monsters, and there were 1000 trillion skeleton monsters densely packed in the entire God's Domain.

  Because there was no hidden treasure box, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi chose to summon 1000 trillion assassin skeletons.

  These skeleton monsters have their own hidden skills, which can achieve a non-collision volume, so as not to fill up the entire God's Domain.

   At the same time, the hidden skill can also get closer to the enemy better.

  After summoning the skeleton monster, Chen Mo directly contacted the root administrator in the tower.

  In order to facilitate direct communication between the two, not long ago, the two had added Tiandao friends.

   At this time, he said directly: "Senior administrator, we have summoned 1000 trillion skeleton monsters here. You can arrange them to be evenly distributed in all the gods we have controlled for defensive purposes. Next, I will start looting."

  Chen Mo didn't send out these undead before, he just wanted to lure and kill the opponent's 10,000-point divine power army. Now that the plan has been revealed, let's stop pretending and have a showdown.

  Because the skeleton monsters do not have an army formation, each one is scattered, so if the opponent's 10,000-point divine power army formation uses military formation combat skills to attack them, these skeleton monsters can still be wiped out.

  Army battle skills are a very terrifying method, because the army battle skills can integrate the power of the gods of everyone in the team, so the intensity of the explosion is extremely amazing.

   I also said before that the divine power provided by the military formation is different from the ordinary divine power. The divine power provided by the military formation will only be used to offset all the divine power of the opponent, but will not reduce the original attributes of the opponent.

  So, once these skeleton monsters are sent out and encounter a 10,000-point divine power army, once the opponent uses the military formation combat skill, the opponent's military formation combat skill will not be blessed by 10,000 divine power even though it is suppressed by the skeleton monster's divine power, but its own attributes will not be reduced due to the divine power of the military formation.

   Even if the skeleton monster's divine essence is extremely strong, it is the sum of the divine essence of all members of the team. In addition, the combat skills of the army will increase the damage by so many times according to the number of members of the team.

   No matter how strong the attribute of the skeleton monster is, it cannot be stronger than this kind of increase.

   As I said at the beginning, the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Power Army Formation is a large-scale army formation, which is different from Chen Mo's army formation.

   There is no limit to the number of elite military formations like Chen Mo, but normal military formations basically have a fixed number limit.

  For example, a 1,000-point divine power formation can be formed with a maximum of 100 people, while a large formation like a 10,000-point divine power formation can be formed with a maximum of 1,000 people.

  When the opponent uses 1,000 people to form an formation, even if each person's Shenyuan is only increased by 1,000 points on average, it can reach a total of 1 million Shenyuan points.

  Compared with Chen Mo’s skeleton monster at this time, for example, the attribute of Chen Mo’s skeleton monster is increased to 100 million gods. Although the strength of the opponent’s team members is only 1 million, the army’s combat skills will increase the number of members of the army on this basis. Multiplier damage.

  Chen Mo's arrow formation battle technique was like this before, so it has the strength of a direct instant kill.

   After the 1 million gods are increased by 1000 times, it is an attack with the strength of 1 billion gods.

  With this level of attack, the skeleton monster with 100 million gods is naturally unable to withstand it.

   Of course, this algorithm is a conservative estimate for both sides.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster has more than 100 million points of divine energy under various blessings.

  And the total supernatural power of all members of the Ten Thousand Points Divine Power Army is more than 1 million.

   The overall result is that the lethality of the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force is stronger than the attributes of the Chen Mo Skeleton Monster.

   But it is only limited to the 10,000-point divine power formation, but the weaker 5,000-point divine power formation and the like will have nothing to do with these skeleton monsters.

   It can be seen how abnormal the summoning skills Chen Mo used with tens of thousands of divine powers.

  Of course, the existence of tens of thousands of points of divine power is very important to be immune to the influence of the other party's divine power, but the most important thing is that the strength of Chen Mo's summoning skills is abnormal.

  Even people in the solar system shuddered when they felt the abnormal attributes of Chen Mo's skeleton monster.

   They have struggled desperately for so long, but the attributes are not as powerful as other skeleton monsters.

   It's really more popular than people.

  After dispatching the skeleton monsters, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi continued to work.

  Skeleton monsters can only be sent out for defensive work.

  If you want to win the final victory, you still need to master as many lands as possible.

   They're going to do it now.

  As both sides change their battle plans at the same time.

  In each of the gods' domains, it immediately became extremely lively.

  First of all, those God’s Domain lands close to the Eternal Star System were directly invaded by a number of Rank 5 powerhouses from the Eternal Star System and began to break through.

   And near these places of God's Domain, tens of thousands of divine power troops were crouched ahead of time, waiting to hunt and kill the interception team sent by the solar system.

   As a result, they didn't wait for the interception team sent by the solar system, but only waited for the skeleton monsters from the solar system to rush into the God's Domain.

  Through the detection ability, several groups of people found these skeleton monsters, and the groups without detection ability were directly killed by these skeleton monsters with extremely perverted attributes!

   "A large number of skeleton monsters with extremely high response intensity of the gods appeared in the land of the gods, please support!"

  After discovering these skeleton monsters through the detection ability, those scattered rank-5 professionals who were clearing the level in the realm of the gods were shocked.

   They hurriedly sent a message to the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Force troops hiding in the God's Domain next door for help.


  When you first heard the word skeleton monster, everyone's first reaction was that it was a very weak monster.

  This also needs help?

  After these ten thousand-point divine force troops rushed over with curiosity, they were completely dumbfounded.

  Because these skeleton monsters may have seemed very weak originally, each of them had an extremely perverted response from the gods.

   "This is a **** skeleton monster!?"

  Sensing the attributes of these skeleton monsters clearly, all the troops of the Ten Thousand Points of Divine Force that came to support couldn't hold back.

   "How can there be a skeleton monster with such powerful attributes?"

   Soon related news was sent back to the high-level aliens.

   As for Chen Mo's ability to summon skeleton monsters, the four-star demonization brigade once passed on relevant information.

  Eternal Star Galaxy naturally knows this.

   They don't even need to guess who knows who these skeleton monsters came from.

   They are almost used to Chen Mo's abnormal performance, and now they are in a state of not being surprised.

   "These skeleton monsters must have been summoned by Chen Mo. With his perverted level, it's not surprising that he can summon these skeleton monsters. At first, he could destroy the top two at the zero turn, and then start to destroy the top four at the second turn. Now that he has reached the fifth turn, it may not be a problem to regard his strength as a second-order god!"

  Someone from the Yongxing Galaxy said helplessly.

   But everyone knows that what he said was just a joke. The concept below the fifth rank is not the same as that after the fifth rank. The higher the level, the better.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monster is strong, but it is obviously not enough to meet a genuine second-tier god-level powerhouse.

   It's just that if they don't meet the second-order gods, their attributes do have the strength to sweep everything in the first-order gods.

  It is not too much to call it a pseudo-second-order god-level level.

   "This kind of skeleton monster, I am afraid that there is no other way to defeat this kind of skeleton monster except relying on the military formation of the army with ten thousand points of divine power."

   "Damn it, if this happens, won't our 10,000-point divine force still be on the front line? Our plan has completely failed!"

   "Quickly ask the think tank to rethink the countermeasures!"

  At this time, the think tanks of the Alien Alliance are really suffering. As the saying goes, a clever woman can't cook without rice.

  In the face of absolute power, no amount of resourcefulness can become a joke in the end.

   Now they feel that way.

  They worked hard and came up with various countermeasures, but they were always easily defeated by the opponent's strong strength.

  They are also very uncomfortable!


  At this time, the Alien Star Alliance was thinking of a new move, but Chen Mo dealt them an even heavier blow.

  Because Chen Mo didn't use an extremely perverted ultimate move besides the skeleton monster move.

  Before, Chen Mo planned to make a quick decision for the sake of efficiency, so he didn't want to let the news leak out, so he didn't use this move.

   But now that the news is obviously leaked, let's play with the other party in a comprehensive way.

   Directly use the most straightforward crushing power to make them completely lose the will to resist.

  Because Chen Mo's skeleton monsters sent out to attract the opponent's 10,000-point divine force troops to kill them, many 10,000-point divine force troops are still exposed.

  Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi easily encountered another team on the way to attack the opponent's God's Domain.

  This team of 10,000-point divine power army had just used its legion combat skills to kill the skeleton monsters in this land of the gods, and suddenly saw Chen Mo, a troop exuding extremely terrifying fluctuations in divine power, rushing in.

  They were so scared that they ran away quickly.

   And Chen Mo is still the same as before, leading the team directly to chase.

   Soon the team was forced to return to this piece of God's Domain.

   But this time, recalling that the army did not adopt the same quick killing method as before.

  Zhou Yi first used the military formation combat skills to smash the opponent's military formation shield with one blow, broke the opponent's military formation state, and made them all scattered into each individual. At this time, he shot a healing wave at the captain!

   This short delay was enough for the other party to pass the information back.

  It was previously speculated that there are two military formations with tens of thousands of divine powers in the solar system. It was just an impossible possibility that the think tanks of the Alien Alliance based on limited information and purely relied on their own brains.

  But right now it doesn't matter whether this matter is confirmed or not, because they will soon receive even more terrifying information!

  (end of this chapter)

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