Chapter 346 The Ark Project (Two in One)

  Following the remembrance, he threw a healing wave, killing the opponent's captain who had lost the protection of the army array in one blow, and a black mist suddenly rose from the captain who was killed in seconds.

  The next moment, I saw a figure exactly like the captain just now and stood up again.

At the same time, other people around were also successively killed by the jumping healing waves, and a black mist rose from each of them. After a while, the original alien team all became special. Undead state.

  And this special undead can possess all the abilities in front of him.

   At this time, Chen Mo also returned to the God's Domain here.

   Seeing the large group of aliens who had lost their self-awareness, he smiled and looked at Zou Yi: "Can you build an army formation?"

   "I haven't tried it yet. I just finished killing it. I'll try it."

   After reminiscing, he ordered the captain Undead who possessed 10,000 points of divine power.

  I saw the blue light in the eyes of this alien captain undead suddenly lit up...

   "It works!"

   Recalling Yixi said.

  The next moment, under the shocking eyes of everyone around, this special undead army actually re-formed the Ten Thousand Dots Divine Power Formation.

   "This... can't be."

   "This fluctuation of divine power is exactly the same as before them. Can the undead summoned by Chen Mo form an army of ten thousand points of divine power?"

   "It's against the sky!"

  When people on this side of the solar system are amazed.

  Eternal Star Galaxy, because the healing wave jumped and killed just now gave those people the opportunity to send a message, and they have already obtained some information at this time.

   And handed over the information to the think tank for inference.

   It has to be said that it is indeed a think tank assembled by top smart people from all major galaxies, and soon they deduced a terrible possibility.

  When this possibility was passed on to the upper echelons of the major galaxies, everyone had expressions of disbelief.

   "My lord, the think tank has deduced a very bad possibility."

   "If there is anything bad, you can say it quickly."

   "According to the information from the front line, the person killed by Chen Mo can turn into the original undead and stand up again. According to the relevant records of similar undead professions, this kind of undead is likely to retain the ability of the target!"

   "This means..."

  In an instant, everyone realized that something was wrong.

   "Yes, including the ability to establish the Ten Thousand Points Divine Force Array!" The personnel who delivered the information felt extremely shocked by this.

  If this inference is true, then they have no last chance of winning.

  Once the opponent continues to adopt this method of killing, all of them will become the opponent's undead puppets.

   Unless they all shrink back to the foundation of the tower.

  It can be retracted back to the base of the tower, what is the difference between waiting to die?

   At this time, everyone is ashamed, and the high-level executives of other galaxies have the intention of giving up. Although this matter is only the inference of the think tanks, it seems that everyone can basically determine it.

  But they don't need to struggle for too long, because now that Chen Mo has chosen to adopt this comprehensive strategy, he will use all his combat power generously.

  Eternal Star Galaxy soon received definite news.

  Their rank-5 professionals who were idle at rank-5 for quick raids reported to them that they had seen the 10,000-point divine power formation formed by the undead of the alien coalition forces.

   Now, everyone has completely given up.

   There is no longer a trace of fluke.

"Forget it, let's go, since this is already the case, there is no point in staying. Maybe after we enter the second area, we will be swept and wiped out by the solar system directly, but it does not rule out the possibility that we We can survive in the second area, and we don’t need to continue to wade in this muddy water with the Eternal Star System.”

Even so, after entering the second area from the first area, there is no so-called foundation in the tower. They knew this in advance. The foundation in the tower in the first area can be regarded as a novice village for every galaxy. Protection, after entering the second area, they have already left Novice Village, so naturally there is no protection at all.

  This is why they are so desperate.

   A character like Chen Mo cannot be eliminated in the first area. When he enters the Tower of Eternity and develops a little, it will be enough to defy the sky, and then he will be unstoppable in the second area.

  Facts have also proved that they are not wrong to plan ahead, not to mention entering the tower to develop a bit, at this time Chen Mo is at the peak just entering the tower.

  He didn't even need to develop, he was already able to fight to the point where they couldn't hold their heads up at all.

  Although they discovered this threat early, they had no choice but to deal with it, so they could only give up now.

   Soon the alien coalition forces began to scatter.

  The high-level projections of the various galaxies directly left the Eternal Star Galaxy.

  As for their talents who have ten thousand points of divine power, they can't take them back.

   It can only be handled by Yongxing Galaxy.

  Looking at the suddenly half-empty conference room, the senior executives of the Yongxing system all looked ashen.

   "My lord, what should we do now? They will not suffer a fatal blow from the solar system until at least the second region, but our crisis is imminent!"

   "There is no other way, the road has come to an end, and the other party has such unfathomable means, we will never be able to turn the tide." One of them said after sighing.

   "Then how do we deal with the owners of the 10,000-point divine power array in other galaxies? At the critical moment, they gave up on us directly, and we shouldn't make it easier for them."

   "These 10,000-point divine power formations are no longer a threat in the eyes of the solar system. If you let them have a good time, they will not have a good time in the end, so be it."

  Eternal Star System executives obviously recognized it.

  At this time, the three leaders of the solar system suddenly received a long-silent Tiandao group chat.

  The promoters are the top leaders of the Yongxing system.

   "The three leaders of the solar system, congratulations, you have won the final victory. After fighting for so many years, we really never expected that you would win in the end."

  Seeing this news, Jiang Yun and the three looked at each other with smiles on their faces. They really didn't expect that they could see the day when the solar system crushed the eternal star system.

   Now when this group chat lights up again, it feels like a world away.

   At this time, the other party continued: "Is the Ark Project that was mentioned at the beginning still count?"

  The Ark Project, this is a plan that no one knows about the two galaxies except for these top controllers.

   It was proposed by Yongxing Galaxy when it first established a group chat.

  At that time, Jiang Yun and the others were quite surprised.

  The Eternal Star System had the winning chance at the beginning, and the group chat was initiated with the victor's attitude, leaving an Ark plan for the three leaders of the solar system, and this group chat never lit up again.

The so-called Ark Project is to allow one hundred children in the solar system to obtain the star membership conversion card of the eternal star system when the eternal star system wins the final victory. There is no hatred for the eternal star system, but simply to continue the blood of the solar system.

  The launch of this plan means the final kindness of the strong to the weak.

   In the race of genocide, winners and losers, the competition must be carried out with the most ruthless means, but after the final decision of the winner, they can show the last trace of goodwill.

  When Yong Xingxing System proposed the Ark plan, although Jiang Yun and the three felt uncomfortable, if the solar system really reached the point of nowhere, they could only accept this plan.

  But who ever thought that this Ark project, the solar system is no longer needed, and it has become the Eternal Star System, which may be needed now.

   At the beginning, the Yongxing System unilaterally proposed this plan, and they never thought that they would fail.

  The three leaders of the solar system never mentioned that if the eternal star system fails, the solar system will also implement the Ark plan for them.

  So, this time, the senior executives of the Eternal Star System re-lighted this group chat, and asked whether the Ark Project is still counting, but they are actually very bottomless.

  The moment they saw this sentence, the three of Jiang Yun also fell silent.

  At the beginning, Eternal Star Galaxy explained very clearly that this plan is only known to the highest level of the galaxy, and the personnel after star registration transformation will also secretly connect to the other galaxy. No one else will know these things, so that there will be no discrimination and suppression.

  If the other party agrees to this plan, then the solar system will obviously have to act reciprocally, so as not to lose grace.

   It’s just that the Eternal Star System was in full swing at the time, and it never suffered a lot from the hands of the solar system, and how many people died.

  Ordinary people in the Eternal Star System actually don’t have much hatred for the solar system, but the degree of acceptance is much higher.

But the Yongxing system sent people to invade the solar system, assassinate, destroy, and even in the case of not completely winning, because of the appearance of Chen Mo, they felt a huge crisis. In order to maximize the winning rate, they directly slaughtered pregnant women and children. , is absolutely unforgivable in the eyes of people on Earth.

   It is not easy for the solar system to accept the last incense blood of the eternal star system.

  The three leaders, as the highest commanders on the earth, naturally cannot think in the same way as ordinary people.

  Looking at each other's words, the three of them couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

  Since the other party gave me this plan at the beginning, should I also give the other party this plan equally?

  It seems to be just accepting a hundred young children, but it is difficult to make a decision.

   "What do you two think?" Jiang Yun looked at the two people beside him and asked.

  "Although they said that we must remember hatred, since the other party gave us this plan first, no matter what their mental state was at the beginning, at least they left a chance for the solar system to have a ray of incense and blood.

  We can also consider giving a glimmer of life. Since the opponent has already lost, the entire galaxy will sink by then. Even if these young and innocent children know these things, they will not be able to make trouble in the future. I think it is feasible. "

   "After all, the other party was just talking about it. If they really win, it is still unknown whether they will actually implement it in this way. In fact, we don't have to take the other party's words too seriously.

  But from a personal point of view, the Ark Project is indeed humane enough. Of course, if this matter is told to the public, the public will definitely not accept it. "Brenda looked forward and said.

  Thinking of the fact that so many people have died one after another on the entire earth for so long, just for this final victory, she herself read the death list several times at the beginning, and what she saw was full of hatred, wishing to destroy the entire galaxy of the Eternal Star System.

   Now that she is really sure of winning, her mentality is indeed not as extreme as before.

   Seeing that both of them have compatible attitudes.

  Jiang Yun pondered for a while, and finally nodded in agreement with the plan.

  He is a person from Huaguo, and the suffering that Huaguo suffered in the early years before the advent of the new era is unbearable to look back on.

   This kind of choice, in his opinion, did not appear only once.

  Since the other party was willing to give a way out, now that he has the right to speak, he can also give the other party a chance.

   "Okay, but the personnel must be screened by us personally sending people into your galaxy."

  Following Jiang Yun's reply, the senior executives of the Yongxing System, who had waited nervously for a long time, finally let out their last breath.

  Under their control, the Eternal Star Galaxy failed to reach the final step, and they felt ashamed of the entire galaxy in their hearts.

   But being able to preserve even a little bit of blood for the eternal star system is their last effort.

  Jiang Yun said that he personally sent people, not sending others, but himself.

  Although Yong Xingxing’s behavior should not harm anyone anymore, it can’t stand the possibility of the other party going crazy.

  Since he agreed to this matter, he has to bear the risk of the eventuality.

   "Okay, your teleportation array is not damaged, you can send someone to teleport it directly."

  The Eternal Star System can be teleported to the Solar System, and the Solar System can also be teleported to the Eternal Star System.

It's just that the portal from the solar system to the Yongxing system is strictly watched by the Yongxing system. It is difficult to have the opportunity to quietly send people to sneak into the Yongxing system. In addition, the solar system is already understaffed, so there is no Doing the thing of sending people to their systems.

  The most important thing is that the opponent has three galaxies, even if they try to make trouble, they can't make trouble.

  At this time, in the land of God's Domain, the Eternal Star System has withdrawn all personnel to the base of the tower, and the land of God's Domain everywhere is equivalent to free.

  The top ten managers of the eternal star system have gathered at this time over a forest that Jiang Yun sent to the main star of the eternal star system, Sirius.

  Eternal Star System controls the situation of the teleportation array at any time, so it can be located immediately, which is why the solar system gave up sending people.

   Regarding Jiang Yun's self-assertion this time, Brenda and Marcus originally disagreed with him to take the risk himself, but in the end, under Jiang Yun's persuasion, he was sent to the Eternal Star System.

  According to what Jiang Yun said, this final task must be completed by one of their three leaders, and it doesn't matter who goes.

  However, the current three lords are deliberately selected according to each of the three skin-colored races. If any one is lost, it will inevitably require a lot of discussion and screening if you want to choose the second one with sufficient weight.

  But if something happens to Jiang Yun, with the special existence of Chen Mo, he can take Jiang Yun's position directly, and no one will feel that there is anything wrong.

   It also saves all kinds of troubles, so it is most suitable for him to go.

  Under these rhetoric, Brenda and Marcus naturally have nothing to say.

  (end of this chapter)

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