All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 347: Win broadcast, regional barriers! (two in one)

  Chapter 347 Winning broadcast, regional barriers! (two in one)

   Enter other planets through a special teleportation array, no matter what your previous strength is, you will be suppressed below rank five.

  Jiang Yun at this time can be said to be completely at the mercy of others.

  But the ten supreme controllers of the Eternal Star System all lowered their postures in front of him.

   "This must be the leader of the solar system, Jiang Yunjiang?"

  Seeing Jiang Yun's arrival, the other party immediately asked.

  Jiang Yun nodded and glanced at the surrounding environment.

   "The environment of your Sirius is similar to that of our earth, except that the vegetation looks different."

   "Even if it is a different planet in a galaxy, the animals and plants develop in different shapes. We also have two other living planets, and the environment is completely different."

   "It's interesting, we are just a living planet, but it seems a bit lonely."

  After chatting for a while, Jiang Yun looked at the ten people and said, "Since you have three living planets, have you thought about how to choose the people?"

   "I have already thought about it. If only 100 people are allowed, then there will be 40 people on Sirius and 30 people on the other two planets."

   "Okay, let's pick the 40 Sirius first."

   "Okay, please come here, we have divided some child protection areas, and you can choose suitable children at will."

At this time, Jiang Yun looked at the crowd and said: "Since I have come here, I naturally came with the last good intentions. I don't like what you guys are doing behind the scenes. I hope that the children who are selected will be like white paper Same."

"It's natural. It's come to this point. No matter how scheming we do, it doesn't make any sense. Even if the 100 children selected by you have galaxy consciousness, I'm afraid they won't be able to make any waves. We still don't want to There are many."

Jiang Yun nodded and said: "That's the best. I don't want to turn a good thing into a bad thing. There is no need to hide some things from you. There are people in our galaxy who can read minds. Any abnormalities will be ignored." It can be discovered directly, I just don't want to make some unpleasant moments."

  As soon as these words came out, a name popped up in the minds of the senior executives of Yongxing System.

  The last group of people lurking on the earth were wiped out one day inexplicably.

  Before it was obvious that they were lurking well before, but when something like this happened suddenly, it was obvious that a relatively major change had occurred.

  This accident is very likely to be someone on earth who has a special ability that can directly identify their eternal star system.

  The time when these people were exterminated was very similar to the time when Chen Mo came out of the Heavenly Dao activities.

  The think tanks can deduce this matter with a little speculation.

  Although they don't know what benefits Chen Mo got from the Heavenly Dao activities, they know that this matter is absolutely inseparable from Chen Mo.

   Now that they heard Jiang Yun say this, they naturally immediately thought of it.

  Knowing that the other party has such abilities, they naturally dare not play tricks.

  Of course, even if they didn't know about it, they didn't have any intention of playing tricks.

  After all, the entire galaxy has completely failed, and it doesn't make much sense to play this kind of scheming in the end.

  They just thought that they could leave a little bit of incense and blood in the end, and they were satisfied.

  When Jiang Yun was selecting a suitable child in the Eternal Star System, Chen Mo and the others were quick to act in the Tower of Eternity.

  Chen Mo and Reminiscence are the most efficient, quickly cracking the lands of the gods, while others are constantly sending various level puzzles back to the think tank of the solar system, so that the think tank can speed up the cracking.

  There are too many difficult problems being sent back at once, and they are also a headache to solve.

   Fortunately, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi also found time to join in.

  After getting related puzzles from the group chat, they also took the time to help solve a lot.

  This led to the successive breaches of many places in the domain of the gods.

  At this point they still don't know that the Yongxing Galaxy has actually surrendered.

  The Ark Project is a plan that must not be disclosed to the public. After all, the enmity between the two galaxies is too great, even the three lords cannot suppress it.

   Those one hundred children, once their identities are exposed, will definitely have a very sad life.

  Even if these children can be cultivated to be as loyal as the natives of the solar system, if they are exposed to too many words of hatred from an early age, good seedlings will grow bad.

  So the three leaders did not disclose this matter.

   This is the same as what Yongxing System said when it agreed to the Solar System. When Yongxing System proposed this plan, it also stated that it would secretly accept these children so that they would not be discriminated against.

  Since the solar system agreed to this matter, it naturally showed the same demeanor and behavior.

  However, it is easy to hide this matter from others, but it is not easy to hide it from Chen Mo.

  At this time, in the headquarters of the Academy Alliance, Brenda and Marcus were chatting about this matter together.

   "What do you think Chen Mo will think when he knows this? Although he is very powerful, he is still just a child after all. Children are always driven by their emotions. If he refuses to accept these children, I am afraid that this matter will not be easy."

   Brenda looked at Marcus and said.

   "This is indeed a problem, but judging from Chen Mo's performance all the way, he is not as unpredictable as ordinary children, so it should be easier to reason.

After all, this plan was first proposed to us by others. If he can do this kind of thing, we can do it too. He is from Huaguo, and Huaguo people have always been tolerant. Child, Chen Mo shouldn't have any big grudges. "

  Marcus thinks this matter is relatively easy to handle.

   If you say that you accept the opponent's Rank 5 powerhouse, this will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the people in your own galaxy.

   After all, the opponent's rank five powerhouses are more or less stained with the blood debt of the people of their own galaxy.

  But the young and immature children don't have such a big grudge.

  As Jiang Yun selected a hundred young children in the Yongxing system, the solar system root administrator also received a hundred naturalization applications in a timely manner.

  After asking the three leaders for instructions, he chose to agree.

   Soon, Jiang Yun secretly returned to the solar system with a hundred children.

   These children are all orphans.

  Jiang Yun deliberately chose this way, so that their emotional bond with the people around the original living area will be even shallower.

   After bringing back the hundred children, the three leaders immediately marked each of them, and they could use props to control their movements at any time, and then scattered them in various orphanages on the earth.

  Because the lord leader directly ordered people to send them, although the heads of these orphanages don't know what happened, they still follow the normal custody and education of earth children.

  When Jiang Yun and the others finished all this, Chen Mo and the others had already occupied most of the land of God's Domain.

  At this time, in the foundation of the Eternal Star System, many people are asking if the high-level leaders of their galaxy have any ideas to change the current situation.

   But they never got the answer.

   Obviously, they already have the answer in their hearts.

   In the face of absolute power, it is useless for them to play tricks, what else can they do?

   A lot of time passed.

  Finally, the solar system successfully occupied 90% of the God's Domain in the first area where they and the eternal star system are located.

  As their occupation was completed, the Heavenly Dao Prompt and the Voice of the Great Dao sounded at the same time.

   "Congratulations to the solar system for successfully conquering more than 90% of the God's Domain in the first area, and becoming the winner of the competition with the eternal star system!

We hereby reward the solar system with doubling the size of the galaxy, doubling the volume of existing planets with life, transforming the environment of one of the other inanimate planets into a habitable environment for life, and doubling the lifespan of the stars in the system, and the energy of the stars will be evenly distributed in suitable places. Life forms exist on planets.

  All members of the solar system who have turned five or more can get an additional 100 points of divine power. "

   Unexpectedly, after the victory of the solar system, there would be such great benefits.

  When people around the world were listening to the reward broadcast, they only felt a faint shock coming from the ground. The sun in the sky seemed to be farther away suddenly, but the temperature didn't seem to change much, which made people feel quite miraculous.

   At this time, the voice of the avenue is still going on.

   "The second area of ​​the first floor of the Tower of Aion is officially open to the solar system. In the second area, there will be higher-level eternity-type abilities available. In the second area, you will face new challenges.

   But before entering the second area, please break through the area barriers.

  The more galaxies that meet the opening conditions with the corresponding galaxies in the second region, the lower the difficulty of breaking the regional barriers will be. "

  Regional barriers are the key obstacles that prevent major galaxies from entering the second region.

  This is also the reason why many large galaxies have won the war in the first region of their own galaxy, but they still continue to sway in the first region.

  Because the regional barriers blocked them here, they couldn't enter the second region at all.

   And this regional barrier, the more galaxies in the same second region are required to obtain the qualifications to enter the second region, the less difficult it will be to break through.

  Just like the barriers in the second area corresponding to the solar system, the difficulty of the strategy has been continuously reduced because each galaxy has reached the standard.

   At the very beginning, the galaxy that was the first to unify the first region was in a state of despair when it faced the most difficult regional barrier.

   After seeing the strength of the regional barriers, I lost interest in the strategy strategy, and began to wait patiently for more galaxies to gain the opportunity to enter the second region.

  As more and more galaxies completed the unification of the first region, the strength of regional barriers gradually decreased.

  Reduced to the current level, it is already possible for people to see the hope of breaking through.

   But it is still more difficult.

  As the solar system was qualified to enter the second region this time, the regional barriers finally ushered in the weakening again, which made it easier to break through the regional barriers.

  Before those galaxies were still analyzing that if there was no new galaxy system—the first region qualified to enter the second region, it might take another hundred years for them to break through the previous level of regional barriers.

  But now, as the strength of regional barriers weakens again, it doesn't take a hundred years now, and they estimate that they can break through in about a year.

  There is no technical work in the area barrier raid, and it is enough to simply rely on the attributes of each professional to dig.

  The strength of regional barriers will decrease exponentially with the number of winners in the first region.

  When there is a second winner, the strength of the regional barrier will be reduced by 2 times, when the third one appears, it will be reduced by 3 times on this basis, and so on.

  The solar system belongs to the 100th winner, so this time the intensity will be directly reduced by 100 times from the previous one.

   Naturally, it only takes about 1 year.

   Breaking through regional barriers is actually a very boring thing.

  Because you just need to press your hand on the area barrier and wait.

  Regional barriers will automatically deduct barrier points every second based on your total energy.

   At the very beginning, just counting the digits of the barrier points of the regional barriers was enough to make the number of people dizzy.

   Now it is much better.

   But there are still many more.

   It is not so easy to break through.

  But after the solar system wins, as long as another galaxy wins, it will be much faster.

  As the news that the solar system won the competition in the first region spread to all the galaxies that may enter the second region in the future.

  The top management of the Tianshui system, who has always been on good terms with the solar system, also sent congratulatory words to the solar system in a timely manner.

   "Congratulations on your victory in the first region."

   "It's blushing to say the least, but luckily, an outstanding junior has been born, and he has completely inherited the glory of the younger generation."

   "Sigh, our Tianshui system doesn't have such luck, we are so under pressure now that we can't hold our heads up, I'm afraid we will lose soon.

  I just hope that you can help give us a few places to transform into stars, so that we can keep a little bit of blood. "

  The leadership of the Tianshui system did not come up with any unreasonable ideas, such as asking the solar system to send someone to help them win the battle.

  Because they know that such a request is absurd and impossible.

  Once people from different areas enter their area, life and death are all under their control. No matter how good the relationship is, it is impossible for others to send strong people in to live and die.

  Knowing this, the leadership of the Tianshui Department didn't mention asking for help at all.

  First, their biggest appeal now is to keep a little blood.

  Second, the solar system has already won, but they have to send people to help them. Isn't this unnecessary casualties? Their Tianshui system can't benefit the solar system, so why let the people of the solar system make sacrifices for them.

  Even if it is said that they will enter the second area in the future and follow the lead of the solar system, this kind of promise is not guaranteed. If the person who said it is serious, if the person who listens to it can ensure that what you say is true.

  So sending people from the solar system to help is purely tantamount to making unnecessary sacrifices.

  Based on this point, the Tianshui Department knew that it was impossible for him to say this, so naturally he didn't mention it.

Third, even if the solar system is really affectionate and willing to send people over, it is obviously not willing to send experts in the galaxy. No matter how good the relationship is with them, it is impossible to take risks with the top powerhouses of their own galaxy.

   Unless the group of people suffered a huge threat like before, such as Chen Mo, who could endanger their future life and death, it is possible to send all the living forces to destroy him regardless of the cost.

   If you don't send experts over, you won't be able to change the situation of the battle at all, so sending other people is meaningless.

   Naturally, there is nothing to mention about these things.

  Looking at this humble request from the Tianshui Department, the three of Jiang Yun were silent for a while after reading it.

   "How many conversion cards do you think we will give them?"

   "We have already given 100 quotas to the Eternal Star system that has an enmity with us, and the Tianshui system has always been on good terms with us, so naturally we can give more.

   It is even possible for us to fully accept all their masters for our use. After all, we have no enmity with the Tianshui system. After they come, the biggest hatred point is the galaxy that competes with them. The ease of recruitment is relatively high. "

   While the three were talking, two figures suddenly flickered in the room. Chen Mo and Zui Yi had already left the Tower of Eternity and appeared in front of the three leaders.

  After the victory of the solar system, everyone gathered back to the base of the tower, and at that moment, Chen Mo's mind reading technique successfully discovered that there were quite a few of them.

  Although it is said that the solar system has won the victory, these youngsters have more or less sold some information about the solar system before, and obviously some things have to be settled later.

   As for how to settle the account, Chen Mo naturally felt that it would be most appropriate to hand it over to the three lords, so he flew in with memories.

   As a result, as soon as I came here, I heard the three leaders talking about the inclusion.

  As his mind-reading ability came into play, Chen Mo immediately read what the three lords did recently...

  (end of this chapter)

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