Chapter 349 List rewards, all the best!

  As the voice of the Great Dao ended, the notification sound of the Dao of the Dao rang again and again in Chen Mo's ear.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations, your divine power has entered the "Regional Divine Power Ranking No. 1". 】

  【Heavenly Tips: For the first time you won the first place in the regional divine power list, you have won the special reward "God Devouring Orb" on the list! 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Since you won the first place in the regional divine power list, when you maintain this ranking, you will continue to receive 100% divine power increase BUFF rewards! 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Congratulations, your pet strength has entered the "Regional Pet Ranking No. 1". 】

  【Prompt from heaven: You won the first place in the regional pet list for the first time, and you won the special reward "Pet Booster" on the list! 】

  【Tips from Heaven: Since you won the first place in the regional pet list, when you maintain this ranking, you will be able to continue to obtain pet loyalty and satiety will always maintain the highest point BUFF rewards! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Since a person can only enter the same list once, your second Chaos-level pet will not be able to enter the list! 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Congratulations, your ability level has entered the "Regional Ability List · No. 1". 】

  【Tiandao Tip: For the first time you won the first place in the regional ability list, you won the special reward "Ability Converter" on the list! 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you have won the first place in the regional ability list, when you maintain this ranking, you will be able to continue to receive BUFF rewards that are immune to all negative abilities! 】

  【Tiandao reminder: Since a person can only enter the same list once, your other chaos-level abilities will not be able to enter the list. 】

  Chen Mo glanced at Tiandao's list.

  Although the interstellar list is open at this time, in fact Chen Mo and the others can only enter the regional list classified in the interstellar list.

   And there are a total of five lists in this regional list.

  The first three are the above lists.

  The remaining two lists are "Galaxy Combat Power List" and "Galaxy Power List".

  These two lists need to enter the second area to start evaluation.

  Because these two lists are evaluated according to the total attributes of all galaxies in the second region after entering the second region.

   The galaxy combat power list calculates the total combat power according to the total evaluation of the gods of all professionals in a certain galaxy.

   The galaxy power list is based on the size and quality of the territory occupied by a certain galaxy in the second area.

   Ranking is not yet available.

  Chen Mo glanced at the reminder of Tiandao, and then immediately checked the list rewards he had just obtained.

[God Devouring Bead·List Exclusive Reward]: When holding it to kill other professionals with divine power, you can absorb the opponent's basic divine power. The more the opponent's basic divine power is higher than yours, the more basic divine power you can absorb. The more the opponent's basic divine power is lower than yours, the less basic divine power can be absorbed.

   "What god-defying baby can actually kill people and absorb divine power?"

  Just saw the first list reward, Chen Mo couldn't help it, this list reward is too harsh!

   If this is a large number of professionals who kill hostile galaxies, wouldn't they be able to absorb divine power and enjoy themselves?

   I just don’t know what the specific absorption standard looks like.

  However, even if you don’t know the actual absorption data, according to this explanation, you can absorb divine power by killing units with lower divine power than yourself. No matter how you look at it, the effectiveness of this thing should not be bad.

   And with the help of this baby to improve his divine power, the number one position may be more stable.

   Seeing that the first list reward was so good, Chen Mo immediately looked at the second list reward impatiently.

  【Pet Booster Rank Exclusive Rewards】: After use, it can help pets in the full body stage to receive tasks that can break through and upgrade to the ultimate body stage!

   "There is still a growth stage on the complete body?"

   After watching the pet lifter, Chen Mo seemed rather surprised.

  Before he knew only five stages of pet growth.

  From the nascent stage, they are juvenile stage, growth stage, mature stage, and perfect body.

  Under normal circumstances, when it reaches the full body stage, it is considered that the pet has grown to its final form.

   Unexpectedly, there is an ultimate body hidden on top of this perfect body.

   This is a major discovery.

   After all, judging from Chen Mo's Chaos-level pet star strength, every time he enters a growth stage, the pet's star star can be increased by 50 stars.

   Originally estimated that it could only reach 250 stars, but I didn't expect that the damage would have a higher stage, and judging by the name of this ultimate body, it might be more than 50 stars in the last stage.

  Chen Mo owns two Chaos-level pets, which makes it even more extraordinary.

   This list exclusive reward is also extremely explosive.

  Seeing that the first two list rewards are so powerful, Chen Mo immediately looked at the third list reward impatiently.

  [Ability Converter · List Exclusive Rewards]: All the abilities you have can be freely converted into basic divine power or basic divine essence! The conversion rate will be converted according to the level of ability you control, and only the highest level conversion data will be taken for the same type of ability.

   "Another outrageous thing that can directly transform abilities into basic divine power and basic divine essence?"

  Chen Mo immediately tried to see the conversion value of Chaos Level ability.

  【Heavenly Tips: The basic divine power and basic divine essence that can be transformed by this ability will directly increase your related basic divine power and basic divine essence by ten times the attribute! 】

"Hey, it's indeed a Chaos level! A Chaos level ability transformation directly increases the basic divine power and divine energy by ten times. Such a waste."

  Chen Mo tried to use the super SSS level ability again, but the super SSS level ability does not have such a good treatment.

  A super SSS-level ability can only be converted into 10 points of divine power or 10 points of divine energy, which is very stingy.

   But it is also a very good value.

   This time, the three exclusive rewards on the Tiandao Ranking List are all quite heaven-defying things, and it also made Chen Mo clearly understand the truth of the words "the strong are always strong."

  When you are obviously so perverted, Heaven will give you great support. You say that it is difficult for you to fall off the list!

  With the support of such powerful babes, if you can still be stabbed off the list by someone, then you are too lazy.

  Chen Mo looked at the rewards on the Tiandao ranking list in a cheerful mood.

  At this time, all the galaxies in the same area were so shocked by the sudden appearance of the Heavenly Dao list that their eyeballs almost fell out.

   On the side of the Yongxing system, the original high-level controllers looked at the information on the Tiandao list at this time, and they were full of things to say, and in the end they only wanted to say the word MMP.

   "Chaos-level abilities, chaos-level pets, 1000 points of divine power! Who is this? This kind of character is actually a newcomer who has never reached Rank 5 before! This kind of person can be born, let us fight him!!"

   After looking at Chen Mo's ranking displayed on the list and what he relied on to get on the list, these people were completely speechless.

   But at this time they also saw a lot.

  The Eternal Star Galaxy is about to be reduced to a dungeon world, and there is still the last self-time at this time.

   This is the last trace of tenderness that Heaven left for them.

  Each defeated galaxy will have 24 hours of retention time.

  After 24 hours, the entire galaxy will sink into the Heavenly Dao copy world, and everyone in the entire galaxy will be enslaved as NPCs.

   Only after obediently serving enough years, people who become NPCs will have a chance of relief.

   During the service period, everyone must act according to the order of heaven. They seem to be living people, but they are completely enslaved walking corpses. This kind of living state is actually more uncomfortable than dead.

   Have to move mechanically every day, like a game NPC, but any normal person can't last long.

  In the history of being enslaved, many, many enslaved people forcibly violated the behavior patterns and rules set by the Dao of Heaven, and forced violations led to being directly obliterated by the Dao of Heaven.

  They would rather die directly than spend hundreds of thousands of years of slavery madly in this dark day when they give up themselves.

  Even if the time of enslavement is over, it is only a chance to be reborn, and whether it can make a comeback in the new world is another matter.

   Naturally, many people cannot persist.

  The people of the Eternal Star System, in the last 24 hours, some people looked calm, some people were crazy, and some people directly chose to kill themselves.

  In short, there are all kinds of states.

   Several leaders looked at all kinds of beings and the data on Chen Mo's list at this time, and there were not too many disturbances in their hearts.

  Faced with this perversion, what else can they say? It's not wrong for them to lose!

  At first, I thought this kid only had super SSS level ability, but this has made him the biggest threat, and all major galaxies have been called to work together to eradicate him.

  Efforts have been made in advance.

   This can't mess with him, let alone the fact that he actually has multiple Chaos-level abilities around him.

  Especially seeing the Chaos-level pets, it really makes people a little overwhelmed.

  It is quite difficult for a normal person to get an SSS pet.

   This kid actually skipped the Super SSS pet and used the Chaos pet.

   This is too against the sky.

   Losing to this pervert, there is really nothing to say.

  Eternal Star Galaxy is now bearish on everything because it is in its last days.

  But those galaxies that were dragged into the water by them before, saw Chen Mo's perverted situation, and fell into depression on the spot.

   When he came up, he ranked first in the three rankings, chaotic in the second ranking, and a thousand divine power in the first ranking.

  The combat power of a single player is already incomparable.

   Look at the list rewards again.

  The number one in the list of divine power can actually continuously obtain 100% increase in divine power. If this becomes stronger and stronger, who can stop it?

   At this time, the basic divine power of the second place on the list is compared with the first place Chen Mo, and the basic divine power is directly cut in half.

   It can be seen that Chen Mo is definitely far ahead of other people in the same area.

"The three lists are all ranked first in the solar system. Just now, Heavenly Dao reminded them that they have obtained the privilege of quickly breaking through the regional barriers. As a result, they will soon enter the second region. When the time comes, even the remaining The rankings of the two galaxies must also fall into their hands."

   "If I had known the solar system in advance, I might have gained more chances of survival!"

   At this time, those powerful galaxies began to regret it.

   But regretting now is of no use.

  Before they were powerful, who would be willing to be inferior?

  The famous words of Lu, a famous warrior of the Three Kingdoms, how can a man live in depression for a long time.

  It’s okay for them to be weak. They were originally the winners of their first region, so they naturally wanted to continue this strong posture to the second region.

  So when they discovered that there was a newcomer against the sky, the first thing they thought of was not to befriend the galaxy with the newcomer against the sky, but to kill the future enemy in their infancy.

   This idea is understandable.

  However, the baby on the other side has amazing abilities and can't take it down at all.

   At this time, even if they regret it in their hearts, it will be too late, and it will be useless.

  Looking at the obvious three names of Chen Mo and the solar system on the three major rankings, I just feel so dazzling.

  Other galaxies in the same region are either amazed, regretful or unhappy with the list information this time.

  All the professionals in the solar system are completely excited to the boil at this time, and their own galaxy has won the first place in the whole list, and everyone is also proud of it!

  They have always heard that the solar system broadcasts what happened to someone. As for who this person is, many people don't know.

  It wasn't until this moment, when the leaderboard appeared, that everyone finally knew who the person who had been prompting Heavenly Dao had been.

   On the leaderboard, Chen Mo's name, age, and galaxy are all displayed at a glance.

   It is an honor to be on the leaderboard. Heaven will not let you hide this or that. Whether it is your identity information or your ability name, they are all at a glance.

  However, Tiandao will not disclose the detailed information of the abilities on the list to you.

  These abilities are related to your battle results.

  Your name and age and the star system you are in will not affect your win rate when encountering enemies.

  However, if your ability information is leaked directly, it will cause people to know the information in advance and affect the result of the battle. Naturally, Tiandao will not over-disclose this information.

  Although your related abilities and pet information will not be disclosed, the list of benefits you can get from the list will still be displayed in detail.

   It's like Chen Mo's reward for being the first in the list of divine power, which can increase his divine power by 100%, which is a public display.

   Everyone knows what is the reward for being the first in the power list.

   And Chen Mo can also see what is the reward for the second place on the list. The reward for the second place on the list is a 50% increase in divine power, which is quite a good increase.

  Looking at Chen Mo at such a young age, many older generations on Earth feel like a dream.

   After all, in their view, it is quite a long process for the normal strong to upgrade and break through.

  After all, not everyone can crazily leapfrog dungeons like Chen Mo, and gain a lot of experience points crazily.

  People who don’t know Chen Mo, when they know the name Chen Mo, they just have the feeling of finally knowing who the hero who led the solar system to victory is.

  The people who are very familiar with the name Chen Mo began to compare whether the 18-year-old person named Chen Mo around him is the character in this broadcast.

  At this time, Chen Mo of the aristocratic family was surrounded by people, but obviously, he was not.

  Although he is also 18 years old and his name is Chen Mo, his strength at this time is only at the first level and close to the second level.

  The improvement in strength is far from so fast.

This is mainly because Chen Mo activated the Super SSS-level Breakthrough assessment, which led to many five-star professionals wanting to improve, deliberately stuck in a bottleneck and trying to improve their various abilities, in order to try to challenge the Super SSS-level Breakthrough assessment.

  Most of the talented children in the world today are stumbled by the higher-end breakthrough assessment.

  (end of this chapter)

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