All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 350: The regional barriers are broken, and the second region is opened! (two

  Chapter 350 The regional barriers are broken, and the second region opens! (two in one)

  As the reminder of the Heavenly Dao ended, Chen Mo also bid farewell to several seniors in the Super God Trial Tower and went back outside.

  As soon as the result came out, the information was bombarded.

  Chen Mo clicked on it, the first message was the message from Jiang Yun.

  [Leader Jiang]: Where did your Chaos pet come from? Can it be popularized?

  After seeing the information on the leaderboard, not only people from other galaxies were shocked by Chen Mo's ability, but even people from their own galaxies were quite surprised by it.

   Chaos-level pets are of great significance. Compared with ordinary pets, they are very different.

   Pets can also be deified.

   Pet ​​apotheosis will give professionals a bonus of divine power.

  The higher the pet is, the more different the power boost it can get after deification.

   Naturally, this matter is quite important.

  Seeing Jiang Yun's message, Chen Mo replied with a smile.

  [Chen Mo]: It cannot be popularized.

  Simple four words, but it made Jiang Yun's excitement just fell back.

  Although he had already considered this result when he sent the message to Chen Mo, he still felt a little pity.

   If there is a way to popularize this, no matter how difficult it is, it must be won.

   This value is really too high.

  After replying to Jiang Yun's message, Chen Mo replied to the messages of his relatives and friends.

   They obviously came to ask because they saw Chen Mo's name on the leaderboard.

  In fact, many people know that Chen Mo's strength is extraordinary.

  But it never occurred to him that he had already reached this level.

  His personal combat power is already number one in the world, and even in the entire interstellar region.

   After replying to the message, Chen Mo checked his attributes.

   Now his basic divine power is as high as 1000.

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star rating】: 400 stars (50-star Super Five Combat+50-star Super Five Life+300-star Pet)

  [Physique]: Super God Body (not activated)

  [Divine Power]: 3000 points (1230 hidden points)

  【Occupation】: Master God of Undead (Super Five Occupation), Super God Fusion Master (Super Five Occupation)

  [Realm]: The first-order divine realm

  [Experience]: 1000/1000 (The experience of the divine realm is the basic divine power, currently stuck in the state of full experience in the first-order divine realm, waiting for a breakthrough.)


  〖Shenyuan〗: 530,000

  〖Divinity〗: 53 million

   Chen Mo, who has 1000 points of basic divine power, after receiving various boosts, his current total divine power has reached as high as 3000 points.

  Normal professionals, even if they form an army of one thousand or two thousand divine power, they still have a lot of divine power to him.

  Chen Mo is now the well-deserved No. 1 powerhouse in the region.

  After checking the current attributes, Chen Mo immediately checked the two tasks activated in the Super God Trial Tower.

  One is the last activation related task of the super **** body.

  One is related to condensing the godhead and breaking through to the second-order **** realm.

  【Super God Body Activation Task】:

Your super-god body has been fully activated. Please find "Eternal Divine Soil", "Eternal Divine Water", "Eternal Divine Fire", "Eternal Divine Thunder", "Eternal Divine Wind" in the Tower of Eternity Five special eternal materials, five items are fused with "Wanhua Divine Liquid" into Eternal Source Beads, and the Super God Body can be fully activated by taking it!

   "These things don't sound like something that can be produced in the first area of ​​the Tower of Aion? Could it be that you have to enter the second area to find them?"

  After finishing the task of activating the super **** body, Chen Mo looked at some unfamiliar materials and felt that this task might have to be put aside first.

  He immediately looked at another task.

  【Tier 2 God Realm and Godhead Condensation Task】:

Your divine power has reached the standard for condensing the godhead, you can directly condense the godhead on the spot, but there is a 50% chance of failure in condensing the godhead, if you want to ensure 100% success in condensing the godhead, please find one of the following items to complete Godhead", "Spiritual Liquid", "Sacred Fruit"!

  If you fail to condense your godhead, all your basic divine power will be converted into hidden divine power. After that, you need to accumulate 1000 points of basic divine power before you can condense your godhead again.

   "My good fellow, the penalty for failure of this Godhead Concentration is countless times more perverted than the breakthrough assessment! Once you fail, you will directly lose a full 1000 points of basic divine power. Who can afford it?"

  Although I feel speechless about the failure penalty of the Godhead Condensation mission, after all, this mission also gives you a 100% chance of success, which is not too much.

   It depends on whether you are a lazy gambler, just fight for the 50% chance, or ask for stability.

  At this moment, Chen Mo couldn't help recalling the extremely revolving wheel he got before. If this thing is still there, maybe the success rate can be directly changed to 100.

   Just to obtain the Chaos Source Core, the ultimate Chaos Supreme Treasure that can automatically produce Chaos Source Energy, there is really no way.

   Regarding these three items, Chen Mo immediately inquired about the relevant introductions.

   These three items can be encountered in both the first area and the second area.

  But in the first area, it is difficult to encounter the God's Domain that produces this kind of item.

   First of all, you need to have more than 1000 points of divine power, and secondly, you have a lower chance of encountering this kind of reward if you perform some tasks in the land of the gods.

   The chance of encountering them in the second area will be higher.

  Since this is the case, Chen Mo is not in a hurry to break through.

   After all, with his current strength, he has secured the strongest position in the area, so there is no need to rush to find relevant output in the first area.

   Now it is still the first priority to break the regional barriers.

   Naturally, the opportunity to enter the second area one step faster cannot be wasted.

   With a thought, Chen Mo has entered the Tower of Eternity again.

  As he entered the tower again, this time he received a different reminder from Heaven.

  【Heavenly reminder: Check your basic divine power to be the strongest in your galaxy, and the control of the tower's foundation will be handed over to you! 】

   The basic control rights in the tower of each galaxy are determined according to the level of basic divine power.

  Whoever has the highest basic divine power will be given control of the tower's basic power.

  Chen Mo's previous basic divine power was not the highest in the solar system, so the control naturally fell out of his hands.

   But now, he is definitely the person with the highest basic divine power.

  The control over the foundation of the tower naturally belongs to him.

  As the reminder of Heavenly Dao ended, Chen Mo also clearly felt that he had a certain connection with the foundation in the tower.

   And clarified some basic control privileges in the tower.

As long as you become the root controller in the tower, you can check the situation of the personnel in every God's Domain controlled by your own galaxy at any time, and you can freely shuttle in any God's Domain controlled by your own galaxy, and you can also check the status of your own galaxy in the tower. Members are free to deploy to any place in God's Domain.

   Not only that, the foundation of the tower even has the ability to suppress other galaxies.

  Once people from other galaxies dare to enter the foundation of the tower, they will be suppressed miserably.

  After experiencing the function of the foundation in the tower, Chen Mo teleported himself to the area barrier.

  The regional barriers at this time have become very thin and transparent compared to the previous regional barriers.

   It only takes about 1 hour for everyone to work together to break through.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi also joined the ranks of breaking the regional barriers.

  As the two of them pressed their palms on the area barrier, they stimulated the gods to attack the area barrier, and the few blood bars remaining in the area barrier accelerated the rate of decay.

   Only two people were added, but the breaking speed of the regional barrier was almost doubled from the original basis.

   It can be seen that Chen Mo alone is worth the soul that can only be possessed by most of the people in his own galaxy.

  Time passed by one minute and one second.

  After about forty minutes, everyone saw that the regional barrier had become extremely transparent, like a film so thin that it could be broken with a single stab.

  As another ten seconds passed, everyone suddenly heard a dull bang.

  Regional barriers finally shattered and disappeared.

   What appeared in front of Chen Mo and others at this time was a more vast and boundless world.

  Before Chen Mo and others checked the information of the second area, the Heavenly Dao reminder had already sounded.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully breaking the regional barriers. Now you can enter the second area of ​​the first floor of the Tower of Aion to take risks. There are more abundant and rare benefits waiting for you to obtain, but please remember that once you step into the second area Area, except for the root controller in the tower in the first area, all other people will no longer be able to return to the first area.

   Also please pay attention.

  Opportunities are often accompanied by equal risks. There will be many terrifying monsters and alien races in the second area. Please explore carefully.

special reminder! The monsters in the second area generally have regional characteristics, and they are strong when they are in the crowd. If they are encountered in an army formation, the monster will increase the strength of the corresponding multiple according to the number of members of the army formation. Please be extra careful. 】

  【Additional reminder: The second area will be a battlefield where many galaxies gather, and in addition to your humanoid intelligent life, you may also encounter animal-shaped intelligent life!

  If it is possible for you to cooperate with human-shaped intelligent life, then you will have to fight to the death when you encounter animal-shaped intelligent life.

   Please note that once you are killed by a beast-type intelligent life, unless you use your own resurrection ability to resurrect, otherwise, no matter whether you succeed in resurrecting in the end, you will directly lose half of your divine power. 】

[Description of God's Domain: There are multiple God's Domains in the second area. Occupying a God's Domain can provide all professionals in your galaxy with a power boost effect. The more God's Domains you occupy, the stronger the divine power effect you can increase , when a certain galaxy occupies one hundred realms of God's Domain, all professionals in that galaxy will have the privilege of crossing regional barriers and entering the third region.

If the God’s Domain you found is an owner’s land, when the controller of the God’s Domain leaves the Tower of Eternity, the corresponding God’s Domain will be regarded as a temporarily unowned land, which can be activated and controlled by any professional .

If the God’s Realm you found is a land with an owner, and the controller exists in the Tower of Eternity, you will be able to obtain his coordinate information in real time throughout the process, and you can take control of the God’s Realm by killing him right.

  When a professional you kill has control rights over multiple realms of God's Domain at the same time, you will be able to gain control over all realms of God's Domain controlled by the opponent.

Although it is said that the strongest in the galaxy is the one who is the least likely to be killed, please understand that it is best not to put all eggs in the same basket, and arrange the ownership of the gods reasonably, so as not to lose a large number of gods at once .

  The realm of God's Domain often exists in an extremely dangerous environment. The closer to the center of the second area, the lower the chance of encountering God's Domain.

  If you want to find more realms of God’s Domain, please go to the deep area in the center of the second area to find them.

   I wish you a happy exploration in the second area! 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, those who were about to step into the second area couldn't help but hesitate.

  According to the hint of Heaven, it may be easier to find opportunities when entering the second area, but it is also easier to encounter greater dangers.

   Instead of being the controller of the foundation of the tower in the first area, once entering the second area, it is impossible to return to the first area.

  They naturally have to consider the pros and cons of gains and losses.

  Chen Mo glanced at everyone and said: "This second area has just opened, and none of us know the specific situation in it. It is too dangerous for comrades with low divine power to enter the second area rashly.

   Let’s practice in the first area for a while now. Let me go in to help you explore the second area. If the area is not very dangerous at the beginning, I will inform you. "

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, most of the people present naturally had no opinion.

  In the audience, he has the most abnormal divine power, and he also possesses chaos-level abilities. It is definitely the safest for him to go first.

However, some old seniors came out to stop him and said, "Chen Mo, you are an important foundation of the solar system. If something happens to you, it will definitely be a loss we cannot bear. Let us old bones explore this unknown dangerous area first. "

Chen Mo glanced at the other party, and the other party's divine power increased by several hundred, which is not bad, but considering the ability to deal with danger, Chen Mo still refused: "Don't worry, senior, I have absolute life-saving cards, I won't be so If it’s easy to get into trouble, leave it to me.”

   "Why don't you form an army and go in to explore."

I don't know who said something, but seeing this, Chen Mo refused again: "The special reminder in the first paragraph just now must have been seen by everyone. Once you form an army and encounter monsters, the monster's strength may increase by hundreds or even thousands of times. An extremely terrifying improvement.

   Forming an army formation may even be safer than not forming an army formation.

Moreover, the resource acquisition situation in this second area is not yet known. It may be the case of obtaining resources by a single person. If you form an army to enter, once you find that the divine power is not high enough, it is difficult to develop in the second area, and then you want to go back to the first area. The first area is not easy, everyone should try to improve the divine power in the first area before considering entering the second area.

  It is safest to leave this matter to me alone. "

  Everyone thought about the reminder from Tiandao just now, but they had nothing to say.

   Tiandao’s reminder did mention this issue just now, forming an army formation to spawn monsters may be even more dangerous, so Chen Mo can only let Chen Mo explore first.

  According to Tiandao's analysis of God's Domain, the outer area should not be so scary. After all, Chen Mo has 1000 points of divine power, and everyone thinks he should be able to handle it.

  (end of this chapter)

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