All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 351: The galaxy leaderboard rewards are even more against the sky! (two in one)

  Chapter 351 The galaxy leaderboard rewards are even worse! (two in one)

  Following Chen Mo, he stepped across the border of the area and entered the second area.

  In an instant, the Heavenly Dao reminder immediately sounded.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations to the solar system, the overall combat power of the solar system has entered the "Regional Galaxy Combat Power Ranking First". 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since the solar system won the first place in the regional galaxy combat power list for the first time, all solar system professionals can get the special reward "Mission Compass" on the list! 】

  【Mission Compass】: It can be used once every official day. After using it, you can immediately get the location closest to you where you can receive regional missions. (This item can only be used in the second area.)

[Heavenly reminder: Since the solar system has won the first place in the regional galaxy combat power list, when the solar system maintains this ranking, all members of the solar system in the second area will automatically increase 1 point of divine power and 1 point of divine energy every official day ! 】

  As soon as the reward information broke out, all the galaxies in the same area were blown up instantly.

   "What a perverted list reward! Compared with personal rewards, this galaxy-level reward is called heaven-defying!"

   "This reward is too much! Everyone gets 1 point of divine power and divine energy every day? Can this ghost catch up with them?"

   "That's not what I said."

"How to say?"

   "Thinking about it carefully, the solar system is a galaxy with only one living planet. They can sit at the top of this list because they are the only galaxy in the second region."

"That's right, only the solar system, a life planet, has entered the second region. In fact, there are not many people in the fifth rotation of the solar system. It is only because of Chen Mo that they have the opportunity to quickly break through the regional barriers. Their overall battle In fact, they may not be able to rank in this position, if we have a way to break through the regional barriers early and enter the second region, maybe we can directly squeeze them out of the first place!"

   "Then there have to be other galaxies to decide the winner. As long as there are more galaxies to decide the winner, the strength of the regional barrier can be reduced by more than a hundred times! We can break it in a short time."


  While everyone was discussing, the solar system was on another list at the same time, and the voice of the avenue and the reminder of the way of heaven continued.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations to the solar system, the overall number of forces in the solar system has entered the "Regional Galaxy Power Ranking First". 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since the solar system won the first place in the regional galaxy power list for the first time, all solar system professionals can get the special reward "Energy Concentration Orb" on the list! 】

[Energy-gathering Orb]: According to the number of God’s Realms you have controlled in this galaxy, temporarily increase your hidden divine power by the corresponding amount. If you have mastered God’s Realms, you can temporarily increase your corresponding The amount of basic divine power, this promotion effect is only effective for professionals in other galaxies, and will be offset by the number of realms that control the gods in the other galaxies.

  For example, if your galaxy masters ten realms of God’s Domain, and the opponent masters five, you can only increase five points of hidden divine power.

  You have five realms of God’s Domain, and the opponent has three, so you can only increase your basic divine power by two points.

  The promotion effect will increase the corresponding multiplier according to your divine state. For example, when you are in the second-level divine state, the hidden divine power and divine power you can increase will be doubled.

  Seeing this reward, Chen Mo laughed. This power list is not worthy of its name. Now the solar system has just stepped into the second area, and it doesn’t even occupy a God’s Domain.

   Now it's ranked first in the leaderboard with 0 God's Realms, which is somewhat funny.

   But the strength of this reward is nothing to say, it is very strong.

  After all, the increased divine power is counted as the basic divine power. After the basic divine power is increased, it will also be boosted by other amplification effects. The final improvement effect is obviously quite considerable.

  Although the effect of the energy-gathering orb can only be temporarily improved, and it can only take effect when fighting against professionals.

   But still powerful.

   Especially when encountering people from other galaxies, it can greatly improve the level of personal combat power.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since the solar system has won the first place in the regional galaxy power list, when the solar system maintains this ranking, the professional with the highest divine power in the solar system can randomly control an unowned God's Domain Realm every once in a while! (The interval is the number of realms of God’s Domain that the professional has already controlled × the official day)]

  After arriving in the Tower of Aion, the calculation of time is basically based on the official day, official month, and official year.

   People who live in it don't have much reaction to it.

  Chen Mo just came in, but he needs to get used to it.

  This so-called day has 60 hours.

   is not short.

  So it seems that it is abnormal to increase the divine power, divine energy, and give away the realm of the divine domain every day, but in fact it takes a long time.

  Especially the rules for gifting the control of the realm of the gods, and the interval time should be increased according to the number of realms of the gods that Chen Mo has already controlled, which is even longer.

  However, since Chen Mo currently controls 0 gods, the interval time is 0.

  After the solar system was listed on the list, Chen Mo also heard a prompt from the Heavenly Dao in a timely manner.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations, you have won the list reward, you have gained control of a "God's Realm"! 】

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have mastered a God’s Domain. In this God’s Domain, your strength will be increased by a certain percentage.

The realm of God's Domain you currently master is the first-level realm of God's Domain, and every official day can produce 1 point of divine power. For every point of divine power in the territory of God's Domain, when you enter the territory of God's Domain, you will be able to get a 1% increase in strength .

  You can also choose to absorb the divine power in the realm of the gods and convert it into divine power. Every point of divine power can be converted into 1 point of basic divine power.

You can also invest divine power in the realm of the gods to increase the level of the realm of the gods and increase the output of divine power, but please note that the realm of the gods is at risk of being robbed by others. If you invest too much and end up unable to hold it, you may Will make wedding dresses for others.

  When you have the realm of God's Domain in the second area, you can directly teleport to the realm of God's Domain under your control when you are out of combat. 】

  With the end of the sound of the avenue, seeing that there is a realm of gods in the solar system, the forces of all parties are naturally jealous and impatient.

  They were already a step behind, but now that the solar system is getting stronger and stronger, how can they not be in a hurry.

If there is no enmity with the solar system, there is still a chance to make peace with the vassals, but they all have enmity with the solar system. Seeing the solar system getting stronger with their own eyes, they can only sit and watch. How can they bear it? In the eyes anxious in the heart.

  They have quickly started to contact nearby galaxies to see if there are any galaxies that can quickly end the competition that can help, so that the winning galaxies can appear faster and reduce the strength of regional barriers.

   At this moment, they were in a hurry, and their own people in the solar system looked at the leaderboard rewards with a burst of jealousy.

  After all, entering the second area can get the natural growth of divine power and divine energy every day.

   They are already a little restless in the first area.

   But after all, Chen Mo had just stepped into the second area, and hadn't started the investigation yet, so they didn't rush into the second area in a hurry.

   "Everyone, this reward is given once every natural day. The current official day time has only passed dozens of hours, and there are still more than ten hours. Don't worry, everyone, wait for Chen Mo to investigate the surrounding environment first."

  As the old senior spoke, everyone naturally suppressed their excitement even more.

  Chen Mo, who was nearby at this time, also nodded, and quickly investigated the surrounding area.

After confirming that there is basically no danger in the nearby area, he said: "Since there are list rewards, everyone who wants to come here should come to the second area. There is no danger in the vicinity. If everyone gathers in the nearby area, it should be It's still relatively safe."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, the crowd who couldn't hold back for a long time rushed over immediately, and many people entered the second area.

  After entering the second area, someone immediately said: "Can we try to use the task compass rewarded to us by the leaderboard now to get some tasks in the second area to do? Maybe the rewards will be very good?"

"It should be possible. There doesn't seem to be any danger nearby. Let's try to be careful, but at present everyone is gathered in the same place. It's better not to use the mission compass collectively, otherwise it will be easy to locate the same mission." Chen Mo laughed. said.

  Everyone nodded, and immediately prepared to choose one person to try to use the compass to find the task.

Seeing that everyone is safe at this time, Chen Mo bid farewell: "Everyone, you should act nearby first, I just got a realm of God's Domain, I will send it over there to see what this God's Domain looks like .”

   "Okay, go get busy, since there is no danger around here, you don't have to worry too much about us."

  After the explanation, Chen Mo has already teleported himself to a certain God's Domain outside the second area with a thought.

  It was only after reaching the territory of God's Domain that Chen Mo felt clearly what kind of existence this God's Domain was like.

  The Realm of God's Domain is an extremely ordinary ball-like thing that exists in various places in the second area.

  It is difficult to sense it just by perception. You can only encounter it by luck. After discovering it, you can directly enter the territory of God's Domain by touching it.

  After entering, you will find that the space of God's Domain is a world of its own.

  At this time, the realm of God's Domain controlled by Chen Mo is an internal environment where birds are singing and flowers are fragrant.

  In the very center of the realm of the gods, there is a core of state of mind.

  If you encounter an unowned God's Realm, you only need to touch the core of the realm heart, and at the same time consume a certain amount of divine power to become the master of this God's Realm and control him.

   How much divine power you need to consume depends on the level of the realm of the gods you encounter and the number of realms you currently control.

  The higher the level of the God Realm you want to control, the more divine power you need to consume.

  The more realms of God's Domain you already control, the more divine power you need to consume.

And if you were originally the controller of this realm of the gods, then when you touch the core of the mirror heart, you can choose to extract the divine power stored in it and transform it into divine power for your own use, or you can choose to consume the divine power contained in it to improve the If the level of God's Realm is not enough, you need to provide divine power to help you upgrade.

   It is obviously very beneficial to control the realm of God's Domain. After all, the realm of God's Domain is a stable source of divine power, and you can steadily gain income every day.

   It's just hard to say how long you can control it.

  In addition, if you invest your divine power to increase the level of the realm of the gods, it will take a long time to subtract the input and output to achieve the benefits. How you choose depends on yourself.

  Of course, when performing some rare tasks in the second area, it is possible to find items to improve the realm of the gods. You can consume the corresponding items to directly upgrade the level of the realm of the gods without consuming extra power.

  After Chen Mo entered the realm of the gods, he immediately looked at the crystal core core that was floating with a faint light.

  As he reached out to touch the core of the mirror heart, Chen Mo found that there was no magic power in it.

   "Doesn't this God's Realm usually accumulate divine power?"

  Chen Mo immediately called out the Tiandao elf to ask.

   "The realm of God's Domain will only start to produce divine power when it has an owner, and it will fall into a state of silence when there is no owner, and will not continue to accumulate divine power."

   "So that's the case, then it seems that if you want to get benefits, you have to wait."

   After Chen Mo nodded, he immediately tried to inquire about the requirements for raising the realm of God's Domain.

[Heavenly reminder: The current realm of God’s Domain is Level 1. If you want to upgrade it to Level 2, you need to consume 100 points of divine power. If the divine power is insufficient, you can provide the lack of basic divine power to make up for it. Will produce two points of Kamui.

  If you have the Divine Mind Stone, you can directly consume one Divine Stone to upgrade the current God Realm to level two. 】

   "Without divine power, I would have to consume 100 points of basic divine power to increase the level of God's Domain. After upgrading, I would produce a little more divine power every day. Then I would have to wait 6,000 hours before I could start to gain benefits."

   After careful calculation, I found that it would take almost 250 days on the earth to get income, and Chen Mo was numb.

   It cannot be said that the investment is not worthwhile, but the waiting time is a bit long.

  Especially after seeing what state-of-mind divine stones could be gained, Chen Mo didn't want to hand over his basic divine power even more.

   After learning about the situation in the realm of the gods, he went directly out of the realm of the gods and went outside.

  Going outside, even if you know there is a God’s Domain here, if you don’t look carefully, Chen Mo finds it really difficult to find this small ball of the God’s Domain that is only the size of a marble in a translucent state under the grass leaves hidden under the big tree.

"Sure enough, this God's Domain is not so easy to encounter. It can't be perceived by perception, and it's hard to find by looking at it by oneself. Moreover, this thing will randomly change its position every natural day. It is here today and there tomorrow. "

  After leaving the realm of God's Domain, Chen Mo took out the mission compass rewarded by the list just now, just to see if there are any missions nearby.

  At the entrance of the original area, there are too many people there, it is not appropriate to use the task compass, there is no one else here, but it is quite appropriate.

Although Mo Luo Brain has the ability to analyze mission strategies, it is unrealistic to rely on it to find missions directly in the second area. Chen Mo tried it, but Mo Luo Brain did not analyze where to get the mission in the second area. It can't be analyzed where the realm of God's Domain will appear, which shows that the ability of Mara's brain is also limited.

   After all, this thing is just the brain of the **** of adventure, Mara, and Mara itself is not omnipotent. There is an upper limit to his ability, but Chen Mo doesn't care.

  I just hope that he can continue to work **** the mission strategy in the future.

  (end of this chapter)

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