Chapter 352 Destiny Man (Two in One)

  As Chen Mo took out the mission compass, the pointer on the mission compass turned with a thought in his mind, pointing him to the direction close to the center of the second area.

  The second area has a total of ten areas of different difficulty.

   Except for the most central area, the other nine areas, every time you go deeper into an area, the strength of the enemies you encounter will become stronger.

  Chen Mo is currently in the outermost area, and the strength of the monsters here is not very high.

  The direction that the task compass pointer is pointing at this time seems to have the meaning of making Chen Mo approach the second layer.

  Since the mission compass can only be used once a day, Chen Mo naturally didn't want to waste it. Even though the second area was more dangerous, he still leaned in that direction.

  At the same time, he also summoned a large number of undead to explore the road nearby, so that it would be safer.

   With the undead under his hands exploring the way, Chen Mo found a lot of monsters along the way.

  The strength of these monsters is really not simple.

   Among them, the monster with the lowest strength has 100 points of divine power, and the strength of the divine essence is even more impressive.

   "Destiny Man's Number?" Compass asked curiously, "Where is it displayed?"

  There is actually a seventh area to the seventh area, and it is still on the edge of the first innermost area.

"Those things are more common. Those things are items that can improve the divine realm. You can't get the items in any temple. If you just go to the temple to ask for the items, you should help the temple to complete some things. , to be specific, he can't go to the temple in Tianzhen to have a look at that time."

   Compass originally introduced you as a traveler, but it turned out that I thought, the other party actually replied to me as a man of destiny.

  The village looked very small, there were only about ten households, and there were no fences or other walls around the village. It was so empty, as if it was completely afraid of being attacked by monsters.

   After receiving the Myriad Miasma Poison Bead, Compass took the opportunity to inquire about the whereabouts of several mission items he needed.

   I also know that it is useless, and I don’t care too much about the compass.

  Hearing that, Compass Shijin said: "According to what they mean, don't we animal-type intelligent life have no own kingdom area?"

   "Man of Heaven?" Compass asked curiously, "What kind of identity is that?"

   "Does the Destiny know his identity?" Cheng Yan's rhetorical question surprised the two big blue men.

  "Yes, as long as they see you, they will retreat and kill you without mercy, so you really need the help of their destiny people to help you fight that terrible beast disaster!"

  Wait for Cheng Yan to sit up, the village head brought a cup of tea very coldly.

"It is rumored that once the grade of an elixir reaches the fourth grade, it will produce a spirit of medicine. You thought it was just a legend, but that time you planted the poisonous forest of poisonous flowers, which is a treasure for poison breeding. In addition, the fertilizer you applied to it before planting it is also a treasure, and it may really grow into a fourth-grade poisonous flower because of this, and it was born when your consciousness left the place where you planted it."

Before Cheng Yan sat down, she glanced at the chess pieces played by the two of them at the table, and found that we were using white and white chess pieces that were extremely unfamiliar to her. She also knew whether we were playing Go, seven-moon chess or white-and-white chess, or some kind of chess that she was completely unfamiliar with. know chess.

   Before the tea was finished, the other party finished talking to Compass about business.

  The two big blue men immediately pointed to the top of Cheng Yan's head and said: "Heavenly Dao is being manifested on top of his head, he can see it, and only the aborigines of your Tianyuan world can see that."

   After thinking about the speed of rushing before the God Realm, the distance is considered sky-high.

  As Chen Mo avoided all the monsters on the way by relying on the undead to explore the way, he soon came to the place guided by the mission Cheng Yan.

   "Oh? Is there no temple in their village?"

   "So that's the case, since that's the case, you will take up this matter."

   Saying goodbye to the village head, the compass flickered and came to the poisonous forest that the village head said.

"Thank you two for the detailed information. Is it true that as a man of destiny, what kind of help can you not get from them?"

   "There is a mistake, they also have some exclusive numbers, but their numbers start with 1, and their numbers start with 0, so they can't be distinguished at a glance."

   "I see, it's strange that they immediately recognized your identity as a Man of Destiny. The beast disaster they mentioned must be a group of animal-shaped intelligent life forms with numbers similar to yours on their heads."

  [Low-grade wisteria tea BUFF]: After drinking low-grade wisteria tea, he will be affected by the poison of the poisonous forest.

  Before retreating into the courtyard, Compass smiled and said, "You just met two villagers at the entrance of the village who said that you don't need any help recently. If you have something to do, come and ask."

   "Will those animal-shaped intelligent life forms retreat and kill them?"

  [Miasma Poison Bead·Eternal God Object]: When activated, it will weaken the toxicity of the surrounding miasma, make all the units trapped in the miasma fall into a health state, reduce the vitality by half, and stun us for 3 seconds.

  Before the compass was seated, the two poured a cup of tea for the compass and said, "Master Tianmingren Pavilion, since he knows what Tianmingren means, you can tell him about it."

   "As an aborigine, you can do very few things according to the restrictions of heaven, and you can only ask them to help solve some things. Unfortunately, your village chief has not needed the help of heavenly people for any important things recently.

  Through the Eye of Origin, Compass found out at a glance that the very old-looking big blue man behind his eyes was not the village head of that village.

   "Man of Heaven, welcome his arrival."

   "What a pity."

  Since I couldn’t get what I needed, the compass was in a hurry. I immediately took on the task of the village chief and decided to go to the Myriad Poisonous Forest to find the so-called fourth-grade elixir.

   "Let's talk about it?"

  As the compass approached, those two people also looked towards me.

  The opponent was immersed in his chess game, but I only raised my head before I heard Cheng Yan's knock on the door.

   "This is really too bad, you are worrying about how to deal with that matter."

  That village head is still strong, that guy's divine power is as low as 1000 points, but he can be underestimated.

  The compass saw that there was no village outside.

"Continued Cup?"

  Received the advice of the two big blue men, Cheng Yan immediately thanked her, drank the tea we helped to pour, got up and left.

  Compass knocked heavily on the courtyard door and said, "I mean to bother you, are you the village chief?"

   "You are quite free. If you don't need anything, feel free to leave it to you. I just want to know where the village chief is at this time?"

   "Just about 800,000 meters west of your village, there is no temple."

   It must be said that if the first region is an ordinary world, the world in the seventh region is a whole world. In that whole world, there are aborigines and various monsters.

  However, the first area originally gave people a certain amount of training opportunities. If you are not strong enough and rush to the second area to seek death, it is no wonder that the law of heaven does not give you a way to survive.

   "By the way, the village chief, you don't have any materials you need for the time being. I know where to look for them, and I know whether you will understand some if you are young and well-informed."

"The Man of Destiny is a group of ordinary people who have been told by the Dao of Heaven that they will come to this world to help you resist the beast disaster. We have different looks and come from various unknown worlds, but the only thing that has changed is not that you all know each other. Display the corresponding Destiny Man number."

"Bad, that's up to him. Seeing that his divine power is weaker than yours, it's not safe to retreat into it, but just in case, he still carries this thing. Once it is safe, use it directly." This thing can save a life."

   "Of course I've heard that what you lack in Tianyuan World is the place where those things are produced. Later, you can give him a map and help him circle the location of those things under the map. He can just follow the map to find them."

   "Does that strange race hate playing chess so much?"

  The village chief moved out a big stool and put it behind the compass.

   While speaking, the village head handed a green bead to Cheng Yan.

  Compass understood the meaning of the so-called beast disaster.

  When I saw the tea, Compass smiled, but felt bitter in my heart. The tea was so bitter that I really wanted to drink it for the seventh time.

   "Do you know what the specifics are?"

   "You two bad guys, your name is Compass, you are a traveler who came from a far away place, can you tell me where the other place is?" Cheng Yan greeted first.

"No, the north-south direction of that piece of Tianyuan World is your country of human-type intelligent life, while the east-west direction is the country of animal-type intelligent life. Their own destiny comes, and that battle always has endless regression."

  If he is not free, he can’t come to see me. "

   "Let's sit outside the pavilion and talk quickly."

  If people who are weak in the first area enter the second area and accidentally encounter these monsters, if they don't run away quickly, they may die in the hands of these monsters.

"Later, you planted a 'Concentration Poisonous Flower' in the Ten Thousand Miasma Poisonous Forest. Now I think it's not ripe yet, but when you retreated into the Ten Thousand Miasma Poisonous Forest to search again, you found the Concentration Poisonous Flower. I haven't seen you yet..."

   After speaking, the other party poured himself a glass, and drank it with great enjoyment.

   "It will affect myself, weak control for 3 seconds, but it is a baby that is wrong."

  Although Cheng Yan used her own language, according to the future situation, Tiandao should help translate.

   Sure enough, the other party understood what Luo Pan said directly.

Hearing those words, Compass laughed immediately, "This is really too bad, by the way, you still want to inquire about things like 'Broken Godhead', 'Condensing Spiritual Liquid', 'Sacred Fruit', etc. Didn't you hear?"

   "Sit down and talk quickly."

  Compass took a closer look, and saw that there were two blue-skinned women outside the village who looked very different from the people on Earth, sitting opposite each other and playing chess outside a gazebo at the entrance of the village.

  Following the instructions of the big blue man, I came to the back of the only white house in the village, and I saw a very old-looking big blue man playing chess with himself outside the yard of his house.

  Being watched by others with a smile on their faces, Luo Pan could only drink politely in one sip.

"I see."

   Cheng Yan felt bitter just looking at it.

  But before drinking the tea, it gave me temporary anti-drug properties.

   "Could it be eaten by monsters in the forest?"

  The compass has nothing to say, but with the seventh cup of tea on my belly, the anti-drug properties I just acquired have immediately turned into lower-level anti-drug properties.

   "How about it, how does the tea taste? Is it very sweet?"

   Compass nodded and said, "All ears."

   It must be said that the race is the same, and the difference in taste is also very small. The tea from the big blue man is very bitter to Cheng Yan. After drinking it once, she wants to drink it for the seventh time.

   Later, when they retreated into that area, Tiandao reminded them that before reaching that area, they would encounter animal-shaped intelligent life forms. Those types of professionals belonged to the type of complete hatred against human-shaped intelligent life forms.

   "Disappeared in thin air?"

  Looking at the top of Cheng Yan's head, I immediately stood up with a smile and said, "The Man of Heaven welcomes him to your Goulan Village, please sit in the courtyard."

  The compass has no words, so far away is called far away?

   Compass shook his head with a smile and said, "I have heard of it before, please let me know."

   It turns out that I once thought that the cup of tea I drank at the entrance of the village was not bitter enough, but when I thought that the cup of tea brought out by the village chief was even more bitter, I almost vomited out the bitter compass.

   "That's trying to trick you."

"Exactly, the safety in the poisonous forest, even if your village grows wisterias all the year round, you can't make wisteria tea to resist the poison of the poisonous forest, but there are too few weak monsters in the poisonous forest. Do you have the ability to retreat into it? If you retreat alone, it is really useless to find a needle in a haystack. I heard that their destiny people often do not have the ability to detect in a small area, so I want to ask him to help retreat into the poisonous forest to find one. thing."

   "He sees that the only white building outside the village is not the village chief's house. I go out a lot on weekdays, so he can't find me directly when he goes to the village chief's house."

   "Does the village chief mean that he wants you to retreat into the poisonous forest and help him find the whereabouts of the poisonous flower?"

   "Has he heard of items such as "Eternal Divine Soil", "Eternal Divine Water", "Eternal Divine Fire", "Eternal Divine Thunder", and "Eternal Divine Wind"?"

  Seeing that the other party raised the teapot to refill himself, Luo Pan hurriedly moved the teacup in his hand and said, "Yes, it's sweet for you."

   "Yes, if the poisonous flower of concentration is eaten or picked, there will be corresponding traces on the roots that cannot be inferred, but your poisonous flower of concentration seems to have disappeared out of thin air."

   "Eight hundred thousand meters!?"

  Seeing Compass standing in the gazebo, the two big blue men immediately invited me to sit in the gazebo coldly.

  Once encountered is not a deathmatch.

   Compass smiled bitterly and said, "It's very sweet."

  (end of this chapter)

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