All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 353: Combined effect, output doubled! (two in one)

  Chapter 353 Combined effect, double output! (two in one)

   This miasma poisonous forest is shrouded in a strange miasma, and it is difficult to see the situation inside clearly from the outside.

  However, Chen Mo has the Eye of Origin without any restrictions.

   It can even have a huge detection range.

  This is also the ability that the village chief said their destiny people often have.

  Before entering the poisonous forest, Chen Mo first summoned a lot of skeleton monsters, trying to let them go first to explore the way.

   It turned out that this poisonous forest is extremely poisonous, even if the undead enter it, they will suffer from the poisonous attack.

   It was only because he drank wisteria tea that he was able to withstand such a perverted poison.

   Seeing that the skeleton monster disappeared after entering, Chen Mo had no choice but to cancel the plan to let the skeleton monster explore it.

   Fortunately, the Eye of Origin can see far enough, so there is no problem.

  Chen Mo stepped into the poisonous forest, and immediately felt a strong poisonous gas rushing towards his face. Looking around, he saw a lush and gloomy scene.

   Tall poisonous trees rose from the ground, and the trunks were covered with dark red miasma crystals, like blood coagulated.

  The leaves are green but have a strange purple color. From time to time, drops of highly poisonous rainwater will drip from them, and when they hit the ground, there will be a hissing sound immediately, corroding small pits.

  The ground is covered with thick poisonous moss, giving off a rotten smell.

  In the moss, there are countless poisonous insects crawling, with colorful lights shining on their bodies. They are either flying or crawling, and they are all extremely poisonous creatures.

  In the distance, a lake can be seen faintly, but the water of the lake is emerald green and the sun cannot be seen.

  The lake is surrounded by floating lotus leaves. The dewdrops dripping on the lotus leaves are shining with charming light, but they are highly poisonous liquid.

   There is an ancient poisonous stone bridge beside the lake. The bridge surface is full of cracks, and it seems that it may collapse at any time.

  At the end of the bridge, there is a deeper layer of poisonous fog, exuding a palpitating atmosphere.

  The sky in the Myriad Miasma Poisonous Forest is also extremely gloomy, covered with dark clouds, it seems that there will be a storm with thunder and lightning at any time.

  This environment makes people feel extremely depressing and dangerous, surrounded by poisonous gas, and poisonous insects are rampant. If you are not careful, you will fall into the poisonous swamp.

  Relying on the powerful detection ability of the Eye of Origin, Chen Mo easily avoided those poisonous insects.

  Although his current divine power is strong enough to have a full 3000 points, this divine power has an absolute suppression effect on professionals, but it is not the case for monsters in the second area.

  Before Chen Mo entered the second area, he received a reminder from Heaven. The monsters in this second area are blessed by area rules.

  For example, at the beginning, Chen Mo was told that if they form an army and encounter these monsters, these monsters will multiply their divine power according to the number of heads.

   This is a kind of regional rules, and there are other regional rules in the second region.

  For example, when a normal professional encounters these monsters, even if the divine power exceeds the target by 100 points, it will not be completely suppressed to the point that the opponent cannot cause damage. It is quite similar to Chen Mo using his Chaos-level treasure, the Hunyuan Orb.

  When a professional's supernatural power exceeds these monsters, every point over 1 will reduce the monster's combat power by 1 time.

   Instead of directly ignoring the influence of these monsters if it exceeds 100 points.

  Although it is much less effective to suppress 100 times the attributes of more than 100 points compared to completely crushing the opponent with more than 100 points, it still has a very strong suppression effect.

   Just like Chen Mo's attributes at this time, his divine power is as high as 3000 points, and most of the poisonous insects he encountered have hundreds of divine power points.

  Just the suppression of divine power suppressed them by more than 2,000 points. Even if they had the blessing of regional rules, if they wanted to attack Chen Mo, their divine essence attributes would have to be reduced by at least 2,000 times.

  Chen Mo's divine essence is not low, it's hundreds of thousands. Although compared with the undead he summoned, his divine essence is much weaker, but it is much stronger than these bugs.

   The monsters in the second area basically have the attribute of divine essence equal to the square of their divine power attribute. For monsters with 500 points of divine power, the divine essence attribute is 250,000.

  Even if Chen Mo doesn't rely on divine power to suppress the opponent, his divine essence itself is far superior to these bugs.

   These bugs are difficult to cause harm to Chen Mo, but their attack effects are a bit annoying. They are all poisonous poisons that Chen Mo has never seen before, and he doesn't know if his immunity level is enough. Naturally, if he can avoid some, he will avoid some.

  As Chen Mo walked around the poisonous insects and poisonous things in the poisonous forest, after going deeper into the poisonous forest, Chen Mo found that the deeper it went, the more terrifying the poisonous insects and poisonous things inside.

  Toxicity is also extremely strong.

   Chen Mo even saw that some poisonous insects have special poisonous effects that can forcibly reduce the target's divine power by ten times.

   It can be described as extremely abnormal.

  In addition to seeing all kinds of poisonous insects and poisons in the forest, Chen Mo didn't see the so-called poisonous flowers that the village chief said.

  Before leaving the village, the village head showed Chen Mo the Poisonous Flower. Chen Mo remembered that the flower was very coquettish and could be recognized at a glance.

   Came all the way, but didn't see any shadow.

  But Chen Mo didn't care, he had only explored less than 1% of the forest at this time, and it's normal if he didn't meet it.

   After entering the Myriad Miasma and Poisonous Forest, besides using the Eye of Origin to observe in a large area, he did not carelessly forget to observe with the naked eye whether there is a God's Domain nearby.

   After all, the realm of God’s Domain cannot be perceived by perception ability and can only be observed by naked eyes.

  Because of this, Chen Mo's investigation speed was much slower.

   At this time, those galaxies that offended Chen Mo before are eagerly waiting for the next winner to appear.

  They are scrambling to get in touch, and are even willing to send someone to help them complete the strategy task faster.

  The purpose is to quickly enter the second area to rank in the solar system.

   But at the same time, they also had a trace of fear in their hearts.

   That is, if they enter the second area, will they directly hit the solar system, if so, then they are likely to be guarded and killed by the people of the solar system.

  While thinking about entering the second area quickly to prevent the solar system from collecting all the rankings, but at the same time worrying about entering the second area and being hit by the solar system.

   At this time, their hearts can be said to be extremely contradictory.

   On the side of the solar system, many people have already found their missions by relying on the mission compass.

  The mission they received was obviously simpler than that of Chen Mo, who was about to receive the second area.

  The second area has far more chances to earn divine power and divine energy than the first area.

   It is very likely that each of these tasks will have the opportunity to reward them with divine power and divine elements.

  In the forest, after Chen Mo searched carefully, he was not disappointed. He actually found a God's Realm in the environment of the poisonous forest.

   "The realm of God's Domain in this place is probably difficult for ordinary people to discover and touch."

  Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately, and stretched out his hand to touch this God's Realm.

  The moment he touched it, he was immediately sucked into the interior of this God's Realm.

   This God's Domain is much worse than the inside of Chen Mo's previous God's Domain. The inside of this God's Domain is a sea of ​​magma and fire, which is very hot.

  But it has no effect on Chen Mo, who has already stepped into the divine realm.

  He flew directly to the central area of ​​the realm of the gods, and touched the fiery red mirror core core floating in midair.

  The moment he touched the core of the mirror heart, the reminder of the heavenly way also sounded immediately.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have discovered an unowned God’s Domain. Now you have the opportunity to refine it for your own use. Do you want to refine it? 】

  Chen Mo directly chose yes, but he did not immediately succeed in refining, but followed by a pop-up reminder of the Dao of Heaven.

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that you already have a God’s Realm, and what you are refining now will be your second God’s Realm. You need to spend an additional 100 points of basic divine power to refine it. Are you sure? 】

  Although 100 points of basic divine power is very precious, compared to the value of the realm of the realm of the gods, the realm of the realm of the gods is naturally more precious. Chen Mo directly chose to pay.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on your successful consumption. You have successfully obtained the control of the God’s Domain. It has been detected that you have two God’s Domains. Do you want to connect the God’s Domain? 】

   "God's realm connection? What the hell?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked with the Tiandao elves.

[Heavenly Dao Elf]: Linking the realms of the gods is a special way of linking the realms of the gods. Under normal circumstances, each realm of the gods you control exists independently, even if other professionals discover you The realm of God's Domain that you possess, if you are unable to defeat the opponent and is taken away by the opponent, you will lose that God's Domain at most.

However, if you choose the connection with the realm of the gods, as long as the other party robs you of the control of a realm of the realm of the gods, all the control rights of the realm of the realm of the gods that you control that are linked with the realm of the realm of the gods will be lost. and transferred to the opponent's hands.

   "Is it so tricky?"

  As soon as Chen Mo finished complaining, the Tiandao elf began to introduce the benefits of the connection between the realm of the gods.

[Heavenly Dao Elf]: There are disadvantages to linking the realms of the gods, but there are also advantages. Once you choose the linking of the realms of the realms of the gods, the more realms of the realms you connect with, the more divine power each realm can produce every day. There will be more.

For example, if you connect two first-level God's Domain Realms, the output of the two God's Domain Realms that can only produce a little divine power in a day can be strengthened, and the divine power that each God's Domain Realm can produce in a day will increase. It will become two points, that is to say, you can only earn two points of divine power a day in the two realms of God's Domain, but now it has become four points, and the income has directly doubled.

In the same way, if you bring together the three realms of God's Domain, the output will continue to increase. If the three first-level realms of God's Domain are linked together, each of the realms of God's Domain will produce three points of divine power every day. The income is nine points of divine power.

  The linking of the Realm of God's Domain is not limited to the same level of Realm of God's Domain, and the linking of different levels of Realm of God's Domain can also achieve this effect.

  For example, if you combine a first-level God’s Domain and a second-level God’s Domain, the two God’s Domains will become a daily income of three points of divine power.

"I said, how can this connection be so pitiful? It turns out that it is because the connection of the realm of the gods has such great benefits! It's too perverted, even how much can make every realm of the realm of the gods increase to the total income of the connection, If this includes more than a dozen **** domains, wouldn't the income explode?"

  Thinking of such a rich income, Chen Mo directly chose the realm of the gods to join hands.

  【Heavenly reminder: Once the realm of the gods chooses to link, if you want to cancel it in the future, you will need to pay the total amount of divine power produced during the linking period of the realm of the realm of the gods to cancel the linkage of these realms of the realm of the gods. Are you sure? 】

   After all, he is the big brother on the list. Chen Mo is not worried that others will take away his God’s Realm. He just wants to carry out the state of the strong and constant to the end. If there is a chance to become stronger quickly, why should he be timid?

  Chen Mo immediately chose OK.

  【Heavenly Reminder: If the connection is successful, your current two realms of God’s Domain are both first-level realms of God’s Domain. Due to the effect of linkage, each God’s Realm can now generate two points of divine power every day. 】

   Satisfied with the selection, Chen Mo exited the space of God's Domain and returned to the poisonous forest.

  After coming out, Chen Mo tried to pick it up by touching the realm of God's Domain, but unfortunately he couldn't move it.

  If they could be moved, Chen Mo really wanted to move them all into the poisonous forest, so he didn't need to be afraid that others would come in and find them, after all, the poison here is so perverted.

  However, considering that the realm of God's Domain will randomly shift positions every once in a while, even if they are collected together, they will be scattered around when the time is up, so Chen Mo gave up this idea.

   Although the target of the task of entering the poisonous forest has not seen the shadow yet, but seeing such a baby, Chen Mo is still very happy at this time.

  He immediately walked around the poisonous forest in a more relaxed state of mind.

  The medicinal effect of wisteria tea is very long, he can sleep in the poisonous forest for ten days and half a month without any problems.

  After Chen Mo continued to explore nearly half of the poisonous forest, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking that the elixir with the medicinal spirit would have left the poisonous forest, right?

  But thinking that this environment is so suitable for the other party, it stands to reason that the other party should immerse himself in this environment and practice, and will not leave so soon.

  Chen Mo continued to explore a third of the area.

  Finally, he found a little trace this time.

   "Huh? The color of the petals seems to be the poisonous flower of Concentration. After producing the medicine spirit, why does it still maintain the appearance of the medicine? Shouldn't it be transformed?"

  Chen Mo thought so, and slowly approached the other party.

  At this time, the plant that may be the Poisonous Flower is standing alone in the center of a poisonous swamp. It seems to be enjoying the absorption of the toxin, and it doesn't know that there are people around it.

  With Chen Mo's Eye of Origin working together with Mo Luo's brain, it is natural to immediately recognize that this thing is indeed the Concentration Poison Flower.

  According to Mo Luo's brain's analysis of this flower, it will take some tricks to capture this flower, so he is not suitable to do it directly.

   "The village chief just asked me to help him find the location of the flower, but didn't ask me to help him pick it back. Judging by its appearance, it should still absorb the toxin here for a while. I just go back and tell the village chief."

  (end of this chapter)

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