Chapter 354 The Power of Belief! (two in one)

   Avoiding scaring away the elixir, Chen Mo hurried back to the village.

  At this time, the village chief was still drinking tea leisurely.

  Seeing that Chen Mo came back so soon, the village head immediately asked curiously: "Why did you come back so soon? But what details are still unclear?"

   "No, I have already discovered the poisonous flower you mentioned." Chen Mo said with a smile.

   "No way, so fast!?"

  The village head hadn't finished half of the pot of tea yet, but Chen Mo came back after completing the task, which surprised the village head a bit.

   "I found that it is absorbing toxins in a venom swamp at this time. It should leave in a while. I don't have the means to capture it, so I will come back and inform you immediately."

   "Then wait a moment, I'll get the tool and I'll go with you."

  The village chief Yile quickly went back into the house and took out a strange net bag.

  Chen Mo learned through Mo Luo's brain that this thing is a arresting net that can limit the power of Yao Ling.

   It is an excellent prop to capture the medicine spirit.

   "Okay, let's set off."

  After the village chief finished speaking, he was about to walk out of the house with Chen Mo, but was stopped by Chen Mo.

   "You don't need to go, I already know the location and I can take people there directly."

  After the twinkling of the gods becomes the twinkling of the super gods, it is extremely convenient to be able to fly people.

  Following Chen Mo's thought again, he has brought the village head back to the poisonous forest.

  At this time, the Poisonous Flower of Concentration was still unaware of the danger around it, enjoying itself and continuing to absorb the toxins in the swamp.

  The village chief carefully took out the arresting net, slightly mobilized his divine power to pour it into it, and the next moment he threw the arresting net out.

   At the same time, the Poisonous Flower of Concentrating Mind immediately noticed the anomaly, and when its frightened figure disappeared, it prepared to run away.

  It's a pity that the arresting net came too fast and covered it directly, making it unable to exert its divine power at all, and was trapped in the swamp.

   "Haha, got it!"

  Seeing the successful capture, the village chief couldn't help but pull the arresting spirit net immediately, and pulled the poisonous flower of concentration back directly through the net.

   "It was finally brought back by me. Do you know that the only medicine I need is you. You are so naughty and it is really easy for me to find."

  The village head finished speaking to the Ningshen Poison Flower, then turned to look at Chen Mo and said, "The Tianming people are really grateful. Sure enough, Tiandao is right. If you have any difficulties, just ask the Tianming people for help, and there will always be a solution."

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "Let's go back and talk about it first, this place is full of poison, so as not to be attacked."

   "Oh yes, I was so happy that I forgot the occasion, and I have already prepared your reward, and I will give it to you as soon as I get back."

  Following Chen Mo’s super-spiritual flickering to bring the village head back to the village, the village head went home and rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally took out a strange crystal ball and handed it to Chen Mo.

   "What is this?"

   "This object is called the Key of the Origin Gate, and it is one of the keys to open the door to the Shenyuan Treasure House in the central area of ​​Tianyuan World. This is the treasure left by my grandfather. We are not as good as the next generation, and we no longer have the strength to go to the central area.

  It is useless to keep this thing with me, but you Tianming people may be able to come in handy. After all, your Tianming people always grow faster than expected.

   Presumably in the near future, you will be able to go to the central area. "

   "Shenyuan Treasure House, what's in there?"

   "I don't know exactly what's in it, but according to the words handed down by the ancestors, once you enter this treasure house of divine origin, at least you can get a lot of divine power and divine essence."

   "So that's the case, then this thing is indeed a treasure."

  Chen Mo immediately accepted the key of origin with a smile.

   After handing over the reward to Chen Mo, the village chief also fulfilled the previous agreement, and handed over to Chen Mo the map where the items Chen Mo needed were already circled.

"Look, I've marked all the five eternal fetishes you need on the map, but this map only covers the second area at most, and we don't have any deeper maps here, but this map It is enough for you to find all the materials, and I have marked some of the more dangerous areas on the map for you, so you can put them away."

  Looking at the map handed over by the village chief, Chen Mo glanced at it immediately, and saw dozens of locations circled on it.

  These places have corresponding five-element eternal gods.

   After accepting the map, Chen Mo bid farewell to the village chief and planned to visit the nearby temple first.

  It takes five materials to activate the super **** body, but only one material is needed to enter the second-order **** realm.

   Naturally, do the latter first.

  Following the instructions of the village chief, Chen Mo also knew the specific direction of the temple.

  He immediately launched the super **** flicker and teleported across the air.

  When teleporting, he did not forget to summon some undead with him, so as not to suffer inexplicable attacks when he landed.

  With the presence of undead, at least any damage and influence received can be transferred.

  But after all, it is the area where the temple is located, and nothing evil dares to approach it.

   When Chen Mo teleported over, he only saw a rather magnificent temple of a building.

  The outer wall of the temple is made of white marble, as clean as a mirror, reflecting the surrounding environment.

  The walls are carved with exquisite reliefs, depicting myths, legends and heroic stories.

  The huge bronze door is cast with complex mysterious runes, shining with gold and silver light.

  On both sides of the gate are two tall stone statues, guarding the entrance of the temple. They look majestic and hold sharp swords, like the incarnation of guardians.

  Chen Mo penetrated into the interior of the temple through the Eye of Origin.

  Through the bronze gate, it is the interior of the temple.

  The hall is wide and tall, the whole body is paved with snow-white marble, the ground reflects soft light, and on the top is a magnificent ceiling painting with patterns of stars and the universe, as if you are in an endless starry sky.

In the center of the hall stands a huge statue of a god, as high as ten feet tall. The statue presents a majestic and solemn **** with a kind and solemn face and deep eyes. The statue wears a gorgeous robe, holds a staff and a holy sword, showing With supreme majesty and power, behind the statue, hangs a brilliant and resplendent sacred light curtain, as if connected to the universe.

  The hall is surrounded by rows of tall stone pillars. The pillars are inlaid with precious gemstones, shining with precious light. The stone pillars are engraved with sacred mantras and myths and legends, highlighting the supreme glory of the temple.

   There is also a mysterious altar in the temple. The altar is covered with flowers and spices, exuding an intoxicating aroma. There is a gem in the center of the altar, and the gem is shining, as if it contains endless divine power.

  The entire temple exudes a sacred and solemn atmosphere, which makes people dare not show any disrespect. It seems to be a passage connecting heaven and earth.

  Chen Mo felt the surge of divine power in the temple, and he slowly landed in front of the temple.

   There are many people in this temple.

As soon as Chen Mo fell down, there was a person who was as white as jade and without a trace walked towards him. Although this person was not covered with a trace, he did not reveal a so-called sexual organ in his body. His body was like a human wearing a tights The extremely tight state of the same package, if they stand still, they may be regarded as some kind of white jade sculptures.

   "Man of Heaven, welcome to come, my name is Gul'dan."

   "Gul'dan? I'm Chen Mo, nice to meet you."

  Chen Mo only felt that the name was very familiar, and he immediately asked, "What kind of temple is this?"

   "This is the temple of the Lord of Myriad Realms, are you going to believe in the Lord of Myriad Realms?"

   "What does it mean to believe in the Lord of Myriad Realms?"

   "If you choose to believe in the supreme supreme, you will have the opportunity to receive the blessing of the supreme and gain great power."

   "So, Gul'dan, what's the price?"

   "The price? Since you have chosen to believe in the Lord of Myriad Worlds, you will no longer be able to believe in other gods, otherwise you will be regarded as a blasphemer and be punished by the Lord of Myriad Worlds."

"that's it?"

   "Of course there are other things, that is, every time you gain divine power, one-tenth of the divine power you gain will be handed over to the Lord of Myriad Worlds as a tribute."

   "One tenth is so much? Is the reward for believing in the Lord of Myriad Worlds good?"

   "It must be better than you imagined, especially when you are weak, believing in the great Supreme can bring you all kinds of powerful power, of course, the premise is that you respect and contribute enough tribute to the Supreme."

   "The supreme being is so powerful, does he still care about us contributing a little bit or two of divine power?"

"There are not many one point or two points for one person. If there are many people who believe in the Supreme, then they will gather together to form a tower, and the Supreme will not only accept the contribution of divine power, but also accept the contribution of various treasures. If you want to get more favors from the Supreme Power , you will have to pay enough.”

   "If I believe in the Lord of Myriad Realms now, what benefits can I gain immediately?"

   "If you just believe in Supreme, you will only get a relatively basic magical skill, and you will have the ability to teleport freely without being hindered by space."

   "Isn't this similar to my super **** flicker? Believe in this supreme, and you can directly obtain such a strong teleportation ability?"

  Chen Mo couldn't help feeling incredible about these so-called supreme beings.

  At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder if he could absorb his own beliefs if he became the so-called supreme being.

  Because of the duplication of abilities and the high cost of belief, Chen Mo didn't mean to believe in the so-called supreme.

  He rebuffed: "The power of the Lord of Myriad Worlds is indeed very strong, but I have no plans for this at the moment. I came here this time because there is actually something that wants to inquire about the whereabouts."

   "It doesn't matter. As long as you are interested in the future, you are welcome to come here at any time. I don't know what you want to inquire about? But it doesn't matter."

   This man named Gul'dan with a body of white jade said to Chen Mo with a smile.

   "I'm about to advance to the God Realm, and I need help with related items. I don't know about things like "Complete Godhead", "Spiritual Concentration Liquid", and "Sacred Fruit". Do you know how to obtain them?"

   "So it's these things. We don't have many other things in the temple. We still store some spiritual liquid. It's okay to give it to you."

   Chen Mo was quite surprised to hear that the other party was so aggressive.

However, the other party's painting style changed quickly: "But there is no free lunch in the world, and you should understand this truth, if you want to take away the spiritual liquid of our temple, then you need to do something for our temple .”

   "Naturally, if you need help, please let me know."

  The village chief had told Chen Mo about this before, so Chen Mo was naturally not surprised.

   "There are actually quite a few things that our temple needs to be busy with. I have a lot of things that need to be dealt with. Take a look at these things. Which one is better for you, and you can deal with it."

   While talking, Gul'dan handed Chen Mo a round white jade. Under the action of Mo Luo's brain, Chen Mo understood that this thing is called a jade slip.

   is a common medium used to store information in the God Realm.

  It is something similar to a mortal U disk.

  But unlike the U disk that needs to be read by the host, this jade slip is something that can be taken and used at any time.

  As long as a person possesses divine power, he can write and read corresponding content on the jade slip in his hand at any time.

  The upper limit of content that can be stored in each jade slip is extremely high, but in order not to confuse the content, often only the same items will be stored in one jade slip.

   At this time, the jade slip in Chen Mo's hand contains some things that the temple staff are about to execute now.

  Chen Mo originally thought that the people in the temple were very leisurely, but he didn't expect them to be really busy.

   There are tasks to plant various sacred trees, and some specific sacred water, sacred soil, and chemical fertilizers need to be obtained for watering.

  There is a need for construction, and some areas need to be added for construction. It is necessary to obtain some magical materials and the task of finding corresponding construction talents.

   There are a lot of similar shrine-required tasks.

  The people in the temple are also busy.

  Therefore, if someone from Heaven came to help, they could only wish for it.

  In addition to these, there are also some aboriginal believers who turn to the temple for help when they encounter troubles, and need the support of the temple to solve it.

  Chen Mo scanned through so many tasks, and felt that the task of helping the aborigines solve their troubles would be easier.

  There are too many things to find in other missions, and the simplest mission to solve troubles is to find a terrible monster lair near the village that needs to be exterminated.

This kind of task can be completed by directly finding the monster's lair and killing the monster. In Chen Mo's opinion, it is an extremely simple task. After all, the monster's divine power in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World is not high. According to estimates, the highest should be 5 It looks like more than a thousand points of divine power. Although Chen Mo consumed 100 points of basic divine power when refining the realm of the gods, he still has a full 900 points of basic divine power left. Counting the bonus, he has a full 2700 points of divine power Yes, this is not easy to deal with?

  Chen Mo said to Gul'dan after flipping through it: "I've already seen it. There are terrible monster lairs near Maji Village that need to be exterminated. I will take this task."

  (end of this chapter)

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