Chapter 355 Zerg undead machinery! (two in one)

   Seeing the mission selected by Chen Mo, Gul'dan immediately closed his eyes and sensed, "It's not easy for monsters to build a lair there, you have to be careful."

   "Thank you for your concern, I will pay attention."

   "Well, then I will register for you here. There is a teleportation array in the temple, which can teleport you directly to Maji Village. Come with me."

   "No need, I have magical skills to fly over directly." Chen Mo declined.

   "That's better, then I'll wait for your good news, and you should bring this note to explain that the Temple of the Lord of Myriad Worlds sent you there." Gul'dan handed Chen Mo a sign.

  At this time, the village is not only asking for help from the temple, but also seeking help from any destiny people passing by. If the temple did not send people to solve the crisis in the village, this will have a bad impact on the villagers' belief in the Lord of Myriad Worlds.

  Although even if they are all entrusted to the Mandate of Heaven, the Mandate of Heaven arranged by the temple must go there, so that the villagers will always remember the benefits of believing in the Lord of Myriad Worlds.

  Chen Mo naturally understood what the other party meant. After taking the other party's sign, he directly arrived in Maji Village with a thought.

  At this time, people in Maji Village were in panic.

  Chen Mo's sudden teleportation into the village shocked the villagers.

  In the square in the village, Chen Mo happened to land in the center of the square, and the villagers were gathering in the square at the moment to discuss and investigate the lair outside the village.

  As soon as Chen Mo teleported over, he immediately sensed the strength of everyone around him with the Eye of Origin.

   I have to say that these people are worthy of being the aborigines of Tianyuan World. Even ordinary villagers have more than 10 points of divine power.

   It's just that the highest strength in their village is more than 100 points. In the first area of ​​​​the Tianyuan World, the strength is still not enough.

   Naturally, it is no wonder that they are afraid of monster lairs.

  When Chen Mo suddenly appeared in the village, although the people around were startled, but seeing the Destiny Man number on Chen Mo's head, everyone immediately felt relieved.

  After all, the Man of Destiny was sent by Heaven to help them. Right now, when the village is in danger, the man of Destiny came to solve the trouble, didn’t he?

  Chen Mo, as a humanoid intelligent life, in the second area of ​​the Tower of Eternity, the so-called Tianyuan World of the aborigines, cannot kill the aborigines of the humanoid intelligent life innocently, otherwise he will be punished by heaven.

  But he can go to the east and west areas to kill the aborigines of animal-shaped intelligent life.

   Instead of being punished, there are even rewards.

   This is why the blue-skinned villagers in the previous village told Chen Mo about the animal disaster.

   But going to other people's territory to kill the aborigines is not such a simple matter.

  Just like Maji Village knows to seek help from the temple of the **** they believe in when they are in danger, so are those animal-shaped intelligent life forms.

  Rushing indiscriminately is very easy to encounter danger.

   "Big guy, you don't have to worry about it. Someone from Destiny has come to our village. It seems that our village is saved."

  The head of the village was very excited to see Chen Mo appear.

   Seeing the sign on Chen Mo's waist again, he knelt down and bowed to the sky: "It turns out that this Man of Destiny was sent by the Supreme Lord, thank you Supreme Lord for your pity!"

  When he bowed, the surrounding villagers also knelt down to the ground and prayed to the sky.

  Seeing this scene, Chen Mo felt very strange in his heart.

Because he remembered the villagers he met in the Qunxing dungeon before, they prayed to God when something happened, and believed in it when they got help from God, but once something happened, praying to God and worshiping Buddha didn’t work, their faith would start to waver, At this time, if other gods stepped in to bring them new benefits, their old beliefs would be quickly abandoned.

  Does this kind of believer really matter?

  Amid the excited prayers from the surrounding people, Chen Mo looked at the village chief and said, "Everyone, get up, the monster lair outside the village should be in the dense forest to the west of the village."

"Yes, Dear Man of Destiny, when our villagers went into the forest to collect fruit, we saw it by accident. We didn't know it was a monster's lair at the time, but we just felt that there was a strange corrosion on the ground in the forest. The pit, I didn't expect that within a few days, the pit would become bottomless. We threw some things into it, and found that monsters grabbed and ate them all. We knew that something was wrong. There is a monster."

   "So that's the case, then let me go over and have a look, everyone should rest assured to wait for my news in the village."

   "Dear Destiny Man, let's go slowly first. You should take this with you. This stone has the function of confining the surrounding space, and it should be able to save your life in case of danger."

  Chen Mo glanced at the black stone in the village chief's hand.

[Sealing Divine Stone·Eternal Divine Object]: When the effect of this divine object is activated, it can temporarily seal the surrounding space within the range of "Divine Power × 100" meters, preventing all other hostile units in this space from moving freely for 10 seconds .

   "The effect of this stone is really good. It seems that although these villagers don't seem to have high supernatural powers, they more or less have some trump cards. No wonder they can survive in this world for so long."

   After Chen Mo received the God-Sealing Stone, he went directly to the outside of the village.

  As he reached the dense forest outside the village, he soon saw the corroded black lair on the ground that the villagers had mentioned.

  The corrosion mouth of this black lair on the ground is full of weird slime, corroding the ground into a big hole.

   As for the hole, it is pitch black, and normal people cannot see anything.

  Chen Mo saw the situation in the cave clearly through the Eye of Origin.

I saw the disgusting black mucus in this cave continuously spreading downwards. The whole cave is very deep. In the depths of the cave, there are actually a lot of black worms moving. Besides these black worms, Chen Mo even saw the deepest part of the cave. There is a female worm with an extremely large size.

  According to the results obtained by his Eye of Origin, this worm is the mother queen of the Zerg race, and the endless small bugs in the cave are engineers, soldiers, guards, etc. of the Zerg race.

   "Zerg? Interesting, didn't this just hit the muzzle of the gun?"

  When Chen Mo saw that this lair was actually built by the Zerg Queen, he was immediately happy.

  He once heard a saying that there are three major races that can crazily explode soldiers, and these three races that can crazily explode soldiers have a mutual restraint relationship.

   Undead defeats Zerg, Zerg defeats Machinery, and Machinery defeats Undead.

  Undead have the abnormal ability to kill flesh and blood creatures and directly transform them into undead to continue fighting.

  The large number of Zerg is actually a group of spare combat power for the undead.

  The undead race completely lost their ethnic characteristics to the mechanical race that was not flesh and blood at all.

   On the contrary, the Zerg is good at destroying machinery, various acidic and alkaline mucus, and small bugs invade the interior of the machinery to destroy it, which can be regarded as a perfect restraint of machinery.

  The powerful fire suppression of the machine clan is also a huge blow to the undead clan.

  Although this is a world with many gods, the combat effectiveness of machines should not be underestimated.

  In addition to the normal flesh and blood life, the energy life and the **** of energy life of the mechanical race, which is weak and mechanically ascended, also exist in the Tower of Eternity.

   It's just that Chen Mo hasn't met him yet.

   At present, most of the encounters are flesh and blood. Chen Mo's army of undead can basically achieve overwhelming effects.

   But when encountering those energy beings, some characteristics of the army of undead are not so easy to play.

  Seeing that there are Zerg races in the nest, even if the Zerg race queen has a full 1000 points of divine power, its combat power is still not good in Chen Mo's opinion. It is stronger because of its terrifying infinite reproductive ability.

  Especially Chen Mo discovered that the ten personal guards beside the empress, these ten insects have abnormal fighting power, each of them has a strength of up to 1500 points of divine power, which is stronger than the empress.

  They are the core force of the entire lair.

   But Chen Mo saw that their range of activities was extremely narrow, that is, they moved back and forth around the Queen Mother, which showed that these guys would not leave the Queen Mother Zerg at will.

  If normal other professionals come here, even if they don’t have 1000 points of divine power, there is no need to be in vain. After all, the empress and these guards don’t seem to be the type to kill.

   If you only need to be able to defeat ordinary Zerg soldiers, and then enter the depths of the nest without dying, you will basically not encounter danger.

  These ordinary Zerg soldiers, some of the soldiers have 500 points of divine power, other soldiers basically have about 100 points of divine power, and the strength of those engineers is even lower, basically between 1 and 10 points of divine power, which is very weak.

   After almost understanding the combat power of the monsters in the entire lair, Chen Mo had a thought, and a large group of stealthy undead appeared around him.

  You can choose your profession freely, which is the comfort here. You can easily summon any type of undead you want.

  Although there are many insect soldiers bred by the mother queen of the Zerg race, Chen Mo, the master **** of the undead, summons more undead and more perverted.

  In an instant, he summoned hundreds of billions of stealthy superimposed undead by his side.

With a thought in his mind, half of these undead directly entered the nest by stealth, and the other half guarded the exit of the nest. Once insect soldiers wanted to escape, they could The direct appearance blocked the exit of the nest tightly.

  Because Chen Mo's divine power is as high as 2700 points, his undead also enjoy the same level of divine power. With such a high divine power, his skeleton monsters sneak into the lair, and the Zerg's scouts, who can detect hidden things, have no way to find these undead.

   After all, the difference in divine power is too great, and the suppressed detection effect will be invalidated.

  These scout bugs are actually not weak, each with 500 points of divine power.

  It's a pity that Chen Mo's supernatural power is too high.

   After all, it is the top level of divine power, so it is naturally not comparable to the monsters in the first area.

  The skeletons quickly killed the Zerg Mother Queen as if they had entered no one's land.

  At this time, the mother queen of the Zerg was still giving birth continuously while eating.

   Seeing the other party's behavior, a thought suddenly flashed in Chen Mo's mind.

  After his career became the super five undead master god, he has not used a key skill because he has not found a suitable target.

[Resurrection of the Undead God - Dazzling Active]: Immediately revive all friendly units that died within the past 24 hours within the range of "level x star x divine power" meters around you. The resurrection level exceeds SSS level. Restriction, the opponent's prohibition on resurrection will be lifted and the resurrection will be carried out. The cooling time is 1 hour (does not enjoy any cooling reduction).

If you want to revive an enemy unit, you can only choose one target at a time, regardless of the level, type, or ability of the creature. After resurrection, the creature will become your eternal servant and have all the abilities in front of you. At the same time, the unit will get The special skill "Special Undead", and it is in a permanent invincible state. It lives and dies with you. It will die only when you die, but it cannot leave your body for 100 meters, and it cannot take damage for any unit. If the resurrection restriction is prohibited, the opponent's prohibition restriction on resurrection will be lifted and the resurrection will be carried out. The cooling time is 1 hour (does not enjoy any cooling reduction), and there can be at most 1 of this special unit.

  According to the second effect of the resurrection skill of the God of the Undead, if the Zerg Queen is resurrected as his eternal servant, what will be the result?

  The Zerg Empress originally possessed an extremely abnormal ability to produce Zerg, and it could also be equipped with a special undead enhancement effect and a permanent invincible state. Then what an abnormal combat power this Zerg Empress would become.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling overwhelmed.

   At the same time, he even thought about strengthening the God's Domain World in his body.

  After everyone is deified, the enhancement of God's Domain World is the fastest way to improve combat effectiveness.

   After all, the power of the God's Domain world will directly multiply the divine power and divine energy.

   This is hard to compare with other abilities.

  The strength of God's Domain has a lot to do with the internal construction of God's Domain.

  Especially if it contains creatures, if you build your own beliefs, it will greatly increase the effect of God's Domain World.

  Certainly, Chen Mo’s God’s Domain is still in the primitive stage of chaos and chaos, and it can’t support living things. However, it is not difficult to cultivate living things, as long as the God’s Domain can be developed for a while.

   At that time, if an obedient Zerg mother queen is raised in the world of God's Domain, it will be very fragrant.

  You must know that the Zerg mother queen cannot be enslaved under normal circumstances. Once they are defeated, they would rather die than be enslaved.

   However, Chen Mo's enslavement is very different from the normal enslavement method. Regardless of whether the other party agrees or not, killing the other party first, and then directly resurrecting the slave will solve all the troubles.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo felt that the task chosen this time was really beautiful.

   Not only did it just solve the problem of raising the level of the gods, but it could even gain a powerful combat power.

   It kills two birds with one stone.

   Just when Chen Mo was feeling elated, the Zerg Empress in the deepest part of the lair trembled in fear as if she had received some kind of induction.

   "It is said that the Zerg Queen's mental power is abnormal. It seems to be true. I can't perceive my skeleton monster, but I still find something wrong!" Chen Mo couldn't help liking the Zerg Queen even more.

  (end of this chapter)

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