Chapter 356 Eveya! (two in one)

  Although the Zerg Queen can sense danger, she doesn't know why she suddenly feels this way.

  The mother queen of Zerg has a powerful neural network, and it can simultaneously know what each worm sees and hears.

  At this time, it sensed carefully, and obviously didn't feel anything unusual from the entrance to the cave, but it just felt uneasy.

  Before it figured out what was going on, Chen Mo's skeleton monsters had already launched a surprise attack.

  With the blessing of 2700 points of divine power, no one can see through their invisibility until the moment they reveal themselves with a blow to break the invisibility.

  The bugs in the entire Zerg nest were considered to have discovered them.

   But it is too late to discover them at this time.

   Before the Zerg Queen's personal guards could react, these skeleton monsters with short daggers had already activated their assassination skills, and launched a fatal attack on the Zerg Queen.

   It didn't even last a second, and the Zerg Queen was instantly killed by the skeleton monster.

   And with the death of the Zerg mother queen, the remaining insects suddenly became like headless chickens, at a loss, and didn't even know how to fight back against these skeleton monsters.

  They froze in place.

   It can be seen that the Zerg Queen is really the brain of the Zerg.

  As long as the brain dies, the action logic of the entire Zerg will be instantly paralyzed, and they will not know what to do next.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo didn't mean to kill them all. He directly entered the cave with a flash of a god.

  The interior of the lair is dark and damp, exuding a rotten and foul smell.

  The walls of the nest are covered with thick mucus, like a huge spider web, and there are many huge insect eggs on the wall. They are constantly breaking apart, and wriggling larvae are struggling in it.

   There is a wide space in the middle of the nest, and Chen Mo's position is located in the center of this space.

   In front of him, lay the corpse of a huge Zerg mother emperor.

  The Zerg Queen is huge and ugly, with a body length of hundreds of meters, like a huge alien.

  Her body is covered by a thick exoskeleton and a hard carapace, which looks extremely solid. Huge tentacles are scattered around the corpse, and the originally terrifying face now looks weak and tired.

  The Queen Mother's huge eyes were lifeless, her dead eyes looked hollow and powerless, her body had countless wounds and puncture marks, a huge pool of green blood was congealed on the ground, and there was still a stench of undried blood.

The death of the Zerg Queen did not bring peace. There are still some Zerg wandering around in the lair. The Zerg are buzzing around the eggs, while others are wandering around the body of the Queen Mother. The enemy attacked.

  They seem to be expecting their mother emperor to come back to life.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo immediately stretched out his hand to aim at the Zerg Queen.

  I saw his palm light up slightly, and he used the skill [Resurrection of the Undead God].

  Under the light, the huge corpse of the Zerg Mother Queen began to change.

  At first it was just a weak tremor, and then the larva began to struggle around the corpse. As the light gradually increased, it enveloped the entire nest, as if a mysterious ritual was going on.

   On the empress's body, faint breaths began to condense, gradually forming a faint halo. Her body also slowly returned to its original luster, and the Zerg's carapace began to regain its hard appearance.

Under the light, the Zerg Queen's eyes lit up again, the death energy gradually dissipated, and the process of resurrection became more and more obvious. She slowly lifted her body, sat up straight, her limbs began to move, and her vitality slowly returned to her. body.

  As all the rays of light were restrained, the Zerg Queen finally stood up completely.

  Chen Mo's skill [Resurrection of the Undead God] allowed the Zerg Queen to be resurrected again, returning to her previous state.

  The queen mother of Zerg seems to be looking around in confusion, her big eyes are fixed on Chen Mo, as if trying to identify the person who brought her back to life in front of her, she obviously has no memory of the process of her own resurrection, only doubts and confusion.

  But soon, as the effect of eternal slavery took effect, the way she looked at Chen Mo couldn't help but change.

  From being confused at the beginning, to now I am extremely revered!

  Although Chen Mo was her former enemy to her, at this moment, after she was resurrected, she looked at Chen Mo with great respect.

   At this time, it has been completely enslaved by Chen Mo!

  As a slave, she has no hostile thoughts towards this master.

  With the resurrection of the Zerg Mother Queen, all the bugs originally produced by her still obeyed its orders at this time, and each one regained its vitality and vitality.

   At this time, Chen Mo and the mother queen of the Zerg race were in a state of mutual understanding, and they also instantly understood the operating mode and survival rules of the Zerg race society.

  The Queen of Zerg has the highest power of life and death over the entire Zerg group. All insects respect all orders of the Queen of Zerg mindlessly, and will never have self-awareness and violate the will of the Queen.

   This is quite like a summoner like Chen Mo.

   It's just that Chen Mo summoned dead things, while the Zerg Queen controlled all living things.

  After learning about the situation of the Zerg, Chen Mo also understood some of the abilities of the Zerg Empress.

  After the deification of the Zerg Mother Queen, she actually has the ability to transform. Seeing that the Zerg Mother Queen is so huge at this time that it is several hundred meters long, Chen Mo thinks it is more convenient for her to take it with her when she travels.

   As soon as he thought about it, the queen mother of the Zerg tribe immediately understood, a burst of green light emerged from her body, and soon she transformed into a charming woman.

  After the Zerg Queen transformed, she retained her tough green thick skin, but her whole body exuded a special sense of beauty.

  Her figure is tall and graceful, with graceful curves and smooth skin like jade.

  She didn't wear clothes, but she didn't show human organs. Her body seemed to be carved out of emerald, with green light flashing, exuding a mysterious and seductive aura.

  The face of the queen mother of the Zerg Race is charming and charming. She has a pair of crystal bright eyes, as bright as stars, revealing wisdom and strength.

   She also has two horns on her head, which looks unusual, but adds to her mysterious charm.

  Although she became the size of a normal person after being transformed, she still displayed an inviolable majesty, as if there was infinite power in her body.

  Her appearance makes people involuntarily attracted, and Chen Mo finds that he has gained a powerful and beautiful servant by accident.

  I've been single for a long time, and every bug is so pretty.

The Queen Mother of the Zerg Race looked at Chen Mo with a slight smile. Her voice was as sweet as the sound of nature, with a hint of strangeness and mystery: "Master, thank you for resurrecting me. Now, I will be your follower until eternity. I wish I will give my all to fight by your side."

   Chen Mo looked at the Zerg Mother Queen, and nodded with satisfaction in his heart.

   "This is very good, let's be like this from now on, but will this affect your fertility?"

  The Zerg Empress smiled and replied: "No, I have a hundred ways to reproduce."

  After speaking, she immediately showed one of them to Chen Mo.

  I saw her open her mouth, revealing a crystal egg. The egg shone brightly, obviously containing huge energy. Then, she gently spit out the egg and suspended it in the air.

  The eggs rotated slowly in the air, making melodious music-like sounds. Cracks soon appeared on the surface of the eggs, and then slowly separated, from which small and exquisite Zerg larvae emerged.

  These Zerg larvae look the same as ordinary larvae, but they reveal a special aura. They climb out of the eggs, and then dance around the Zerg Queen, as if paying tribute to her.

  The Zerg Empress smiled, and then swung her green tail again.

  Chen Mo's eyes were also attracted to her tail, and saw that her tail suddenly swelled from the inside, as if a spherical object was moving from the bottom of her tail to the tip of the tail.

  The movement on the tail made Chen Mo very curious, and he watched this magical process.

  As time passed, Chen Mo saw an egg slipping out from the tip of the Zerg Queen's tail.

This egg is different from the previous one. Its appearance is more crystal clear, like carved from emerald. The subtle lines on the egg form a beautiful pattern, shining with light. The tip of the Zerg Queen's tail It still maintains a green halo, as if guarding this special egg.

Chen Mo was attracted by the sight in front of him, and couldn't help but marvel at the unique ability of the Zerg Mother Queen. It was really like what the other party said, and she could produce whatever she wanted. She is indeed a perverted character who claims that one person can produce an army .

The Zerg Queen smiled and said: "Each bug egg contains part of the energy in my body, and I can use my own power to hatch them, so that I can give birth to enough Zerg offspring at any time when I need them, and It won't affect me in any way."

  Chen Mo was amazed and admired by the Zerg mother queen's birth method. This birth method is not only powerful and unique, but also full of flexibility.

  He suddenly remembered the personal guards of the Zerg Mother Queen, and he immediately asked: "How did you manage to give birth to a personal guard whose divine power is higher than your own?"

"For daily bugs, I choose to rely on my own energy to procreate. Generally, their divine power will not exceed mine, but when I need some powerful men to protect me or go out to fight, I will combine some special items to produce various insects. This kind of divine power far surpasses my men.

  For example, there is a fruit called Yangshenguo in this forest. If I eat this fruit, I can combine the energy of the fruit to produce these guards with 1500 points of divine power. "

   "So that's how it is. This ability is really good. Whether it's a daily soldier or a special soldier with more supernatural power, it can be produced freely."

"However, it's still not as good as Master. Master, your ability is amazing. After I became your servant, not only my divine power has been improved because of you, but my overall strength has actually increased so much! The divine essence has already reached as high as 100 million, my previous Shenyuan was only over 1 million."

   "After all, it is a race with the same reputation as the Zerg. To be able to control this race, there is no way to do it."

  Chen Mo said with a smile. After speaking, he looked at the Zerg Queen and said, "By the way, do you have a name?"

  The Zerg Queen put down the eggs, looked at Chen Mo with a smile and said, "Since the old me is dead, the old name will no longer be used, and please give me a new name, Master."

  Chen Mo touched his chin and thought for a while, "Let's call it Eveya, what do you think?"

   "Eveya?" The Zerg Queen muttered for a while, then smiled sweetly, "Thank you, master, I like this name very much."

   "Did that make you happy?"

   "Eveya is the most attractive word in our Zerg language."

   "So that's how it is." Chen Mo said with a smile, "You Zergs still have language? Don't you all communicate through your mind?"

   "You only need to communicate with your subordinates. I mean the language for communicating with other Zerg."

   "Are there a lot of Zerg?" Chen Mo couldn't help being surprised.

   Raising Zerg in God's Domain World is definitely a lucrative business. If you can get more Zerg over, it will be a **** profit.

"Compared with other ethnic groups, we may not have many individuals, but there are still many of them. It is just because of the existence of God's Domain World that many gods want to enslave us and capture us wantonly, resulting in The numbers of our pack began to dwindle dramatically."

As soon as these words came out, Evya thought that she was also enslaved at this time, fearing that Chen Mo would misunderstand, she immediately looked at Chen Mo and said, "But I don't have any complaints about the master's enslavement. The master not only resurrected me, but also let me Extra control of such a powerful force."

   Regarding this, Chen Mo couldn't help smiling and said, "I understand."

  If it weren't for the effect of eternal enslavement, even if Eveya was resurrected by him, she would definitely not be willing to submit to be enslaved.

  The Zerg Queen's self-will is very strong.

   After all, they are usually the masters who enslave an entire group by themselves. After getting used to enslaving, they will know what state the enslaved characters are in, and they will not be willing to accept being enslaved by others.

  This is also the reason why the Zerg mother emperor is extremely repulsed by being enslaved.

   Even if they die, they are unwilling to be enslaved.

After talking about the Zerg matter with Eveya, Chen Mo looked at all the worms around, and said to Eveya: "Since you have followed me, just give up this lair, it shouldn't have any impact. ?”

"It won't have any impact. I originally built this lair as a transfer station. When I came here before, I encountered some enemies and lost a lot of men. I had to build a new lair here and give birth to a group of men. So that the follow-up journey will not encounter danger again.”

   "So that's the case, let's go. With your current strength, you don't need the protection of bugs, you can protect yourself."

  Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, looked at the bugs around and said, "Then what are you going to do with them now?"

  (end of this chapter)

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