Chapter 357 Godhead Cohesion! (two in one)

  Looking at the bugs around, Evya said with a smile: "I can take them back into the insect sac, and if the master's God's Domain world can already live creatures, I can also let them enter the master's God's Domain world."

"I have only become a **** not long ago. Although I am different from ordinary people in the world of God's Domain due to my extraordinary aptitude, I can't put living things in right now. I will be able to enter the second-level God Realm soon. Maybe I can take a look at the world of God's Domain at that time." Will it improve further?"

  Evya nodded, and collected all the worms in the nest into her own worm sac.

  The so-called insect sac is somewhat similar to Chen Mo's undead space.

  After these worms are taken in, they can be released at any time, and even when Eveya's energy is depleted, she can directly devour the worms in her own sac to replenish her energy.

   After solving the problem of the lair, Chen Mo took Eveya back to the village.

  When the two of them just returned to the village, the villagers didn't have any special reaction, but the village chief was instantly on the verge of a formidable enemy.

   "Zerg... Zerg Queen!!"

  The village chief is well-informed, and he knows how terrifying it is when he sees the Zerg mother queen.

   After all, the Zerg Queen never acts alone. When you encounter a Zerg Queen, you'd better be prepared to fight an entire army.

  And their little Maji Village, how can it resist the invasion of the Zerg Queen?

  Even if there is a Destiny Man present, I'm afraid it won't work.

   He was naturally terrified.

  Seeing the village chief's reaction, the villagers only realized it later.

  Although they couldn't directly see her identity through the transformed Zerg Queen, they had heard of what the Zerg Queen was.

  Before the first time, they didn't see the Zerg mother queen, but they didn't react.

   Now hearing what the village chief said, everyone was terrified and ready to flee.

   This scene can be regarded as letting Chen Mo know what ignorance is without fear. When they didn't know, everyone was obviously very calm. As a result, Eveya was the Zerg Queen, and everyone was scared out of their wits in an instant.

  He immediately said: "Everyone, don't panic, Eveya is my follower, and will not hurt everyone."


  When Chen Mo said this, half of the villagers who had already escaped were dumbfounded.

  The village chief looked at Chen Mo in a daze and said, "Dear Destiny, you just said... the Queen of Zerg is your follower?"

   "That's right, so don't worry everyone, she won't hurt everyone."

   At this time, Eveya also cooperated in time and showed a friendly smile.

   Seeing Evya's friendliness, even the village head was very surprised.

   "It's really powerful. It's actually able to accept the Zerg mother queen as a servant. It's rare to hear that this matter can be successful."

  Although Chen Mo used the word "follower" more politely to Eveya, the village chief is a sensible person. If a Zerg mother queen can follow a person so obediently, it must be contracted as a servant by the other party.

  He had heard about the contract Zerg Mother Queen before, but he had never heard of anyone who succeeded.

  Everyone knows that contracting the Zerg Mother Queen is the most beneficial to the development of the world of God's Domain, but it has been so long since this concept was proposed, how can I hear about the Zerg Mother Queen being contracted.

   Right now, the village chief was quite surprised to see someone contracted the Zerg mother queen.

   This kind of thing can really be done.

"By the way, the lair outside the village was built by Evya for temporary self-cultivation. Now that Eveya and I have left, there will be no other creatures in that lair. You can go to that forest without worry. As for that lair It's up to you whether you want to block again."

"Thank you very much this time. Although the temple sent you here, we still have to express our own gratitude. We don't have anything else in Maji Village, but with the blessing of heaven, we can gather this thing and give it to you , please accept this."

   While speaking, the village head handed over a translucent ball of light.

   "What is this?"

   "This is the source of life gathered by everyone in our village. It may be useless to others, but it can increase your divine power after absorbing it."

   "Is there such a thing?"

  Chen Mo was overjoyed and reached out to touch the source of life.

  The moment he touched it, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on absorbing the source of life. This absorption of the source of life has brought you a 10-point increase in divine power. 】

   "So perverted? Increase 10 points at a time?"

  Chen Mo was overjoyed and immediately looked at the village chief and asked, "Do you have any conditions and price for condensing this source of life?"

   "To condense the source of life, we must have the help of the power of heaven. The price is that we will be weak for a period of time, but we will return to normal in the end, so it is not a big problem."

   "The power of heaven to help?"

   "Well, generally only when you Tianming people have completed some of the tasks entrusted to us, the power of heaven will come, allowing us to condense the source of life to thank you."

"I see."

  Hearing that the production requirement of the source of life is not small, Chen Mo doesn't think much more.

   If it can be mass-produced, then this supernatural power will be very exciting.

  After the village chief gave the source of life, he handed Chen Mo a money bag.

"This is?"

   "This is money reward. Forgive us from a small village. If we don't have much money, please accept it."

  Chen Mo's Eye of Origin sensed the money in the bag.

  Good guy, there are actually 100 eternal crystal coins in this bag.

  Eternal crystal coin is a higher currency than eternal gold coin.

   An Eternal Crystal Coin is worth a hundred times that of an Eternal Gold Coin.

   In other words, this small bag is comparable to 10,000 eternal gold coins.

   I have to say that the high-end world is different, and any reward is a huge fortune in the low-level world.

  Bastards who have money but don’t make money, Chen Mo naturally accepted the money bag with a smile.

   It happened that his previous eternal gold coins were almost spent, and now he has made up for it.

   After accepting the reward, Chen Mo bid farewell to the village chief, and with a thought, he returned to the temple of the Lord of Myriad Realms.

   At this time, the man named Gul'dan was still cleaning the ground nearby. Seeing that Chen Mo came back so soon, he immediately closed his eyes and sensed it.

   Then he smiled and said, "Man of Heaven, you are very efficient in handling things."

   While speaking, he saw Evya behind Chen Mo.

"Emperor Zerg Race, it's unbelievable that you can even accept such a character as a servant. It seems that our humanoid intelligent beings who have become gods are about to give birth to an incredible existence. The situation has been balanced. I'm afraid It will soon be broken."

  The balanced situation mentioned by Gul'dan naturally refers to the balanced situation between the humanoid intelligent life and the animal intelligent life.

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "The matter has been done, I wonder if you have prepared what I need?"

   "There is no need to prepare at all, we have a whole pool of spiritual concentration liquid, you can take it as you please, and come with me."

   "It is worthy of being the one who built a temple in the world of gods. The gods that others need are just a pool."

  Chen Mo followed Gul'dan to the interior of the temple, and after a while, they came to a pool exuding strong energy.

   "This is the Concentrating Spiritual Liquid. You just need to soak in it, and then you can start to raise your **** level."

   "Is it necessary to have 1000 points of divine power to condense the godhead? Although I had 1000 points of divine power before, I consumed 100 points, so the current divine power is not less than 1000 points."

"As long as you trigger the task of consolidating the godhead, you can continue to break through the **** rank even if your divine power drops, but at this time you need to replace the missing part with hidden divine power. For every point of missing divine power, you need to use 10 points of hidden divine power to withhold.

  If you want, you can use this method of withholding to raise your rank. "

  Chen Mo took a look at his current hidden divine power. Although the hidden divine power is not that effective compared to the actual divine power, having it is better than not having it, and the loss of 10 to 1 is still a bit big.

  He decided to use other methods to supplement the divine power first, and then consider the issue of hiding the divine power if it is not enough.

   The list rewards he obtained before have not been used until now, and it is time to use them now.

  [Ability Transformer] allows Chen Mo to absorb all abilities into divine power.

  Chen Mo does not currently have the abilities that are normally lost, but he can reproduce the abilities that can be synthesized.

  An SSS-level ability is equivalent to 1 point of divine power.

  Before engraving the composite, Chen Mo first took out the eternal fetish obtained from the two missions just now.

  When he was in the first village, Chen Mo got a Myriad Miasma Poison Bead, and when he was in the second village, Chen Mo got the God Stone of Sealing Worlds.

  If something super SSS level is worth 10 points of divine power, I don't know how much something outside the normal system like the eternal series is worth.

  Chen Mo immediately tried to use the ability converter to transform.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are trying to transform the eternal fetish obtained from the first area of ​​Tianyuan World. The transformation value of the eternal fetish obtained in this area is 10 points of divine power. Do you want to transform and absorb it? 】

   "Oh? The value of things in the Eternal series seems to be determined according to the area obtained in Tianyuan World. The value obtained in this first area is relatively low, but it is comparable to the value of super SSS level, not bad."

  These two things are of no great use to Chen Mo. Chen Mo decided to absorb them directly. In an instant, the two eternal gods turned into two light clusters and poured into Chen Mo's body.

  【Prompt from Heaven: The absorption is successful, and you have gained 20 points of divine power. 】

  Following the sound of the heavenly reminder, Chen Mo also felt the warmth in his body, two more warmth, and then it was digested.

   "It's pretty fast to raise this divine power."

  After absorbing these two eternal fetishes, Chen Mo remembered the wisteria flower BUFF that was still hanging on his body. It stands to reason that this can be regarded as his own ability. I don't know if he can absorb it.

  He immediately tried to activate the ability converter.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You are trying to transform the non-permanent ability obtained from the first area of ​​Tianyuan World. The non-permanent ability obtained in this area has a conversion value of 1 point of divine power. Do you want to absorb it? 】

   "It's only 1 o'clock?"

  Chen Mo thought about it and decided to smoke it.

  Mosquito legs are still meat.

   After absorbing these, Chen Mo's divine power has not yet reached 1000 points.

  He started trying to synthesize things.

  He flipped through the things he had synthesized, and they were basically SSS-level things.

   Four SSS-level skills and two SSS-level equipment.

   Adding up can only absorb 6 points of divine power.

   After sucking all of them, Chen Mo's divine power has only reached 937 points at this time, and there are still 63 points of divine power missing.

"It seems that you still lack some divine power. Why don't you believe in our Lord of Myriad Worlds? With your aptitude, I think even if you ask the Lord of Myriad Worlds to grant you some divine power directly, His Excellency will agree. He appreciates a talent like you with unlimited potential."

   Seeing that Chen Mo's divine power was not enough to reach 1000, Gul'dan immediately started to engage in pyramid schemes.

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "No need, I still have hidden divine power to consume."

   Just when Chen Mo decided to consume his hidden divine power, the Voice of the Great Dao and the Dao of Heaven suddenly sounded at the same time.

   It turned out that there was another region of galaxies that separated the result.

   This galaxy is exactly the Tianshui system that had asked the solar system for a place before, and their enemy is the Ziyang system.

  They were defeated. At this time, most of the high-powered powerhouses in their galaxy had already entered the solar system through the star conversion card.

   Following the defeat of the Tianshui system, the regional barriers instantly dropped by more than a hundred times.

   Now it will only take a day at most before it will be broken.

   "With the defeat of the Tianshui system, the second area may soon become lively, and it happens to be able to send me some divine power. My God Devouring Orb is worried that I won't have a chance to use it."

  Chen Mo has another way to replenish his divine power, which is to rely on the effect of the God Devouring Orb to kill other divine power holders to absorb their divine power.

  But Chen Mo doesn't plan to wait any longer, and it doesn't matter if he directly replaces it with hidden divine power.

  Anyway, the effect of his Chaos Supreme Treasure, the Hunyuan Orb, has little to do with hiding divine power.

  When encountering someone whose divine power is higher than your own, you can directly activate the Hunyuan Orb. It is basically useless to hide the divine power, and it doesn’t matter if you lose some.

   Now he is short of 63 points of divine power, and needs to use 630 points of hidden divine power to replace consumption.

  Chen Mo had already soaked himself in the Spirit Concentrating Liquid as soon as he thought about it.

  【Prompt from heaven: It has been detected that you have been soaked in the spirit concentration liquid, and you have already obtained the opportunity to condense the godhead. Do you want to condense the godhead? 】

   Following Chen Mo's choice of yes, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that your current basic divine power is 937, which is lower than 1000 points of basic divine power. You will need to consume 630 hidden divine power points to replace the missing divine power. Are you sure? 】

  As Chen Mo confirmed again, the Heavenly Dao reminder rang for the last time.

[Heavenly reminder: The detection is correct, and now the godhead is condensed. When the godhead is condensed, please move around by mistake. During the godhead condense, you will be protected by the power of the avenue. During this period, you will be immune to all damage and do not need to worry about being disturbed and violated by the outside world. , but if you move around, it will still cause the interruption of the godhead cohesion, please pay special attention! 】

  (end of this chapter)

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