Chapter 359 A lot of sources of life! (two in one)

  Hearing such a small request from the other party, Chen Mo immediately agreed with a smile: "Of course there is nothing wrong with it. How many do you want?"

   "Give us fifty worker bugs, ten soldier bugs and one elite bug soldier."

   "Excuse me for being curious, what can I study when I take these worms back?"

"According to some methods recorded by our ancestors, we can try to research the Zerg mother queen through these. It is just a conjecture and has not been tested. After all, we have not found suitable materials for a long time." The owner of Huangfeng Village is also honest. Say what.

   "So that's the case, of course there is no problem."

  Following the owner of Huangfeng Village finished speaking, Chen Mo's ear also sounded a reminder from Heaven in time.

  Remind him about the other party's mission to get the worm.

  Chen Mo looked at Eveya beside him and said, "Xiaoya, for those worms you put away before, just take out the three kinds of worms that the village owner said and give them to the village owner."

   "Yes." Evya nodded respectfully.

   Immediately afterwards, she saw a hole in her abdomen suddenly split, and three kinds of worms of different shapes crawled out of it.

  First of all, a group of small and flexible bugs crawled out of the crack. They were all green, with slender tentacles and six flexible feet.

These worker insects seem to be very busy. As soon as they come out, they spread out quickly, ready to start collecting the surrounding resources to build strange structures. These worker insects are Eveya's construction and repair experts, and they have created temporary bases for her. , so that Zerg can move more safely in a stable Zerg Hive.

  Workers are not only responsible for construction, they are also good at collecting and transporting. They also carry a pair of small backpacks, which can store the required tools and materials.

   Then, several larger bugs with hard exoskeletons and sharp claws crawled out of the crack. Their bodies showed dark green and brown markings, which is a good camouflage color.

  The eyes of these soldiers and insects are sharp yellow, revealing ferocity and willingness to fight. As soon as they got out, they quickly gathered around Eveya, like an indestructible fighting force, ready to protect her from any threat.

  Finally, an unusual bug crawled out of the crack. It was slightly larger, with a more slender body, showing dark green and golden markings. It had soft and intelligent eyes, different from the dull aura of the other two bugs.

   This personal guard insect soldier is obviously smarter. It has a special connection with Eveya. As soon as it comes out, it immediately flies around Eveya, and it is also always guarding her safety.

  Under Yifuya's finger, these bugs who were originally planning to perform their duties, immediately ran to the back of the owner of Huangfengzhai.

   Seeing this scene, the owner of Huangfeng Village was very happy.

   "Thank you for your generous gift. I will call the people in our village to gather the source of life for you. Please wait a moment."

   Seeing that Chen Mo gave him so many bugs he wanted so happily, the owner of Huangfeng Village only felt that he was making money.

   You know, Zerg workers and soldiers are fairly easy to catch, but once they reach the level of guards, it's not so easy to catch.

  These guard-level bugs are often more powerful than the Zerg Queen herself.

  And these bugs have a very high combat IQ, and their combat effectiveness is extremely strong, this is one point.

  The second point, even if they can beat them, they are the same as the Zerg mother queen, they would rather die than surrender.

  Once they can't beat them, they would rather choose to self-destruct.

  Ordinary bugs don’t self-destruct, the main reason is that the general Zerg empress can’t increase the ability of self-explosion to each bug.

  After all, the Zerg mother needs energy to produce bugs.

  The simpler and more direct the bugs produced, the less energy they consume.

   Adding self-explosion ability to worker insects and soldier insects is really not necessary in the eyes of the Zerg Queen.

  Because the divine power exceeds 100 points, it will not be able to have any impact on the target at all. Regardless of whether you are self-destructing or other abilities, there is nowhere to use your strength.

   It is precisely the existence of this reason that the mother queen of the Zerg race feels that it is not worthwhile to increase the ability of the garbage bugs with low divine power.

  So garbage bugs are easy to catch, but high-end bugs are hard to catch.

  Now Evya directly gave them a bodyguard-level bug, which is a treasure that they can't even ask for on weekdays.

   It's no wonder the village owner is so happy.

  In order to develop the mother queen of the Zerg Race based on the secret treasure left by their ancestors, they have waited for many years. Now that they finally have this opportunity, the mere source of life is nothing.

   Soon the owner of Huangfeng Village had gathered all the people in the village.

  Let them contribute their own source of life.

  The source of life they contributed this time is completely different from that contributed by the villagers of Maji Village in the previous village.

  The villagers of Maji Village just contributed the source of life that would make them weak for a few days.

  The people in Huangfengzhai have contributed a lot of their own source of life, and it will take at least a year and a half to recover.

   It can be seen how grateful they are to Chen Mo for providing these bugs.

   Soon Chen Mo saw that the yellow-faced and emaciated village head of Huangfeng Village walked over with weak footsteps, holding a light ball containing extremely surging and pure energy.

  Evya immediately ordered the bugs around him to help him up.

  The actions of these insects made the owner of Huangfeng Village very happy again.

The God Locust Clan itself had a relationship with the Zerg Clan, and today they finally had the chance to bond again after so many eras. He felt that he was the most successful patriarch in these generations. There is light.

   Physical weakness does not affect spiritual fullness.

  Under the extremely high spirits, even if the body is weak, the other party still controls it like a normal person.

   "Dear Heavenly Man, we have gathered the source of life you need for you, and we have gathered it for you in the largest possible way. Please accept it."

  Looking at the huge ball of light handed over by the owner of Huangfeng Village, Chen Mo immediately reached out and touched it.

  As a result, Chen Mo was shocked by the divine power that the source of life in this huge light group could provide.

   This source of life is worth 100 points of divine power.

  As Chen Mo absorbed the source of life, the village owner took out another prismatic khaki object and handed it to Chen Mo.

   "I also brought you the eternal sacred soil you need, please accept it."

   "Thank you so much, Mr. Zhaizhu." Chen Mo smiled and took the Eternal Divine Soil.

   "Where is it? We, the Locust Clan, should express our gratitude to you. Thank you for bringing us these obedient insects."

   It is very difficult to make the bugs that are brought back after normal hunting to be obedient, because all bugs have a direct spiritual connection with the empress.

   This connection is constant.

  So even if some workers and soldiers were forcibly captured, it would be of no use to forcibly enslave them.

  At this moment, they seem to have two irresistible masters.

  They will listen to you, but will continue to listen to the Zerg Mother.

  Once the Zerg Queen intends to make them mess up, it will cause trouble for you instead.

   Now these bugs were sent by Eveya herself, and she directly ordered them to obey the village master's words.

   Naturally, there will be no such messy problems, and it is much easier to deal with.

   If you really want to conduct research, it is natural that this kind of obedient bug is better.

   After obtaining the Eternal Divine Land, Chen Mo said goodbye to the owner of Huangfeng Village.

   When leaving, Chen Mo and Eveya were communicating with each other.

   "Master, don't worry, even the bugs sent out can always pass on their knowledge to me. I believe we will soon learn about their so-called method of making the Zerg Mother Queen."

  Chen Mo is naturally curious about how the locust tribe can create the mother queen of the Zerg tribe.

But it's not good to keep watching, but the bugs sent by Eveya are like natural surveillance probes, and you can pass on what you see and hear to Eveya anytime, anywhere. If you want to know the secret of the locust clan It's that simple.

   Following Chen Mo and Eveya's farewell, they left.

  The people of the Locust Clan immediately opened the underground barrier and entered a strange space deep underground.

  Started their so-called plan to create the Zerg Mother Queen.

   At this time, Chen Mo has already arrived at the place with the eternal water.

  The Eternal Divine Water is located on the top of an extremely cold mountain in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World.

  On this extremely cold mountain, Chen Mo could feel an extremely strong pressure.

  As soon as he came up, he felt uncomfortable.

  His Mora brain was running at high speed immediately, and he learned the meaning of the high mountain in Tianyuan World.

  In a world where everyone can fly, mountains might seem meaningless, but they don't.

  In this world, everyone can fly, but the higher the flying height, the stronger the coercion of the sky.

   On a high mountain like this, even if you just stand on the mountain without taking off, you will still feel dizzy due to the high altitude.

  If it weren't for Chen Mo's current supernatural power, which is close to 10,000 points, if he hadn't entered the second-level divine realm before, he would suddenly be able to bear the coercion of the sky at this height, and it would be enough to crush him directly to the ground.

   It can be seen that although this eternal divine water is unowned, it is not available to everyone.

Chen Mo, who is extremely powerful now, can quickly adapt to the current coercion of the sky, and Evya has entered a state of permanent invincibility after becoming Chen Mo's eternal servant, so she is naturally not afraid of any coercion. She didn't feel any discomfort at all, she was very calm and at ease.

After the two arrived at the top of the mountain, they immediately searched for the Eternal Divine Water. Although Chen Mo had the Eye of Origin, at this height, he was disturbed by the coercion of the sky, and his detection range was also compressed a lot, which made it impossible to find it. So easy on flat ground.

   But it's not that difficult, after all, the area of ​​the top of the mountain is so big. After wandering around some areas, the two of them saw the legendary eternal water.

  The so-called Eternal Divine Water may be renamed Eternal Divine Ice. Originally, Chen Mo thought that the Eternal Divine Water was liquid, but he never thought that the Eternal Divine Water could be solid.

   And it is still a large piece of solid state.

  The Eternal Ice they discovered formed a huge icy lake, and the surface of the lake was covered with a thick layer of ice fog.

  On the surface of the lake, the ice mist evaporates continuously, exuding a faint blue light, like a dreamy fairyland.

The Eternal Divine Ice presents an extremely pure blue color, transparent and crystal clear. The ice surface is inlaid with beautiful ice crystals, blooming with dazzling light. Various magical aquatic creatures can be faintly seen in the lake, shuttling under the ice layer, Like a water elf.

  The ice lake is surrounded by towering peaks, forming a mysterious and magnificent scene. Under the sky on the top of the mountain, the eternal ice exudes a charming atmosphere, making people feel like they are in a magical fairyland.

  Chen Mo used the Eye of Origin to perceive the divine power of the aquatic creatures under the ice.

  If you don't look at it, you don't know, these aquatic creatures are worthy of living in the eternal divine water, and each of them has the strength of a thousand points of divine power.

  However, due to the fact that the frozen surface of the Eternal Divine Water is too thick, Chen Mo cannot touch the aquatic creatures below, and the aquatic creatures below cannot attack Chen Mo.

Just when Chen Mo thought that he would not have anything to do with the aquatic creatures under the Eternal Divine Water, he actually saw several aquatic creatures directly penetrated the one-meter-thick ice surface under the extremely thick ice surface and appeared in the on ice.

  The aquatic creature immediately transformed into a human figure covered in scales after coming out of the water, and looked at Chen Mo.

  These aquatic creatures have different shapes after transformation, but they all exude a mysterious and majestic atmosphere.

One of the aquatic creatures transformed into a tall humanoid body covered with blue scales. He had slender arms and strong legs. There were tiny webs between his fingers, which adapted to swimming in water. There are fish gill slits on the top of his head, and a pair of sharp aqua blue eyes on the bridge of his nose, revealing cunning and wisdom.

Another transformed aquatic creature appeared slender and flexible, the scales all over his body were silvery white, his eyes were deep purple, shining like stars in the night sky, his fingers were slender, and the backs of his hands also had long Webbed, enough to quickly shuttle through the water.

The third transformed aquatic creature looks more like a human woman. She has a slender figure and is graceful. Her scales are light green, like young leaves in spring, and her eyes are soft amber. , revealing tenderness and tenacity.

  The appearance of these aquatic creatures after transformation is full of beauty and mystery.

  Chen Mo stared at the transformed aquatic creatures, unsure of their intentions.

  The aquatic creature that turned into a tall humanoid said: "Who am I to come to such a high mountain and extremely cold place? It turns out that I am a man of destiny."

  His voice was low and sonorous, as if the sound of the tide echoed in the mountains.

  Chen Mo's heart moved. He reckoned that these aquatic creatures should be the guardians of the eternal ice. Maybe they appeared on the ice because they saw their invasion.

  He responded calmly: "I came here to find some Eternal Ice to return for special use. I didn't intend to infringe on the territory of the Shui Clan. Please forgive me if I offend you."

  The aquatic creatures that turned into human shapes glanced at Chen Mo and Evya, as if they were examining their sincerity.

After a while, the leader nodded and said: "We just came up and thought that the Zergs were coming, but now it seems that is not the case. Since you have no malicious intentions, we will not be enemies with you, but the Eternal Shenshui is mine. If you want to take away the sacred object of the Shui Clan, even if it’s just a little bit, please pay enough.”

  (end of this chapter)

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