Chapter 360 The benefits of invincibility! (two in one)

   "The price? What do you want?" Chen Mo looked at the Shui people in front of him and asked.

The Shui people smiled and said: "It's just a matter of exchanging one thing for another. We need to sacrifice a secret treasure recently. Without the help of the eternal fire, we Shui people don't like walking on land, so if you are convenient, you can take this Come back and exchange it with us."

  At this time, Evya, who was behind Chen Mo, looked at the huge frozen lake around and said, "Such a large lake, does it belong to you? Let's dig a piece directly, and you can't control it."

  As soon as the words came out, the other party smiled and said: "Of course, you can chisel off these ices and take them away at will, but it is not so simple to pretend to take away the Eternal Shenshui. If you don't believe me, you can try it."

   After speaking, the Shui people made a gesture of please.

  Evya didn't believe in evil, and immediately opened a hole in her abdomen, called out a worker insect, and began to dig and carry the frozen ice of the eternal water.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo didn't rush to stop Evya.

  I saw that Eveya's worker insects are indeed in this line of work, and their movements are extremely neat. The sharp two front feet are like two drill bits, and a lot of eternal water is drilled out quickly.

  But when the worker insects took out a small spoon made of carapace from their backpacks and started to fetch water, they found that the water they took back had directly turned into ordinary water.


  The Shui people said with a smile when they saw this scene.

"How is this going?"

   "The Eternal Divine Water can't be taken away so easily. It needs to be stored in a special container before it can be kept and taken away. And this kind of container is only manufactured by our aquarium, and we strictly control the output."

  Seeing this, Eveya gave up.

  On the other hand, Chen Mo smiled indifferently and said, "Since it is not convenient to take away the Eternal Divine Water, I will go to find the Eternal Divine Fire first. I also need this thing, so it is a good way to go."

   "That's the best." Seeing what Chen Mo said, the Shui people laughed immediately.

  If you ask others to get a rare material back for nothing, they may find other ways to get Eternal Divine Water, but if they also need Eternal Divine Fire, then they are likely to bring back Eternal Divine Fire for themselves, and the Shui people will naturally be happy.

  After Eveya took back the silly workers, Chen Mo went directly to the next location with a flicker of a god.

  The location of the Eternal Divine Fire is also quite dangerous.

  This is a place of extremely high temperature volcano.

  The volcano is not lava, but an eternal divine fire with extremely terrifying burning ability.

   The entire interior of the volcano is full of this thing.

   Around the volcano, there are many fire monsters living.

   Among them, the most powerful are the two big brothers Huolong and Huofeng.

  As soon as Chen Mo flashed here, he immediately sensed two powerful pressures on the top of the volcano.

   And it is evenly divided.

  With the effect of his Eye of Origin, he quickly saw clearly the origin of the two pressures on the top of the volcano.

  The top of the volcano at this time is divided into two areas on the left and right, which are the phoenix nest of the fire phoenix and the dragon lair of the fire dragon.

The phoenix nest of the fire phoenix is ​​made of fire-attributed branches. The phoenix nest is located at the highest point of the volcano. The flames in the nest are lingering and burning, and the appearance is shining red, like a tower of flame standing on the top of the volcano. .

  The temperature in the nest is extremely high, and the flames are dancing, forming a hot environment, and the fire phoenix is ​​sleeping peacefully in the center of the nest.

It is a phoenix bird with raging red flames all over its body. The feathers of the fire phoenix are blazing red, shining with bright flames. Each wing is wide and powerful, and burning flames emerge from the wings and dance. Like gorgeous fireworks.

  Fire Phoenix's eyes are closed tightly, but its eyelids are very thin, and you can still see flames dancing in its pupils through its eyelids. Its sharp beak is bent like a sword, exuding a murderous aura.

  Huofeng was sleeping peacefully, but judging from its posture, it seemed that it could meet any potential threat at any time.

  The fire dragon's lair is made of fire-attribute rubies. The dragon's lair is deeply embedded in the rock wall on the top of the volcano, surrounded by eternal fire.

  The space in the dragon lair is huge, and there is enough space for the fire dragon to curl up and rest.

  The ruby ​​in the nest shone with fiery light, as beautiful as a star in the starry sky. In the nest penetrated by the eternal fire, the fire dragon curled up and quietly fell into a deep sleep.

  Fire Dragon is a huge red dragon with a bright red blood color throughout, exuding a kind of majesty and coercion.

  Its dragon body has regular dragon scales, winding and coiling from head to tail, emitting scorching heat.

The dragon claws of the fire dragon are powerful enough to tear rocks, and the dragon tail is like an iron whip, capable of breaking through mountain peaks. Through the perspective effect of the eye of origin, one can see that its dragon pupils are like burning flames, revealing ferocity and cunning. Even though the fire dragon is still sleeping, but like the fire phoenix, it always maintains a trace of vigilance and never relaxes.

  Fire phoenix and fire dragon are powerful creatures with fire attributes. Their respective residences exude fiery aura, forming an evenly divided power, which is awe-inspiring.

  Ordinary fire creatures would be burned to ashes even if they were only close to their lairs, so they could survive in such an environment and even become stronger.

  Through the perception ability of the Eye of Origin, Chen Mo saw these two legendary monsters with extremely high divine power.

   It has exceeded the level that the regular creatures in the first area should have.

  The power of the fire phoenix is ​​as high as 2000 points, and the power of the fire dragon is also as high as 2000 points.

  This is why they are evenly divided.

   But don’t look at their divine power is only 2000 points, but their abilities are still terrifying, but anyone whose divine power does not exceed them wants to take action against them, then they have to carefully weigh their own defenses.

  The abilities of the two monsters can easily burn the enemy to ashes.

   Even resurrection has no chance.

   After Chen Mo came here, he didn't wake them up.

  Eternal Divine Fire is different from Eternal Divine Water, it can be taken away directly.

   But Eternal Divine Water will not cause harm to people, but Eternal Divine Fire will!

  You can directly pick up a handful of flames and take them away, but you have to be able to withstand the burning of this eternal divine fire.

  Otherwise you will burn yourself to ashes as a result of picking up a pinch of eternal fire.

  Don't look at the fact that the fire dragon and fire phoenix can exist freely in the eternal fire with only 2000 points of divine power. This is not because of their high divine power, but because they are born with unusual fire characteristics.

   Without natural ability, even if the divine power is as high as 10,000 points, it is very dangerous to touch the eternal fire casually.

  In fact, Chen Mo has this condition, because the super **** body is an extremely powerful physique, and it can completely withstand the burning of the eternal fire.

   It's just that Chen Mo's own super **** body is still not fully activated, so he doesn't dare to touch the eternal fire.

   But Evya doesn't care, she is permanently invincible after being enslaved by Chen Mo's special resurrection, and she can do any dangerous things at will.

   Unless Eveya's characteristics are completely sealed.

   Otherwise she will be fine.

  However, this eternal divine fire cannot be taken randomly.

  Although the Eternal Divine Fire is a person who is not afraid of death, anyone can come and take some away, but the Eternal Divine Fire is divided into a manic state and a stable state.

   It is difficult to apply this thing in daily life to take away the eternal divine fire in the manic state.

  So even if you are not afraid of death, and you are hard enough not to be afraid of burning, you can directly take the Eternal Divine Fire, you have to obtain the Eternal Divine Fire in a stable state.

  Otherwise, once the Eternal Divine Fire leaves its original place, the Eternal Divine Fire in a manic state will never stabilize.

   Even the Eternal Divine Fire in a stable state may suddenly turn into a manic state once it leaves its original place, so it seems random to choose the Eternal Divine Fire, but it is actually very particular.

  The best way is to use fire dragon scales or fire phoenix feathers to put it in, so as to keep the eternal fire in a stable state.

   Right now, if you want fire dragons to have fire dragons, and fire phoenixes to have fire phoenixes, you only need to buckle a dragon scale from their bodies, or pull out a fire feather.

  Normal people would not dare to do such a thing.

  Because the fire phoenix and fire dragon in the sleeping state hate being woken up the most, once they wake up, they will definitely bear their most brutal attacks.

  But Chen Mo's divine power far exceeds them, and he is not afraid of them at all.

But considering that they are now surrounded by the eternal divine fire, once they riot, they are likely to attract a large number of eternal divine fires to join the battle. In this excellent environment, their combat effectiveness is completely beyond the normal divine power. Still try to be as careful and quick as possible.

  Chen Mo looked at the fire dragon and the fire phoenix, and felt that the feathers of the fire phoenix were easier to pull out, but it was more troublesome to take off the dragon scales of the fire dragon.

  He first asked Eveya to enter the volcano to hold a large lump of eternal divine fire, and then suddenly a divine spirit appeared beside Huofeng.

  As his **** flickered and caused space fluctuations, Huofeng was awakened in an instant.

  Before it opened its phoenix eyes to see what was going on, it felt a pain in its body.

   When it realized that the human in front of it had plucked its feathers, the human in front of it had disappeared.


   The angry Huofeng in this scene had nowhere to vent his anger, and screamed continuously on the spot.

   so that its neighbors were disturbed by the noise.

  The fire dragon, who had been sleeping very lightly, was instantly awakened by its screaming sound.

  It was originally ready to get angry, but when it heard the anger that was about to explode amidst the screams of the fire phoenix, it calmed down instantly.

   "What kind of medicine did this bird take wrongly today? Did someone offend it?? Make it so angry? You scolded so badly."

  Fire Dragon looked at the screaming Fire Phoenix, full of doubts in his heart.

   At this time, the chief culprit who angered Huofeng, Chen Mo has brought Eveya back to the extreme cold peak of the mountain.

  Just after returning, Chen Mo saw that Eveya had been completely wrapped up by the eternal fire.

  These Eternal Divine Fires that are active on the surface of the volcano, originally belonged to the Eternal Divine Fires in a violent state, and now they are suddenly carried away from their original place, so they are naturally more violent and abnormal.

  That is to see a living creature and immediately want to burn her to death.

   Fortunately, Eveya is permanently invincible, otherwise she would have been burned to ashes at this time.

   "Master, this Eternal Divine Flame is too violent and terrifying."

  Although Evya knew that the Eternal Divine Fire was terrifying, she never knew that the Eternal Divine Fire could be so violent and terrifying.

  She knew very well that if it wasn't for the blessing of her master, it would be impossible for her to survive even a second surrounded by the flames.

   Seeing that the Eternal Divine Fire was extremely irritable, Chen Mo immediately took out a handful of fire phoenix feathers.

   Originally, he was going to pull out two, but he grabbed a handful when he was able to do so.

  This is also the reason why Huofeng is so angry now, because it was caught bald by Chen Mo. For Huofeng who loves beauty, this is no different from killing it. Naturally, it is extremely hatred.

  At this moment, Chen Mo has at least dozens of feathers.

As he threw this handful of fire phoenix feathers into Eveya's hands, the Eternal Divine Fire, which was so manic that it was almost uncontrollable, suddenly stabilized slowly, and shrank back from the state of enveloping Eveya to enveloping her. The state of the fire phoenix feather that Eveya held in her hand was gone.

   "Sure enough, Mo Luo's brain strategy is extremely reliable."

  Seeing that Eternal Divine Fire finally stopped being irritable, Chen Mo called out to the Shui people.

   Soon, the three Aquarians who appeared before reappeared on the ice.

  When they saw the large lump of Eternal Divine Fire held in Eveya's hand, they all had expressions of disbelief.

   "You have brought back a lot of eternal fire with your own flesh!"

   Especially seeing that Eveya is just a Zerg female queen, the Shui people are even more unbelievable.

  Although the Zerg Queen's production capacity is abnormal, and the insects produced are also very powerful with abnormal combat power and characteristics, but the Zerg Queen's body should be relatively weak, how can she withstand the burning of the eternal fire.

   This scene simply changed their perception of the Zerg Mother Queen.

  At this time, Chen Mo looked at them with a smile and said, "I brought back the Eternal Divine Fire, but how do you take it away?"

   "We have tinderboxes."

   As he spoke, the leader of the Shui people flipped his right hand and took out a light red box out of thin air.

  After taking out the box, he walked towards Eveya, and as he whispered "receive", a fire phoenix feather wrapped with a handful of eternal fire was put into the fire storage box.

   "Do you still have this box?"

   "Yes, but in exchange, you can give me another pinch of Eternal Divine Fire." The leader of the Shui people said with a smile.

   "I just need to keep a pinch. If you like it, you can give it all to you." Chen Mo smiled indifferently.

   "Then you don't need so many, since you have said so, then I will take three pinches."

The Shui people smiled and took out two more fireboxes and took away two pinches of eternal fire. Afterwards, he began to fulfill his promise and gave Chen Mo a firebox with a larger capacity, as well as a crystal clear and faint Light is filled with water storage beads of eternal water.

  (end of this chapter)

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