Chapter 361 Get it all together!

   After receiving the Eternal Divine Water and the large fire box presented by the Shui people, Chen Mo immediately had a thought, and drove the fire box to collect all the eternal flames in Eveya's hand.

   At this time, the Shui people smiled and said: "The transaction is happy, and you are welcome to come to us again if you need it."

  Chen Mo replied with a smile: "Definitely."

   After finishing speaking, he immediately opened the map to check the location of the eternal kamikaze.

   During this search, Chen Mo found that there was a place where the eternal divine wind and the eternal divine thunder marked on the map overlapped. It can be seen that there are both eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder in this place.

   Going there should be able to collect the eternal kamikaze and eternal kamikaze at one time.

  But Chen Mo didn't go here directly, because after gathering the five elements, a special material, Wanhua Divine Liquid, is needed to synthesize everything into Eternal Origin Beads.

  Chen Mo has to get Wanhuashen Liquid first.

  Wanhuashen Liquid is actually a relatively easy thing to find, and it is not a rare thing.

   This thing is a frequent visitor to many god-level synthesis formulas.

  As long as the formula reaches the **** level and eternal **** level, it will basically use Wanhua liquid as one of the materials for synthesis.

  Now the people on earth have a lot of reserves of Wanhuashen Liquid, and they also have a formula for synthesizing Wanhuashen Liquid.

  Chen Mo communicated directly with Jiang Yun and asked him to help him prepare the corresponding things.

  [Leader Jiang]: I have Wanhua Divine Liquid here, you can go get it directly. You are the area controller of the first area, so you should be able to freely shuttle back and forth between the first area and the second area.

  【Chen Mo】: It can be possible, but it is easy to fall out of the list.

   After Chen Mo finished speaking with a smile, he had already left the Tower of Eternity and returned to Earth, the conference room of the headquarters building of the Academy Alliance.

  The moment he left the Tower of Eternity, the God's Realm he controlled also temporarily lost its owner at the same time. At this time, as long as someone discovers his God's Realm, he can directly and unconditionally control it.

   At the same time, in the interstellar ranking list related to the second area, all the rankings about Chen Mo disappeared temporarily.

   It can be seen how dangerous it is once you leave the second area.

  Chen Mo was just trying to see if the punishment for leaving was really that severe.

   After all, he has memories by his side. If he really has something to do, there is no need to leave by himself, he just needs to send memories back.

   After receiving the Wanhua Divine Liquid and synthetic formula that Jiang Yun gave him, Chen Mo didn't have time to talk to him, so he immediately thanked him and returned to Tianyuan World, the second area of ​​the Tower of Eternity.

  With his return to Tianyuan World, the second area of ​​the Tower of Eternity, his ranking has also returned, and the control of the realm of the gods has also returned.

   But even in such a short period of time, Chen Mo understood the severe punishment of leaving here.

   "It seems that next time I have to go back, I have to ask Remembrance to do it for me."

   After obtaining the Wanhua Divine Liquid, Chen Mo brought Eveya to the area where the Eternal Divine Wind and Eternal Divine Thunder gathered.

   This place seems to be a place of abyss. When Chen Mo brought Eveya here with the flicker of the gods, he didn't directly enter the target place, but teleported to a nearby location.

   After all, Eternal Kamikaze and Eternal Thunder are as dangerous as Eternal Fire.

   If you accidentally fall into it, it will be dangerous.

   Coming to the edge of the abyss, Chen Mo looked into the abyss, and saw that the eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder converged in a peculiar way, forming a spectacular and mysterious picture.

  In the abyss, there is pitch blackness, which seems to be a bottomless abyss.

In this darkness, blue electric lights are constantly flashing, like ghostly blue flames dancing in the darkness. These electric lights sometimes flicker at the bottom of the abyss, and sometimes rise into the air, forming blue halos one by one , reflecting the outline of the abyss.

  In the center of the abyss, the Eternal Divine Wind and the Eternal Divine Thunder converged to form a huge blue lightning storm vortex.

   The lightning storm whirls endlessly, absorbing all the airflow and energy around it, releasing a powerful and mysterious aura.

   There are space cracks around the vortex, which look extremely dangerous.

   The stability of Tianyuan world is not comparable to the stability of those worlds that Chen Mo encountered before.

  It can create space cracks in Tianyuan World, which shows how terrifying this force is.

  Under normal circumstances, to obtain Eternal Divine Wind and Eternal Divine Thunder, like Eternal Divine Fire and Eternal Divine Water, certain foreign aids are required.

   Among them, the most versatile container is a storage device made of eternal sacred soil.

  The Eternal Divine Soil has the most stable nature, allowing the Eternal Divine Fire, Divine Wind, and Divine Thunder to wreak havoc without affecting the storage device.

  The fire box that Chen Mo obtained from the Shui people was made of eternal sacred soil.

   And if you want to put away the eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder, you also need the help of eternal divine soil.

  But Chen Mo is too lazy to get any utensils at this time.

   After all, now that he has all the other three things together, now he only needs to have these two things to start activating the Super God Body immediately.

  He directly said to Evya who was invincible: "Evya, go down and swallow the eternal kamikaze and the eternal **** thunder, and you will have the invincible power of heaven, and there will be no danger."

   "It's the master!" Evya still obeyed Chen Mo's orders quite a bit, and even felt very happy to be needed by Chen Mo.

  She immediately jumped down and flew into the abyss.

  In this abyss, the sound of wind and thunder roared and crackled, like thousands of troops galloping, and the momentum was astonishing.

  Evya's figure seemed insignificant in this chaotic atmosphere, and she dived into the depths of the abyss without hesitation.

  Inside the abyss, the blue electric light flickered around Eveya, forming a dangerous and beautiful scene. Her body shuttled lightly through the electric light, and the invincible power of heaven protected her, leaving her unscathed.

  After arriving at the position of the storm vortex, Eveya's eyes were firm, and she opened her mouth, as if swallowing air, and she began to swallow the extremely manic eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder raging in the abyss.

   These two powerful forces were swallowed into her body, and immediately, her body began to undergo subtle changes.

A faint blue light flashed in her eyes, as deep as a starry sky, a blue halo appeared slightly on her body surface, and singing sounds like the sound of heaven sounded around her, her body gradually rose up, breath More dignified and mysterious.

  In the vortex of wind and thunder in the abyss, Eveya seems to have merged the power of eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder.

  But this is just a manifestation of the complete loss of control of Eternal Kamikaze and Eternal Divine Thunder.

  Evya is just invincible and not afraid of harm. It doesn't mean that Eternal Kamikaze and Eternal God Thunder will be obediently restrained by her.

  Even if she swallows the Eternal Divine Wind and Eternal Divine Thunder, these two violent things will penetrate through all the gaps that can pass through.

   Even Eveya's eyes, ears, and nose emitted faint electric lights.

  Chen Mo stood on the edge of the abyss, watching this scene, thinking in his heart that it would be convenient to have an invincible subordinate, if he went down by himself, he might not know what would happen.

   After absorbing the Eternal Divine Wind and Eternal Divine Thunder, Eveya has returned to the ground again.

   "Eveya, you are doing very well."

  Chen Mo whispered to Eveya who happily returned to her side, his voice was full of encouragement and approval.

  Evya was very happy to hear that.

  But Eveya didn't dare to speak at this time, she just nodded with a smile.

   After all, she is storing a lot of eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder in her body. Now that he is silent, these eternal divine wind and eternal divine thunder can't help but drill into her body surface.

  If this person speaks, I'm afraid Chen Mo will directly spray the eternal kamikaze and eternal kamikaze in an extremely violent state.

  Evya is Chen Mo's eternal servant, and the things she owns are equivalent to those owned by Chen Mo. At this time, Chen Mo has collected all five eternal gods.

   After gathering all the materials, Chen Mo immediately called out the synthesis interface.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to fuse the five things of "Eternal Divine Soil", "Eternal Divine Water", "Eternal Divine Fire", "Eternal Divine Thunder", and "Eternal Divine Wind" with Wanhua Divine Liquid, it must be necessary All five things are in a stable state.

  But Chen Mo's Eternal Kamikaze and Eternal Divine Thunder are not in a stable state.

  If you are an ordinary person, you must get enough materials to stabilize these two things at this time before you can synthesize them.

   But Chen Mo himself is a synthesizer.

   And now he is still a super five professional compositor.

  He just needs to throw everything into the crafting interface.

  Enter the synthesis interface of Heavenly Dao, it doesn't matter whether you are irritable or not, under the suppression of Heavenly Dao, you can be a dragon or a tiger.

  Chen Mo immediately threw everything into it, and asked Eveya to spray the eternal kamikaze and eternal kamikaze into the synthesis interface.

   Now it is easy to synthesize.

  As all the materials have been fully put into the synthesis interface, Chen Mo saw that even the Eternal Kamikaze and Eternal God Thunder, which were very irritable before, have become extremely quiet after entering the synthesis interface.

   "Sure enough, no matter how awesome things are, they can't beat the way of heaven." Chen Mo immediately smiled and clicked the synthesis button.

  (end of this chapter)

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