All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 362: The body of the super **** is activated! (two in one)

  Chapter 362 Super God Body Activated! (two in one)

  As all the materials in the synthesis interface began to mix, the Eternal Origin Bead that Chen Mo needed to activate the Super God Body was soon synthesized.

   This is a strange bead with a faint light and colorful body.

  The moment Chen Mo took out the bead, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded simultaneously.

  【Prompt from Heaven: It has been detected that you have obtained the Eternal Origin Orb, do you want to start activating the Super God Body? 】


The moment Chen Mo confirmed it, the Eternal Origin Orb in his hand instantly escaped into his body. At the same time, Chen Mo only felt a power of the Dao suddenly descending on his body, which simultaneously entered his body and stimulated a powerful force. Together with the Eternal Source Bead of Energy, he began to transform his physical body.

  At this moment, Chen Mo only felt that his whole body was hot, as if there were countless ants crawling in the blood vessels, every piece of flesh was eaten by insects, and every bone seemed to be melted.

  An indescribable pain spread all over his body, making Chen Mo so uncomfortable that he wished to pass out immediately.

  But he has become a god, and his endurance is very strong. No matter how uncomfortable he is, he will not pass out.

  At this time, Chen Mo suddenly envied the body's self-protection mechanism in the mortal state.

  Rather than bear this kind of pain soberly, it is better to go into a coma, and everything will be over when you wake up.

  At this moment, Chen Mo only feels that the days are like years.

  Although it actually only took 1 minute from the time he started activating the Super God Body until it was completely completed.

   But the 1 minute time made Chen Mo feel as long as a century.

  Even if all the uncomfortable feelings had subsided, he still had delusional feelings, and he still felt a dull pain all over his body. It was not until a few minutes later that Chen Mo finally recovered.

   At this time, Chen Mo had time to check the Heavenly Dao reminder that he received just after the activation of the Super God Body.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have successfully activated the super **** body. Since you have the super **** body, you will no longer be affected by any abnormal state, and you will be immune to any natural damage. At the same time, your divine power will be restored. The speed will be increased to 100% per second, your divine strength has reached the effect of super divine power due to the influence of super divine body, and your divine essence has reached the effect of super divine essence under the effect of super divine body. 】

  As mentioned before, the difference between the four gods are the lower gods (levels one to three), the middle gods (levels four to six), the upper gods (levels seven to nine), and the true gods (level ten).

  Different deities have different effects of divine power.

  The lower gods have double the power, the middle gods have twice the power, the upper gods have three times the power, and the true gods have four times the power.

  Chen Mo is at the level of the second-order divine realm at this time, and his divine power is doubled.

   That is to say, as much divine power as he possesses, he can increase his divine energy several times.

   And now the super divine power effect brought by the super **** body is to make Chen Mo's lower divine power directly have the strength comparable to the middle divine power.

  Similarly, if Chen Mo reaches the level of a mid-level god, then his divine power will be comparable to the level of a high-level divine power.

   That is to say, at this time, Chen Mo's 1 point of divine power can increase the attribute of his divine essence by 2 times.

   And Chen Mo's current divine essence has also been super-improved because of the super **** body, so his current divine essence strength will become the divine essence strength of the third-order divine realm.

   That is to say, his current 1 point of divine essence is comparable to 3 points of divine essence for ordinary god-level targets.

  With this improvement, Chen Mo's combat effectiveness has been increased several times.

  Chen Mo's divine power alone is now comparable to 16,000 points of divine power in the ordinary divine realm.

   This can already be found in the second area of ​​Tianyuan World.

   And the hint from Heaven is more than that.

  【Tiandao Tip: Because you have activated the Super God Body, the expansion of your God’s Domain World has been accelerated, and your God’s Domain World promotion effect has doubled. 】

  Chen Mo took a look inside the God's Domain World in his body. Sure enough, the God's Domain World has expanded a lot, and the progress of the universe development in the God's Domain World is also increasing rapidly. It seems that a place suitable for life will appear soon.

   After the effect of God's Domain World has been improved, Chen Mo's final attribute is...

  【Name】: Chen Mo

  【star rating】: 400 stars (50-star Super Five Combat+50-star Super Five Life+300-star Pet)

  【Physical】: super **** body

  【Divine Power】: 21000 points (600 points hidden) "It has been converted into lower-level divine power"

  【Occupation】: Master God of Undead (Super Five Occupation), Super God Fusion Master (Super Five Occupation)

  [Realm]: Second-tier Divine Realm

  [Experience]: 2100/10000 (experience in the divine realm is the basic divine power)


  〖Shen Yuan〗: 4.452 million "converted to first-order Shen Yuan"

  〖Divinity〗: 44.52 million

  Although Chen Mo's spiritual energy doesn't seem to be very high, he is a summoner, not other combat professions.

  His undead attribute is abnormal.

  Take the most garbage skeleton monster that Chen Mo can summon as an example.

   Today's Shenyuan has reached the strength of 2.6 billion Shenyuan.

  And for more advanced undead, such as death knights, necromancers, bone dragons, Lich Kings and other high-level summoned objects, the strength of the gods can range from billions to tens of billions of gods.

   Among them, the strongest is naturally the god-level undead.

  After Chen Mo's career reaches the fifth level, he can directly summon the god-level undead, which is no longer random like before.

  So Chen Mo does not count the various BUFF gain skills at this time, and the real basic combat power is tens of billions of gods.

  Of course, the divine element here has been converted.

   These tens of billions are ordinary first-order gods, not third-order gods.

  However, with this level of divine essence strength, even if it is a third-order divine realm powerhouse, if it is absolutely crushed without divine power, it may not be easy to provoke.

   Checked his current attributes, Chen Mo is still very satisfied.

   At this moment, he looked at the next hint of Heavenly Dao.

  【Tiandao reminder: Since you successfully activated the super **** body, your super **** trial advanced task has been officially released, do you accept it? 】

   "Naturally accepted."

  【Heavenly reminder: You have successfully received the advanced task of the Super God Trial. Please successfully challenge a relic. 】

"The land of relics? Isn't this the place where Gul'dan mentioned that you might get the source of life stones? It's just that the land of relics is very random according to Gul'dan. Where should I find it? And it also stipulates Three stars, even if you are lucky enough to meet one, it is not easy to meet more than three stars."

   Just when Chen Mo was thinking this way, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you have received the advanced task of the Super God Trial, you will be able to obtain the location coordinates of all the ruins controlled by the Super God Alliance. 】

  As soon as this reminder came out, Chen Mo's eyes lit up instantly.

  I was worried that there was no place to find this so-called relic. I didn't expect that the Super God Alliance was so powerful that it actually had a relic under its own control.

  He immediately opened the map to check it out.

   I saw that whether it is the first area or the second area of ​​​​Tianyuan World, there are relics controlled by the Super God Alliance everywhere.

   You can even see the stars of the ruins controlled by the Super God Alliance.

  Seeing so much information about the ruins, Chen Mo couldn't help thinking whether he should finish the task so quickly.

   Go dig up those ruins first, and then go to the three-star ruins, isn’t it blood money?

   Action is worse than heartbeat, Chen Mo immediately brought Eveya to the front of a one-star relic controlled by the Super God Alliance.

   This relic site is a small hill that looks a little ordinary.

   There is an entrance in the small hill, and you should be able to enter the ruins after entering it.

   It's just that Chen Mo received a warning just as he approached.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Warning, you are currently in the advanced trial stage of super gods. After you enter any relics, your ability to learn about all relics will disappear...】

   "It's so tricky? Then I remember it in advance and it's over?"

  Chen Mo just thought this way, when he saw that the second half of the sentence blocked his way.

  【After you enter the ruins, all the ruins will change their positions randomly immediately, please pay attention. 】

   "It seems that the Super God Alliance is not an idiot, there is no control drill at all, since this is the case..."

  Chen Mo has other bad intentions.

  With a thought in his mind, the memory of a child immediately appeared beside him.

   "My lord." Seeing Chen Mo, recalling immediately saluted.

   "Reminiscence, you go into this place of relics to have a look."

   Reminiscence did not hesitate, and immediately raised his foot to enter the ruins.

  【Heavenly reminder: Warning, all your units are about to enter the ruins, this behavior will also cause you to lose the ability to learn all the ruins, and will cause all the ruins you have already seen to change their positions, please pay attention! 】

   "Good guy, is there really enough defense against death, even this step has been prevented?"

   Now, Chen Mo completely gave up.

   There is no need to exploit the loopholes, so do things honestly.

  Chen Mo opened the map to check the location of the Samsung Ruins.

   There are no three-star ruins in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, but there are three-star ruins in the second area.

   "The advanced challenge mission is limited to the second area. It seems that the rich divine power rewards in the mission introduction should be true, but I don't know how rich it is."

  Chen Mo is still very excited at this time.

   Immediately, with a flickering spirit, he came to a relic in the second area of ​​Tianyuan World with Ivya with his remembrance.

  This relic site is completely different from the previous small hill relic site.

  The location of this relic is very beautiful.

  It is hidden behind a waterfall, but it reminds Chen Mo of the Water Curtain Cave.

   Passing through the water curtain flying down, Chen Mo saw a stone door deep in the water curtain cave.

  The stone gate shows the ruins and three red stars light up above the stone gate.

   It shows that this relic is a three-star level.

  Chen Momoluo's brain was working, and he soon learned the meaning of the so-called three-star ruins.

  The so-called three-star relic land means that all the monsters encountered in the relic land have three times the normal level of gods and divine power.

   That is to say, if a monster outside the ruins has 1000 points of divine power, then half of his divine power is the square of divine power, which is equal to 1 million divine power.

But if it is a monster inside the ruins, after you enter the three-star ruins, then the monster with 1,000 divine power you encounter in the three-star ruins is equivalent to a monster with 9 million gods, because although his divine power Only 1,000 points, but with the blessing of stars, in fact, his divine power is equivalent to 3,000 points, and his divine essence is also equivalent to 3,000 points.

   That is to say, the monsters inside are 9 times stronger than the monsters outside in most cases.

   But in fact it is not, because divine power has a suppressive effect.

  Chen Mo has the Chaos Supreme Treasure that can weaken this suppression effect to a multiplier, and under normal circumstances, this suppression effect is a percentage suppression.

   Once you exceed 100 points, all your abilities will be completely scrapped.

So, even if they are monsters with 1000 points of divine power, if you face them with 2000 points of divine power, you can beat them in the outside world, but in the three-star ruins, you will be defeated The monster slammed in reverse.

   Unless you have an eternal baby that can make up for and close the gap in divine power.

   Just like the eternal artifact obtained by Chen Mo before, it can slightly make up for the gap in divine power.

  Of course, under normal circumstances, 1000 points of divine power is already a very big gap, unless it is a very high-end eternal artifact, it really can't make up.

  At least in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, there is no eternal artifact that can make up such a big gap.

  After understanding the meaning of the star representation of the ruins, Chen Mo didn't care too much. After all, he has the treasure of chaos, and he is not very afraid of encountering an existence with higher divine power than himself.

  The key is that his soul is high enough to be used for multiplication.

  As Chen Mo pressed the palm of his right hand on the stone gate, the hint from Heaven also rang in time.

[Heavenly reminder: You are about to enter the three-star ruins. With your level of gods, the ruins are extremely difficult for you. Do you want to continue to participate in the challenge? According to the statistics of the forgotten challenge, the second-level gods enter the three-star ruins The death rate in the land is 80%, please confirm! 】

   "Good guy, the death rate is really high, 80%!"

  Chen Mo hesitated for a moment, he was thinking whether to just let Zhuan Yi go in alone?

  However, there should be no reward for successfully reminiscing the challenge. At most, it is to help oneself test the degree of danger.

   At that time, all relevant perception abilities in the ruins will surely disappear.

   It’s better to go in by yourself.

  After all, this statistics are only the death rate of the second-order **** realm, and my current real strength is actually comparable to the third-order **** realm.

  This statistic is not accurate.

  And to be more precise, I have two third-order gods on my side, plus a super perverted assistant who is permanently invincible.

  The real combat power is definitely stronger than Tiandao predicted.

   After thinking about it for a while, Chen Mo finally chose to enter it with his memory and Evya.

   After all, he is carrying a unit that is permanently invincible. If there is a danger, let Evya go first to explore it, although Evya cannot leave him 100 meters away.

  (end of this chapter)

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