Chapter 365 Buy a future! (two in one)

  Although he felt that the monkey in front of him should not be a bad person, Zhu Yi still didn't dare to joke about the safety of the deity.

  The strength of this monkey is beyond the control range, recalling that he is not going to reveal Chen Mo's information.

  It's just a monkey, but he looked at Zhui Yi and smiled: "Even if you don't say anything, wouldn't your real self be curious to come and see what's going on here?"

   What the monkey said was quite reasonable. At this time, after Chen Mo noticed the movement here, he was also curious and prepared to come over to have a look.

   But he didn't come here himself, but sent his own undead.

  As the main **** of the undead, he has the ability to share perception with the undead.

  As long as his own undead comes to check the situation here, he can directly understand the things here.

   Soon, two of the undead controlled by Chen Mo came here.

  After coming here, they saw that Remembrance was confronting a monkey.

   Before Chen Mo could figure out what was going on, the monkey had already said to the undead: "My friend, how about coming over and explaining?"

  When the undead controlled by Chen Mo heard what the monkey said, they immediately turned their heads to look at Zhui Yi, but they saw Zhui Yi shook his head, which obviously told him not to come.

   "In this small three-star relic, my old grandson can't attack the people of destiny. Presumably you should understand a little bit of the rules of heaven, so don't worry about my old grandson harming people."

  As soon as Houzi said this, Zhuan Yi felt that it made sense.

   After all, recalling that I also understand that it is impossible for such a powerful enemy to appear in this level of ruins.

  One stick can kill the god-level undead summoned by oneself.

This strength is too high. Even if every god-level undead is not blessed with any skills, it has a strength of tens of billions of gods. Only when the opponent's spirit is far superior to these undead can they easily kill them in seconds.

  For a powerful enemy of this level, if he can attack at will in the ruins, then whoever comes will die.

  Thinking of this, Recalling nodded to the undead summoned by Chen Mo.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo also teleported Eveya with a flickering god.

  Finally seeing Chen Mo's true self, the monkey immediately looked him up and down.

  "Interesting and interesting, you have quite a lot of chaotic abilities. It's extremely rare for you to have so many chaotic abilities. It's unbelievable that you can even enslave a Zerg queen."

  While the monkey was looking at Chen Mo, Chen Mo was also activating the Eye of Origin to observe him.

  But Chen Mo found that the Eye of Origin couldn't take effect at all. At the same time, because he appeared near Remembrance, all the memories of Remembrance's experiences just now were synchronized to Chen Mo's side.

  Chen Mo also understood how abnormal the monkey in front of him was.

   "My deity has arrived, and you haven't answered my initial question yet."

  At this moment, Zou Yi looked at the strange monkey in front of him and said.

   "My old grandson doesn't change his name when he walks or sits, and he doesn't change his surname, so there is nothing wrong with him."

   "Sun Wu? What a strange name."

   "My master took this."

   "Dare to ask what is your origin? Why do I feel an extremely strong chaotic atmosphere on you?"

  Chen Mo looked at the other party and asked.

   "My grandson was born in chaos, so he naturally has a strong atmosphere of chaos."

   "It turned out to be a chaotic life, no wonder I can see through the chaotic aura on my body." Now that I recalled it, I figured out the reason.

  Originally, there was a chaotic atmosphere shrouded in the body, no matter how advanced the detection ability was, it was impossible to detect the information.

   Only those who have the ability to see through the aura of chaos like Chen Mo can see through the opponent through the aura of chaos.

   This Sun Wu is a chaotic life in itself, so it's not surprising that he has such abilities.

   It's just his ability to keep himself from being seen through, which makes Chen Mo and Zhuan Yi more curious.

   "Your Excellency seems to have told my incarnation before that if I come over, Your Excellency will give me a chance. I don't know what it is?" Chen Mo immediately asked with a smile.

   "Ordinary people, I really wouldn't give him this opportunity, but because you are so special, I will give you this thing."

   While talking, Sun Wu suddenly threw a strange stone to Chen Mo.

"This is?"

  Chen Mo immediately checked the gray stone.

  【The Key of the Source of Chaos】: hold it, you can enter the source of chaos, and will not be eroded by the power of chaos.

   "It's actually the key to the source of chaos?"

  Chen Mo was shocked, but he immediately asked: "The source of chaos has already disappeared from the world, even if I have a key, how can I enter?"

Sun Wu immediately smiled and said: "The source of chaos is hard to find for ordinary people, but if you have this object, it is still relatively easy to find, but it is only on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, and you may only enter the third area." Only then will you have a chance to encounter the crack leading to the source of chaos, but you have to remember that even if you hold the key of the source of chaos, you are not a creature of chaos, and you cannot stay in it for too long."

   "In the source of chaos, is it possible to obtain a large amount of energy from the source of chaos?"

   "Naturally, you can even find a lot of Chaos Secret Treasures."

   "If there were chaotic beings like you in this source of chaos, wouldn't you have taken all the secret treasures of chaos long ago? How come there are secret treasures of chaos?"

"I asked carefully, and to tell you the truth, as a life form of chaos, it is impossible to dispel those secret treasures of chaos. We are repelled by those things. Once we use the secret treasures of chaos, it will consume our source of life. On the contrary, you are not born in chaos. Only outsiders can use the Chaos Secret Treasure."

   "So that's the case, thank you, Senior Sun, for clarifying the confusion."

   "Don't call me that, it makes me look old-fashioned, just call me Brother Monkey." Sun Wu scratched his armpit and said.

  Hearing this name, Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "Then, Brother Monkey, what kind of existence is this Tower of Eternity?"

   "Your question really stuck with me. The Tower of Eternity is inherently mysterious. No one can really understand why it exists. If you want to know the answer, you have to keep climbing."

   "The first floor of the Tower of Eternity is already so complicated, what is it to climb up?"

   "I don't know the number of floors behind, at least a lot of people are stuck on the second floor, and my old grandson couldn't go up.

  I gave you this opportunity because I am optimistic about your potential to make friends with you. If you can enter the second floor in the future, don't forget to be with my old grandson. "

  Sun Wuxiao said with a smile.

  Hearing what Sun Wu said, Chen Mo became more and more curious about what happened on the second floor.

   But this matter is not what he needs to know at the moment, Chen Mo didn't ask too much, he changed the question and said: "I don't know, Brother Monkey, have you heard of the Super God Alliance?"

   "Super God Alliance, I have heard of it, they are also a famous organization on the second floor."

   "Then what is the relationship between your group and this Super God Alliance?"

  Chen Mo felt that he was already half a member of the Super God Alliance. Wouldn't it be embarrassing if the relationship between the two parties was not good?

   "The Super God Alliance wants to gain benefits from the source of chaos all day long, and cultivate talents with super **** bodies everywhere. Unfortunately, the means are not strong enough, and it is currently unable to poach too many treasures from the source of chaos."

  Speaking, the monkey glanced at Chen Mo and said: "You also have a super-god body, and you must be one of them."

   "Listen to what you mean, Brother Monkey, is there any problem with the Super God Alliance and Chaos Life?"

"That's not true. They didn't offend the Chaos life when they entered the source of chaos. They came here just for the treasure of chaos. We don't need the treasure of chaos. It has nothing to do with us. Instead, they keep dying in the source of chaos. Earth, to continuously replenish our chaotic life, so that our chaotic life can become stronger, which is actually a good thing for our chaotic life.”

   "So it is."

   Seeing that the two sides are not in a confrontational state, or even a state in which both parties benefit, Chen Mo feels more at ease now.

  Through recollection of memory, the strength of this monkey is definitely the strongest existence he has encountered so far.

  Chen Mo doesn't want to go against the power of such a powerful person.

  Especially, he has not seen the existence of particularly abnormal strength in the Super God Alliance.

  Although he has seen many strong men in the Super God Alliance, who are stronger than him, he feels that he is still far from this monkey.

  It would be good if the two sides did not deal with each other.

   In this way, I will enter the second floor in the future, and I might be able to be taken care of by two forces.

   No matter how you say it, it is a good thing for yourself.

After talking about the monkey, the monkey looked at Chen Mo and said, "This Valley of the Three Stars on the Oblique Moon is where my master used to live. When you explore, please don't destroy the place. My old grandson has also woken up, so it's time to go. "

   "That is natural. Since it is the Lingshi's residence, there is no reason to destroy it at will."

   "By the way, this is for you."

   As he said that, Sun Wu suddenly took out a stone out of thin air and handed it to Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo took a closer look, and saw that it was the source of life stone he wanted.

   "I think you are the first to open up the world of God's Domain, so you should need this thing."

   "Thank you, Brother Monkey, I really want to find this thing."

   "Take it and use it. Just remember your kindness when you get to the second floor." Sun Wu said with a smile indifferently.

  Chen Mo was also surprised, this monkey is so nice, he gave him two treasures when he came up.

   Just to buy myself a future.

  I am not necessarily a person who keeps promises.

   After delivering the things, Sun Wu also prepared to leave.

   "Okay, my old grandson will take my leave first."

   After finishing speaking, Sun Wu disappeared into the valley of three stars on the oblique moon.

  At this time, in a dark place on the second floor of the Tower of Eternity, Sun Wuzheng was lying on a hammock and complaining.

   "Damn the rules of heaven, my old grandson just wanted to stay in the former residence of the master for a while, so he hurried away."

  Sun Wu just didn't really want to leave, but was kicked out by the rules of heaven.

  Although his strength allows him to forcibly enter the first floor to stay for a while, once the time exceeds a certain level, the rules of heaven will start to drive him away.

  If he insisted on staying on the first floor when driving him away, the rules of that day would punish him.

  No matter how strong Sun Wu is, he is no better than the rules of the way of heaven, so naturally he dare not annoy the illusory rules of the way of heaven.

  Watching Sun Wu disappear and leave, Chen Mo was a lot more careful about letting the undead explore.

   After all, they have already promised that they will not damage this place, so naturally they must keep their promises.

   This slowed down the exploration speed of the undead a lot.

  During the process of exploration, Chen Mo's undead encountered various monsters with high divine power, but Sun Wu never mentioned that the monsters here cannot be killed, so Chen Mo would naturally not be polite to them.

  The undead pushed straight all the way.

  Even if it is a monster with 30,000 points of divine power, the combat power in this ruins is only 8.1 billion divine yuan.

   Nothing to be afraid of.

  The rules of heaven in this relic place limit the number of undead and ignore the suppression of divine power, which is really a good thing for Chen Mo to save effort.

   Soon, Chen Mo's undead completed 100% exploration of the Oblique Moon Samsung Valley.

   Just as Chen Mo completed 100% exploration speed, the reminder of Heavenly Dao sounded immediately.

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations on successfully completing the exploration of the current three-star ruins! 】

[Heavenly reminder: Since you have successfully completed the exploration of the three-star ruins, and your basic divine power is lower than 10,000 points, you can get a reward of 300 basic divine power points, and at the same time you can get a second-level three-star eternal god, a second-level The first-order three-star eternal artifact, the second-order three-star eternal magic skill. 】

  【Tiandao Tip: Since you successfully completed the advanced challenge of the Super God Trial, you have received a reward from the Super God Alliance, and your basic divine power has increased by 10%. 】

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you have successfully completed the advanced challenge of the Super God Trial, the Super God Alliance has presented you with a God’s Realm! 】

  As the reminder of the Dao of Heaven ended, Chen Mo immediately realized that he was connected to a realm of God's Domain.

   Unexpectedly, the Super God Alliance has many methods, and they can even send them the Realm of the Gods.

   This time, the Divine Realm presented by the Super God Alliance is located somewhere in the second area of ​​Tianyuan World.

  At the same time as Chen Mo obtained the realm of God's Domain, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded at the same time.

  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations, you have obtained a God’s Domain Realm that was transferred by others. Since it is a God’s Domain Realm that was transferred by others, you don’t need to spend extra power to refine it. The God’s Domain will automatically belong to your name. 】

  【Heavenly Reminder: Congratulations, you have successfully obtained the control of this God's Domain. It has been detected that you have three God's Domains. Do you want to link the God's Domain with this God's Domain? 】

  After the two realms of God’s Domain joined forces before, the speed of divine power accumulation has increased very well, and Chen Mo will naturally not let go of the opportunity to join forces.

  He immediately chose to continue to cooperate.

  【Heavenly Reminder: If the connection is successful, your current three realms of God’s Domain are all first-level realms of God’s Domain. Because of the effect of linkage, each of the realms of God’s Domain can now generate three points of divine power every day. 】

   "If each of the three realms of God's Domain can produce three points of divine power every day, it means that I can get nine points of basic divine power every day, which is still a bit small."

  It is difficult for others to find 1 point of supernatural power, but it is too little for Chen Mo to be able to prostitute for nothing every day.

  People are more popular than people.

   After complaining about the speed of obtaining divine power, Chen Mo immediately checked the eternal series rewards he had just received.

  (end of this chapter)

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