All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 366: The rank of eternal things! (two in one)

  Chapter 366 The Rank of Eternal Things! (two in one)

   Just when Chen Mo was sent back to Tianyuan World after exploring the ruins.

  Heavenly reminder suddenly sounded in Chen Mo's ear.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Tianyuan World arrives at noon every day, and now it is broadcasting daily. 】

  【Tiandao reminder: In the current Tianyuan world, among the humanoid intelligent life, the power that has the most number of gods in the realm of the gods is the solar system.

  Among the animal-type intelligent life forms, the Tengu family has the largest number of powers in the realm of the gods.

   Among the humanoid intelligent beings, the one who has mastered the most realms of God's Domain is the Destiny of the Solar System—Chen Mo. Currently, the number of realms mastered by God's Domain is three.

   Among the animal-type intelligent beings, the one who has mastered the most realms of God's Domain is the Heavenly Dog of the Tengu family—Wu Tiangu. Currently, the number of realms mastered is five. 】

  【Tiandao reminder: In the current Tianyuan world, the strength of human-shaped intelligent life and animal-shaped intelligent life is compared, and the force of animal-shaped intelligent life is slightly better.

  Because there are less than 100 forces in the Tianyuan world, the human-shaped intelligent life party and the animal-shaped intelligent life party have entered the Tianyuan world, and the force confrontation mode has not yet started.

  Once the faction confrontation mode is turned on, the two forces will be able to enter various areas to act at will. 】

  Looking at the reminder from Tiandao, Chen Mo immediately called out the leaderboard and took a look.

  On the ranking list, only the solar system is still on the list, and there is no so-called tengu system.

   Now Chen Mo realized that the human-shaped intelligent life and the animal-shaped intelligent life are not the same ranking at all.

  He was still thinking about whether the human-shaped intelligent life arrived in this Tianyuan world earlier than the animal-shaped intelligent life, but it turned out that he was wrong.

  However, after thinking about it, I also know that animal-shaped intelligent life forms are wilder and have stronger fighting consciousness than human-shaped intelligent life forms.

  The speed at which they decide the winner is definitely one step faster than the humanoid intelligent life.

   Just how much faster they are, is unclear.

  However, according to the tips of heaven, the animal-shaped intelligent life has not reached a hundred forces, or the original animal-shaped intelligent life force is relatively small and strong.

   Either they also have superpowers who lead the galaxy into the Tianyuan world in advance.

  Chen Mo thinks the first possibility is more likely.

  Hearing that his humanoid intelligent life was actually in a backward state, Chen Mo still felt a sense of urgency.

  Because the solar system is different from other galaxies, other galaxies generally only have deep hatred with their own hostile galaxies in the first area.

  Although according to the law of the dark forest, this kind of competitive relationship is enough to trigger distrust and war between each galaxy.

  But when another enemy with a clearer target appeared besides us, everyone obviously had the opportunity to cooperate temporarily and solve the bigger enemy first.

  The animal-shaped intelligent life is the same as the human-shaped intelligent life, and vice versa.

  But when the solar system was in the first area, it was besieged by people. The solar system would not allow those who participated in the siege before to develop freely after entering the Tianyuan world.

  This humanoid intelligent life will naturally trigger a galaxy war.

  As long as these forces dare to enter the Tianyuan world, the solar system will definitely attack them hard.

  As for the other galaxies that have not participated in the battle against the solar system, there is still the possibility of cooperation.

  Of course, the premise of all this is that the existence of animal-shaped intelligent life has given everyone enough pressure.

  Before, many galaxies in the first area besieged the solar system in this way, precisely because they didn’t know that there would be human-shaped intelligent life forces and animal-shaped intelligent life forces in Tianyuan World.

  Everyone always thought that the competition in the second area would be similar to the competition in the first area. After entering the second area, the winner of the first area would be the one to fight.

  Naturally, we don't want too outrageous winning galaxies to appear in the first area.

  It caused the siege of the solar system by many galaxies before.

  If they had known earlier that there was a higher level of hostile forces after everyone entered the second area, they might have considered the possibility of cooperation in the second area.

  But right now, there is no turning back.

   Even if they want to turn back, the solar system will not let them go.

   Even though Chen Mo heard the reminder from Heaven that the power of animal-shaped intelligent life is good, he still has no intention of letting go of the galaxies that had besieged the solar system before.

  And now it is heard that the animal-shaped intelligent life force is superior to the human-shaped intelligent life.

  But the time when everyone enters Tianyuan World is not necessarily the same.

  My own solar system has only entered Tianyuan World for half a day, but animal-shaped intelligent life, who knows how long it has been since they entered Tianyuan World.

  Even if they are only half a day ahead, the advantage they have gained is nothing more than that.

  Chen Mo is also true.

   After listening to the hint from Heaven, Chen Mo immediately checked the God Realm of his own galaxy.

   It turns out that the number of God's Domains in his own galaxy has become five.

   That is to say, besides himself, among the first group of people who came in from his own galaxy, there were actually two people who obtained the realm of the gods.

  This is really a good thing.

  However, the more the same person in the realm of God's Domain is connected, the better the effect will be.

  Chen Mo is considering whether to communicate with them and bring their God's Domain to join them.

  But considering that this is someone else's opportunity, they might not be willing to give it up.

  Even if their Divine Realm is connected to Chen Mo, they can only gain 1 point of divine power a day, and then they can harvest 5 points of divine power a day, but after the combination, the beneficiary is Chen Mo, not themselves.

  How could they be willing to hand it over?

  Although it is said that given Chen Mo's achievements and strength in the past, even if the other party is reluctant to give it up, it is very possible to sell it, but it is obviously not appropriate for him to give it away unwillingly.

  Chen Mo thought about it and had no such plan.

   At this time, he first checked the three eternal series items he had just obtained.

  Just now he obtained an eternal artifact, eternal artifact, and eternal skill.

  These eternal magical skills were produced in the three-star ruins in the second area of ​​Tianyuan World, so the grade is marked as the second-order three-star.

  Eternal artifacts are generally divided into ten levels.

  Low ranks have no stars.

   Starting from the second level, there are stars.

   The highest level of the second order is three stars.

  The third level is up to five stars.

  After that, the highest is five stars.

  The strength of the effect of the eternal artifact will be different for different levels.

  Basic Eternal Artifacts generally cannot affect situations where the divine power exceeds 100 points.

  But the Tier 2 Eternal Artifact can affect the divine power by more than 100 points.

  The second-level one star can affect the situation where the divine power exceeds 100 points and is less than 500 points.

  Second-level two-star can affect the situation where the divine power is more than 500 points and less than 1000 points.

  Second-level three stars can affect the situation where the divine power exceeds 1000 points and is less than 5000 points.

  The third-order eternal series items can have a certain influence on the situation where the divine power exceeds 5000 points.

  The so-called influence here does not mean directly offsetting the influence of so many divine powers of the other party, but only weakening the effect of these influences.

  For example, like Chen Mo's Hunyuan Orb, it can change the percentage influence of divine power into a multiple influence.

  The effects of these high-level eternal artifacts are also similar.

  For example, if you have the second-order one-star eternal artifact False God Orb, this object can increase the hidden divine power of the holder by an additional 300 points.

  With its blessing, even if the opponent's divine power is 300 points higher than yours, you can use this additional hidden divine power to offset the effect of the opponent's divine power.

   What Chen Mo is getting now is the second-tier Samsung-level eternal series.

  Effects are naturally able to affect situations that exceed one's own divine power by several thousand.

  For example, the second-order three-star eternal artifact [Minghuang Armor] obtained by Chen Mo at this time.

  【Singing Phoenix Armor · Tier 2 Three-star Eternal Artifact】: After wearing it, it can temporarily increase its own divine power by 1000 points, and can reduce the influence of the opponent's divine power by 3000 points when it is attacked by the enemy.

  The strength of this thing is still very good. It not only increases the strength of one's own divine power, but also reduces the effect of the opponent's divine power.

  However, this kind of thing generally does not add basic divine power, but adds divine power that has already been added, and this added divine power will not be amplified by any of its own divine power-enhancing effects.

   That is to say, if this equipment adds 1000 points of divine power, it is only worth 1000 points of divine power.

  Chen Mo's current base divine power is 2640 points. After being boosted by his own God's Domain, list rewards, etc., his actual divine power is 26400 points.

  That is to say, Chen Mo's actual divine power is ten times his basic divine power.

  If even the divine power given by the clothes can be amplified, once Chen Mo wears the clothes, it will directly increase the strength of the divine power by 10,000 points, which is quite abnormal.

  Obviously, this kind of low-level eternal artifact cannot give such a perverted boost.

   But even if it only adds 1000 points of divine power, the strength of this eternal artifact is already quite good.

  At least take this piece of equipment back to the first area, it is directly the top artifact.

   In the first area, not to mention basic divine power, how many people can reach 1000 total divine power?

   What's more, this clothes can also reduce the influence of the opponent's 3000 points of divine power.

  But this thing is produced in the second area of ​​​​Tianyuan World after all, but it is actually not that strong.

   After all, the units in the second area of ​​​​Tianyuan World have more than 10,000 points of supernatural power.

  Compared to the guys with less than 10,000 points of divine power in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, the effect of affecting 4000 points of divine power is very good, but it is not too strong.

  After Chen Mo got this clothes, he was actually considering whether to give this clothes to his companions who are currently exploring the first area of ​​Tianyuan World.

  Whether you add the 1000 points of extra divine power or not, it doesn't really matter much.

   And I am not very afraid that the other party will exceed my 4,000 points of divine power, after all, there are Hunyuan Orbs.

  But if this dress is worn by the companions who are exploring in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, the effect will be very different.

  This allows the wearer to explore more dangerous areas.

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo put away the clothes first, and then deal with them after preparation. He looked at the other two things.

  The second thing is an eternal fetish [such as my gemstone].

[Like My Gem · Tier 2 Three-star Eternal God]: When this thing is activated, it can make all the hostile targets within the range of "self power * 100 meters" have power equal to yours, and this effect cannot affect power beyond yours The goal of 5000 points, the duration is 10 minutes, and the cooling time is 20 minutes.

   "What the hell."

   After reading Gem Like Me, at first glance, this thing seems to be quite strong.

  But after looking at the effect carefully, Chen Mo found that this thing is still a bit tricky.

  Because it affects all hostile targets, that is to say, no matter whether the opponent's divine power is lower or higher than your own, as long as they are hostile targets within this range, they will all become the same as your own divine power.

  This effect is a bit deceptive.

   This carelessness will raise many enemies with low divine power to the same level as myself.

   But the benefits are also obvious, as long as the opponent's divine power does not exceed 5000 points of his own, he can be pulled to the same weak level as himself.

  Practicality is quite good.

  Especially when forming a team, let the person with the lowest divine power use this item, which can directly transform most of the opponent's Muggles.

  Of course, it is more important to make good use of intelligence for this thing.

   After all, it only affects units whose divine power does not exceed its own 5000 points at most.

If you give the person with the lowest divine power in the team in order to lower the overall strength of the opponent to the greatest extent, but many people in the opponent's team have 5000 points of divine power higher than the lowest divine power in your team, then you will be cheating .

   It is equivalent to running out, and still has not solved the opponent's top combat power.

  Sometimes, it is wrong to pursue the maximum weakening effect instead. Maybe people with middle-level strength can use it to achieve the effect of weakening the entire opponent.

  So if you want to use this thing well, you must have the ability to obtain information.

   After reading this thing, Chen Mo's evaluation of this thing is relatively average, and it can only be regarded as usable.

  It doesn’t matter whether you use it yourself or give it to your companions.

  Chen Mo put it away first, and looked at the last thing.

  The last thing is a second-level three-star eternal magic skill [Prisoner God Barrier].

[Prisoner's Enchantment·Second-order Samsung Eternal Divine Skill]: Consume 50% of your own maximum divine power to cast this skill. After casting this skill, a Prisoner will be established within the range of "your own divine power * 10 meters" Barrier, the target trapped in the barrier, if the divine power is not higher than 5000 points of yours, he will not be able to get out of the trap, until he is imprisoned by the God Prisoner Barrier for 5000 seconds, he can get out of the trap.

  Or he can temporarily reduce his divine power to get out of trouble in advance. Every time the opponent temporarily reduces his own divine power by 1 point, the duration of the Prisoner Barrier can be reduced by 1 second.

  If the unit imprisoned in the God Prisoner's Barrier chooses to temporarily reduce its own divine power to reduce the duration of the Prisoner's Barrier, you will be able to temporarily obtain his temporarily reduced divine power.

   Temporary reduction of divine power lasts for 5 minutes, and temporary boost of divine power lasts for 5 minutes.

  The cooldown of Prisoner's Barrier is 30 minutes.

   "This skill is a bit interesting, but it consumes a lot of energy."

  After becoming a god, life and energy are integrated into divine energy, so consuming 50% of the maximum divine energy value of divine energy is equivalent to consuming half of the life and energy at one time.

   This consumption is naturally not small.

  But compared to the effect of this skill, it is still a bargain.

   After all, after using this skill, the enemy's divine power will be reduced slightly, but you can gain 5000 points of divine power.

  This skill is an area skill, so it is naturally impossible to trap a single target and absorb his 5000 points of divine power.

  No one would be so stupid as to consume so much divine energy to get out of trouble in the presence of a strong enemy.

  But if a large number of people are trapped, and each person consumes about 10 points, it is still easy to choose temporary consumption.

  If they collect 5000 points of divine power, it will be a pretty good strengthening for the caster.

  (end of this chapter)

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