Chapter 367 All the stars are here! (two in one)

   After reading the three newly obtained rewards, Chen Mo temporarily put them away.

   After all, he doesn't want to hang out in the back area at the moment, and he definitely won't need it for the time being.

  There are still many places worth exploring in the first area, so he is naturally planning to find a few more God's Domains in the first area before going to the later areas.

   After collecting all the rewards, Chen Mo returned to the first area of ​​Tianyuan World to search for the Realm of God.

  The time quickly passed an official day, which is 60 hours.

   At this time, many forces from other galaxies have broken through the regional barriers.

  But after breaking through the regional barriers, they couldn't help but stop.

  Because after breaking the regional barriers, they all received a reminder from Heaven, that is, except for the root controller in the tower in the first region, once they enter the second region, they will no longer be able to return to the first region.

   This still makes them feel more worried.

   After all, everyone now knows that the solar system is the only one in the second area.

  People have been developing in the second area for so long, and those who have just entered the second area are easily suppressed by the solar system.

  Especially those galaxies that have enmity with the solar system, they are even more afraid to enter the second area at this time.

   Originally in a hurry to break through the barriers of the second area, thinking that there are enough living planets in his own galaxy, five turns more than the solar system, and want to enter the second area to seize the ranking of the solar system.

   It turns out that now that this is the case, they really don't know whether they should enter the second area on a large scale.

  But if you keep procrastinating, you will definitely become more and more disadvantaged.

   The development potential of the second area on the first floor of the Tower of Aion is obviously not comparable to that of the first area.

  The longer people develop in the second area, the more abnormal the gap they opened up before will become.

  It will be even more impossible for them to be opponents in the future.

  The second area has already been opened, and it is impossible to stay in the first area forever.

  Once the winner is determined in the second area, there will probably be some kind of punishment.

  At this time, the forces that had been hostile to the solar system were very panicked.

  And those forces who have never opposed the solar system.

  Although we also know that our galaxies are different, it is easy to cause battles against each other.

  But considering the existence of animal-shaped intelligent life in the hint of Heaven.

  They feel that everyone is at least human-shaped intelligent life, and when there is a larger enemy, they may be able to persuade the solar system to deal with animal-shaped intelligent life first.

  So they sent some people into Tianyuan World one after another.

   It's just that they don't dare to come in too many people at once.

  They just entered a small number of people and tried to communicate with people who first found the solar system.

  If you can communicate well, it won’t be too late for more people to come in.

   If the communication is not good, a large number of people will come in at one time, or they will come in to seek death.

   At this time, many people have entered the first area one after another.

   There are many people here, and although the first area is large enough, it is easy to hit.

  At this time, Chen Mo, who was searching aimlessly for the Realm of the Gods with Zhui Yi, met a alien.

  In this Tianyuan world, it is quite troublesome to find the realm of God's Domain.

  In addition to reminiscing about this kind of incarnation outside the body, no matter what rank of undead Chen Mo sends out, it is equally difficult to find the realm of the gods.

  Even if the realm of God's Domain is right in front of these undead, they can't see it at all.

   Chen Mo wasn't too surprised by this.

   After all, the realm of the gods is such an important and powerful resource that even the perception ability cannot perceive it. You know how difficult it is to find and control this object.

  If summoning professions can take advantage of their large number of summons to explore a large area and easily harvest a large number of realms of God's Domain, then there will be no so-called difficulty in collecting the realm of God's Domain.

  Chen Mo just found another God Realm, and soon he saw a three-eyed professional with snow-white body and snow-white hair appear in front of him.

  Chen Mo glanced at the galaxy logo displayed on the opponent's head.

   "Insulation system? I haven't heard of it."

   After Chen Mo glanced at the other party's galaxy, he ignored her.

  After all, Chen Mo is not a murderer. He has no intention of attacking a target who has no hatred for him.

  Especially in the case of knowing in advance that there is an enemy of the race such as animal-shaped intelligent life.

  He originally had the idea of ​​integrating people from some galaxies to develop together.

   But the premise is still to maintain the ranking of the solar system, which cannot be compromised.

  Chen Mo ignored the other party, but the other party hesitated for a while at a loss, and then said weakly: "Excuse me, this friend is from the solar system."

Chen Mo originally thought that the other party was just passing by by chance, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to talk to him. He immediately looked at the other party and said, "I can see that you are from the insulation system, and you must have seen that I am from the solar system. Ask more."

   "Excuse me, I just wanted to make sure."

   "Is there something wrong with you suddenly calling me?"

   "Well, the solar system is the first galaxy to enter the Tianyuan world, and the most powerful humanoid intelligent life in this area should be your solar system.

  So we wondered if we could find you to communicate, let's not be hostile for the time being, and work together to develop and deal with animal-shaped intelligent life? "

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. I originally wanted to talk to the person in charge of your galaxy about these things."


   I didn't expect Chen Mo to be so easy to talk, the other party was obviously taken aback.

  But then she realized that this matter can only be decided by the upper echelons of the entire galaxy. Although the other party is from the solar system, he must be someone who can have enough voice in the solar system before he can agree to it.

   Otherwise, if it is just an ordinary five-turn solar system, if he agrees, there is really not much feasibility.

  He immediately looked at Chen Mo and asked, "Excuse me, do you dare to ask if you are a character in your galaxy who can talk? You also know about this..."

  The other party tries to speak in a respectful and modest manner so that what you say will not offend the other party.

   Chen Mo heard what she said halfway, and naturally understood what she meant. He immediately smiled and said, "What about you? Are you a character that can speak in your galaxy?"

   "Barely, I was ordered by the highest level of our galaxy to come to find people in the solar system to discuss this matter, so our attitudes are quite consistent. I can directly contact the highest level of our galaxy."

   "So that's the case, so it's fine, otherwise, we don't need to talk. After all, if you want to cooperate with us, it is obviously impossible for you not to agree to some conditions and give some benefits first. You must understand."

   "We are very clear about this, so we have already made preparations. As long as we can talk, if you have any opinions, feel free to ask, and we will definitely agree if we can."

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "Then ask the most influential person in your galaxy to come here and talk to me."

   "The most important person?" Hearing that Chen Mo wanted to find such a high-ranking character in his own galaxy as soon as he opened his mouth, the other party couldn't help but asked, "What is your identity?"

   "I forgot to introduce myself, I am Chen Mo."

  Chen Mo's simple sentence made the pupils of the other party's eyebrows shrink.

   This is the reaction of their group when they are greatly shocked.

  The only heaven-defying existence that inspired the so-called Chaos Supreme Treasure in the first area.

   There is no galaxy that does not know Chen Mo.

   This name has long been engraved in the hearts of all Wuzhuan.

  So when I heard this name, I immediately reacted to the convenience.

  She saluted immediately and said: "I will immediately call the highest person in charge of our galaxy to come and talk to you, please wait a moment."

   "I'll give you 1 minute."

  Chen Mo is not talking nonsense, after all, his time is very limited.

  There are so many galaxies, if each galaxy delays me for a few minutes, then I don't have to do other things every day.


  While the other party was speaking, he had already contacted the high-level officials of his own galaxy.

   Let alone a minute, there is not even five seconds.

  The space around the white-haired woman fluctuated, and a woman with white skin, white hair, and a vertical pupil between her eyebrows appeared beside the younger-looking woman just now.

  Chen Mo looked him up and down.

   This person who just came here looks like a woman in her twenties. Although she feels very young, the opponent's divine power is not low. Obviously, she should be a veteran strongman.

   "Your Excellency is Chen Mo of the solar system?"

  After the other party arrived, he immediately looked at Chen Mo.

   "Exactly, your Excellency?"

   "Forgive me for forgetting to introduce myself. In Xiajueyue, this is my daughter Juexin. I am one of the three people with the highest right to speak in the Insulation Department. You can tell me anything you want."

   Jueyue looked at Chen Mo for a while, and found that when she could detect the opponent with thousands of divine powers, it was not easy to know the strength of the opponent.

   It is not blocked by some chaotic energy, it cannot be detected, and it has not reached this stage at all.

  The probing technique she issued was 100% ignored by the opponent directly at the level of divine power.

  When Tiandao prompted such a reply, she was quite sure of Chen Mo's identity.

   Coupled with seeing the other party's calm and calm appearance, he is naturally more convinced of his identity.

Chen Mo looked at the other party and said: "This Tianyuan world is very big, and it is impossible for our solar system to swallow it all. In addition to our human-shaped intelligent life, there is also a group of beast-shaped intelligent life. Even if we are alone Hugely occupying the resources of humanoid intelligent life and not allowing you to develop, in the end, we will only suffer the consequences, so cooperation is inevitable."

  Je Yue was obviously very surprised when he heard that Chen Mo came up and expressed his true thoughts.

  After all, when negotiating, it is generally necessary to hide one's true thoughts and try to find benefits from the other party.

   But once Chen Mo said these words, wouldn't the chips be reduced?

   Jue Yue was naturally a little surprised.

At this time, Chen Mo ignored the other party's expression and continued to say: "I don't like to beat around the bush when I speak. Although what I just said is something I don't want to happen, but when I encounter unfriendly allies who don't keep their promises, I don't like it. It will be eradicated without hesitation, regardless of whether there is another ethnic group, I hope you will remember this premise."

  As soon as these words came out, Jue Yue obviously felt a suffocating killing intent flash by.

  She understood that Chen Mo's words were definitely not threats.

  She immediately said: "I wonder what your request is?"

"The requirements are very simple. As for the leaderboard, if you have the ability in the personal list, even if you surpass me, it doesn't matter. But for the power list, you must limit the frequency of people entering. I want to ensure that our solar system is at the top of the leaderboard. Which galaxy force relies on its own life planets to flood a large number of powerhouses above rank 5 at one time, and temporarily squeeze out the ranking of our solar system. I will immediately start a war against that galaxy force, and it is bound to eradicate them all. The second area is not allowed."

   Hearing Chen Mo's request to keep his position on the list, Jue Yue didn't respond.

   This request is reasonable, and since the solar system is already the strongest existence, he is already ahead by a lot. After a while, even if there is only one living planet in the solar system, he will surely be able to secure the top position.

  There is nothing that cannot be agreed to this condition.

   Jueyue nodded: "What about the other conditions?"

   "In addition to this condition, the other conditions are also very simple. It is not allowed to take action on the God's Domain that has been controlled by our solar system, no matter who this God's Domain belongs to."

  As soon as Chen Mo said this, Jue Yue had no objection after entering the world of Tianyuan and understanding what the existence of the realm of the gods looked like.

  After all, once you attack the God’s Domain of the solar system, it is equivalent to snatching the resource output of the solar system. This is an absolute declaration of war.

  Since they want to cooperate, this condition must also be agreed.

   Naturally, there is no problem.

  After Jue Yue agreed to these two conditions, Chen Mo put forward the third requirement, that is, neither party should fight with each other before the animal-shaped intelligent life is eradicated.

  Once a party actively provokes and attacks, a severe trial will be conducted.

  Chen Mo did not raise the condition of absolute control this time from the perspective of the winner.

   This condition is a condition controlled by both parties, and Jue Yue naturally has no objection.

   "If people from the solar system act first, can you enforce the law impartially?" Jue Yue looked at Chen Mo and said.

  Since Chen Mo didn't like to beat around the bush when speaking, Jue Yue didn't have any worries, and directly expressed his thoughts.

   "Don't worry, the law will be enforced impartially. If someone on our side is really wrong, you can directly complain to me and offer any reasonable compensation, and I will agree." Chen Mo said with a light smile.

  During the negotiations on Chen Mo's side, people from other solar systems also met many aliens. They basically expressed their own galaxy's intention to discuss cooperation with the solar system just like Jue Xin met Chen Mo before.

   It's just that not everyone of them encountered an existence of Chen Mo's level.

   After hearing their thoughts, many people couldn't help but convey the relevant information to the higher-ups.

   And some of them almost started fighting before they even started talking.

The main reason is that among the group of people in the solar system who fought against the eternal star system in the first area all the year round, many people were stressed when they saw the aliens. Fortunately, the other party expressed their kindness quickly enough to let them temporarily No hands.

  (end of this chapter)

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