All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 368: Prison in the Realm of the Gods! (two in one)

  Chapter 368 God's Realm Prison! (two in one)

  As the solar system promised to develop peacefully, it spread to many galaxies, and more and more galaxies entered the second area.

   Those galaxies that offended the solar system before, but they dare not enter in a large scale at this time.

   Only a small number of them came to check the situation first.

  If only people from the solar system were active in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, there would be few people coming in, and people from the solar system might not be able to find them.

  But now that many galaxies have entered Tianyuan World, there are already many more people active in the first area of ​​Tianyuan World than before.

   People from these galaxies can easily bump into people from other galaxies.

   And these galaxies are basically in a state of cooperation with the solar system at this time. As long as they are discovered by them, it is actually not much different from being discovered by the solar system.

  When the solar system proposed cooperation conditions with them, it has been particularly clear about this point.

  As long as they discover these galaxy forces that are hostile to the solar system, they will communicate to the solar system as soon as possible.

   Everyone agreed.

   As for the implementation or not, it depends on each individual's mind.

  After all, even if they don’t tell the solar system about their encounter, the solar system cannot know that they have encountered these galaxies that have been hostile to the solar system before.

   But basically no cooperative galaxy chooses to hide.

  Because everyone knows that the fewer competitors, the more resources can be obtained.

  Cooperating with the solar system is a last resort.

  Originally, the solar system was already dominated by one family, and the first area of ​​the entire Tianyuan world obviously had a large part to eat from the solar system.

   And the rest is part of the benefits that these galaxies can share.

  In the remaining part of the benefits, the more people come to grab and eat, the less they can eat. Naturally, they would not choose to cover up these forces that are hostile to the solar system.

  Even if there are race-level enemies like animal-shaped intelligent life, they will still choose to minimize competition.

   Soon they reported the information they saw to the solar system.

  Chen Mo also immediately received a reminder from the Information Department.

   "In the first area of ​​Tianyuan World, at the coordinate point [3569, 85693], three Kaiyang system professionals were found."

   "Okay, I will deal with it immediately."

  The moment he received the information, Chen Mo arrived at the target location with a flicker of a god.

   At this time, the target location is near.

   There are three professionals from the solar system and professionals from other galaxies looking at each other and passing by each other.

  Have just entered this Tianyuan world, none of them dare to cause trouble easily.

  People from other galaxies saw the three people from the Kaiyang system, and subconsciously moved away from them at this time.

   After all, even if you feel that the opponent will not shoot at will, it is hard to guarantee what the opponent is thinking. Stay away, so that you can react in time when encountering an attack.

  Although there are only three people in the Kaiyang system at this time, their divine power is not low. Even if a dozen people in other galaxies act together, they dare not provoke them.

   "So many of them actually gathered together to act. It seems that there are many people from their galaxy coming to the Tianyuan world. Damn it. If we didn't annoy the solar system at the beginning, we wouldn't be in the current situation."

  The three felt extremely regretful in their hearts at this moment.

   It's all because the top management only wanted to eradicate the threat, wanted to continue to grow bigger and stronger, and refused to bow down.

  Nowadays, on the contrary, those who are willing to bow their heads and eat under the solar system can live a more nourishing life.

   And those of them who refuse to bow down to others have difficulty even surviving.

   Not to mention grabbing the rankings, after learning that entering the second area would prevent them from going back to the first area, not many of them even dared to enter the second area.

  The few who came in were sent in first to talk to the solar system, although they knew that there should be no chance to talk.

   Just as they had a face-to-face meeting with the alien and were about to move forward again, suddenly the surrounding space distorted.

  The next moment, the surrounding sky was covered with clouds.

  I saw Chen Mo riding a huge bone dragon, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

  The Bone Dragon's figure is tall and mighty, with a flawless white skeleton, exuding an ancient atmosphere, as if it has experienced the baptism of countless years.

  The head of the bone dragon is high, and the eyes are like the deep night sky, shining with a gloomy light. The blue flame pupils in the eyes are like illusory fireworks, flickering in the dark.

  The horns on both sides of the head are curved and hard, exuding a mysterious and majestic atmosphere.

  The bone dragon's neck is slender and powerful, and each neck bone exudes a dead breath, containing the power of the undead. The lines of the whole body are smooth and firm, without a trace of superfluous parts.

  The back is slightly raised, like a solid ridge, highlighting the strength and thickness of the bone dragon.

  The limbs are strong and powerful, the claws are sharp and hard, and the tail is extended and long. The dark light at the end of the tail is looming in the darkness, and it seems that it may release terrifying energy at any time.

  On the whole, the bone dragon exudes an awesome undead breath.

  Its existence seems to be the incarnation of death and power. The dark light and blue flame pupils complement each other on its body, showing a mysterious and terrifying beauty.

  Chen Mo rode on the back of the bone dragon, integrated with this ancient creature, looking down at the people below.

   As soon as the bone dragon appeared, it brought a strong sense of oppression to everyone.

   "Kaiyang system, you guys are quite courageous, you dare to come in three people at once."

  Chen Mo sat on the head of the bone dragon, looking at the crowd below.

   Seeing the appearance of Chen Mo himself, people from other galaxies were very curious.

  This legendary character, many of them have never seen it with their own eyes.

  Although they didn't know if the person in front of them was Chen Mo.

  But by his appearance on a bone dragon, one can judge the general situation of his occupation.

  Currently ranked first on the ranking list, Chen Mo's profession is the Lord God of the Undead, who can summon bone dragons, which are extremely powerful undead creatures, presumably this person is probably Chen Mo.

  In addition, knowing that the other party has three people, but he dared to come alone, the possibility that he is Chen Mo is even higher.

   Naturally, everyone didn't doubt Chen Mo's identity, they just looked at him curiously.

  Chen Mo ignored people from other galaxies, but ordered the bone dragon to land on the ground.

  As the bone dragon fluttered its two wings containing terrifying dark energy and fell, the dark energy stirred up by the wings directly corroded all the trees in the forest below, causing them to wither and die.

  By the time the bone dragon fell, there was already a large area of ​​black lacquer ground around it, as if it had just been poured with concentrated sulfuric acid.

  Seeing the huge dragon head of the bone dragon appear in front of the three of them, and then seeing Chen Mo sitting on the head of the bone dragon with a calm expression but a terrifying murderous intent all over his body.

  The three members of the Kaiyang system were all panicked.

  One of them hurriedly said, "Hold on slowly."

  Chen Mo looked at the other party with a smile and said, "Do you have any last words? I'll give you 30 seconds to finish."

  Chen Mo is not afraid of these three people teleporting away, after all, he cast the super **** flashing over, this skill has the effect of confining the teleportation ability of surrounding hostile targets.

  They can't run away even if they want to.

   Unless their divine power is high enough to ignore Chen Mo.

   But obviously, even if their divine power was increased tenfold, it would not be enough to ignore Chen Mo.

The person headed by the Kaiyang system looked at Chen Mo and said: "At the beginning, we were blind to Mount Tai and made a wrong decision to attack the solar system. It was our misjudgment. Now that there are even more difficult hostile creatures like animal-shaped intelligent life The forces exist, so we should unite as one externally. If our internal conflicts cause the human-shaped intelligent life to lose too much combat power, how will you deal with the beast-shaped intelligent life?

  Although the solar system is currently the strongest force among human-shaped intelligent life forms, as mentioned in the previous noon announcement, animal-shaped intelligent life forms are currently leading. Let us let go of our prejudices and fight against alien enemies together. "

   "You said let go of your prejudices when you put them down? You said it lightly." Chen Mo sneered, "There are still 10 seconds."

   "Conditions can be negotiated. It's not that we are not prepared to pay any price. You can raise any conditions you have. Can't we satisfy them as much as possible?"

   "Other galaxies have already promised us quite good conditions, and I really don't care to ask for anything from you."

   "Then, the Realm of God's Domain is the main competition in Tianyuan World. If we are willing to contribute to the Realm of God's Domain, is there any talk?"

   "Contribute to God's Domain? How do you want to contribute?"

"Give us a period of time, and we will hand over a God's Realm to you every once in a while. If we don't hand it in by the time limit, you can start killing again at that time. At that time, we will enter the world of Tianyuan!" There must be more people than now, you will be more relieved if you kill, won't you?"

   "This condition is a bit interesting." Chen Mo glanced at the three people below and said, "I can promise to let you enter Tianyuan World to develop..."

  Chen Mo had just finished speaking halfway, and the three members of the Kaiyang system suddenly showed joy.

   I didn't expect that there would be a show, but the second half of Chen Mo's words broke them down.

   "If you want to come in, and you are no longer targeted by us, then you must pay for your previous sins.

  You can come in and develop, but besides accepting the same conditions as them, I have two other requirements for you.

  First, it is naturally what you call regular contribution to God’s Domain.

  Second, I want the lives of half of all the people with divine power in your galaxy! "

  As soon as Chen Mo's words came out, the three members of the Kaiyang Department didn't know what to say for a while.

   Directly take the lives of half of the people with divine power in their own galaxy.

  This is a huge blow.

   But if they are not allowed to enter development, they will just end up with the whole galaxy.

  Compared with the entire galaxy and losing half of the people, it is natural to choose the latter.

   But even how to choose has been clearly placed in front of us.

  But facing such a heavy choice, it is not something the three of them can casually promise.

   Immediately, one of them looked up at Chen Mo and said, "Is it really necessary to get to this point? If the hatred continues, it will only spread in an endless loop."

  As soon as he finished speaking, the bone dragon's eyes suddenly flashed with blue fire, and with a whistling sound, he breathed out an extremely black dragon's breath.

  In an instant, the person who spoke just now was burned to ashes.

  At this time, Chen Mo continued to look at the other two and said: "Repaying grievances with virtue, why repay virtue? You wanted to destroy our entire galaxy before, but now I only want the lives of half of the strong people in your galaxy, which is considered a great pardon for you."

  As soon as Chen Mo said this, everyone in other galaxies around them nodded secretly after listening.

  In the first place, they think about it in another way. If they can agree to let the Kaiyang system develop in the Tianyuan world, it is a matter of two opinions.

  Although they agreed with Chen Mo's words, Chen Mo's act of killing people instantly when they disagreed with each other still made them a little scared.

   Even if they are just bystanders at this time, they will not be targeted by Chen Mo as hostile targets.

   But they still feel extremely scared.

The Yang system professional who was sprayed to death by Chen Mo just now had at least 500 points of divine power. With such a high divine power, he had no ability to resist at all. He died instantly. He died so simply that he would die if he could not develop any abilities. Yes, it was completely crushed by divine power and directly abolished.

   It can be seen how much Chen Mo's divine power surpassed them.

  As long as he has the heart, the bone dragon under him will kill everyone in the room with one blow.

   At this time, the two survivors did not dare to talk nonsense anymore, and one of them said immediately: "I promise you, but please give us a little time."

   "Of course there is no problem with this. When you have thought it over, when will you give me an answer. Before you give me an answer, none of your people are allowed to come in. As for the two of you..."

  As soon as Chen Mo said this, the two were very obedient, and said immediately: "You can designate a place, and we can just stay where we are until we give you an answer."

   After all, his life was at stake, and he was in front of a man who would kill at the slightest disagreement, so how could he dare to annoy him any more.

   This carelessness may mean life is in danger, and the two of them are terrified.

"very good."

  Chen Mo nodded, and then a divine spirit flickered and led the two of them into a God's Domain controlled by him.

   "Before you give me an answer, you should stay here."

  As long as Chen Mo's body remains in the Tianyuan world, this realm of the gods is not something that other people can easily touch.

  Anyone who enters Chen Mo's God's Domain, he can immediately sense it, and appear in the God's Domain to attack the target.

  As for wanting to seize the realm of God's Domain, Chen Mo must be defeated first.

  So Chen Mo's own God's Domain is a very safe and stable monitoring prison for all those whose divine power is lower than his.

At this time, the two people in the Kaiyang system also instantly understood what this place was. Naturally, they did not dare to escape without authorization, and they could not escape without authorization. out conditions.

  Chen Mo checked the tips of the Heavenly Dao at this time.

  (end of this chapter)

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