Chapter 369 Unscrupulous cheating! (two in one)

  Chen Mo has the God Devouring Orb rewarded by the leaderboard, as long as he kills other professionals, he can absorb the divine power of others.

  Of course, the premise is that the opponent must first have divine power.

  And if his divine power is higher than that of the opponent, the less divine power he can absorb from the target.

  If his divine power is lower than that of the opponent, the more divine power he can absorb from the target after killing.

  Under normal circumstances, the basic divine power absorbed after killing the target is 1% of the opponent's current basic divine power.

  For example, the professional who opened the Yang system that Chen Mo just killed.

  Although his divine power is 500 points, his basic divine power is actually only 100 points.

  After Chen Mo killed him, he could only absorb 1 point of divine power.

   On this basis, the more the opponent's basic divine power is less than Chen Mo's, the less divine power Chen Mo can absorb.

  The more the opponent's basic divine power is higher than Chen Mo's, the more divine power Chen Mo can absorb.

   At least not less than a little divine power.

   At most, there will be no more than double the divine power.

   That is to say, no matter how much the target Chen Mo kills is lower than his basic divine power, Chen Mo can absorb at least 1 point of divine power.

   Regardless of how much the opponent's divine power is higher than Chen Mo's, the maximum divine power that Chen Mo can absorb is at most 200% of the opponent's divine power.

To give a simple example, for example, Chen Mo’s current base divine power is 10,000, and the person he absorbed has a base divine power of 1,000. Originally, when absorbing 1% of the divine power, Chen Mo could absorb 10 points of the target’s basic divine power, but because of Chen Mo’s basic The divine power is ten times higher than the opponent's, so the basic divine power he can absorb will be reduced by the corresponding multiple for this reason, that is to say, after dividing 10 divine power by ten times, Chen Mo can only absorb 1 divine power.

But Chen Mo's basic divine power is 1000, but he killed a person with 10,000 basic divine power, so the basic divine power he could absorb is 100 points, and because the opponent's basic divine power is ten times higher than Chen Mo's, Chen Mo can get the corresponding multiple The increase of 1000 points of basic divine power can be obtained, but as I said before, the maximum divine power that can be obtained will not be more than double the original divine power. The doubling of 100 basic divine power is 200 basic divine power, so even if Chen Mo kills If you set a target that is ten times higher than your own basic divine power, you can only absorb 200 points of the opponent's basic divine power in the end.

   This is the effect of the list rewarding the God-eating Orb.

  Although there are many rewards and less punishments in this list, it is still an excellent prop to absorb divine power.

   After all, no matter how low the divine power of the target killed, it is already very good that it can increase its own divine power by at least 1 point.

  Chen Mo just increased his basic divine power by 1 point because he killed a professional in the Kaiyang system.

  After seeing this reminder from the Dao of Heaven, Chen Mo asked for the lives of half of the people with divine power in the other galaxy.

  Although at this stage, he can completely restrict people from the Yang system from entering the world of Tianyuan.

   But this is just the least revengeful way of revenge.

   At most, it restricts people's actions, and they cannot be exterminated for the time being.

  Instead of this, it is better to use them as tool people to strengthen themselves.

   This kind of revenge not only relieves hatred, but also benefits oneself, killing two birds with one stone.

  Chen Mo naturally made this request beyond doubt.

   Chen Mo didn't care much about the fact that the other party was required to offer a God's Realm within a certain period of time.

   After all, it is difficult to find the realm of God's Domain, especially now that more people have found it, it will only become more and more difficult to find the realm of God's Domain without an owner.

  If there is really a time limit for those who open the Yang system, let them find the realm of God's Domain for themselves within a limited time, I'm afraid they will soon be unable to hold on.

   There will be reasons to clean them up when the time comes.

   After all, they set this condition themselves.

  After imprisoning the two Kaiyang-type people into his God Realm, Chen Mo immediately rushed to the next area to deal with the Fairy-type people.

   These galaxies that offended Chen Mo had already entered a lot at this time, and they were discovered by galaxies everywhere and passed the news to the solar system.

  The only one in the solar system who has the absolute ability to deal with these people is Chen Mo.

   This made Chen Mo busy all of a sudden.

  However, this did not delay his search for the Realm of the Gods.

   After all, when he himself is busy with other things, Reminiscence can continue to act step by step.

   Soon, Chen Mo appeared in front of the fairy-type professionals sitting on the bone dragon.

  Compared to three people coming directly from the Kaiyang system, only one person came in from the Fairy system.

  As Chen Mo approached her on a powerful and huge bone dragon, she was obviously frightened and dared not move.

   "You are so courageous, you still dare to enter Tianyuan World, is it because we can't find you?"

  Chen Mo sat on the dragon head and looked down at the fairy-type professionals below.

  As soon as his Eye of Origin moved, he already knew the strength of the other party's divine power.

  The opponent's basic divine power is not high, only 100 points.

  The absorption value is only worth 1 point of basic divine power.

   " are Chen Mo."

  The other party seemed to know Chen Mo and said his name.

   "Yes, why do you have something to say before you die?"

  Chen Mo looked down, and looked at the fairy professional with a look of looking at the dead.

  This look made this fairy professional feel quite scared.

She hurriedly said: "There are no eternal enemies in this world, only eternal interests. We have received the information from the Kaiyang system, and they have told us the conditions for you to come out. We can also accept the same as the Kaiyang system." conditions of."

"It's true that there are no eternal enemies, but I'm actually quite vengeful, but if the price you offer is enough to make me forget the hatred, it's not impossible to talk about it. This is what you said yourself to accept the same conditions as Kai Yang. , if this is the case, then you should go and stay with them first, and then I will let you out after you have fulfilled the conditions you agreed to."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo has directly engulfed the other party with a super-spiritual flicker and entered the realm of the gods where the two yang system professionals were just imprisoned.

   "Let's get along well, the three of you. After a while, you should have more partners coming."

  As Chen Mo left, the three people in the realm of the gods immediately looked at each other in dismay.

   The fairy-type professional looked at the Kaiyang-type two and said, "Has your galaxy agreed to the conditions?"

"We are still discussing, but we seem to have no other choice but to agree. The solar system has already won over all the other galaxies that had no enmity with him before. Those bastards, in order to reduce the number of competitors, that is, as long as they see us Will sell our information to the solar system without reservation.

  It is impossible for us to sneak into Tianyuan World.

  If you want to ask for a chance of survival, you can only agree to the conditions of the solar system. "

  Hearing what he said, the fairy-type professional nodded and said: "Our galaxy thinks the same way, but half of the people will be sacrificed. It's easy to say, but it's not easy to do it. What is your galaxy going to do?"

   "There is no other possibility other than random drawing."

   "Then if a large number of powerful experts with high divine power are drawn, wouldn't they just jump back?"

"We have considered this a long time ago, so the group of people with the highest divine power in our galaxy will not participate in the lottery, and the rest of the people basically have no opinion on this. After all, if there is an opinion, there is no need for the solar system to do it. Only those with the highest divine power A group of people is enough to shut these people up."

   "Since the solar system wants the lives of half of our people with divine power, and only hand over some professionals with low divine power, can the solar system be satisfied? I think Chen Mo is not easy to deal with."

  Although the fairies don't have much contact with Chen Mo, they always feel that Chen Mo is not very talkative.

   It might not be so easy to prevaricate him with a bunch of low-power professionals.

  He has already made this request, I am afraid that he will definitely require a certain proportion of people with high divine power.

  The two of Kai Yang also understand this truth.

  They said: "Of course it is impossible for all of them to be professionals with low divine power. Among those with high divine power, a very small number will be selected as victims. This is an unavoidable compromise."

   "There is really no way. Our highest military formation is 10,000 points of divine power. Others' military formation can have tens of thousands of divine power. It is impossible to resist, unless we can find an army formation with higher divine power in Tianyuan World."

   "Shhh, this is within the territory of God's Domain, he should be able to learn everything we say, be careful if you talk nonsense, and you will lose your life."

  When one of the two members of the Kaiyang system complained, the other immediately reminded him vigilantly.

   As a result, he had just reminded, and the surrounding space fluctuated, and Chen Mo's figure appeared near them again.

   At the same time, Chen Mo brought three more people.

  After the three of them and Chen Mo appeared in the territory of God's Domain, Chen Mo looked at the person who just said that unless he found a higher divine power formation in Tianyuan World.

   "Why, are you starting to think of ways to deal with me now?"

  As soon as these words came out, cold sweat broke out on the backs of the two Kaiyang Department members.

   This is the master who kills at the slightest disagreement.

"Since this is the case, originally I hadn't planned to limit the divine power requirements of the people who sacrificed half of their lives in your galaxy. From now on, I will add a condition that the divine power requirements of the people who sacrificed half of their lives in your galaxy should be more than half of your overall divine power. "

   At that time, I will count the divine strength of all of you who entered Tianyuan World.

  If the total amount of divine power you donate is less than half of the total divine power of all the people in the place where you entered the realm of the gods, then you don’t need to mix in this Tianyuan world if you open the Yang system.

  As soon as these words came out, the two people from the Kaiyang system collapsed to the ground as if they had been hit hard.

  Because they talked nonsense, they actually created such a big hole for their own galaxy.

  At this time, the fairy-type professionals on the side and the three-yang-type professionals who just came in heard what Chen Mo said to the Kaiyang-type two, and they couldn't help thinking that they were very dangerous.

   Fortunately, none of them said anything nonsense.

  Originally they also thought that Chen Mo would need a large number of high-power professionals from each galaxy.

   But he didn't expect that Chen Mo didn't care about the amount of divine power they contributed.

  The condition for the owner of half of the divine power to contribute suddenly became more acceptable than before.

  Although the same makes people feel that this is a cruel choice.

  But at least the hope of his own galaxy can keep more.

  Seeing the changes in everyone's expressions, Chen Mo raised his mouth slightly and left without saying anything, leaving only these few people here to continue chatting.

   "I want to see what else you can talk about."

  Chen Mo didn't care what the other party thought at all.

  Actually, even if the other party didn't say what they said, Chen Mo knew that they would definitely want to do that.

   But Chen Mo is not afraid.

Because when the list is dominated by the solar system, the solar system has always been ahead in other aspects, and a lot of resources have been divided up by many galaxy forces in various regions. Even if these latecomers have any ambitions, they have no chance at all. What a storm the world has set off.

  As for the divine power of half of the people in the other galaxy, Chen Mo naturally doesn't care.

  After all, his basic divine power is as high as more than 2,000 points, and these galaxies have never even been in the first area before, let alone the basic divine power, and their final divine power can exceed more than 2,000 points.

  So, no matter what strength the opponent contributes, for Chen Mo, after killing them, they can only absorb a little basic power.

   Naturally, there is nothing to choose.

  And if there are restrictions, once the high-power person in their galaxy is drawn to the death lottery, causing the high-power person to refuse to submit and go crazy, wouldn't it be equivalent to destroying a lot of basic power that he can absorb.

  In order to avoid this situation, Chen Mocai never thought of restricting people with high divine power as victims.

   Instead, they hope that they can turn in a large number of people with low divine power.

  People with low divine power are easy to control, even if they get a lottery, they are easily suppressed by those with high divine power, and they can't do anything if they want to.

  Just now he split the Yang system in this way, just to teach the other party a little lesson.

  Some things, you can think in your heart, but if you say it outright, you don’t take people seriously. If the tiger doesn’t show its power, you can’t treat me as a sick cat.

  As the two people from the Kaiyang Department reported Chen Mo's request to the senior management of the Kaiyang Department, the people from the Fairy Girl Department and the Sanyang Department also returned what Chen Mo said to the two Kaiyang Department members just now.

   Now, the high-level leaders of the Fairy Department and the Sanyang Department were very entangled in how to deal with the sacrifice of the high-powered professional, but now they have a big stone in their hearts.

   It turned out that they didn't have to worry about this at all.

  But on the side of the Kaiyang system, the senior officials of the Kaiyang system were all dumbfounded.

  It turns out that they don't need to sacrifice any high-power professionals.

  It became like this because the two people in my own galaxy were talking nonsense there.

They immediately felt blood dripping from their hearts. Of course, the incident caused by the nonsense of the two Kaiyang Departments was not mentioned at all. After all, the senior management of this group of people has already pulled a communication group.

   Any information is shared in time.

   When they learned that it was caused by two unscrupulous guys in their own galaxy, they really wanted to kill these two people, but these two people also belonged to high divine powers, so they couldn't kill them.

  (end of this chapter)

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