All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 370: The third-order divine realm needs! (two in one)

  Chapter 370 Requirements for the third-order divine realm! (two in one)

  While dealing with the affairs of the major galaxies, Chen Mo was shaping the world of God's Domain in his body.

  Before in the Three Star Ruins, Chen Mo obtained a source of life stone from Sun Wu.

  After this object is placed in the world of God's Domain, the world of God's Domain can quickly evolve into an area where creatures can live.

  At this time, the world of God's Domain in Chen Mo's body is constantly evolving.

   A very good area for living creatures has appeared, and it is still evolving. After the complete evolution, Chen Mo estimates that this area for living things should be half the size of the earth.

  At this time, in the world of Chen Mo's God's Domain, his eternal servant Evya is releasing the bugs that were put away before.

  But these bugs alone can provide very limited improvements.

  Because the Zerg belongs to a relatively special race.

  Ordinary Zergs basically respect the orders of the Zerg Mother Emperor. They have no self-belief. Only the Zerg Mother Emperor himself has faith.

   But Chen Mo's Evya is not a living Zerg Mother Emperor individual, she is a special eternal servant resurrected by Chen Mo using the undead resurrection technique, and she carries special undead characteristics.

  If she is not a living individual life, she cannot provide Chen Mo with faith support.

  This kind of lack of belief cannot help Chen Mo provide a lot of support in the world of God's Domain.

   But even without faith, there are many benefits to raising Zerg in the world of God's Domain.

  These Zerg have great building abilities, social habits, and controllability.

   Shape these Zergs into natural enemies of normal life in the world or something.

  Let them feel the crisis of survival. When creatures encounter problems that they cannot solve, they will ask for more mysterious and illusory powers.

  The worship of gods also comes from this.

  Chen Mo wants to gain the power of faith of a large number of creatures in his God's Domain, so he needs to cultivate a group of evil forces himself.

  Zerg is perfect for this role.

   Zerg can also make some miracles like buildings.

   are all very good things.

  Chen Mo introduced the Zerg into his God's Domain world, and at this time, let the Zerg play freely in his own world for a while.

  Afterwards, aborigines will be born in the world of God's Domain, or new life forms will be introduced, and then it will be convenient for the promotion of one's own beliefs.

   While building his own God's Domain world, Chen Mo couldn't help wondering whether the universe he lived in also existed like this?

  The so-called enemy, the so-called god.

  What is above the gods?

   Many thoughts flashed through Chen Mo's mind.

  But he quickly put these thoughts behind him. He has always been unable to think about this kind of philosophical problem, and he has not bothered to think about it.

  At this time, he is constantly absorbing the energy of the source of life stone.

  The source of life stone can not only create a place for life to live, but also accelerate the evolution of life.

  Chen Mo reckoned that in a few days, intelligent life should evolve in the God's Domain World within his body.

  The evolution of the world of God's Domain is not as slow as that of the outside world.

  The evolution speed of God's Domain world is extremely rapid.

  Just as the master of God's Domain, no matter how quickly it passes, you can easily control it every moment.

   It can even forcibly make the running speed of the God's Domain world tend to pause.

  At this time, in order to quickly evolve life, Chen Mo has adopted the fastest evolution process that he can do at the current **** level.

  Every time the **** level is raised, the upper limit of the evolution speed in the world of God's Domain can be increased by one level.

  So if you want your own God's Domain world to evolve rapidly, raising the **** rank is also a way.

  It’s just a **** rank, and it’s not something you want to improve. Even if it has nothing to do with the world of God’s Domain, everyone desperately wants to raise themselves to a higher level of **** rank.

   Just easier said than done.

  It is too difficult to increase the basic divine power.

  Even if Chen Mo is improving fast now, his basic divine power is only two or three thousand.

   After handling the affairs of other galaxies, Chen Mo also received returns from major galaxies one after another.

  They have already prepared the personnel who need to be sacrificed.

  Although they feel humiliated to do so.

  But in order to survive, there is nothing to do.

  If the opponent's strength is only a little bit stronger than your own, it will really wipe out the clan, and you have to fight the opponent to the death.

  But now the opponent's strength is at the crushing level. Once they kill him, it will be like chopping melons and vegetables.

  Only your own side increases consumption, but the other party has no loss. Who wants to destroy the future of his entire galaxy?

  Although the current choice is quite humiliating, at least there is hope for the future.

   After all, this world of Tianyuan is full of infinite possibilities. It is impossible to be number one in the first place.

   It still depends on who has more and better opportunities.

  They also thought about it, so they agreed to such an outrageous request.

   It is obviously impossible for those who have drawn the death lottery to say that they are all willing to die generously.

  Many people don't want to die at all.

  But all of these relatives and friends are still alive, and they are willing to sacrifice themselves if they draw a death lottery, and relatives and friends can still get a little good.

  If you don’t want to, you will be forced to close the ability and throw it out. Not only will you not get any benefits, but you will also get the reputation of being greedy for life and afraid of death.

  Thinking about it back and forth, even if everyone is unwilling, they have no choice but to submit.

  According to Chen Moti's request, these people must be handed over to Chen Mo for execution.

   It is impossible for Chen Mo to tell these people that he can gain their divine power by executing them himself.

  He just said that for revenge, he wanted to kill himself.

  That is nothing wrong with that.

   Following the replies from galaxies one by one, Chen Mo also began to release the people he had imprisoned in the world of God's Domain one by one.

  Which galaxy has gathered people, he will release the people from that galaxy, and come to the place where the other party gathers to start harvesting divine power.

  Chen Mo has the ability to read minds, and he is not afraid that these people will cheat.

   And those people did not dare to cheat after Chen Mo warned in advance.

   The first place Chen Mo arrived at was the Kaiyang system.

  Kaiyang system was also cheated by his own people, which caused a lot of people with supernatural powers to be provided, and there were many existences with high supernatural powers.

   There are only 500 people with divine power in the Kaiyang system, and half of them are 250 people.

These two hundred and fifty people, although their divine power is too low, Chen Mo can only absorb 1 point of divine power no matter which one he absorbs, but the total number is quite a lot after all, these two hundred and fifty people are equivalent to providing Chen Mo with two hundred and five Ten divine powers.

   Still a very good improvement.

  Before that, the other party also promised to contribute a God's Domain Realm every natural month. It can be said that although they are temporarily let go, the benefits are still quite substantial.

  Starting from the Kaiyang system, Chen Mo harvested all the way, and his divine power also began to increase rapidly.

   The galaxies that offended the solar system before were close to a hundred. Half of these galaxies possessed divine power to provide Chen Mo with divine power absorption, and the divine power increased very quickly.

   Soon Chen Mo's divine power had soared to 10,000 points.

  As his basic divine power broke through 10,000 points, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

  【Third-order Divine Realm Godhead Promotion Task】:

  Your divine power has reached the standard for raising the godhead. You can directly choose to consume half of your basic divine power to improve your godhead on the spot. If you don’t want to lose your current basic divine power, please find one of the items "Ascending Spirit Pill"!

   "The third-tier God Realm is friendlier than the second-tier God Realm. There is no chance of failure, and there is no penalty for failure. If you just directly increase the godhead, you will lose half of your basic divine power."

  Compared with the previous Heavenly Dao reminder of the second-level God Realm, Chen Mo feels that the Heavenly Dao reminder is much more friendly now.

   It's just that the loss of half of the divine power is not a small amount.

  Half of the basic divine power of 10,000 points is 5,000 points.

  Ordinary people don't know how long it will take to earn these 5,000 points of basic divine power.

  Chen Mo is naturally unwilling to lose like this.

  He decided to look for this panacea.

   This time Mo Luo’s brain was not needed, and Tiandao reminded Chen Mo to introduce Shengling Pill on his own initiative.

  If you want to obtain the Ascension Pill, you can go to the Pill Tower in the second area of ​​Tianyuan World to find it.

  You can also make or synthesize it yourself according to the formula.

  Chen Mo is a synthesizer himself, as long as he has the materials, he can easily synthesize them by himself.

   It was just that Chen Mo glanced at the ingredients of Shengling Pill, and there was such a dense pile that his head grew dizzy.

  He decided to go to Danta to see how he could get the Ascension Pill.

  However, Chen Mo has not finished cleaning up the personnel provided by these galaxies. He is not in a hurry to go to Danta, but continues to harvest his divine power.

   Chen Mo was not ready to leave for the Danta until he had harvested the divine power of half of the divine power personnel who had offended him before.

  When he killed half of the divine power holders in those galaxies, Chen Mo could see that the eyes of the surviving people nearby were full of hatred.

   These people will have to be eradicated sooner or later, but in order to reap more benefits from God's Domain, Chen Mo decided to raise them for a month or two.

  When entering the Tianyuan world before, Tiandao reminded that as long as you find a hundred realms of the gods, you can enter the third area.

   It can be seen that the realm of the gods is difficult to obtain.

  At least the realm of God's Domain in the first area is not as many as imagined.

  Chen Mo came back and searched for so long, only to find one.

  Adding his own previous three, he now has four realms of God's Domain.

  He connected all four realms of God's Domain.

   In this way, you can get sixteen points of divine power every day.

   These divine powers are not just for absorbing and improving one's own divine power.

   These divine powers are a kind of common energy.

  As long as divine power is generated within the territory of your galaxy’s God’s Domain, every point of divine power can temporarily increase the divine power of all personnel in your galaxy.

  When entering the world of Tianyuan before, Tiandao reminded that the more realms of the gods, the better the effect of improving the divine power.

  That's because Kamui can accumulate.

  Shenwei is accumulated, as long as it is not absorbed, the improvement of divine power that can be brought will always exist.

  For example, Chen Mo now has four realms of God's Domain.

   It can generate sixteen points of divine power every day.

  These sixteen points of divine power, if Chen Mo does not choose to absorb them by himself, and just let it continue to produce, he will always provide sixteen points of divine power to all the people in his galaxy who have entered the Tianyuan world.

   This is the amount of one day. If Chen Mo does not absorb it for 100 days, the divine power stored in the realm of the gods will be as high as 1600 points, which means that it can increase the divine power of everyone in the entire galaxy by 1600 points.

  Of course, this kind of improvement is only an increase in the realm of the gods, not the real strength of the person, so it will not trigger the task of raising the gods.

  But at least it can provide a good overall combat power increase for your own galaxy.

   But under normal circumstances, no one will store so much divine power.

  Because the realm of God's Domain can be encountered and seized by others.

You worked so hard to save 1,000 points of divine power in your God’s Domain, and for the sake of the development of the entire galaxy, you kept it and were reluctant to absorb it, but someone discovered it the next day, defeated you and took it away, so why don’t you give it to me? Someone else made a wedding dress?

  The 1,000 points of divine power that I worked so hard to save directly became 1,000 points of divine power.

  After all, if you keep your divine power and don’t absorb it, your divine power can’t be increased from here. If others have it, you can absorb it. The divine power will continue to increase. The probability that you can’t beat this kind of person is still very high.

  Chen Mo's attitude towards Shenwei at the beginning was mainly absorbed by himself.

The realm of the gods can be upgraded. At present, Chen Mo only has a few low-level realms of the gods, and he can get a good income from the power of the gods. Just imagine, when he has multiple high-level realms of the gods, plus the linkage effect , the divine power that can be generated in one day is not a small amount.

  As Chen Mo killed all the people who had offended half of his galaxy, the news spread to all the galaxies.

  People in other galaxies can't help but feel a little fear when they hear the name Chen Mo.

  This Lord is murderous without blinking an eye.

  Even if he chooses to let go of these galaxies in the Kaiyang system and allow them to enter the territory of God's Domain to develop.

   But still no one felt any kindness from him.

  As more and more galaxies entered the Tianyuan world with his humanoid intelligent life, Chen Mo found that the faction confrontation mode that Tiandao said before reaching 100 forces has not yet started.

  Chen Mo immediately checked the description of Tiandao again.

   After taking a closer look, Chen Mo understood that it is necessary for both the human-shaped intelligent life and the animal-shaped intelligent life to enter a hundred galaxies to start the power confrontation mode.

   There are obviously more than one hundred forces on my side.

  It seems that the galaxies that entered the Tianyuan world from the animal-shaped intelligent life did not meet the standard.

  Before seeing the animal-shaped intelligent life ahead of his own human-shaped intelligent life, Chen Mo still felt that the animal-shaped intelligent life was really leading everywhere.

   Now it seems that there are only a very few galaxies of animal-shaped intelligent life that have entered the Tianyuan world ahead of schedule.

   But even so, Chen Mo was not prepared to underestimate them.

   After all, so many galaxies on the humanoid intelligent life side have won the victory in the first region, but they are still stuck by the regional barriers.

  The animal-shaped intelligent life currently has fewer forces entering than our own. Doesn't that mean that there are fewer galaxies on their side that have won the first region than our own? Isn't the regional barrier still in a very hard state?

  In this state, there are animal-shaped intelligent life forms that have entered the Tianyuan world in advance, which is enough to see their abnormality!

  (end of this chapter)

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