Chapter 372 Fall Protection! (two in one)

  As soon as he came to the mountain, Chen Mo's God's perspective effect of the eye of origin learned the appearance of the poisonous monster in the eyes of the spring in the mountain.

   This guy is actually a bit similar to the poisonous seed that Chen Mo encountered in the SSS-level breakthrough assessment at level 10.

   belongs to an old poison.

  Skills are similar.

  If you challenge it with insufficient divine power, no matter how high your divine essence is, it will be useless.

   This is mainly because its skill mechanism is too perverted.

  The biggest difference between before becoming a **** and after becoming a **** is that before becoming a god, just having a strong attribute does not necessarily have an absolute advantage. It will be targeted and affected by the opponent's various compulsory skills, resulting in a disadvantage in the battle.

  But after becoming a god, because of the influence of divine power, once the divine power exceeds the opponent by a lot, then he can gain a great advantage.

   Unless the opponent has a high-level eternal treasure.

  As for these native monsters in the Tianyuan world, although they also have some abilities that can close the gap in divine power like eternal treasures, they can ignore the influence of divine power.

   But Chen Mo's current divine power is equivalent to hundreds of thousands of divine power, and this monster's highest divine power is only around 50,000 points in the second area. Such a large gap in divine power cannot be easily leveled.

   What's more, the monster's divine power is far from reaching the highest divine power in the second area.

  Chen Mo saw that this monster, which looked like a large slime, had only 40,000 divine power.

   It is almost the same as Chen Mo's basic divine power, and it is extremely easy to deal with it.

  With a thought in his mind, Chen Mo directly summoned a huge bone dragon.

  The next moment, he and the bone dragon appeared in front of the monster in the spring.

   Originally, this monster was still enjoying the comfortable experience of being soaked in this mountain spring, but unexpectedly, when he turned his head, he saw two creatures staring at him.

  It immediately frightened a Jiling.

   After all, it has a strong range of poisonous fog passive.

   Not to mention getting so close, even at the foot of the mountain, it would be a terrible situation to be invaded by this poisonous fog.

  Some villagers of the Kaqiu tribe were not poisoned by the spring water. Many villagers were poisoned by the monster to go up the mountain to investigate the abnormal situation.

   Before the monster can react, why are the two guys in front of them ignoring their own poisonous mist and getting close to this?

   Bone Dragon has already shot directly.

   Its huge white bone dragon head was raised high, and the faint blue flame in its mouth was twirling. The next moment, it breathed out the death breath in its mouth and sprayed it directly on the poisonous monster in front of it.

   "Chi la!!"

  With the sound of things being vaporized by high temperature, the highly poisonous monsters in the spring and the spring water were all directly vaporized in the burning of the dragon's breath.

   At this moment, Chen Mo quickly made a move, and caught the monster's inner alchemy in a flash.

   Fortunately, the monster's inner alchemy is not at the same level as the monster's own defense. The monster's energy core is in the monster's inner alchemy, so the inner alchemy is the toughest thing in the monster's body, and it is not so easy to be destroyed.

  In addition, this thing is similar to the treasure of the nature of the drop, and the heaven will give a certain degree of protection, so that it will not be destroyed by one attack.

   Unless Chen Mo intends to destroy this thing, then he only needs to strengthen the attack effect, and he can still easily destroy this inner alchemy.

  After all, Heaven’s Dao doesn’t have a very high protection for dropped items, it will only protect it temporarily.

  The main purpose is to prevent you from destroying it at one time. If you want to destroy it one after another, the protection of heaven will disappear immediately.

  Easy to solve the trouble, Chen Mo put away the bone dragon, and returned to the village directly with the green monster Neidan in his hand.

   At this time, Taya was taking care of her parents in her own home.

  Of course, her parents did not allow her to be sure, after all, the poison is contagious, they just asked her to leave the food at the door, and they came to get it by themselves.

  Because the water in the village has been polluted, Taya went out this time, but bought some purer water back.

  Taya had just prepared some water and food for her parents, and retreated to the gate of her yard. Before her parents opened the door to get food, Chen Mo's figure had already returned to her side.

   "Master Destiny? Why are you back? Is the monster too difficult to deal with?"

   Seeing Chen Mo come back immediately after leaving, Taya instantly had a bad feeling in her heart.

   Could it be that even the Destiny people think the monster is too difficult to deal with, so they just retreated and prepared to give up this task.

  Thinking of this, Taya panicked.

  If even the Man of Destiny refuses to take on this task, and seriously finds the subjugation team in the second area to deal with this monster, the price to be paid will definitely be much higher than that of the Man of Destiny.

   The crusade team only recognizes money and nothing else.

  However, the Man of Heaven has paid off the debt with things.

  Their village couldn't spend so much money to hire a crusade team to deal with such a difficult monster.

  Although the divine power of this monster is not at the top level in the second area, the 40,000 divine power is not bad.

  In addition, the skill characteristics of this monster are extremely troublesome. If you want to find a crusade team to deal with it, the price you need to pay is definitely no lower than asking a crusade team to deal with a monster with 50,000 divine power.

  Taya felt a little desperate. If this continues, many people in the village will be poisoned to death.

  Many people have already begun to swell due to the poisonous torment.

Taya had seen with her own eyes a poisoned person whose whole body was swollen like an inflated balloon, and the final result was that his body exploded and died. When the body fluids from all over his body spilled out, it would be comparable to a strong corrosive liquid , directly devastated the surrounding area with poison.

   Besides being extremely corrosive, these liquids are also extremely toxic.

  Once it is contaminated, the grass within one meter of the surrounding ground will all wither and die.

   Extremely terrifying.

  Now there are more and more people in the village in this state of body swelling.

  Let them develop, sooner or later they will explode and die like the highest batch of poisoned people before.

   At that time, it was really a purgatory on earth.

After reading Taya's voice, Chen Mo turned his right hand in front of Taya, revealing the green monster inner alchemy and said with a smile: "I have already accepted the task, why would I give up? I have already dealt with the monster you want to solve." Help me solve it, this is its inner alchemy, what's next? Do you want to throw its inner alchemy into the well for use?"

  Taya, who originally thought that she was hopeless, immediately showed an expression of disbelief when she heard Chen Mo's words.

   You must know that monster is definitely not easy to deal with.

  But the Man of Destiny in front of him solved the matter in less than a minute.

   Isn't this a bit too fast? Even if you invite members of the crusade team to come over, they won't be able to deal with it so quickly.

  Taya, who was already a little desperate, was instantly illuminated by the light of hope at this moment, and she was so excited that she shed tears.

  She looked at Chen Mo with a smile in her eyes and said, "You... have you really solved that monster?"

   "If Neidan is here, can there be a fake?"

  Taya naturally didn't think that Chen Mo was lying to her, but she just thought about it more and more badly, her heart was too desperate, and the reality was too good for a while, which made her a little unbelievable.

  She looked at the monster Neidan in Chen Mo's hand and said, "Let me try its effect first."

After speaking, Taya immediately added: "I don't think you are lying to me, please don't get me wrong, it's just that I also heard people in Danta talk about the effectiveness of this inner alchemy, and I haven't practiced it, I have to try it first Effect."

  Chen Mo nodded and smiled, put the monster inner alchemy into Taya's hand and said, "Let's try it."

Taya gratefully took the inner alchemy, and after bowing to Chen Mo, she immediately turned around and walked towards her own yard. At this time, the aspect of their house had just been opened. A swollen arm stretched out from behind the door, ready to bring the food and water in front of it into the room.

  But after seeing Taya actually enter the yard, the sore-covered arm immediately retracted.

   "Xiaoya, didn't I tell you to leave the yard after putting away your things? Why did you come in again?"

  Inside the house, came an extremely ugly and weird voice.

   I couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman for a while.

   This is because the poison makes people swell, and people have problems speaking.

Taya immediately shouted to the door: "Dad, Mom, don't worry, I have found the man of destiny to solve the monster, and now I have the inner alchemy of that monster. After 3 seconds in the water, the water will become an antidote to remove the poison from your body, wait a moment, I will put this inner alchemy into the water bowl for 3 seconds, then you can take it in and drink it."

   After Taya finished speaking, she had put Neidan into the bowl of water on the ground in front of the door.

In order to be sure, she did not take out the inner alchemy until after waiting for five seconds, and then she continued to shout to the house: "Mom and Dad, the antidote is ready, hurry up and open the inner alchemy in front of the door." Take my water bowl in and drink it, and I will go out of the yard first."

   After Taya ran out of the yard to inform the parents in the house, the door opened again, and took in the water bowl that Taya had placed in front of the door.

  As for the food at the door, they didn't even have time to touch it.

  In their current state of poisoning, they don't have much appetite.

  If Taya hadn’t said that it would be difficult for them to resist the poison if they didn’t eat to replenish their energy, they wouldn’t have wanted to eat it.

  Just in order not to waste their daughter's mind, they took food into the house and ate it every time before.

   This time, there was obviously an antidote in front of them, so they naturally focused all their energy on the antidote.

  Following the two of them brought the bowl of water soaked with inner alchemy into the room.

  Taya also put her hands together and began to close her eyes and pray.

  Looking at her appearance, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

  In the world of mortals, mortals will pray to the gods.

  Taya and the others live in a world where they were born with divine power, and they are themselves comparable to the gods of the mortal world. They are still praying for a higher god.

   It can be seen that in this world, before you master absolute power, before you can solve any troubles, when you encounter desperate things, even gods will want to pray for the favor of external forces.

  Whether it is praying for a stronger god, or praying for the illusory way of heaven.

  Weakness is the original sin of powerlessness.

   Just before Taya prayed, the door of the house suddenly opened with a creak.

  Before opening and closing the door, half of the door was opened every time, and only half of the person behind the door was revealed.

   But now, the door of the room was opened wide, and a young couple with good looks came out of the room.

   It didn't look like they were even much older than Taya.

  Not to mention that they are Taya's parents, but people believe that they are Taya's elder brother and sister.

   Seeing the two reappear in front of their original appearances, Taya only felt a dreamlike illusion.

  The green and swollen bodies of the previous parents have long since disappeared, and they have completely recovered.

  She immediately threw herself into the arms of her parents, weeping with joy.

   "Great... great, you finally changed back."

   At this time, Taya's parents were also very happy. They cried bitterly while hugging their daughter.

  They really thought before that they would be killed by a live poison explosion under the torment of the poison.

  They have even thought about the tragic scene when they are dying.

  The thing they couldn't let go of was their daughter. Unexpectedly, she was cured so easily and miraculously.

  The water soaked in the inner alchemy has such a strong effect.

After clearing up his mood, Taya's father Tam immediately looked at Taya and said, "Now is not the time for us to feel at ease, the villagers have not been saved yet, Xiaoya quickly throw that inner alchemy into the well, and we will bring the well water up. Distribute it to people in the whole village, and treat them first."

  Taya also recovered her divine power at this time, and nodded immediately.

   "My lord, please wait a little longer. We will thank you after we have cured the whole village."

  Taya glanced at Chen Mo apologetically, then ran directly to the crystal.

  Chen Mo didn't care and let them do things.

At this time, Taya's parents passed by Chen Mo's side, and they immediately bowed to express their thanks: "Dear Destiny, this time our village can be saved thanks to you, don't worry, when all the people in our village are detoxified, If you need anything, just mention it, we will do everything we can to help you, and we, the Kaqiu Clan, will definitely repay your kindness."

  Chen Mo said with a smile: "It's okay, you go and do your work first, the most important thing is to save people."

   "Excuse me then."

  After apologizing, the Tamm couple also devoted themselves to saving lives.

   A few seconds after Taya threw Neidan into the well, they immediately brought up a bucket of water, divided it into multiple bowls, and quickly sent it to every household.

   After a while, there were door opening sounds in the village one after another.

  Healed figures continued to emerge from it.

Being able to recover from this kind of poison, these people felt like a dream at this time, and after learning that it was Chen Mo who took care of them, they all gathered in front of Chen Mo and expressed their incomparable love to him. gratitude.

  (end of this chapter)

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