All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 373: Tier 3 Divine Realm! Made by Zerg Queen? (two in one

  Chapter 373 Tier 3 God Realm! Made by Zerg Queen? (two in one)

  After the entire Kaqiu people were cured, the villagers also gathered together in the square inside the village.

  At this time, Ta Ya's family and Chen Mo stood in front of everyone.

  Taya's father, Tam, is the current head of the Kaqiu tribe.

  On behalf of the whole village, he expressed his incomparable gratitude to Chen Mo.

After expressing his gratitude, Tam also immediately took out the only two Ascension Pills in the village, handed one of them to Chen Mo and said, "Xiaoya told me just now, you come here this time, It’s for the Ascension Pill, please accept it first.”

  As Chen Mo took the Ascension Pill, Tam continued: "This time, you have saved our entire village, old and young, and it is really hard to express our gratitude to you just for a single Ascension Pill.

  If you have any other needs, please feel free to tell us. We, the Kaqiu tribe, can do it, and we will try our best to help you do it. "

  The villagers also followed up and said: "Yes, respected Tianming people, you are the savior of our whole village. If you have any needs, just tell us, and we can meet them as much as possible."

  Looking at the people in front of him, Chen Mo just wanted to say something, but Evya, who was in his body, suddenly communicated with his thoughts.

  Before Chen Mo took Ivya to Huangfengzhai to complete the task of the locust tribe, and gave Ivya a few bugs to the other party.

  Now Eveya has obtained information feedback from these bugs.

   Learned how the locusts made the mother queen of the Zerg race.

   This requires a lot of things.

  Some are more common materials, while others are more rare materials.

  Among them, the rarest materials are Zerg Empress Blood Essence, Divine Creation Essence, Regeneration Water, Our Lady's Spring Water, and Life Source Essence.

   These four things.

  Among them, the blood essence of the Zerg mother queen and the essence of divine creation are relatively difficult to obtain.

  Especially in the outer area of ​​Tianyuan World.

  Like the first area where the locust tribe is located, or the second area where the Kaqiu tribe is where Chen Mo is now, it is difficult to get these two things.

  Because of the blood essence of the Zerg Empress, not just any Zerg Empress will do, at least a stronger Zerg Empress can get blood essence from her that won't evaporate instantly.

  The essence of divine creation is even more rare.

   is a special energy substance made by the true god.

  Ordinary god-level units cannot be produced at all.

  As for the Water of Rebirth and the Spring of Our Lady, they are easy to find, both of which are available in the second area.

   As for the essence of life, it is not so easy to find.

   This thing requires others to consume their own life source to make it.

  This is different from the source of life. The source of life is that the natives of the Tianyuan world temporarily consume their own energy and separate a certain amount of energy from their own body to provide to Chen Mo. After a period of time, it can be restored to the original upper limit.

   But the essence of life is not.

   Once this thing is separated from your body, it will reduce your upper limit of strength. If you want to improve it again, you can't wait for time to recover, but you need to obtain energy from the outside to practice again.

   At the same time, I also said before that if the source of life is to be condensed, it is necessary for the people of heaven to complete the corresponding tasks. With the help of the rules of heaven, the aborigines of the Tianyuan world can condense.

  The source of life is different. This is someone who cuts the original ability and gives it to you. Therefore, no matter whether you have completed the task or not, as long as the aborigines of the Tianyuan world are willing to sacrifice themselves, they can cut out their own source of life.

   It’s just that the source of life essence is the original thing after all. Cutting it at will will cause a lot of damage to oneself, and it is not so easy to restore it. Generally, no one will do this.

  So the difference between the two is still relatively large.

  Under normal circumstances, even if you help the aborigines of Tianyuan World to complete the task, they will not give you such a precious thing as the source of life as a reward.

  So if you want to get the source of life essence, you have to help solve some important and difficult things for the aborigines.

   It's like Chen Mo's current situation.

   Seeing the enthusiasm of the Kaqiu people around, Chen Mo glanced at Tam and said, "I do have something I need, but I'm too embarrassed to ask."

   "Without your action, our villagers might not survive these few days. At that time, the whole village will not be spared. You can ask for this great favor." Tam immediately bowed to Chen Mo excitedly.

   Seeing this, Chen Mo simply opened his mouth.

   "I need a special material called the essence of life."

  As soon as the words came out, Tam immediately understood.

  He looked at Chen Mo and said, "How much do you need?"

  Chen Mo inquired about Eveya, and said, "About 100 pure quantities are needed."

  Pure is the unit of the source of life essence. One pure source of life essence is equivalent to the energy of 1000 points of divine power strength of a native of the Tianyuan world. It can be seen how huge energy one hundred pure is.

  Of course, the energy here refers to the energy loss from the other party's splitting from itself, and when splitting, it will definitely cause energy loss. The pure life essence split by the aborigines at a cost of 1,000 divine power has an absorption value of only about 100 divine power.

  It is not cost-effective to use it for direct absorption.

  Under normal circumstances, the aborigines will not agree to separate the source of life essence for you to absorb.

  Because you have to absorb divine power to give you the source of life.

   This source of life is still a sustainable renewable resource, and it is not as much lost as the source of life when it is separated from the original source.

   "Forgive me for talking too much, can I ask, what do you need the source of life to do?"

  Tam was reluctant to give it because he was afraid that Chen Mo might misunderstand it, so he immediately added: "If you need to absorb life energy to improve your divine power, we can condense life energy for you, which is more convenient for you to absorb."

Chen Mo can read minds, so he naturally knew that the other party didn't want to give it just because he heard the source of life, he immediately explained: "I didn't absorb it for myself, but for some other special purpose. That's the bare minimum."

Hearing what Chen Mo said, someone immediately said: "Patriarch, there are more than a hundred people in our village, and it is enough to separate one person and one pure, and it does not cause much loss to us. Since the destiny is in need, we should also repay the favor." yes."

   "Yeah, if it's just Yichun, it's relatively easy to recover."

Hearing that many people agreed to this matter, Tam immediately said with a smile: "Since everyone agrees, that's the best. The life-saving grace of Tianming people is greater than a pure source of life essence per person here." too much."

   While speaking, the villagers immediately began to separate the life essence from their bodies.

   Soon, a hundred pure life essences were collected and floated towards Chen Mo.

  These life essences emerge from everyone in the form of small light clusters.

  They all exude a burst of warm light. When they gather together, even if they are just floating in the air, simply shining on them makes people feel that the energy in them is extremely invigorating.

  Chen Mo immediately accepted the item with satisfaction.

   "Thank you for your kind gifts."

   After all, it is a special energy body obtained by cutting the source, so Chen Mo naturally wants to express his gratitude.

  The Kaqiu people don't care about this, after all, Chen Mo's demand is not high.

   This is the amount they can give without hesitation.

   If it is particularly high, they have to carefully consider the pros and cons.

   After all, even if you are saved, you still have to consider your future survival.

  Once the loss of one's own origin is too large, not only will it be difficult to make progress in the future, but it will also be difficult to deal with monster attacks.

   After receiving the reward he wanted, Chen Mo was ready to leave.

  He is now in a hurry to break through to the third-order God Realm and find a way to create the Zerg Empress.

  Although he himself already has a Zerg empress.

  But Evya is a special individual who was resurrected after being killed by Chen Mo.

  She is not considered a separate living entity.

  Even if Eveya and the Zerg children she made were included in Chen Mo's God's Domain, they still couldn't provide Chen Mo with powerful gains.

  However, if Chen Mo can create an obedient and normal Zerg mother queen to enter his God's Domain world.

  That would make a big difference.

  At this time, the mother queen of Zerg can become an existence of belief and worship.

  The Zerg army group born by the Zerg Queen belongs to the consciousness combination of the Zerg Queen. A Zerg Queen who can believe in others can provide extremely high faith energy.

   The gains that can be brought are also extremely good.

   This is the difference between the living Zerg Empress and Evya owned by Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo naturally wanted to create such a creature.

   Now one-fifth of the materials have been collected, and the remaining four-fifths, two-fifths of which are also settled.

  As for the other two-fifths, after Chen Mo's strength has risen to the third-tier God Realm, it is not very difficult to obtain it.

  Chen Mo couldn't sit still.

   After getting what he wanted, Chen Mo immediately bid farewell to the Kaqiu people, and a **** flickered to a large city-state in the second area.

  I want to buy a map here, so that I can clearly know where some resources in the second area are located.

   For example, the spring water of Our Lady and the water of regeneration that he wants to obtain now.

  Following Chen Mo to a city-state hundreds of miles away, he is going to advance to the **** level first, and then deal with the Zerg mother queen.

  He immediately took out the Ascension Elixir received from Tam as a reward.

  Looking at this seemingly inconspicuous little pill in front of him, Chen Mo really couldn't imagine that it has the powerful power to break through the realm of gods.

  The moment Chen Mo took the Shengling Pill into his stomach.

  Chen Mo only felt an extremely terrifying energy burst from his lower abdomen in an instant, scattered and impacted all over his body.

  For a while, Chen Mo only felt that his whole body was so hot that he was about to explode and die.

  At the same time, the power of heaven that emerged from the endless void suddenly poured into his body, protecting him firmly.

   No matter how violent the energy in Chen Mo's body is impacted, it will not cause substantial damage to his body.

   It's just that the uncontrollable state of this energy explosion really made Chen Mo feel uncomfortable.

   Fortunately, the burst of energy didn't last very long. With the help of the power of heaven all over his body, Chen Mo has continuously absorbed this tyrannical energy and started to sublimate his whole body.

  After all the tyrannical abilities were completely transformed into well-behaved energy and absorbed into his body, Chen Mo only felt comfortable all over his body, with a feeling that his soul had soared.

   At the same time, the godhead in Chen Mo's body is also bigger than before.

  As this light and ethereal feeling emerged, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on successfully increasing the strength of your godhead. You have entered the third-order **** realm, your divine power has increased by 10,000 points, and your divine essence has been simultaneously upgraded to a third-order divine essence. Every point of a third-order divine essence is equivalent to In the original three points first-order Shenyuan. 】

  Your basic divine power at this time is 33000 points.

  【Reminder from the Dao of Heaven: Congratulations on successfully entering the third-tier **** realm. The opportunity to break through the fourth-tier **** realm will open when your basic divine power reaches 100,000 points. 】

  【Heavenly reminder: Since you have successfully entered the third-order **** realm, you will have the opportunity to obtain the advanced super **** trial task issued by the super **** federation. Do you want to receive the corresponding task? 】


  【Heavenly Reminder: You have successfully received the advanced mission of the Super God Trial. Please collect and complete a "five-star mission" in the adventurer's tavern in the third area within three official days of receiving the mission. 】

  As the reminder of the Heavenly Dao ended, Chen Mo also saw the countdown appear.

  One official day has 60 hours, and three official days have 180 hours, which is quite ample time.

  Chen Mo was not in a hurry to do this task.

   Instead, he directly entered the nearby city-state, preparing to get the items that needed to be found in the second area first.

  In this world, there are no so-called countries, but there are many city-states, and each city-state basically does its own thing.

  The city-state Chen Mo is going to now is called Langlot.

   It is considered to be a relatively large city-state in the second region of Tianyuan World.

  Where Chen Mo was located, a **** flickered and came nearby, and someone immediately issued a restraining order to him.

   "Dear Destiny Man, I am very sorry, the area above our Langlot city-state is a no-air zone, please do not fly in the air."

  Since he was at someone else's place, Chen Mo naturally obeyed the other party's rules.

  He landed directly on the ground, smiled at the law enforcement soldiers on the ground and said, "I don't know the rules of your country, I'm really sorry."

   "You're being polite. I don't know if it's a crime. I don't know why you came to our Langlot city-state. If you need help, you can tell us."

   The attitude of the aborigines towards the Mandate of Heaven is quite good.

Chen Mo looked at the law enforcement soldier with a head as sharp as a bamboo shoot in front of him and said: "I want to come here to see if there is an area map for sale. I am looking for something in the second area. If I don't know the map, it is really a bit of a needle in a haystack. .”

"So that's how it is. Look over there. There is a commercial street five kilometers ahead. There is a place dedicated to selling regional maps. Not only are there maps for the second region for sale, but there are also maps for the first and third regions. The map is also for sale.

  If you need it, you can buy them all together. "The law enforcement soldiers enthusiastically pointed to a direction within the city-state's sphere of influence for Chen Mo.

  (end of this chapter)

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