Chapter 374 Resurrection (two in one)

   Entering the city, Chen Mo found that there are still a lot of aborigines here.

   And it feels like a hodgepodge of various races.

   It is also rare that these people of different races can live in such a harmonious way in a city-state.

  They have different appearances, costumes and languages, but in this city, there seems to be no barrier between them, but communication and integration.

  On the streets of the city, people from different races shuttle among them, showing a colorful way of life.

   Tall and mighty orcs and elves chat elegantly, and dwarves and noble half-elves share food together. Various life scenes are intertwined, forming a picture of diverse coexistence.

  In a small square, a dwarf blacksmith and an orc warrior were showing each other their crafting skills and weapons, and the surrounding people were watching and admiring.

  In a cafe not far away, a group of half-elven artists are collaborating to create a magnificent painting. Their thoughts collided on a canvas, forming a unique artistic style.

  In a corner of the city, a restaurant exudes a strong exotic flavor.

  The elf chefs are cooking delicious dishes with carefully selected ingredients, while the gourmets from the dwarf tribe are happily tasting various delicacies.

  Here is a fusion of cultures and a feast for taste buds.

  Commercial Street is filled with everything from magic gems to ancient scrolls.

  Vendors of different races greeted customers warmly in front of the stalls, and language communication seemed to be a natural thing.

   In this city, Chen Mo felt a fusion of multiculturalism.

   There is no clear boundary between different races, but they communicate and communicate in a common city.

  People here seem to be trying to maintain an open and inclusive attitude, making diversity the charm of the city.

   After seeing the life of different ethnic groups in this town along the way, Chen Mo quickly found a merchant who sold maps.

  The merchant's skin looks a bit dark copper, and it feels like a dark elf that looks like a human.

   Seeing Chen Mo, a man of destiny, enter the store, the merchant immediately stepped forward to serve him enthusiastically.

   "Dear Man of Destiny, what can I do for you?" The Dark Elf came to Chen Mo with a handsome smile on his face.

   "I need a map of the second and third regions of Tianyuan World, do you have it here?"

   "Yes, but the map of the third area is not very comprehensive here, only some maps are for sale, do you need it?"

   "Part is better than nothing. I have all of them. How much?"

   "For the sake of being a man of destiny, I will charge you 10 eternal gold coins."

   "It's cheap, thank you very much."

  Chen Mo casually took out ten eternal gold coins and handed them to the other party.

   "Welcome next time."

  Chen Mo nodded with a smile, remembering the store, and then used the map information to cast the gods to flicker, and went to the second area where there is the spring of Our Lady.

  The spring water of Our Lady is basically sold from the Shrine of Our Lady.

  If you want to get the spring water of Our Lady, you have to go to the Shrine of Our Lady.

  According to the map, there are a total of three Temples of Our Lady in the second area.

  One is Our Lady of Earth, one is Our Lady of Dawn, and one is Our Lady of Darkness.

  The worship gods corresponding to the three Notre Dame shrines are also completely different.

  Chen Mo considered his career and decided to go to the Temple of Our Lady of Darkness.

   After all, everyone is somewhat dark.

  Following the flickering of Chen Mo's spirit, he came here.

  He discovered that this so-called Temple of Our Lady of Darkness was not as dark as the name suggested.

   On the contrary, the architecture of the temple is full of life and vitality.

  The towering buildings are all dominated by white jade, and the walls are inlaid with shimmering gemstones, exuding mysterious and bright light.

  The garden in the temple is neatly manicured, the flowers are in full bloom, and the fragrance is overflowing, making it look peaceful and beautiful.

  Chen Mo looked around and saw practitioners of various professions such as supernatural beings, dark mages, and shadow assassins busy in the temple.

  Some of them are practicing spells, releasing the energy of dark elements, filling the air with a mysterious atmosphere.

  Others are studying ancient magic books in the library of the temple, exploring the mysteries of dark magic.

  In the center of the temple, there is a high platform on which is enshrined the statue of the Madonna of Darkness.

  The Dark Madonna is a female figure with a vaguely sculpted appearance. She wears a black robe and has a mysterious and majestic face.

  Her hand held a black gem, and a deep light shone in the gem.

  This statue exudes a solemn atmosphere, which makes people feel the fusion of dark power and mysterious power.

  The practitioners in the temple are all concentrating on their own cultivation and work, but the overall atmosphere is not dull.

  People laughed and exchanged experience and knowledge, and there was a happy atmosphere of cooperation and unity among each other.

Although the name of this "Dark Virgin Shrine" has "darkness", it is actually a place full of vitality and sunshine. Practitioners of various professions are here to jointly pursue the improvement of power and the exploration of knowledge, creating a unique harmonious atmosphere.

  Chen Mo just came here when someone sensed him.

   Immediately, two people looked at him and said, "I'm sorry my friend, the area near our temple is a restricted air zone, and it is forbidden to fly in the air here."

  Hearing this, Chen Mo immediately fell to the ground.

  At this time, the other party saw clearly the number of the Man of Destiny on Chen Mo's head, and learned that he was a Man of Destiny.

   "It turned out to be the Mandate of Heaven's face. I haven't found it just now, so I hope you don't take it too seriously."

  The temple gatekeeper looked at Chen Mo and apologized.

  Chen Mo smiled and said: "Don't worry about this, I'm here to get the spring water of Our Lady, I wonder if the spring water of Our Lady in your palace is willing to sell?"

"It turned out that you came here for the spring water of Our Lady. You are also a dark professional. The spring water of Our Lady of the Dark Lady Temple is provided free of charge to the dark professional who visits for the first time. If you only need one, We'll get it for you."

  As soon as he heard that he could go whoring for nothing, Chen Mo naturally had no reason to refuse. He immediately said, "Then I will trouble you."

   "You are too polite. It is one of the dogmas of our temple to make friends with the people of destiny. Even if you are not a professional of the dark department, as long as there is a need, we will help you as much as possible."

   After finishing speaking, one of the gatekeepers threw a ball of black light into the temple.

   Not long after, a woman in a black robe and covered in black mist came out holding a bottle the size of a palm.

   "Is that what you need from Our Lady's Spring?"

  The other party came to Chen Mo and said.

  Although the other party was covered in black mist, Chen Mo's Eye of Origin still saw through the other party's face.

  The other party turned out to be a pretty human-like girl. Chen Mo didn't understand why she had to cover herself in the black mist.

  He smiled after receiving the spring water from Our Lady, "Thank you."

   "If you need to believe in gods in the future, you also hope that we can give priority to Jesus, Our Lady of Darkness."

   "If you have this interest, definitely."

  Chen Mo did not refuse, after all, the atmosphere of getting along with believers of the Dark Virgin is really good.

   It can be seen that this **** should be considered a relatively good type.

  But he currently has no intention of believing in other gods.

  It doesn’t matter whether the opponent is a true **** or a more noble existence above the true god.

   Farewell to the people in the Temple of the Dark Virgin, Chen Mo immediately rushed to the location of the water of regeneration.

  The Water of Regeneration is located in the Resurrection Village in the second area.

   This is a relatively remote village.

  People in the village are relatively self-styled, so basically no other ethnic groups can be seen.

  People in the village have basically never gone out.

  Chen Mo glanced at the introduction on the map.

  This village is very exclusive. Except for the Tianming people, it is not easy for other foreigners to enter the village, even to get close.

  If you leave without listening to advice, you may even be attacked.

   Seeing the introduction of this ethnic group, Chen Mo thought to himself that luckily he is a man of destiny.

  He directly came to the front of the village in the village of resurrection with a flash of a god.

  He had just arrived here when everyone in the whole village noticed that someone had entered.

   This is due to the fact that there is a huge sensory formation around the Resurrection Village.

  No matter who it is, once a creature approaches this large perception field, it will be immediately perceived by the whole village.

   Seeing an outsider break in, almost instantly, hundreds of figures flashed in front of Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo activated his Eye of Origin, and found that the strength of these people is as high as tens of thousands, and they are definitely powerful existences.

   Moreover, they will also form an army formation. Once they use the army formation combination, their divine power can instantly increase by several million.

  After all, their army formation is not the cheap garbage army formation that Chen Mo and his team fought in the star field before, and it can only be limited to less than 10,000 divine power.

  The strength of their army formation and the combination of millions of divine powers are no problem at all.

   Such joint strength definitely exists sideways in the second area.

   Seeing this scene, Chen Mo also understood, no wonder this place of resurrection controls the extremely powerful water of resurrection, but no outsiders came to **** it.

   This is simply impossible to grab, the opponent is too strong.

  Even with Chen Mo's current strength of divine power, facing the fusion of such a group of people's divine power, his divine power is still unattainable.

  When this group of people first appeared, they were extremely vigilant and serious.

  But after seeing the number on Chen Mo's head representing the Man of Destiny, their expressions immediately eased a lot.

  Because they know very well that the aborigines of Tianyuan World may come to **** their regeneration water, but the people of Tianming will not do so.

  Because of the existence of the restriction of heaven.

  So they will naturally not have any hostility towards Tianming people.

   "Sorry, the sudden transmission came in and surprised you."

  Chen Mo spoke first.

As soon as the words came out, everyone on the other side showed a friendly smile, and the leader smiled and said: "You are serious, it is our honor for the people in our resurrection to see the Man of Destiny again, if you don't mind, let's go to the village and have a cup of tea Bar."

   "Then chatter."

   "There was a misunderstanding, everyone should go back and do their own things."

  It seems that the head of the Resurrection House opened his mouth to dismiss the people around him, and he and a person who looked similar to him welcomed Chen Mo into the Resurrection House.

  The people in this resurrection can be said to be indistinguishable from male to female, and each of them is extremely handsome.

  In fact, there is no difference between men and women in the people of their resurrection. Their life is given by the water of regeneration. After every person in the house of resurrection gets old, they will enter the water of regeneration and usher in a new life.

   And when the newborn is ushered in, there will be a certain chance of giving birth to multiple births.

  The two beside Chen Mo were born in the form of twins.

   This is how the people in Resurrection continue their race.

   is also the reason for their xenophobia, because their reproductive methods are very different from other races, and the regeneration water cannot be polluted by other races, so they will hardly accept people of other races into the village.

   "Under Karl, you are the head of the village of resurrection. This is my twin brother, Karu. I don't know your name, Man of Heaven?"

   "Chen Mo, it is my honor to come to such a magical place."

   "You're honored, are you here for the regenerated water?"

   "Exactly, I need some regenerated water for key purposes. I wonder if you can allow me to get some?"

   "Of course there is no problem with this, but we also have some troublesome things to solve. Can you please help?"

   "Using people's money to eliminate disasters, the village chief is too polite, please tell me if there is any trouble."

Hearing this, the other party immediately waved his hand and said: "You misunderstood, I don't want to give you the regenerated water as a commission reward, no matter whether you can do it or not, we will give you the regenerated water, I just hope With your limited ability, help us solve this trouble."

  Listening to Carl's words, Chen Mo couldn't help wondering if what was written on the map was true.

  Obviously from what is written on the map, the people in this Resurrection Land are extremely difficult to get along with.

   It turned out that I didn't expect to be so easy to talk about.

  Whether they can do their thing or not, they will give the water of regeneration.

   This is obviously impossible for many people.

  Chen Mo naturally had no reason to refuse, "Please explain in detail what the trouble is."

  "The thing is like this, we have two springs of water of regeneration in Resurrection, but now one spring of water of regeneration suddenly stopped flowing water of regeneration.

  We have investigated many ways but have not been able to find out the reason. I heard that you Tianming people have extremely strong detection capabilities, and I would like to ask you to help us find out what went wrong.

Of course, we also know that destiny people have different abilities, and not every destiny person is good at this ability, so I just want you to try it first, if you can’t find out, maybe you can see if there are other destiny people you know who can Come and help us check it out. "Carl said with a look of hope.

  (end of this chapter)

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