Chapter 375 There are unexpected gains? ! (two in one)

   Hearing that detection capabilities are needed, Chen Mo is of course obliged.

  The detection ability of his Eye of Origin is quite strong.

  He immediately nodded and smiled, "I've accepted your commission."

  Karl and Kalu were both very happy to get a definite answer, and they warmly welcomed Chen Mo into the village immediately.

   And prepared him the unique water and wine in the recovery.

   "You go to the village and have a drink and have a rest before going to investigate."

  Looking at the clear and mellow wine that Karl enthusiastically handed over, Chen Mo took it and sniffed it, and instantly a rich and mellow aroma entered the nasal cavity, as if rushing to the sky in an instant, which made people feel refreshed.

  This wine, even before drinking, makes one's mind agitated, which shows how powerful this wine is.

Seeing Chen Mo's expression, Carl immediately said proudly: "This is a vintage wine that has been brewed with regenerated water and stored underground for many years. Usually, we only share it with the villagers when there are major happy events. "

   "You can tell it's good wine just by smelling it. I'm really flattered to be treated like this."

  Chen Mo took a sip with a smile, and the mellow wine rolled into his throat in an instant, a warm and spicy instant intertwined in his throat, making people feel a different kind of taste.

   "You are welcome, this time you are waiting for a distinguished guest, so naturally you should treat them with good wine."

  After drinking a glass of wine, a buoyant and comfortable feeling rose immediately, lingering in his heart for a long time, making Chen Mo even a little bit unsatisfied.

   "It's really good wine." Chen Mo smiled and put down the wine bowl.

  At this moment, Karl immediately stepped forward again with the wine jar, "Why don't you have another bowl?"

   "No, business is important, and such precious things are the most delicious once in a while."

   Chen Mo smiled and waved his hand.

  Hearing what he said, Karl also glanced at Chen Mogao.

   It is really rare to be able to drink one cup of their famous wine and be tempted not to drink a second cup.

   "The spring of regeneration water that went wrong is just behind the village on the left, so I'll take you there."

   Ask Karu to put away the wine, and Karl takes Chen Mo to the spring of water of regeneration at the left rear of the village in Resurrection Village.

  Originally, there should be regenerated water the size of a small pond accumulated here all year round, but now there is not even a drop of water to be seen.

  Chen Mo took a look at the spring, but he couldn't see anything on the surface.

  However, if you look closely at the effect of the Eye of Origin, you will find some problems.

   "The depth of this spring seems to be blocked by something."

  Because it was blocked by unknown things, the water of regeneration could not continue to flow out of the spring.

   "Obviously the blocked position is not very deep, but my eye of origin can't perceive that the spring of regeneration water is blocked by something. It seems that there is only one possibility."

  Chen Mo did not expect that this time he came to find the water of regeneration, and there would be unexpected joy.

  His eye of origin has only one thing that cannot be detected so far.

   That is the realm of God's Domain.

   That is to say, what was blocked in the spring this time was just refreshed to the realm of God's Domain at this position.

   "How about Mr. Chen Mo, have you ever found out what's wrong with this spring?"

  Carl looked at Chen Mo and asked nervously.

  Chen Mo immediately smiled and said, "Don't worry, I've found out that it's not a big problem, and I'll solve it for you."

   As Chen Mo thought about it, he had already called Evya out.

   "Zerg Queen!?" Seeing a Zerg Queen suddenly appearing beside him, Karl was so frightened that he almost called for someone to come over.

   "Don't be nervous, Eveya is my servant, not an enemy."

  As soon as these words came out, Karl looked at Chen Mo even more shocked.

   "I didn't expect that you could even accept the legendary Zerg Queen as your servant. The ability of the Man of Destiny is really hard to fathom." Carl looked at Chen Mo with a look of admiration.

  Chen Mo shook his head with a smile and said, "Thank you."

   As he spoke, he turned his head to look at Eveya and said, "Xiaoya, tell a worker insect to come out into this spring, and bring out the thing that blocked the spring."


  The moment Evya nodded in response, a green hole opened in her abdomen, and a stream of mucus fell out of it accompanied by a nimble worker insect.

  After the worker insect landed, it immediately took a look at Evya. After confirming the order, it executed it extremely quickly.

  I saw it quickly crawling towards the spring of regeneration water.

   After a while, Chen Mo saw the workers crawl back quickly.

  I saw that its two thousand feet were holding a special bead.

   It is the realm of God's Domain.

   And with the workers and insects, they took the realm of God's Domain away from the spring.

   Immediately, regeneration water began to seep out of the spring.

   "Thank you very much, Mr. Chen Mo, you helped us solve the problem that has troubled us for so long.

   I just don’t know why the spring was blocked? "

  The realm of God's Domain is something that only those who belong to the destiny can see. The aborigines in the Tianyuan world cannot see it, so naturally they cannot find the problem.

  Even if Chen Mo had told Eveya to use the workers to take out the Realm of God's Domain and put it in front of Karl's eyes, he still couldn't see it.

"It's a special thing blocking the spring, but don't worry, even if I can't find and deal with that thing, it will disappear by itself after a while, so if there are similar situations in the future, you don't have to Too much to worry about.

  Generally no more than three months at the latest. "

  The realm of God’s Domain will move randomly, but the time is not fixed. Some may change once a day, some may change every few days, and the slowest one may only change once every month or three months.

  That's why Chen Mo told Carl the longest time.

   If they encounter this situation again in the future, they don't have to be so nervous.

  Chen Mo originally considered whether to tell them this matter directly.

   After all, if you don’t tell them, he will be able to help get paid again if this happens again in the future.

But considering that the people in Resurrection are very good, they said at the beginning that even if Chen Mo couldn't do this, they would still send Chen Mo the water of regeneration. hide from them.

  Although I don't know what caused the blockage of the spring, but with Chen Mo's words, the uneasiness in Carl's heart immediately improved a lot.

   Solving the blockage of the spring is one of the problems they have to solve, and finding out the cause of the blockage is the most important thing.

  Although the cause of the blockage is not very clear now, but the people of Tianming have said so, so there should be no problem.

   After Chen Mo finished speaking, he added that it was only when they couldn't find out the specific reason, which would be the case. If they could find out what was blocked, they still had to clean it up by themselves.

   Karl also took note of this.

  Seeing that the spring began to flow again, Karl was also very happy. He immediately invited Chen Mo into the village and stayed tonight to have a feast of precious life essence.

This banquet is not to put the essence of human life into the dishes, but to use the energy diluted with regenerated water to make a banquet. After eating, although it is not as powerful as the life energy provided by others, it still has the same effect on the improvement of human strength. has been of great help.

  Chen Mo naturally would not let go of any opportunity to improve himself, so he stayed and enjoyed a good meal.

   After a meal, Chen Mo's divine power directly increased by 10 points.

  Although there are not many, even a small improvement is an improvement.

  After the meal, Karl also generously gave Chen Mo a large bucket of regeneration water, allowing him to use it as he pleased.

  Chen Mo did not refuse.

   After all, if the production of the Zerg Mother Queen can be confirmed successfully, in the future, other powerful people in the solar system will also create the Zerg Mother Queen and put it in their God's Domain World, so that everyone can quickly become stronger.

  This regenerated water will probably continue to be used in the future.

   Naturally, there is no reason to refuse.

   After bidding farewell to Karl and the others, Chen Mo took out the Realm of the Gods and entered it.

   This time, there is a vast ocean in the realm of God's Domain.

  Chen Mo was surrounded by sea water as soon as he came in.

   And in the center of this vast ocean, there is a bright ball of light floating and sinking.

   Obviously this is the core of the state of mind.

  As Chen Mo touched the core of the mind, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded immediately.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have discovered an unowned God’s Domain. Now you have the opportunity to refine it for your own use. Do you want to refine it? 】

  Chen Mo naturally chose to refine immediately.

[Heavenly reminder: The current state of the gods is a second-level state of the gods. It has been detected that you already have four realms of the gods. What you are refining now will be your fifth state of the gods. You need to consume an additional 800 points of foundation Divine power can be refined, are you sure? 】

The more realms of God's Domain you control, the more divine power you need to consume in subsequent refining, and the amount of divine power that needs to be consumed will also change with the level of God's Domain. If this time it is only a first-level God's Domain, Chen Mo will only It needs to consume 400 divine power points to control it.

   But this time it is a second-level God's Domain, and the divine power that needs to be consumed is doubled on the original basis.

   It’s just that this doubling is still nothing to Chen Mo. After all, Chen Mo now has tens of thousands of basic divine power, and this consumption is still within an acceptable range.

  He immediately chose to confirm.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on your successful consumption of divine power. You have successfully gained control of the realm of the gods. It has been detected that you have five realms of the gods. Do you want to link the realms of the gods? 】

  The four places in the front are connected, and Chen Mo will not let this one go.

[Tiandao Tip: If the connection is successful, your current four first-level gods and one second-level god, because of the joint effect, each of the gods can now generate six points of divine power every day, and all the gods can be combined It can produce 30 points of divine power every day. 】

"Thirty points of divine power a day is equivalent to the gain of 30 points of divine power. It's cool. It's still the enhancement that a high-level divine realm can bring. A high-level divine realm can directly make the other several low-level divine realms gain a lot. promote."

  Chen Mo was thinking whether he should waste his current divine power to upgrade all his previous low-level gods to high-level gods.

  A first-level God's Domain only needs to consume 100 points of divine power to upgrade to a second-level God's Domain.

  If all the four first-level realms of God's Domain are upgraded to Level-2, each of the five realms of God's Domain can produce ten points of divine power every day, which is a gain of fifty points of divine power per day.

   To upgrade these realms of God's Domain only needs to consume 400 points of divine power.

  Eight days can pay back.

Of course, if calculated according to the original income, if you don’t invest in divine power, you will have 30 points of income, and after investing in divine power, it will become 50 points of income, and the daily income will only increase by 20 points. Days are enough.

   Still relatively cost-effective.

  However, Chen Mo didn't want to waste his divine power when he thought that the Jingxin Stone could directly increase the level of the God Realm.

   Although it is nothing for him to lose a few hundred points of divine power for him who currently has tens of thousands of divine power.

  However, the realm of God's Domain is either the second level or the upper limit, and it can still be improved later.

  Once you start to improve, you can't help but want to upgrade to a higher level.

  Chen Mo chose to endure for the time being.

  He is going to the third area to check the situation. According to some basic strategies given by Tiandao, it is not difficult to obtain the Stone of Mind in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World.

  Now all the materials that need to be collected in the second area have been collected, and it is time to leave for the third area.

  Although the number of animal-shaped intelligent life forces has not yet reached one hundred, and the war of race forces has not started, it must not be long.

   Now, the sooner you improve your strength, the better.

  After all, the ghost knows what kind of masters there are on the animal-shaped intelligent life.

   Only a galaxy with an alternative existence like myself can break through the regional barriers and enter the second region Tianyuan world earlier than other galaxies.

   On the side of animal-type intelligent life, there are fewer galaxies that have successfully eliminated their opponents than their own side, but they entered earlier. Obviously, their strength is not trivial.

   Somehow, Chen Mo dared not underestimate them because of his extraordinary ability, so he didn't have time to take care of other people at this time, and he was only thinking about improving himself quickly.

   After all, time waits for no one.

   Fortunately, he handled the affairs in the first area very well. Now the major galaxies dare not have any disputes. On the surface, everyone is living in harmony.

  But in fact, this harmonious atmosphere is extremely unstable.

  The current harmony is only because the solar system with Chen Mo's existence has brought enough terrible threats to everyone, so they barely suppressed the desire to fight and coexisted peacefully.

  Once the racial power war starts, and even the solar system has no time to care about it, I am afraid that this peaceful atmosphere will be difficult to maintain.

  At present, we can only hope that the pressure from animal-type intelligent life will be strong enough, and they will be forced to almost unite.

  However, it is conceivable that the solar system currently controls a large number of resource areas and fundamentals, and when a racial power war breaks out, the pressure on the solar system will be second to none.

  Other galaxies will be much lighter on the contrary. They may not necessarily unite obediently at that time, and it is more likely to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight.

   It's useless to rely on others, in the end you can only rely on yourself, that's what Chen Mo thinks.

  That's why he kept growing himself in such a hurry.

   Knowing that there are still so many levels above the God Realm, Chen Mo knew how weak his current strength is.

  Before touching the Real God Realm, they are now just like those below the fifth level, they are all ants.

  Glancing at the map, Chen Mo came to a big town in the third area of ​​Tianyuan World with a flicker of a god.

  (end of this chapter)

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