Chapter 378 God Bodhi! (two in one)

  As Eveya's abdomen split open, bugs swarmed out of her body immediately and continuously.

   The number of bugs swarming out of her body was dazzling. The area within the visible range of ten meters was instantly filled with a large number of bugs. The swarming bugs seemed to drown the whole world.

  They gushed out continuously, like a black whirlwind, swept across the earth, and poured into the surrounding thick fog.

  These bugs are the people of Evya. They fly in the air and crawl on the ground, and they will constantly pass on their keen perception to Evya.

   "Master, it is feasible to let my worms go out to explore. Although they have fallen into the surrounding fog, I can still obtain their perception simultaneously."

   "Very well, let's find out what treasures are around, and pay more attention to the presence and absence of virtual beasts around."


  After Eveya's bugs opened the way, the next actions of Chen Mo and the three were much safer.

   Even if there is danger, the bugs have discovered it early, and they can avoid the risk directly.

   Speaking of the sensitivity to danger, Eveya's bugs are much higher than Chen Mo's skeleton monsters.

  Chen Mo's skeleton monsters are all undead creatures, and they are dead things in themselves. Naturally, they don't have any sense of crisis and perception sensitivity to the danger of life.

  But Eveya's worms are completely different.

  They are extremely important to life.

   The sensitivity to danger is also extremely high.

  Of course they have such a high awareness of life-saving, not only for their own survival, but most importantly for the safety of their mother.

  They can detect danger more keenly, which means that the Zerg Queen can encounter fewer crises.

   This was originally their main function when they were produced by the Zerg mother queen.

  However, no matter how keen their perception of danger is, it is difficult to guarantee that they will encounter enemies that cannot be avoided.

   At this time, at least 20% of the scouting bug soldiers sent by Eveya were dead.

  Although the Void Beast doesn't have much desire to attack the bugs, the Void Beast doesn't like the living thing itself, so it's natural to deal with it when it sees it.

  Going all the way, according to the memory of the exploration before recalling, the three of them came to the location of the first God Realm found by recalling.

  Recalling before, I found a full three gods in it.

  If all of this is taken for one's own use, after being linked together, the promotion will increase greatly again.

   And this is the realm of God's Domain encountered in the third area, maybe it will be advanced.

  Especially this place is the cemetery of gods. Considering the degree of danger in this place, the possibility of a high-level god's domain appearing here is definitely higher than the outside world.

   Soon, the three of Chen Mo arrived at the target location.

  There is a small bump here, as if some people were buried underneath.

Chen Mo guessed which god's corpse might be buried below, but he didn't care too much, but went straight to the small dirt bag, and reached out to touch the shining God's Domain that just fell right in the middle of the little dirt bag. territory.

  The moment Chen Mo touched, his whole body was directly sucked into the territory of God's Domain.

  The internal environment of this realm of the gods is quite good, a prairie with singing birds and fragrant flowers, and the light green core of the mirror heart just floating there.

  As Chen Mo stretched out his hand to touch, the reminder of Heaven's Dao also sounded.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have discovered an unowned God’s Domain. Now you have the opportunity to refine it for your own use. Do you want to refine it? 】


[Heavenly reminder: The current realm of the gods is a third-level realm of the gods. It has been detected that you already have five realms of the gods. What you are refining now will be your sixth realm of the gods. You need to consume an additional 1000 points of foundation Divine power can be refined, are you sure? 】

   "Hey, it's getting more and more expensive, but I didn't expect that the God's Domain Realm I encountered this time was actually a third-level one. It's hard to make money."

  Even if it cost up to 1000 points of divine power, Chen Mo reluctantly chose to pay.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on your successful consumption of divine power. You have successfully gained control of the realm of the gods. It has been detected that you have six realms of the gods. Do you want to link the realms of the gods? 】


[Tiandao Tip: The connection is successful. You currently have four first-level gods, one second-level god, and one third-level god. At nine o'clock, all the realms of God's Domain combined can produce a total of fifty-four points of divine power every day. 】

  Easy to control another realm of God's Domain, Chen Mo exited the space of God's Domain with satisfaction and returned outside.

  A third-level god's domain directly increased the daily income by more than 20 points.

  As long as the realm of God's Domain is connected more, the subsequent improvement will be greater and greater.

  However, it is not so easy to collect a large number of realms of God's Domain by one person.

  When entering the world of Tianyuan before, Tiandao said that a galaxy can enter the third area of ​​the first floor of the Tower of Eternity if it has a hundred realms of God's Domain.

  If everyone had the speed of Chen Mo to obtain the realm of the gods, the solar system would have entered the third area long ago.

  Can the so-called race war be avoided?

  Chen Mo is still a little curious about this.

What he is curious about now is whether the third area is an independent and separated world like the Tianyuan world that enters the second area from the first area, or the second area and the third area are actually connected, and a hundred The realm of God's Domain is only convenient for entering the third area to obtain income.

   Judging from the current acquisition efficiency of God's Domain, Chen Mo feels that the latter is more likely.

  In fact, what Chen Mo feels is not wrong. The relationship between the third area on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity and the second area is different from the relationship between the first area and the second area.

  The Tianyuan world in the second area is indeed a connecting area with the third area.

   But the entry rules are a little different. The third area is not an area that can stay in it for a long time like the second area.

  Chen Mo just guessed the situation of the third area on the first floor of the Tower of Eternity, so he didn't think about it any more, and continued to move towards the location of the next God's Domain.

  Reminiscing about walking around like headless chickens in the realm of God's Domain before, so I spent a lot of time in it.

   Now that I have the previous memory, even if the visibility is only ten meters, but according to the familiar ground conditions around me, I can still walk in the same way as in the normal environment.

   You can reach your destination without going the wrong way.

  After all, he has reached the state of God, and his memory and ability to perceive the microcosm are not comparable to the previous human state.

  Even if the surrounding ground looks almost the same, it is a khaki.

  But from the micro level, it can be seen that there is a huge difference.

  Relying on micro-level observation ability and photographic memory, as long as it is the road that has been traveled, it will never go wrong again.

   Reminiscing about the role of entering the cemetery of gods in advance is like drawing a map of the cemetery of gods for Chen Mo in advance.

  Even if the memory didn't fully investigate the situation of the God's Graveyard, it still did a lot of investigation.

  Chen Mo is moving extremely smoothly now.

  The only thing to worry about is the virtual beast whose strength of random actions is unknown.

   However, Evoya exists in the Void Beast, and there is no problem with the threat level until Eveya's bugs are exhausted.

   The speed of travel with a clear target direction is relatively fast.

   Not long after, the three of them arrived at the location of the second God's Realm.

  The location of the second God's Realm is a treasure.

   This Divine Realm is right next to a divine Bodhi tree.

  There are a total of five **** Bodhi trees on this **** bodhi tree at this time, originally there were seven.

   Reminiscence ate one for an experiment, picked one and found that it could not be taken away to rot, so only five remained.

  Chen Mo looked at the crystal-clear Bodhisattvas in front of him, but felt a little nervous in his heart.

   After all, this thing grew out of someone else's grave, so it feels weird no matter how you look at it.

   It's just that the food must be a good thing, and you have to eat it.

  Chen Mo didn't care too much, just took off a piece of Bodhi and immediately put it in his mouth.

   After all, it will rot soon after picking it off, so it should be eaten as soon as possible.

  Following the entrance of Shen Bodhi, Chen Mo instantly felt a wave of divine power pouring into his divine world with a small amount of regular power.

  The world of God's Domain, which was originally expanding at a relatively constant speed, instantly accelerated the expansion speed by nearly ten times as if it had been injected with stimulants.

   "It's really a good thing, it can be accelerated so many times?"

   Seeing that the food worked well, Chen Mo was overjoyed immediately, took off the second one immediately, and ate it again.

  However, after eating the second one, the effect was not as good as the first one, and the effect was only increased by five times.

   At this time, the Heavenly Dao reminder also sounded.

[Tiandao Tip: Since you have just taken Shenbodhi once, before the previous Shenbodhi is completely digested, the effect of taking this Shenbodhi will be halved. Please note that the effect of Shenbodhi will be worse. 】

   "It turns out that eating a large amount of Shenbodhi at the same time will also weaken the effect, so you should eat less."

   After finishing speaking, Chen Mo shook his head again and felt that something was wrong.

He didn't know that the aborigines were not interested in the **** bodhi. In his opinion, anyone can pick the **** bodhi here and eat it. If you keep it and don't eat it, it's like saving it for others. .

  He quickly took off the remaining three Bodhisattvas, put them into his mouth and ate them all.

   Sure enough, as Tiandao suggested, the effect of the third God Bodhi can only increase the expansion speed of the world of God’s Domain by 2.5 times, and the fourth one has become 1.25 times, but the effect of the fifth one surprised Chen Mo.

  Because according to the introduction of Tiandao’s reminder, the effect of the fifth **** Bodhi should only be 0.625 times, why is there still double the speed of improvement now?

   Just when he was curious, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded again.

  【Tiandao Reminder: Since you have taken a large amount of Shenbodhi in a short period of time, the effect of taking Shenbodhi has been reduced to the lowest effect! 】

"It turns out that it is not infinitely reduced. Even if you take a large amount of Shenbodhi in a short period of time, there is a certain limit to the reduction. This limit is doubled for one tablet. Compared with the ten times the effect of one tablet when I first took it, the effect is indeed greatly reduced. , but it’s also very good, even if one is only doubled, it’s much faster than my own God’s Domain world slowly expanding and developing.”

  Chen Mo was very satisfied with the food and decided to continue taking it.

   It's just that there is no **** bodhi tree around here.

   But don’t worry, there is not only one Bodhi tree in the area that has been explored before, and you can still find some in the nearby area.

  Chen Mo was not in a hurry to find other Bodhi trees, but turned his attention to the God Realm on the ground next to the Bodhi tree.

   This is the seventh God Realm he has encountered.

   The efficiency of finding the realm of God's Domain is also incomparable.

  As Chen Mo reached out to touch, he was absorbed into the territory of God's Domain again.

   This time, God's Domain is a desert world.

   The earthy yellow sand dunes came into view, making people feel thirsty just by being in this environment.

  The earth-yellow core of the mirror heart was floating on a sand dune at this time, and Chen Mo immediately stepped forward to touch the core of the mirror heart.

  The instantly familiar reminder of heaven strikes again.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have discovered an unowned God’s Domain. Now you have the opportunity to refine it for your own use. Do you want to refine it? 】

  Chen Mo immediately chose refining.

[Heavenly reminder: The current realm of God’s Domain is a second-level realm of God’s Domain. It has been detected that you already have six realms of God’s Domain. What you are refining now will be your seventh God’s Domain. You need to consume an additional 1200 points of foundation Divine power can be refined, are you sure? 】

   "This consumption of divine power is really like flowing water."

  Although he complained so much, Chen Mo handed it over happily.

   After all, this time the realm of God’s Domain is not bad, at least not the first level, it’s all earned by blood.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations on your successful consumption of divine power. You have successfully gained control of the realm of the gods. It has been detected that you have seven realms of the gods. Do you want to link the realms of the gods? 】

   "Direct connection!"

[Tiandao Tip: If the connection is successful, you currently have four first-level gods, two second-level gods, and one third-level god. Because of the joint effect, each of the gods can produce divine power every day. At eleven o'clock, all the realms of God's Domain combined can produce seventy-seven points of divine power every day. 】

   "The output of these divine power points is getting stronger and stronger every day! If all the realms of God's Domain are upgraded to the third level, you can get nearly 200 divine power points in one day."

   It is obviously possible for Chen Mo to spend his own power if he wants to raise the level of God's Domain. Chen Mo is obviously a penny-pinching person.

   What he wanted was to use the Jingxin God Stone to increase the level of the realm of the gods.

  The Spiritual Stone is already available in the third area.

  For example, in the current cemetery of the gods, it is very likely that this item can be found directly.

  (end of this chapter)

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