Chapter 379 Strange ancient corpse! (two in one)

   After binding the seventh realm of God's Domain, Chen Mo returned to God's Graveyard again.

  He set off in the direction of the last God's Realm that he found before reminiscing.

   At this time, Eveya's cubs had already been attacked by the void beasts, and less than half of them died.

  But if Evya is given a stable place and enough energy to replenish, she can still continue to produce.

   Right now, she needs to take the position of attracting hatred. Naturally, it is impossible to take it back, so she can only let the bugs continue to decrease.

  Passing through small mounds, Chen Mo only felt that the further he walked, the more surging the divine power he could sense.

  It seems that there is something in the depths of the cemetery of the gods that can exude super divine power.

  Chen Mo has not approached for the time being. After all, such a dangerous place still needs to be explored first.

  Ghost knows what this supernatural power is.

   Unexpectedly, a wave of divine power could be transmitted directly through the undetectable divine fog.

  If it is a powerful virtual beast, it will be dead if it gets close to it.

   If it is something else, it has to be seen whether it is harmful.

  Chen Mo immediately asked Eveya's bug to probe in that direction.

  He himself is heading towards the last realm of God's Domain.

  The location of this God's Realm is in the middle of the two **** Bodhi trees.

  On these two **** bodhi trees, each tree bears ten **** bodhi trees.

   This added up to eat, at least can increase the evolution speed of the God's Domain world by 20 times.

  Chen Mo first picked off all the Bodhisattvas and ate them. Feeling the continuous expansion of the world of God's Domain, Chen Mo felt that the effect of his power increase has also improved a lot.

   It can be seen that the amplification effect of God's Domain World has grown to a higher level than before.

   This is still the promotion effect without introducing creatures to bring worship.

  Now the improvement effect of God's Domain World has tripled.

  Chen Mo's divine power and divine essence also skyrocketed a lot.

  Feeling the increase in power, Chen Mo was very happy, and he immediately touched the God's Domain next to him.

  The world of God’s Domain that I entered this time is a world with countless lights in the darkness, as if I am in a bright starry sky.

   In the center of this starry sky, there is an exceptionally bright core of the mirror core suspended.

  Chen Mo reached out and touched the core of the mirror heart.

  In an instant, the Heavenly Dao reminder sounded.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, you have discovered an unowned God’s Domain. Now you have the opportunity to refine it for your own use. Do you want to refine it? 】


[Heavenly reminder: The current realm of God's Domain is a third-level realm of God's Domain. It has been detected that you already have seven realms of God's Domain. What you are refining now will be your eighth realm of God's Domain. You need to consume an additional 1400 points of foundation Divine power can be refined, are you sure? 】


  【Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on your successful consumption of divine power. You have successfully obtained the control of the realm of the gods. It has been detected that you have eight realms of the gods. Do you want to connect the realms of the gods? 】


[Tiandao Tip: If the linkage is successful, you currently have four first-level divine domains, two second-level divine domains, and two third-level divine domains. Due to the joint effect, each of the divine powers can now generate 100% of divine power every day. At fourteen o'clock, all the realms of God's Domain combined can produce one hundred and twelve points of divine power every day. 】

   "Finally the daily income has reached the 100-point mark?"

   At the moment when Chen Molian finished carrying the eighth God's Realm, the Voice of the Great Dao suddenly rang out.

   "Congratulations to Chen Mo, a professional in the solar system, who has become the first to achieve 100 points of God's Power Day income among all the professionals in the current area who have the God's Realm. I hereby reward this professional to increase the level of all the God's Realm by one level!"

[Heavenly reminder: Congratulations on your special reward. All your levels of God’s Domain have increased by one level from the original level. You currently have four second-level God’s Domains, two third-level God’s Domains, and two fourth-level God’s Domains. Because of the joint effect, each realm of God's Domain can now generate 22 points of divine power every day, and all the realms of God's Domain combined can generate 176 points of divine power per day. 】

   "There is such a special reward? This is too cool!"

  While Chen Mo's heart was full of joy, the others had different reactions at this time.

  People in the solar system are all quite happy. After all, their family is awesome, and they can also enjoy the benefits.

  After all, as the saying goes, one person who attains the Tao can ascend to heaven.

   As for the people in other galaxies, their complexions are not very good-looking at this time.

   As for the human-shaped intelligent life, although everyone has a common hostile target animal-shaped intelligent life.

  But they also don't want to see that among the humanoid intelligent life, there is really someone who dominates the family.

  They are currently surrendering to the solar system, but it is difficult to break Chen Mo's powerful position.

  They are all secretly looking for opportunities.

  But when they were looking for opportunities, they never thought that Chen Mo, who was already ahead of them by a large margin, was still moving forward crazily.

   Especially this time reward.

  Originally, he was the first person in the realm of God's Realm in the entire region who could generate 100 points of divine power every day, but the Heavenly Dao actually gave him a better reward, raising all the realms of God's Realm he possessed by one level.

   It just made them a little bit overwhelmed.

  They all felt uncomfortable hearing it, and the animal-shaped intelligent life naturally felt even more uncomfortable hearing it.

  Before, the number of possessions of the realm of the gods was broadcasted through the whole region, which means that the broadcast of this matter is not limited to the human-shaped intelligent life, and the animal-shaped intelligent life has also received the broadcast.

  Originally, the animal-shaped intelligent life entered the second area, the Tianyuan World, before the human-shaped intelligent life.

   In the noon broadcast the day before, they still led the way in the number of realms controlled by animal-like intelligent life forms.

   As a result, only half an official day has passed, and the humanoid intelligent life has been chased to this point.

  At this time, within the range of the animal-shaped intelligent life, there was a fat octopus-like creature covered with black tumors all over its body, and the emerald green eyes in the middle of each tumor couldn't help emitting a burst of light at the same time.

   This creature is a beast-shaped intelligent life form of the Thousand-Mu Galaxy, belonging to the Hundred-Mu Family of the Thousand-Mu Galaxy.

   "Hui, what's the situation, the number of God's Realms you have may have been overtaken by the guy from the humanoid intelligent life."

   At this time, a beast-shaped intelligent life of the same type beside Baimu Dahui looked at him and said.

"Don't worry, the number of God's Realms is not everything. I'll grab them for him when the time comes. In this world, it depends on who has the strongest power. You can see that as a humanoid intelligent life enters the Tianyuan world so late, the human race Their individual strength is actually not that great, and our animal-type intelligent life is definitely much stronger than them, but the number of galaxies we have entered so far is less than a hundred, and we have been unable to start the power confrontation mode for a long time."

   "It makes sense, so many galaxies of their human race entered the Tianyuan world, and they came in later than us. It can be seen that their strength is indeed not as good as ours."

   As far as the animal-shaped intelligent life is concerned, although Chen Mo is so lucky to have collected so many realms of God's Domain, I don't feel very happy, but I still have no fear of the strength of the human-shaped intelligent life.

  After all, Chen Mo can analyze that they are strong, and they can also analyze that Chen Mo's strength is not strong.

   This is obviously relative.

  Chen Mo prostituted all the first levels of God's Realm for nothing. When he was in a good mood, Evya brought him another piece of good news.

  It turned out that the thing exuding strong divine power was not a harmful thing, but the corpse of an ancient **** in a split cemetery.

  At present, Eveya has tested the danger of this corpse through her worm cub.

   "Master, my bug directly touched this corpse, even bit and attacked this corpse, but it was not attacked or harmed by this corpse at all. I think this corpse should be safe and accessible."

Hearing what Eveya said, Zhuan Yi said more cautiously: "Maybe your bugs are just not enough to trigger its threat alert, my lord, please wait here for a while, I will try it in the past, if I touch it in the past If there is no danger, then it should be the same if you touched it in the past."

  Chen Mo nodded, thinking that what Reminiscence said made sense.

  He didn't say much, and let the memory go.

   Soon, Remembrance followed the induction of super divine power and came to the mysterious ancient **** corpse that Eveya Chongzi encountered.

  I saw that the tomb where the **** was located was different from the small mounds before.

  The tomb where this **** is located is obviously well-built, and it looks like a luxurious small temple.

  Now the gate of this temple is cracked open for some reason, and the body of this **** is just exposed outside.

  And the strong divine power emanating from him directly scared away all the virtual beasts around, so that there was not a single virtual beast in the surrounding area.

   What's even more powerful is that the divine power and coercion he radiated even forced back the divine fog around him.

  Since entering the cemetery of the gods, there has been only a visible range of ten meters of the **** fog, and it has receded for a long distance in this area. At this time, the visible range of this area is about a thousand meters.

   This area can be said to be the best place in the cemetery of the gods.

   It is safe and has a wide field of vision.

   It's a pity that there is no **** Bodhi tree around here.

  Reminiscence arrived here, and after discovering the changes in the surrounding environment, he didn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment, and tried to make it dangerous for Chen Mo first.

  He stepped forward cautiously, reached out and touched the corpse of the ancient god.

  The corpse of this ancient **** lay there quietly like a sleeping goddess of beauty.

  The clothes on her body, although simple, revealed a unique elegance.

  It was a delicate and delicate dress, which just revealed her noble identity and unique personality.

   Reminiscence saw her appearance, as if thinking of the clothes of the ancient Greek gods in the memory of Chen Mo's previous life.

I saw that the clothes on this **** were just a little piece of cloth wrapped around her body, which was very cool, but the cloth on her body seemed simple, but they were all made of the softest silk, smooth and shiny, with a subtle Dark blue and silver texture, like the stars in the night sky and the waves of the ocean.

  These pieces of cloth are hung on the body in a unique way, and the two hanging pieces of cloth are like flowing clouds, gently hanging on the area of ​​her chest, looking elegant and mysterious.

  A skirt on her lower body, made of the same material, is delicate and fluffy, elegantly covering her private parts, so that people can only vaguely see the outline of her legs.

  Although she has been dead for an unknown number of years, her skin still maintains the freshness of life.

  It is a healthy and beautiful color, a faint rose color, as if it is dew in the morning light, shining.

  Her skin looks so soft, as if it will melt with a light touch, and her body curves are so perfect, like a lifelike sculpture.

  Her face is full of unspeakable beauty.

  The pair of closed eyes, the long eyelashes gently attached to the skin, like the wings of a butterfly, the bridge of her nose is high, her lips are slightly closed and raised at a slight angle, as if smiling in a deep sleep.

  Her face is soft and perfect, full of life force and still grace, people can not look away.

   If you don't know, you might even think that she is still alive.

  Zhou Yi tried to reach out and tap the cheek of the ancient god.

  I just feel as if I have poked a piece of soft and extremely elastic tofu.

   With the touch of his fingers, he did not receive any attack.

  Seeing this, Recalling tried to attack the god's corpse again.

   As a result, because the opponent's divine power was too strong, Recalling even possessed Chen Mo's Chaos Supreme Treasure would not be able to reduce the attack effect 100%, but the reduction was too many times, and the final damage was still equal to scraping.

  Of course, the reminiscence attack is not for effect, but just to test the safety of this corpse to the greatest extent, so that it will be convenient for Chen Mo to come and contact him later.

  As he did not encounter any danger when attacking, Zhu Yi felt relieved and went back to inform Chen Mo.

   "My lord, everything is safe, you can go and see for yourself."

   At this time, Chen Mo also synchronized the memory of Reminiscence, and knew about Reminiscence's attempt just now.

  Although he was walking towards the corpse, he muttered in his mouth: "You said, she didn't respond no matter what you did, so what is the value of this corpse?"

  Chen Mo was curious, and recalling was also curious, unable to give an answer.

   Soon the three of them came near this strange corpse.

  Although Reminiscence had touched it before, Chen Mo couldn't help but touch the cheek of this **** with his own hands out of curiosity.

   As a result, I don’t know if I don’t touch it, but I’m startled when I touch it.

  Whether it was touched by Eveya's cubs or Remembrance before, the corpse obviously did not respond in any way.

  Even being attacked by them, the corpse did not respond.

   But now, just being touched so lightly by Chen Mo, the corpse suddenly shone brightly.

   This made Chen Mo startled.

  (end of this chapter)

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