All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 380: God's Realm is crazy to upgrade! (two in one)

  Chapter 380 God's Realm Crazy Upgrade! (two in one)

   With the flickering of light, the body of the ancient **** suddenly changed miraculously.

  Pairs of golden wings stretched out from her back, they were shining and dazzling.

   These twelve pairs of wings are majestic, and each wing is full of power and sacred aura, which makes people awe-inspiring.

   "Is this guy still alive or dead?"

  Chen Mo was stunned, and recalling took a step forward to block Chen Mo. In case of any danger, he could help Chen Mo take the damage first.

   At this time, after the corpse flew out of the grave, it stayed five meters in front of Chen Mo in a suspended state.

   Just when Chen Mo was curious about why the corpse had such a change, the corpse opened its eyes directly, and a pair of jewel-like bright blue eyes stared at Chen Mo intently.

   "Fateful person, congratulations!"

  The ancient **** opened his red lips lightly, and uttered six words in an extremely soft voice.

   "Fateful person?"

  Chen Mo looked at the other party with a puzzled expression.

   "Are you alive or dead?"

  Chen Mo asked the most curious question.

   "This is the cemetery of the gods. Since they are buried here, it is naturally impossible for them to be alive."

  The other party replied with a natural look.

   "Then you are?"

   "I'm not me, I'm just a residual consciousness left by the master, which exists to explain something to those who are destined."

   "What does predestined person mean?"

"The master has set a time before he died. When this time comes, the godhead sealed in the master will release a lot of divine power to attract people nearby. Whoever touches the master first will be the one who is destined. "

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo glanced at recalling who was protecting himself behind his back, and said, "I have touched my incarnation just now, why isn't he a predestined person?"

   "You have already said that he is an incarnation outside the body, so he is naturally not considered a predestined person. With my master's ability, it is still possible to distinguish what kind of existence is touching him."

   "So that's the case, then may I ask this so-called predestined person, what exactly is predestined relationship?"

  Chen Mo is also curious about this question.

   "Naturally, it is an inheritance. Back then, this place was not the cemetery of the gods, but the paradise of the gods. However, when the catastrophe came, all the gods died in response to the catastrophe, so there is today's cemetery of the gods."

   "Could this catastrophe be related to the origin of chaos?"

"It is also."

   "Then what inheritance did your master leave behind?"

   "That's a lot."

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo became interested instantly.

   "What are the conditions for obtaining her inheritance?"

   "That's not true, as long as it is a predestined person."

   "That means I am fully satisfied now?"

   "Yes and no."

  The remaining consciousness of the ancient gods gave a plausible answer.

   "What does this mean?"

   "You are qualified to inherit the master's inheritance, but the energy injected by the master's inheritance is too great for ordinary people to bear. If you are not strong enough, you cannot receive it all at once.

  I observe that your **** rank is only the third rank, and you haven't even reached the middle **** level.

  If you want to obtain the inheritance of the master, you may only get a small amount of inheritance at one time. "

   "How much is this small amount of inheritance?"

   "According to your current strength, the inheritance effect given to you should be enough to make your basic divine power reach 100,000 points."

   "If I receive the inheritance this time, can I continue to receive the inheritance after I become stronger?"

  When he heard that the other party's inheritance was so powerful, Chen Mo was naturally very moved.

  But if after receiving the inheritance this time, there will be no chance in the future, so it is better to keep it for later use.

  After all, it is easier to improve the divine power in the early stage, and the greater the value of the divine power in the later stage, the harder it is to improve.

  Good opportunities are naturally reserved for later use.

Facing Chen Mo's worries, the other party said expressionlessly: "Of course, the inheritance given to you by the master will only end when all the energy and reserves left by the master are exhausted. If you want to obtain the inheritance of the master, any time and any strength come Can.

   It's just that the strength is not enough, and the upper limit of inheritance that can be accepted is not high. "

   "So, is it okay to accept the initial inheritance with my current strength?"

"It's possible, but every inheritance has the opportunity to consume at least one part of the energy saved. With the energy intensity saved by the master, use the remaining part of the energy to increase your current basic divine power to 100,000 points, and it will overflow. A lot, resulting in considerable waste.

  So if you still need to improve, I can help you improve immediately. "

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo immediately thought about the pros and cons.

   Immediately he was happy.

  Since it will overflow, wouldn't it be fine to use all the basic divine power to improve the level of the realm of the gods?

   In this way, it can save tens of thousands of overflow.

   This is equivalent to spending tens of thousands of divine power for nothing to increase the level of the realm of the gods.

  And if the received divine power can be consumed at any time during the process of accepting the inheritance to increase the level of the realm of the gods, then there will be no loss.

  As soon as Chen Mo thought of this, he immediately did what he said.

  He exhaled the Heavenly Dao system, and clicked on all the realms of the God Realm under his control.

  At this time, the realms of God's Domain under his control include four Level 2 God's Domains, two Level 3 God's Domains, and two Level 4 God's Domains.

  Chen Mo immediately began to improve the level of God's Domain Realm.

   It takes 200 points of divine power to upgrade from the second level to the third level.

  Upgrading from level three to level four requires 300 divine power points.

  Upgrading from level 4 to level 5 requires 400 divine power points.

   A total of 900 points of divine power, the consumption of all the four gods to level five is 3600 points of divine power.

   It takes 1400 points of divine power to upgrade the two third-level divine realms to fifth-level.

   It takes 800 points of divine power to upgrade the two fourth-level divine realms to fifth-level.

  Chen Mo needs to spend a total of 5,800 points of divine power to upgrade the eight realms of God's Domain to level five.

   After Chen Mo had contracted so many expenses for the realm of the gods, he still had 27,000 basic divine power at this time.

  After consuming 5800 points, there are still 21200 points to spare, which can continue to be used to improve the realm of the gods.

  However, after the fifth level, the upgrade cost will be doubled.

   That is to say, according to the previous increase, it would take 500 points of divine power to upgrade from the fifth-level God's Domain to the sixth-level God's Domain, but now it is 1000 points.

  Similarly, continue to increase to 1200 points, 1400 points.

  The consumption of more than 1,000 points of divine power is still a small amount compared to the basic divine power of more than 20,000 points.

  But if the consumption of more than a thousand points of divine power is counted in eight places, that would be too much.

  Just to upgrade the eight realms of the gods to level six, another 8000 points of divine power will be consumed, and further upgrades will consume 9600 points of divine power.

  Just raising the eight gods to level seven is enough to consume Chen Mo's remaining 21,200 points of divine power to only 3,600 divine power.

   These 3600 points of divine power can also consume 2800 points of divine power to upgrade the two seventh-level gods to eighth.

   In this way, Chen Mo has spent only 800 points of basic divine power.

But even so, counting his various divine power bonuses, his regular divine power still has tens of thousands of points, and he is still a well-deserved number one in the divine power rankings. People from other galaxies, even when he is so crazy In the case of consuming divine power, it is still only comparable.

  After upgrading all the realms of God's Domain, Chen Mo now has 800 points of divine power left, as well as six seventh-level God's Domains and two eighth-level God's Domains.

   Each of these realms of God’s Domain can produce 58 points of divine power every day, and the daily output of the eight realms of God’s Domain together is 464 points of divine power.

  One day is hundreds of points of divine power gain, which is simply an astonishing gain.

   And this is not the limit of what Chen Mo can do now.

  After ascending to the realm of God's Domain, he began to prepare to accept the inheritance.

   At the same time, preparations for the experiment were also prepared, that is, when accepting the inheritance, see if it can simultaneously improve the realm of God's Domain.

  However, in order not to consume too much, Chen Mo asked in advance about the remaining will of the ancient **** in front of him.

   "You just said that if I receive the inheritance energy at the current level of God, I will overflow a lot, and how much will it overflow?"

"It's hard to say, because your body is a little different, how much energy will overflow, mainly depends on how much your god-level strength can support your body's short-term absorption rate, because energy transfer is a process of continuous inflow, the inflow The process is as if you are a piece of wood, and there is a colander on your head. When I pour a large amount of water directly into the colander for a moment, the more the colander can flow in for you in a short time, the more water will overflow. The less water the colander loses to the outside.

  Your physique is equivalent to the size of the outlet of a colander. The more energy you can receive in a short period of time, the less energy you will lose.

  As for the energy lost after assuming that all the energy flows into your body flawlessly until your energy reserve is full, then it is estimated that this initial energy loss is about 900,000 points of divine power. "

"so much!?"

   Chen Mo listened to everyone stunned.

  People in the third area of ​​​​Tianyuan World should only have about 500,000 divine powers, so the energy inheritance given by this is directly as high as millions? It's too outrageous.

   "Excuse me, is this still the third area of ​​Tianyuan World?"

"Tianyuan World? Of course not. This is the cemetery of the gods, and it no longer belongs to Tianyuan World. It is obviously useless for you to use the rules of Tianyuan World to look at this place. You have not found that this world is full of people who ignore the gap in divine power and can cause effective attacks." Void beast?"

  As soon as these words came out, Chen Mo was instantly relieved.

  Indeed, the imaginary beasts here can no longer be measured by the laws of the Tianyuan world. It can be seen that this place is indeed deviated from the Tianyuan world.

   No wonder there is such a high and powerful inheritance.

   It’s just that Chen Mo felt that this matter was a bit too lucky. As the saying goes, there is no free lunch in the world. This time the lunch is not only free, but also extremely luxurious.

   I don’t know what else will happen in the future.

  Chen Mo didn't bother to think about it, so he improved himself first.

  He immediately looked at the will of the ancient gods in front of him and said, "Then let's start the first inheritance."

   "According to your current **** level, accepting the first energy inheritance will definitely cause energy overflow and waste. Are you sure you want to continue?"


   "Okay, here is the energy inheritance for you!"

  I saw the twelve pairs of wings on the back of the corpse of the ancient **** burst out with incomparably dazzling light, and then all the rays converged into a single light spot and poured into the body of the ancient god, and then slipped out from her fingertips.

  Following the will of the ancient gods, they stretched out their white fingers and tapped Chen Mo's eyebrows. In an instant, an incomparably majestic energy suddenly poured into Chen Mo's body.

  Even though Chen Mo has made complete preparations to upgrade to God's Domain in a timely manner, he still feels full instantly after drinking water.

   It can be seen that even if he uses it to consume and improve the realm of God's Domain at the fastest speed, the energy will inevitably overflow and be lost.

  In the end, Chen Mo only had time to raise all the gods to the tenth level, and the inheritance had already stopped.

  At this time, Chen Mo's basic divine power has reached 100,000 points.

  His eight realms of God's Domain have all reached level ten, and each realm of God's Domain can generate up to 80 points of divine power every day, and all the realms of God's Domain can generate up to 800 points of divine power a day.

   And once the realm of God's Domain is upgraded to level eleven, the amount of divine power that can be generated every day will directly double.

  Unfortunately, the energy inheritance ended too soon just now, and Chen Mo didn't have time to deploy so much energy to upgrade the realm of God's Domain to the eleventh level.

  Because the energy consumption of upgrading the realm of God's Domain to the eleventh level has suddenly increased to 5000 points of divine power.

  It takes a little time to deploy 5,000 points of basic divine power at once.

   "It's a pity, so much energy has been spilled and lost. If all this is used to improve the realm of God's Domain, it might be able to raise all the realms of God's Domain to about fifteen levels."

  Chen Mo was very helpless.

   And after his basic divine power reached 100,000 points, the hint from the Dao of Heaven has followed.

  【Prompt from Heaven: Congratulations, your divine power has reached the breaking-level requirements. You can try to break through the sublimation and recast the godhead, break through the lower godhead to the middle godhead, and enter the fourth-order godhead!

Special reminder, the broken sublimation and recasting of the godhead will be accompanied by great risks. Once you fail, not only will you not be able to break through the realm and reach the middle god, but it may even cause your current strength to decline. Lose half, there is a small possibility of losing one-tenth, and there is a very small possibility of losing one percent.

  The detailed content of the missions related to the shattering, sublimation and recasting of the godhead has been sent to you at the same time. Please carefully review the relevant instructions, search for the complete materials, and perform the shattering, sublimation and recasting of the godhead with the highest success rate! 】

  Looking at the reminder from Heaven, Chen Mo realized that the third to fourth ranks are so serious, and what kind of godhead shattering and recasting is needed. Once it fails, it is possible to directly drop from 100,000 basic divine power to only 1,000 points.

   This is too stupid, he quickly checked the relevant detailed instructions sent to him by Tiandao!

  (end of this chapter)

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