All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 381: The middle **** level needs to be promoted! (two in one)

  Chapter 381 Requirements for advancement to the middle **** realm! (two in one)

  【Details of Godhead Broken Sublimation Recasting:

  Godhead is broken, sublimated and recast, you need to find the treasure to stabilize the godhead!

   Such items include "Anshen Fruit", "Spirit Stone", and "Heart-Locking Orb", just find one of them.

  Things that need to be sublimated and recast later.

  A total of three materials are required.

  『Sacred Spirit Fruit』,『Refining Divine Bead』,『Shaping Divine Stone』.

  Under normal circumstances, after all the materials are ready, the success rate of Godhead Broken Sublimation Recast is 50%.

In addition, every "complete lower godhead" material can increase the success rate of godhead broken sublimation recasting by 1%, and if you can invest a "complete middle godhead" material, it can increase the success rate of godhead broken sublimation recasting by 100% . 】

  Looking at the tips from Heavenly Dao, Chen Mo felt that this time, except for the godhead, all the things he had never heard of before.

   It seems that it is not easy to find.

  Even this time, the heavenly reminder didn't even have any hints about where these things can be found.

  Chen Mo can only rely on himself to find someone in Tianyuan World to inquire about the whereabouts of the corresponding things.

  Especially regarding the complete median godhead, if this thing can be obtained, only one piece is needed to make the breakthrough success rate reach 100%, this thing is the most critical.

  Speaking of godhead, Chen Mo couldn't help turning his gaze to the ancient gods floating in the air in front of him.

  Since the corpses of these gods still exist here, will their godheads remain intact in their bodies?

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo immediately asked: "Excuse me, I want to ask you a question, I don't know if it's okay?"

   "Fateful person, since you are a predestined person, then you are the only heir chosen by my master, equivalent to my little master, so you don't need to be so polite to me, just ask me if you have any questions."

   "What I want to ask is, is there still a godhead in the body of the ancient **** you are in?"

Hearing this question, the other party did not answer Chen Mo's words directly, but said: "Since you have been selected as the sole heir of the master, then you can be regarded as mentors and apprentices, and you should also know the name of the master, no It should be called the ancient gods again.

  I forgot to explain to you before, but now I will explain to you that the original name of the master is Sephiel, and she is a goddess of battle.

  You can call her teacher or master. "

   "Okay then, may I ask if there is still a godhead in the teacher's body?"

   "In the beginning, there was a godhead, but because too much time has passed, the energy of the godhead has long been absorbed by this world."

   "The energy of the godhead has been absorbed by this world? Didn't the teacher think of any way to preserve the godhead before he died? After all, she has a way to preserve your consciousness and a lot of energy for inheritance."

   "You are right, the master has a way to preserve the godhead, but it is not necessary."


   "Because you want to preserve the godhead from being eroded by external forces, you need to pay a price that is a hundred times the value of the godhead.

   No one would do such a thankless thing.

Because no one wants to keep their godhead forever. The godhead of a **** contains all the secrets of the god's life. Everyone has information that they don't want others to know, so even if the **** is dying Destroy your own godhead, and you won't save it on purpose. "

   "So that's the case, that is to say, it is basically impossible to find a godhead in this cemetery of gods?"

   "It can be said that if you want the godhead, you can only find some gods who died in a relatively recent time. It is basically impossible for the gods who died in ancient times to have the godhead intact until now."

   "If that's the case, there's nothing I can do. It seems that I can only look elsewhere. By the way, if I leave, will you go with me or wait for me here?"

   "I can't leave the cemetery of the gods. Once I leave, my last ray of consciousness will dissipate in an instant, so I can only wait here for your return, and for you to inherit all the gifts left by the master."

  After listening to Sephiel's conscious answer, Chen Mo nodded, but asked with some concern: "Other explorers often enter here, and there are virtual beasts. You won't be harassed by them, right?"

   "Don't worry, I will re-enter a deep sleep state after you leave, and no one will find anything abnormal, and with my remaining energy, no one can force me to do anything."

   "In this way, I can rest assured. Then you can let the teacher's body return to the tomb to rest. I will first break through to the mid-level gods and gods, and then I will get the gift left by the teacher."

   "Okay, when you come back, just touch me again to wake me up."

After finishing speaking, the residual consciousness of Sehir has controlled Sehir's body and returned it to the tomb. With the light on Sehir's body disappearing, no matter how you look at it, she is just a long-dead body. corpse.

   Regarding this free luxurious lunch, Chen Mo still felt that something was wrong.

  Although it is not that there are benefits that can be picked up for nothing in this world, in the world under the control of heaven, the benefits and risks are often proportional to a certain extent.

  This time the benefits are huge, but it is somewhat strange that there is almost no risk.

  Of course, it’s not without risks for Chen Mo to come here, it’s just that he subconsciously ignored it.

  He was able to get here all the way, but he had to cross a long line before avoiding where all the imaginary beasts came.

  Under normal circumstances, if another person comes over, let alone walk so far, even if he only walks one-tenth of the distance, he will be killed by the virtual beast.

  Of course, even if there is such a risk, compared with the final income, the risk is indeed still much worse.

   Whether there are any other potential risks in this, we have to wait for Chen Mo to come back and get all the gifts before we can know.

   Farewell to the residual consciousness of Sehir, Chen Mo was not in a hurry to leave the cemetery of gods.

   After all, he came in this time because he had a mission to do. Now that he has not found the remains of the people involved in the mission, how could he leave directly.

  Reminiscence has gone to the corresponding location according to the consciousness information left by the task issuer, but unfortunately, the body of the dead person mentioned by the task issuer was not found there.

   This point is somewhat strange to Chen Mo.

  According to what the boss in the Adventurer’s Tavern said before, the virtual beasts in the cemetery of the gods will not be interested in the remains that have lost their souls and are just a pile of shells, let alone move.

  What is the reason for the sudden disappearance of the remains of several people who had already died?

  Curious about this reason, Chen Mo immediately walked to the vicinity of the target location and searched.

  The areas that he recalled before have proved that there are no related things. Chen Mo's search this time naturally tried to go to some areas that he had not visited before.     Take the location mentioned by the task poster as the center, and expand the search in all directions.

   Take the location mentioned by the task poster as the center, and expand the search in all directions.

   After searching for more than 2,000 meters in a circle, Chen Mo finally found out.

  Chen Mo has already found the remains of the friends mentioned by the tasker, and besides their remains, Chen Mo also found several other remains.

   Seeing these corpses, Chen Mo was stunned for a moment.

   Isn’t this the few people who have received this task that the boss showed him before?

   The quests issued by the Adventurer’s Guild will be posted to each adventurer’s tavern. Some quests are single-person limited quests, and some quests are competitive quests.

  Single-person limited mission means that after someone receives this mission, related missions will be temporarily suspended anywhere.

   The quest will not be reissued until it is confirmed that the quest recipient has not completed the quest beyond the quest time limit, or there is enough information to indicate that the quest recipient has died.

  Competitive quests allow multiple adventurers to receive them, and whoever completes them first and brings back relevant certificates will distribute the rewards to them.

  As for the people behind, although they can no longer get mission rewards when they bring back the same loot, they can still get equivalent adventurer points.

  Adventurer points are things that can improve the adventurer level.

  In addition, accumulating adventurer points can also be exchanged for some good things from the adventurer guild.

  So for this kind of competitive task, even if someone gets it in advance, the people behind will continue to get it without caring.

   If it is completed later than others, at most the final income will be a little less.

Of course, if this kind of competitive task encounters a task with a relatively simple task completion certificate, once the task is completed by the person in front, it is impossible for the recipient later to find the corresponding task proof, which is tantamount to a waste of work .

  So under normal circumstances, not many people will receive this type of task.

  For example, Chen Mo's current task is once completed by a certain person who has received the task, then other people who have received the relevant task will not be able to find the same type of proof to prove their progress.

  However, because the rewards given by this mission are relatively rare, many people are quite interested in it.

   As a result, I never thought that even if some of these people could reach this depth, they would still not be able to bring these remains back alive.

Chen Mo glanced at the corpses of the team, without much expression on his face, just waved the corpses needed for the mission and involved them in his God's Domain, and then prepared to leave this dangerous God's Graveyard up.

  When Evya came in, there were still a lot of worms, and now Eveya's worms have died less than a quarter of the original.

   If you continue to explore, Eveya will have no way to continue to help Chen Mo check the safety of the surrounding area in advance.

  Seeing this, Chen Mo has no intention of going any further.

  He immediately returned towards the exit along the shortest path with Eveya and Zou Yi.

   On their way back, they bumped into other aborigines from the Tianyuan world to explore the cemetery of the gods.

  Chen Mo had to admire the boldness of these guys.

   It's really a typical example of money not life.

  He doesn't want to come to this kind of place where it is difficult to understand the degree of danger.

   As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall.

  This world is so wonderful, there are plenty of places to find treasures.

   There is no need to die in such a place where it is difficult to know the degree of danger.

Of course, speaking of it, the rewards and benefits in the Tomb of the Gods are not restricted by the region of the Tianyuan World. It is really possible for them, the aborigines in the third region of the Tianyuan World to enter the Tomb of the Gods and get directly into the fourth region or even the first. The power of the five regions.

   Come to think of it, it's no wonder they are so keen to explore this place.

   Return safely to the outside world.

  When the three of Chen Mo stood in front of the stone wall again, Eveya's worms also came out one after another.

  The original mighty army of insect swarms is now less than one-tenth of the number left.

  Evya immediately took these worms back into her worm sac.

   "Evya, this time your worms have suffered a huge loss. You can give birth in my God's Domain world with peace of mind in the next time. I will provide you with enough energy supply."

   "It's the master!"

  Hearing that the master was willing to let her give birth in his God's Domain, Evya seemed quite happy.

At this time, Chen Mo looked at the memory beside him and said: "Next, you have to continue to work hard. This time, the things I need to advance to the promotion are all things without any relevant location prompts. We need to ask around. Next, we will separate Ask around.

  Once you get the news, go back to one of my gods immediately, and I will be able to sense it and come directly to receive the information. "

   "Yes, my lord, I will seek relevant information in the southern area, and you will head to the northern area of ​​the third area."

   "Okay, it happens that the tavern I want to submit the task to is in the northern area."

   "Then I'll go first."

   After talking about reminiscing, a **** flickered and then disappeared. Seeing this, Chen Mo was not idle, and went back to the previous town full of yurts with a **** flicker.

   At this time, the adventurer's tavern here is still as lively as before, without any changes.

  Chen Mo pushed open the door of the tavern, and walked straight to the beautiful boss with red hair and purple lips.

   "Dear Destiny Man, why did you come back so soon? But what difficulties did you encounter during the mission?"

  The Graveyard of the Gods is not such an easy place to break into. Most people have to be extremely careful with every step after entering it. Therefore, it is normal for people who go to the Graveyard of the Gods to do a task for ten and a half months before returning.

   As a result, Chen Mo came back without even arriving for a long time. Naturally, the beauty boss did not expect that Chen Mo had already reached the depths of the cemetery of the gods, and brought back all the corpses mentioned in the mission safely.

  Chen Mo smiled at the proprietress and said, "I haven't encountered any difficulties, but I do have some questions that I need to ask the boss. Before I inquire about related matters, I am here to submit a task."

  (end of this chapter)

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