All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 382: Rich treasury of adventurers! (two in one)

  Chapter 382 A treasure trove of adventurers! (two in one)

   "Hand in the quest?" Hearing what Chen Mo said, the beautiful owner of the Adventurer Tavern showed a look of disbelief, "You mean, you have recovered the body that the quest sender asked for?"

   "Well, I have recovered all of them, but it's not good to take them out in this tavern."

  Chen Mo scanned the lively eating and drinking scenes around him and said.

  The beauty boss looked at Chen Mo seriously, but his heart was already ecstatic.

   As expected of a Man of Destiny, he can easily do things that others cannot do, so it seems that he really has a way to deal with this matter.

  She immediately said enthusiastically: "Follow me to the back."

  Chen Mo didn't care, and followed the beautiful boss directly to a yurt behind the Adventurer's Tavern.

  In this yurt, there are no other people, only a large teleportation array on the ground.

   "Excuse me, Dear Man of Destiny, although you said you have completed the task, please show the proof of completion of the task, and let me inspect the goods first."

   "This is natural."

  Chen Mo didn't care, and directly took out those corpses from his God's Domain world and threw them on the ground.

  Looking at the corpses on the ground, the beautiful boss smiled apologetically and said, "I'm really sorry, it's not that I don't trust you, but this is a necessary verification step."

   While the beautiful boss was muttering something, suddenly a magic circle erupted in front of him, and an incomparably holy light enveloped the corpses.

  With the Eye of Origin, Chen Mo can easily see that the opponent is using a reduction technique.

  It can restore all the things that have been camouflaged, have been applied with blinding effects, etc. to their original appearance.

  In the past, people often used such tricks to forge task items and other opportunistic ones to claim prizes.

  So there will be such a verification link every time.

  It just adds up this link, which will indeed make some people who are serious about doing tasks feel very unhappy.

  Because there will be a feeling of being regarded as a liar.

   Especially some people have gone through untold hardships and even sacrificed a lot of teammates to successfully bring back the mission items.

  Under such circumstances, it would be somewhat unpleasant to be verified as a liar.

   Therefore, before each verification, Verifier will try to use words to appease the other party.

  For example, this time the beautiful owner of the Adventurer Tavern apologized twice in a row.

  The purpose is to minimize the discomfort of the verified.

  Chen Mo naturally wouldn't feel offended by this natural verification process.

"Dear Destiny, the verification has been completed. There is no problem with the quest item you found. I will notify the quest issuer to come and claim it. After he comes to confirm, the Adventurer's Guild will immediately send someone to deliver it to you." award."

  Generally speaking, if you want to go to the Adventurer's Guild to issue tasks and set rewards, then you must deposit the promised rewards in the Adventurer's Guild.

  This is to prevent you from regretting not giving rewards after someone completes your task.

  So even if it is the person who issued the mission, the mission reward will not be on him at this time.

  The Adventurer's Guild will come to issue rewards only after the task party confirms, or if there is proof from relevant personnel.

   Following the operation of the beautiful boss, the teleportation array in the yurt soon lit up.

  A short, fair-skinned girl with long ears who looked like a little human girl appeared in the teleportation array.

  The moment she came here, she saw several corpses on the ground at a glance.

  In an instant, tears gushed out of her face, and she threw herself on these corpses and cried loudly.

   After being comforted by the beautiful boss for a while, she slowly stopped crying, stretched out her hand and put away all the corpses, then wiped away her tears, and looked at Chen Mo.

   "Thank you, Mr. Destiny Man, thank you so much for bringing their remains back, so that I can also bury them well, so that they won't be exposed to the wilderness."

   "You're welcome, just use other people's money to eliminate disasters for others, that's all." After speaking, Chen Mo immediately changed the subject and asked, "By the way, I don't know if I can ask you something?"

"Dear Heavenly Man, you are too polite. You are my great benefactor if you can bring back their corpses. If you have anything to ask, I will know everything." The girl with long ears looked very cute. Said to Chen Mo.

   "Where did you find the divine essence you used for this mission reward? Do you still have it there?"

  It must be Chen Mo who asked about this item, and the girl with long ears immediately replied in a sticky voice: "Our adventure team found this item in a ruin, and we found such a copy at that time."

   "The ruins? Have you searched the ruins?"

   "No, the ruins are quite dangerous, and we have only explored less than one-tenth of them." The girl with long ears really knows what to say.

  Hearing this answer, Chen Mo suddenly became interested.

   Only one-tenth of the exploration is enough to obtain such a precious treasure as the essence of the gods. If the ruins are fully explored, how many good things can be obtained?

  Chen Mo was naturally moved.

   "Then please tell me the address of that ruin?"

   "Sure, do you have a map? I can circle the location for you."

  Chen Mo immediately nodded and took out the map he bought in the second area.

   "Your map is not complete, I have a complete map here, I will give it to you."

Speaking of which, the girl with long ears gave her own map directly to Chen Mo, and pointed to one of the circled places and said, "Look, Dear Man of Destiny, this is where the ruins I just mentioned are located. This is a very dangerous place, if you go there, please be more careful."

   "Okay, I see, but there are many marks on this map, it must be a map that is very important to you, I can't take it."

  Actually, Chen Mo didn’t need to ask for it anymore, because the moment he got the map, the map had already been engraved in the Heavenly Dao system.

  Even if the Heavenly Dao system is not reproduced, Chen Mo's own brain has already memorized this map.

  So he returned the map to the girl with long ears.

   "If you need it, you should use it first. My companions are dying and injured. I'm afraid I don't have time to venture out for a long time. It's useless to keep this map."

  The girl with long ears said with a lonely expression.

   "As long as you have an adventurous heart, you will always find a companion. This is the crystallization of your journey. I'd better not steal people's favor. I have written down the relevant places. You can take back this map."

  Seeing that Chen Mo did not pretend to be polite, but actually sent back the map, the girl with long ears didn't say anything, and took back the map directly.     "Thank you, there is nothing else to do, I will not delay your business."

  Chen Mo sent off the girl with long ears with a smile, then looked at the beautiful boss and asked, "When will the rewards from the Adventurer's Guild be delivered?"

  Just after Chen Mo finished asking, the teleportation array shone with light again, and a round and soft strange creature appeared in the teleportation array.

   "The guild has just received the message from the quest publisher confirming that the quest has been completed, as well as the quest completion message submitted by you, but please allow me to confirm."

   "No problem, please." The beautiful boss gestured with her hand, and the other party threw out a strange hourglass without being polite.

  As the hourglass kept rolling in the air, everything that just happened in the tent was quickly played back.

   Soon, Fang Fang took back the hourglass and looked at Chen Mo and said, "Dear adventurer, it has been confirmed that your mission has been completed. This is the reward for this mission."

   After speaking, the other party handed Chen Mo a rhombus-shaped glittering golden thing.

   This thing is the essence of divine creation.

   is one of the important materials needed for man-made Zerg Queen.

   In this way, Chen Mo has already collected all the important materials needed for the three artificial Zerg Queens, and finally he is short of a piece of blood of the Zerg Queens before he can start to manufacture the Zerg Queens himself.

After Chen Mo accepted the reward, the other party handed Chen Mo a bag of coins and said: "We understand that you have not declared to be an adventurer before. Since you have directly completed the task of five-star difficulty this time, I hereby directly announce the adventure for you." rewards for advancement and an adventurer badge representing the level of the adventurer."

   "How many levels can a five-star mission go up."

   "It's enough for you to rise to the level of a master adventurer." The beauty boss said with a smile.

  At this time, Chen Mo glanced at the badge handed over by the other party. Although he didn't know the words on it, Tiandao had already automatically translated it, which was exactly what the master meant.

  Although the Destinyman can receive any quest in the Adventurer's Guild without the need for an adventurer level, having a badge is more convenient than not having one.

  In the Adventurer's Guild, many services are only for adventurers, and even the Destiny people don't take special care of them.

   After delivering the things, the strange creature also left directly.

  Chen Mo counted the money bags he just got.

   I didn't expect that the promotion reward I received directly was so valuable. The coins in this bag were actually a full 10,000 eternal crystal coins!

   This is equivalent to the value of one million eternal gold coins.

   "Why are there so many promotion rewards?"

  The beauty boss covered her mouth with a smile and said, "You just passed a lot of ranks and rose directly to the highest rank."

   "A master-level adventurer is the highest rank?"

   "Yes, on top of that, you can get the special title of king, the king-level adventurer, these adventurers have completed some tasks far beyond the five-star to get such a title."

   "So that's it. Then, if you become a king-level adventurer, there will also be promotion rewards?"

   "Naturally, not only are there, but also enough. Once you become a king-level adventurer, you can choose any reward from the adventurer's guild treasury to take away."

   "A random pick?"

   "Yes, any task-level rewards are fine, as long as they are in the adventurer's guild treasury."

"In the adventurer's guild's treasury, are there any "Essence of Zerg Mother Queen", "Soothing Fruit", "Spirit Stone", "Heart-Locking Orb", "Sacred Spirit Fruit", "Refinement Bead", "Shaping Orb" "Shenshi" these things?"

"Please wait."

   Speaking of which, the beautiful boss took out a crystal ball and put it in front of Chen Mo, saying: "You can know it by touching this crystal ball."

   "Oh?" Chen Mo glanced at the ordinary crystal ball, and reached out to press it.

  In an instant, a reminder of the Dao of Heaven appeared in front of his eyes.

  【Prompt from Heaven: You have entered the adventurer's guild treasure house query interface, please enter the item you need to query. 】

  Following Chen Mo's search of all the things he wanted, he couldn't help sighing in his heart that it was indeed the Adventurer's Guild.

   is awesome!

   All the things he wanted were found in the adventurer's guild treasury.

   Now Chen Mo became very interested in this treasure house of adventurers.

He looked at the beautiful boss and said, "You said that after becoming a king-level adventurer, you can choose an item from the adventurer's treasury as a reward for the promotion reward, so other than that, is there any other way to get it in the adventurer's guild?" treasures?"

  Originally, Chen Mo was not prepared to ask this question, because he thought that his Morro brain would tell him the answer directly.

   But what surprised Chen Mo was that Mo Luo, the **** of adventurers, didn't know how to obtain the treasures in the adventurer's treasury.

   This is no wonder Mara's brain.

  Because when the God of Adventure died, the Adventurer's Guild didn't even know where it was.

  Naturally, it is impossible to know this kind of information about the rules of random changes made by man, not by heaven.

  The beauty boss said: "If you want to get the treasure in the adventurer's treasure house, the first way is to raise the adventurer level to the king level as you already know.

  The second is to accumulate adventurer points and replace the baby at the cost of consuming adventurer points.

The third way is to go to the Adventurer's Guild and get some tasks that even king-level adventurers find difficult and impossible to complete. Once such tasks are too difficult to pass the adventurer's guild certification, after you complete them, you will also have Chance to get rewards from the adventurer guild treasury.

  Because this type of mission is basically issued by the Adventurers Guild itself. "

   "I see, thank you so much. One last question, how many points do you need to exchange for the particularly precious treasure?"

   "This is floating, and you still have to check it by querying the crystal."

  Looking at the inquiry crystal ball in the hands of the beautiful boss, Chen Mo felt that it was quite convenient.

  He immediately asked: "Is there any sale for this crystal ball?"

   "But any master-level adventurer can get a copy from the Adventurer's Guild for free. You don't need to buy it, you just need to go to the Adventurer's Guild to apply for it."

   "It's so simple. Thank you very much, boss. I have asked you so many questions, and there is nothing to thank. Please accept this eternal crystal coin."

  Chen Mo took out an eternal crystal coin and handed it over.

   As a result, the beautiful boss stretched out her hand and said, "Dear Destiny, there is no need for that. In fact, I have one thing I want to ask you for help. Those answers just now are only a fraction of the task reward."

  (end of this chapter)

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