All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning

Chapter 383: A field full of weird insects! (two in one)

  Chapter 383 Full of weird worms! (two in one)

   Seeing that the beautiful boss asked for something, Chen Mo immediately said, "I don't know what the boss is asking for."

   "Speaking of which, it is quite dangerous at this time, even higher than the cemetery of gods.

  I only dared to mention this matter after seeing that you had completed the mission in the Graveyard of the Gods. "

"Appreciate further details."

  "Ten years ago, a strange crack appeared in my hometown. Since that crack appeared, terrible monsters have often come out of the crack to attack my hometown.

   What I want to ask for your help is to help us enter that cracked world to investigate what kind of world is in that cracked world, and why powerful monsters keep coming out to attack people. "

   "Have you ever sent someone in?"

  Hearing the mission request, Chen Mo immediately asked.

   "Yes, since the crack just appeared, we have sent people in, but none of the people we sent in has ever come out."


   "I also know that this request is very dangerous and a bit abrupt, but I don't know who to ask for help. Even if this task is posted to the Adventurer's Guild, no one can complete it."

   "According to what you mean, your mission has already been attempted by a king-level adventurer?"


"The results of it?"

   "I didn't come back, and the king-level adventurer has already disappeared without a trace."

   "Even the king-level adventurer disappeared without a trace after entering?" Chen Mo was a little surprised.

   "If you think this request is too difficult, just pretend that I haven't mentioned it. I'm really sorry."

  The beauty boss saw Chen Mo showing surprise and said quickly.

   "That's not true, I was just thinking, if the difficulty of your task is completed, is it to the extent that you can directly choose rewards in the adventurer's guild treasury?"

  At first, the beauty boss thought that Chen Mo had lost her mind, but she didn't expect that Chen Mo would directly start thinking about the rewards after the task was completed, and a layer of hope suddenly appeared in her eyes.

"Yes, I can. My task has already been kept in the Adventurer's Guild. This kind of special task is no longer just how many tasks are provided by us task publishers. The Adventurer's Guild has already regarded this task as a Special challenge tasks are released, and if they can be completed, they can definitely choose rewards in the adventurer's guild treasury.

And you are only a master-level adventurer now. If you can complete this task, you can directly upgrade to a king-level adventurer at the level of an adventurer. Choose two rewards. "

   "Interesting! I have accepted this task!"

  Chen Mo instantly became interested.

   After all, after completing a task, you can get two desired rewards, so there is no reason to refuse.

  Although the difficulty of this task is unknown, but he has reminiscences, he can let reminiscence investigate any dangerous situations first, so he doesn’t have to worry about being in danger as soon as he comes up, so no matter how difficult the task is, he can get it first.

  If you find that you can’t finish it after receiving it, it’s not too late to come back and postpone it when the time comes.


  Hearing that Chen Mo was willing to take on this task, the beauty boss seemed quite happy. She stretched out her hands excitedly and grabbed Chen Mo's hand and said, "Thank you so much!"

   "The boss is polite. I just took over this task, which doesn't mean I have the ability to complete it. I have to go to the field to investigate the specific results before I know."

   "Yes, I will register and receive the task information for you. This is the information about the cracks in my hometown, and all of them have been counted in it."

   While talking, the beautiful boss handed Chen Mo a jade-like object. The moment Chen Mo touched it, he received a lot of things about the beautiful boss' hometown in his mind.

   This beautiful boss is named Yafeier, and her hometown is called Yaling Township, which is a place with extremely strong combat effectiveness per capita.

  Ten years ago when a strange crack appeared in their hometown, Yaling Township still exists safely and has not been destroyed by the monsters in the crack. This is entirely due to the strong strength of the villagers of Yaling Township.

   It's just that even if they are powerful, it is still difficult to ascertain the situation inside the crack. They can only passively defend and counterattack when monsters attack, which seems quite passive.

   If things go on like this, they will consider being forced to handle their hometown.

   But a hometown plot isn’t something that can be crushed with a little existential crisis.

  No one wants to leave their hometown. The best solution is to be able to deal with this crack safely, rather than passively moving out of the villagers.

   After all, this only treats the symptoms, not the root cause.

  After the villagers moved away, the monsters that emerged from the cracks were left unattended, and they would grow more and more, becoming a terrifying force that was even more difficult to deal with.

  It may impact the villagers of Yaling Township who have already handled it again.

  So they would rather continue to fight here than move away in a hurry.

   Unless one day the strength of the monsters that came out of the cracks reached the point where the villagers of Yaling Township could not suppress it, they would consider giving up their hometown.

  Through intelligence, Chen Mo also knew all about this crack.

   Knowing that even if hundreds of thousands of people with divine power entered it, they never came out again. Chen Mo also understood the horror of the world behind this crack.

   Fortunately, his current divine strength is no longer what it used to be.

   Obtained the inheritance power of the ancient **** Sephiel, Chen Mo, whose basic divine power has skyrocketed to 100,000, now has an actual divine power strength that has reached millions.

   Such combat power is already rampant in the third area.

  A task in the third area, Chen Mo doesn't think there will be such a difficulty that cannot be solved by the strength of divine power.

  After receiving the task and saying goodbye to Yafeier, Chen Mo released the memories.

"Recalling, you go to Yafeier's hometown to investigate the situation behind the crack. You should need a lot of time to explore. During this time, I will find out if there is any way to obtain the blood essence of the Zerg Mother Queen. If you After investigating the situation clearly and returning safely, just enter any territory of God's Domain."

   "Yes, my lord!"

   After talking about reminiscing, a **** flickered and disappeared.

  Chen Mo looked at a northwest corner on the map.

   It says that this area is called the worm field.

  Because there are often pests here, it got this name.     In other words, the chance of encountering the Zerg mother queen here is still very high.

Although the Adventurer's Guild has already explored this area, no matter how you investigate, it may be fine during the investigation time, but once a period of time, insects will appear again, making this area difficult to live in Just set aside such an area.

   It is strange to say that there has never been a bug plague in the periphery of this area.

  That is to say, the insect plagues that would appear from time to time seemed to specifically limit this area to appear.

   This is still very strange.

  In view of the need for the blood essence of the Zerg Mother Queen, Chen Mo entered this area with a flicker of a god.

  Although the worm domain is called the worm domain, it is not the kind of messy state where locusts pass through.

  The environment in the whole area is quite good.

   All kinds of flowers and vegetation are growing very strong.

   "Sure enough, this place is as described, and there is no danger at all on the surface."

  Chen Mo immediately activated the Eye of Origin, and explored the surrounding area to the greatest extent.

  But still nothing unusual was found.

  In view of this, with a thought in Chen Mo's mind, he instantly summoned a mighty army of undead around him.

   There are ghost dragons, bone dragons, gargoyles, etc. that block the sky.

  Below are all kinds of skeletons and countless undead.

  What Chen Mo has to do is to destroy everything in this area, and completely see the essence of this area with the naked eye.

  After all, even the detection ability of the Eye of Origin can't see what's abnormal here. Maybe this abnormality is the same as the realm of God's Domain, which cannot be known by detection.

Around Chen Mo, ghost dragons, bone dragons, gargoyles and other powerful undead creatures lined up in the air, forming a mighty momentum. Their existence is full of the breath of death, giving people a very deterrent feeling of strength.

And on the ground, countless skeletons and undead creatures emerged. They rushed in like a tide, densely covering the entire area. The undead creatures were holding various weapons, some with knives and some with bows. Make a hoarse roar, like an endless army.

  Under Chen Mo's order, the army of undead began to attack the surrounding environment.

As soon as the ghost dragon breathed out, a gloomy fire of death swept in, instantly burning a piece of land covered with flowers and plants into scorched earth. On the flat ground, the gargoyles wielded giant axes and split the ground, forming deep cracks.

  The skeletons and undead creatures on the ground were not idle either. They ran, charged, and mercilessly destroyed everything that could be destroyed. The flowers were trampled, the trees were torn apart, and the entire beautiful environment was completely changed in an instant.

  Chen Mofei was in front of the undead army, he just watched all this indifferently.

  With a large group of undead army indiscriminately began to destroy.

  The insect field with a beautiful environment quickly turned into a barren wasteland.

   Apart from the dense army of undead, there is nothing else on the ground.

  At this moment, Chen Mo was satisfied with unsummoning most of the undead.

  Looking at the bare land now, Chen Mo activated the Eye of Origin again.

   As a result, this time, Chen Mo was surprised.

  Originally, his Eye of Origin didn't find anything unusual in this area at all.

  But after everything on the surrounding ground was wiped out, this time his Eye of Origin discovered something unusual underground.

   "What's the situation? Is there any special restriction on the ground that hinders the detection? It turned out that my indiscriminate attack was accidentally destroyed, and it turns out that it can be detected now."

   Now Chen Mo also understands why the Adventurer's Guild has sent people many times to eradicate the source of frequent insect plagues, but they can't find any source.

  The original root is here.

   That is to say, they are also blinded from perception and cannot detect the specific reason.

  After discovering something unusual, Chen Mo's Eye of Origin probed directly into the ground, and soon discovered the situation in the ground.

  To Chen Mo's surprise, this worm domain is worthy of being a worm domain, and there are five Zerg mother queens in the ground.

  This is really unbelievable.

  Because the Zerg Queen is not a herd creature.

  They all form an army alone, and there is almost no cooperation.

   This time, they have continued to cooperate, and even five of them are together.

  Through the perception of the Eye of Origin, Chen Mo found that these five Zerg mother queens were not only united together, but even each of them had quite impressive divine power.

  And the strength of the personal guards around them, waiting to protect their safety, is much higher than their own bodies.

"Five Zerg mother queens with hundreds of thousands of divine power, plus such a huge high-powered Zerg army! Defying the sky! Thanks to the existence of the prohibition that obscured the perception ability before, no one can detect and provoke them. Otherwise, once they attack, I'm afraid that the living area of ​​the aborigines in the third area will be directly bulldozed by these Zerg."

  Thinking of this, Chen Mo was a little curious. These five Zerg mother emperors are already so strong, why didn't they send troops to attack the surrounding area, but chose to hide in such an area?

It stands to reason that the Zerg Queen needs to devour a lot of energy to ensure her own fertility. One Zerg Queen can't stay in one area for too long, let alone five Zerg Queens staying in one area, and they even stay in the same area. been here for so long.

  If something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

  Chen Mo felt quite strange at this time.

  He decided to investigate.

However, because there are too many restrictions to prevent detection, I don't know how the five Zerg queens set them up, but they have such a strong effect. probing.

  In the entire underground lair, the only area without restrictions is the area where the five Zerg mother queens are located.

   This is also a rather strange place.

   It stands to reason that the ban will be set, shouldn't it be set where the Zerg mother queen is located first, so as to prevent them from being exposed?

  Why is this kind of prohibition set up everywhere underground, but the five most critical Zerg empresses are missing?

   What kind of weird development is this?

  Chen Mo, who originally just came to the Zerg Domain to see if he could find a powerful Zerg Mother Queen to obtain the Zerg Mother Queen's blood essence, suddenly became infinitely curious about this mysterious and weird place.

  He decided to send some invisible undead into the underground to explore and see what's going on underground.

  Following Chen Mo's thought, a large number of undead with invisibility ability appeared around him in an instant.

  (end of this chapter)

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